The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-12-23, Page 8f THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO .1 r s I f ss Mina .Graham of e, Ohio,; is ill with.sa 4 V.^nvwnAV.-.n^. *>3fd. 19f»3: (ir- WouidTTt complete Featuring Outstand.ng Hoiiy^ood players ance overflowed the. south wing into the kitchen at the Recrea tional Centre. J - ' . . ’ -r" tl . ■ • •■ —O-^ “purged” PAGE EIGHT / “— Oar cobbIIbm wishes, warw aid trit, ^hls graatiBg will express, Bad Wish for yoa, ear many fritadt . All Christnas Happhessl | ASHTON’ I MEN’S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR B 1 £ < Piece Goods and Woollens i ! 5 , ft I . „ c • ;• ■ ■ ■; • ■ ■ , ■■ •' ----------- TOWN HALL WELL FILLED , aby, by Stuart Collyer’S class; FOR CHRISTMAS CONCERT, i play, “Cheer Elves” by Bruce Mc- . . . • ’ —L—— ■ j.Kenzie’s class; Christmas drill by With the < remodelling of the Gladys Kilpatrick’s class; Christ- Sunday School, room of the Un-1 mas prayer by Mrs. Johes’ class; ited Church in progress, the an-1 humorous play, “An operation”, nual Christmas concert Was taken ! by Mrs; R. Button’s class; wand drill by Beverley Ashton’s class; „ .guitar selecGons by Roddie and Eldon Wraith; filjn strip, “Em- 1” narrated by Rev. Meik- lejohn with the Senior class and. audience joining ' in “ the ’carol i singing;.. *‘c h o r u s , “Christmas! Time” by Mrs. Drennan’s class j during which . Santa Claus drop- j ped in. * ■'I to the Town Hall, which was well filled to hear an interesting program/presided over by Rev.7 j&iaon G. A. Meiklejohn, and to greet manuel’ Santa Claus who arrived near the 7dose-to distribute a-bag-of sweets to the children. The program opened with sel­ ections by the Sunday School or­ chestra. The numbers were put -oil maiidy irr class groups as fol- lows: Twinkle Christmas Star by Mrs. O.. Richards’.beginners class; play, ‘On Christmas Eve’ by Wil­ lard , Thompson’s and Carolyn Gibson’s class; a Christmas lull- A Chicago girl sued for annul­ ment of her marriage on the grounds of fraud. She said her husband pretended to be a $40- a-day bricklayer when he was, in reality, only a banker. to you — May the blessings i of Christmas guide you and ( a «v ft bide with you, always! li — «v s ■■■• * ■ ft : . «v ■ ■ ft . » ■ ft ■ .«sr ‘‘ .ft ■ ■ <»' ■. . ■ ■■ erft er>. ■ 1 S ■ •I SMITH’S _________ t fefter. Father’ Van, v.Vynckt' 'had' .. ■' ■ ’ ' ' igamarket I*- ft W- ' ft I THAT 7 Ghjlict severe attack of shingles that ’ will prevent her from paying hex usual.Christmas visit to the .old home. here. .. " ' ’ ' *' —-Or— THAT in renewing their Sentin­ el subscription Mrs.rAUhn Ste­ wart of Eganville (Ethei Mi* tin) says; “I simply 1 consider the week | without it”. ' , Q— THAT The Sentinel has the Santa Claus which we used - in the paper’s gift subscription I advertisement last week. That! pipe smoking Santa,, picked from' The Sentinel’s “morgue” at the last minute, looked more like Joe Stalin that good Old St. Nick. . —o— ■ THAT the Legion-sponsored fowl bingo on Saturday night drew a big crowd and was financial;- ly profitable for the sponsors^ Saturday night was a venture in the bingo field but it worked out and the crowd in attend- ' ■ -CT x/ »' THAT W. J. Douglas. suffered a fall at his home last week and / has since been ' Conf ined to his home. Fred Anderson is assist­ ing Mrs. Douglas, with the mail delivery on R.R. 3. ■ —o— • ■ THAT Earl Swan, R. 3, Lucknow, / was the winner of an electric alarm clock in a flour prize draw held at D. R. Finlayson’s grocery store ^on Saturday. I THAT ^the^ week-end mild spell ; took much of the snow away - and- on Monday evening work was commenced of removing the snow banks along Main St. before a return of cold weathr ' er. ' / /. ——I THAT with two-sixteen and one j r ten-page issue in the last three | weeks The Sentinel staff has I been:, burning the midnight oil I to produce actually more than | five regular issues in three.! . And a hydro ■ interruption on Tuesday morning didn’t help matters any^ THAT school closed on Tuesday for the Christmas vacation. Lucknow District High School students and ex-students mark­ ed' the occasion with a most enjoyable dance in the school auditorium on Monday night. y.. ._ . . . ... . ' BENEFIT DANCE BIG SUCCESS T ■ -ft -BtiSK-' Rita Doherty ft ’fined to-her home-. 4^, .5 . , .** ' ’ , 1 - * 7 ------- " " <ft ■j-Wlth- a fractured, leg and wrist,<5. ’ § • ’Sts the, result, of being '.struck k ’ • ddWh by a -car, ■ in Hamilton;' it ’«• ; was the second time this year ■’ ft * ------------; /Wruo /■CCIJ. 2 !she had been, hit/.bv a' ear; On ft 4 the •first' <tocaston’ she; suffered a. ' fractured leg and a. severe con- gm’cussionA • g t From the .proceeds of the; event *• (Miss Doherty'.received "the .sum • 1 ’1 of $ 115. neatly done' up in a bas- j’ket of fruit. The pjhesentation was ’■i' .[made-to her bYoth^r/James, bo- V See the Full-Color fu||.Length p'c.f"r® with the Gordon Family and a full program of colorful films made specially for your enjoyment. ?Town Hall, Luck now lesday, January 5th at 8.00 p.m. Sponsored by Your John Deere Dealer WALTER BRECKLjLS, l.LOuGii 7 • w -^tr L:. There was a large "crowd at the-.benefit dan.ce-.at St. Joseph Parish Hall, • Kingsbridge. -last j", ft Week. The dance was: .staged fox I , /, .who is corff i ‘ined to her. home ■ at ■ Fort Albert’ ADM IS SI ON BYT! C K E T ONLY If you don't have tickets ordered, or- need .more, be sure to ask us for them > *•••, j. • ■. ■ . Long^pfter tke snows mill, w« hope Ihcil but , worm wishes for Happiness at Christmas and thsrsaftsr Will linger with you