HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-12-23, Page 5I WEDNESDAY, PEC., 23rd, 1953 t I » , M ’ 1 . ■ ■■ • •’ Y • . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. T theatre WINGHAM. Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 115 ’ Wed., Thurs., December 23,, 24 BOB HOPE, . MARILYN MAXWELL . t :• — in —_ _______ Fri., Sat., December 25, 26 ALUSTAIR SXM, * KATHLEEN HARRISON — in — " The Christmas Carol Matinee Saturday Afternoon Mon., Tues., December 28, 29 JEAN SIMMON'S, / " DEBORAH KERR, STEWART GRANGER — in — YOUNG BESS QUEEN TO SPEAK SEPTEMBER ACCIDENT I IN NEW ZEALAND BR1NGS CO««T conviction This y-?ar marks tlie .21st anni­ versary of the BBC’^ Christmas I Pay progranXiand the World-Wide j: exchange of greetings which pre- i cedes the Queen’s speech will be centred in Sydney, Australia, j The Christmas program will be [heard here corrime^cing .aS usual at 9.Q0 a.m., and will conclude at 10.QO ajn. w/th Her Majesty- “ the Queen broadcasting the tra- i ditional Christmas Day message I tp the peoples, of the Cdtnmori> ■ wealth from Government House, . i Auckland; New Zealand, • whbfe , the Royal Couple are now visit.- ing on their round-the-world tour. - . - The new, exciting fact about, this year’s Christmas broadcast is that it will be made.for the first­ time from Outside the U.K., The young Queen takes,an establish-- e.d tradition and gives. it new j summer dress. The first people [ h.eard will be New’ Zealanders, •|-Maoris of Rotorua preparing to welcome, the Queen with their mousing ceremonial chant, / the haka. The last’ voice., too, will b& that„ of a New Zealander, the Mount Everest conquer-or Sir Ed­ mund Hillary, speaking from the home of his sister in Norfolk, 20 miles from the Royal residence vat Sandringham,. England, send­ ing the Commanw.ealth’s Christ­ mas greeting to the Queen, who ‘will be speaking from his own home town of Auckland.' In the 60 minutes between these two New Zealand greetings, Chester Wilmot will call in some 20 points in the Commonwealth radio chain. . / In police court in Wingham oh Monday, Torn Morrison of White- church was convicted on two charges of dangerous driving and of driving while .his ability was impaired. Sentence will be hand­ ed down in Goderich by. Magis­ trate Holmes on December. 31st. The charges followed a high­ way . accident '*■two and a half miles east of LucknbwbnSep- tember 19th,. in which members of’the. E. V. Baker family suf­ fered’ severe inj uries , and their car deiriolished; Mr. Morrison suffered fractured ribs. tyfr. Baker was the: most seriously injured, suffering a fractured skull, that was at first believed would be •fatal. $ *1 • 5 v ey & § ■ • J Teacher: What’s wtong with this sentence? ‘Girls is naturally better looking than boys.’ /Boy pupil: Girls is artificially ■better loqking than iboys. BEST WISHES TO ALL FOR A VERY Merry Christmas PARAMOUNT .Mrs. T ' ' f' birthday party, for Mr. Charles v . Polecats’.’ Wed., Thurs., December 30, 31 ETHEL MERMAN, DONALD O’CONNOR ", — • in.; — ■ ■ (ALL ME MADAM to u I I T.jjj, r fiS< ■'«X 3 ■ •ar % ■ V . « •Vas $ as . • V- ■J« ■ as ■/V -; /» V■ *ft ■ ■' ■ J* -fr— 4»ft <•> ■ ■ .»■ ' ' S»■ M;-S ■ & ■■ iiwrhrin1" ....<■»>... h. i.|p||....i...i..iiUiiiIii ' if' ‘ C*”*’" * Always at Christmas, time, there comes that extra-spec,iai pleasure of extending S - --T .... . .. ; ; _ .. r. ......’■.............................................................................. num .................................. LANGSIDE A Happy Christmas Season AH. ’ We are pleased Bryan Feagari, Mrs. Philip. Steer and Mrs. Percy Garbutt are feeling better after being confined to the house. At the Sunday School concert last week, prizes- for attendance and study were presented by the teachers, as follows:. beginners’ class, David Wall, Marion Wall and Nancy Scott; Junior girls,, Doris Moffat, Donna Moffat and • e ■ • • ■ /• ‘ ' . • PAPERING and . PAINTING 1954 WaRnauer Samples on hand • SPRAY PAINTING Have your cellars sprayed now. —-ceilings,, walls, floors-rWith paint or whitewash. — - For prompt service; call ■ FRED EMBERLIN ’Phone'194, Lucknow Merry Christmas to All. Mi\ and Mrs. E. Henderson motored to London on Sunday to visit her sister, Mrs. J. Oesch •'Jessie MacDonald).' who. had a minor ooeration. ■ .• ; ; On Tuesday evening Mr. aiidlg Robert Macintosh held a « - ”.............' ' 'ft*,........ . .. . . Webster’s bowling • team, “The' ft ‘ -4--- • .' Mr. and Mrs. R, Macintosh vis- | . ited in Goderich with Mrs. J.1 g Hetherington, accompanied ‘by!« Mi’, and Mrs. Robt. McKenzie and !'S family. ' • . ■ ’ § § . ST WEnEXTEND“OUR“^ HOLIDAYGREETINGS TO OUR FRIENDS . $ • < & . V. ■ at § . Of ft . » as& ' • 'OS . ! &/ •• ■'7"/made up our own Christmas carol to put into words “^h^erV^rcr'tMn^r^re’i^rwrsliTng-yourthiirChrrstmasT-—~r— We're singing out ouir wishes that you may all enjoy health and happiness^. ... security and prosperity and the many blessings of good fellowship and peacel PAGE FIVE The PLAYHOUSE Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, -December 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th • LAUREL and HARDY in SONS OF THE DESERT Matinee pn Saturday at 2.30 p.in. •p *1 The Playhouse Extends The Season’s Greetings To One And All For A Very Merry Christmas.I y Marion ' Scott; junior boys, Gor­ don .Moffat, George Young and Donald Young; girls, intermedi­ ate, Lois Crowston, Betty Miller and Myrtle Crowston; boys inter­ mediate, Allan Miller, Kenneth Young and Jimmy Moffat. Mrs. Charles'. Tiffin: presented Mission Band awards. . A treat of ice tream was given everyone. / Splendid concerts were pre­ sented in No. 8 & No.( 9 schools with Mr. Chas’ Pinkerton and Miss Lois Hunter, teachers. Good crowds were present: at both. A draw on a Christmas cake went to Percy Garbutt at No. 9. 1 ' ■ . y • • A special Sunday School ser- vice was . held on Sunday. , In ’ place of the classes, Mrs; James: Richardson beautifully presented The Christmas Story with those present singing Christmas carols* A' recitation, -wgs * given by Mar­ ion Wall. This was the last Sun-, day School service till spring* Qhurch will be at 2.30 next Sun­ day. . c w $ car ' *• ■ to our many triends,. llw. gi ■oP . the season. It is with the thought, of your good will and friendship that *® wish you the fullest measure of Yuletide . Clrscr and happiness at this time .. .. | Crawl ord Feed Stored Hate he r y