The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-12-16, Page 14A I ,j,.,'JU ■ , .■'Mww.iTiiwiiwwFJijUmi THE SENTUJEL, ONTARIO w5 JUST ARRIVED One Carload Of. t o r I / J . ) Merry Christmas Bells” a duet sung by Mrs. Jones and Mrs. J. 1949 METEOR COACH 1947 PONTIAC SEDAN 1948 CHEV. SEDAN. C. Armstrong, were much enjoy- • ed. The response to the r,oll call iby 23 members, contained a number of fine Christmas thoughts. Mrs. W. Eadie gave a -Phone 150 PONTIAC SEDAN DODGE SEDAN MERCURY SEDAN 1947 OLDS FLEETLINE COACH, hydromatic drive CHEV. COACH PAjGEFOURTEEN T s.... Ten Test including - TEN TEST CEILING BLOCKS 16” x 16” x 5-8” TEMPRTILE, QUARTRBOARD, p . I \ f i.I■aI • ft at . ft I I ft4» . ft ft * • s * • JOHN W. HENDERSON » ft at ft at' | ft “ at ft.......... STANDARD AND TEMPERED MASONITE. LUMBER LIMITED Lucknow, Ont. 1953 Dodge Sedan, fully equipped 1953 CHEV. BELAIR SEDAN, fully equipped, 2-tone 1953 CHEV. SEDAN 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN TWO 1952 STYLELINE CHEV. SEDANS 1951 CHEV. Powerglid6 Deluxe SEDAN, Fully equipped 1951 CHEV. DELUXE FLEETLINE COACH 1951 CHEVROLET SEDJCN 1951 POWERGLIDE CHEV; COACH; fully equipped 1949 1949 19^7 X 1942 CHEV. COACH “|^942nJI^SMKreiLE^ ---- ---- | TRUCKS X 4 TWO-TON ARMY TRUCKS § 1948 GMC Vj-TON PICKUP 1942 FARGO TANK TRUCK | Brussels Motors -S Huron County’s Foremost Used Car Dealers X Cash, Trade, Terms -- Open Evenings Until 10 'S Cities Service Dealer — Phone 73x, Brussels giving the kiss the attention it CHURCH NEWS . United Church W.M*S. The Afternoon Auxiliary of the W.M.S. of the United Church met on Wednesday afternoon, Decem­ ber 2nd -ait' the home of Mrs, Drennan with the president, Mrs, R. Robertson in the chair. The opening hymn was sung and prayer offered by the president, After the 4 devotional period, the minutes were read by Mrs. McKim and the business discuss­ ed. After hymn 64 and prayer by Mrs, H. Treleaven, the. following was enjoyed: a solo, Silent Night, by Harm Hofsted/a reading by Mrs. Hoagi? “The Best Christmas- yet”. Mrs. W, B. Anderson very cabably game the chapter in. the study ibook .and: Carol Gardner gave, a piano solo, “The Flower Song”. Hymn .51 and prayer by Mrs. Robertson closed the meet­ ing. Lun£h wias served, The of­ ficers for 1954 are: pres., Mrs, R. Robertson; 1st vice, Mrs. N. J. MacKenzie; 2nd vice, Mrs, B. Roach; cor. sec., Mrs, Geo. And­ rew; rec. sec;, Mrs. McKim; treas,, Mrs. W. B. Andefson; Christ­ ian stewardship sec., Mrs. Ewart Taylor; temperance sec., Mrs. Al­ bert Alton; supply sec., Mrs. W, Drennan; literature sec., Mrs. S. Stothers; Associate Helpers sec.,. Mrs. W. L. MacKenzie; mission; ary monthly sec., Miss H. Web­ ster; press sec., Mrs. J. Kilpat­ rick; community friendship sec., Mrs. J. Webster, Mrs. G. And­ rew; pianists, Mrs. Hall, Mrs.' Meiklejohn; suptsj of Mission Band, Mrs. Pharis Mathers, Mrs. Ernest Button; supts. of Baby Band, Mrs. S. Collyer, Mrs. Ash- •ton.' United Church Y.P.S. The United Church Young Peo- ( pie opened their meeting on De-j pember 1st with a sing song-of gram was as foliows; seripture carols conducted by Rev. Meikle-1 ®a<!QaffA<t raaZ) hv Mro K r ^,„r. john. . Kenneth • MacNay led in prayer. Ttuth Treleaven, convener of Missions and World Outreach, took over and the hymn “While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night” was sung. Films of the mission fields in Labrador were shown. Ruth Treleaven led -in prayer and the hymn “Lord While for all mankind” was'sung. The j president, Kenneth McNay, then ’ took over and the minutes , were read and adopted; ,Rev. Meikle­ john donated a framed enlarged' Young People’s, purpose card,’ Pamphlets whichK were donated by?Mr. MacKenzie were distrib- uted. Games were played and the meeting closed with taps. United Church Evening Auxiliary j The December meeting of the I Evening Auxiliary pf the United I meeting with a Christmas hymn Church was held last Wednesday arid ithe Lord’s prayer in unison, atrthe home of Mrs. Nelson Bush- In response to> an inquiry, it was ell. Hynrn 62 was sung and the stated there is a need at our riiis- theme of the Christmas meeting sion field at Cape Croker, arid given by the president, Mrs. K. members will be asked to bring C. Murdie. Reports on* the year’s to our January meeting, child­ work were [given by the com-I ren’s used clothing and toys, mittees. Miss M. Rae gave a few • which will 'be forwarded to Cape remarks on Stewardship [ and a | Croker with two quilts. Mrs. reading, “Stop, Look and Listen”, j Raynard Ackert took the chair Mrs. K. Cameron reported for the < for* the program which opened A Piano For Christmas J I . : ■ .J I The gif| that keeps on giving for many, many years, and | i Will be a daily reminder to ypur children of loving; Interest- j h ed parents . . . Music is essential to humanity, so gain more j J enjoyment now for the whole family by selecting a truly ( 5. worthwhile Piano for Christmas. •[ .. ta ft ______ _______________ _ ta . .. " ' ?• • ft Large trade-in allowance on your old piano ... Terms available , if desired. > New and Used Pianos at Greatly Reduced Prices. CALL, SEE and TRY THESE PIANOS Garnet E. Farrier Piano Sales & Service, WHITECHVRCH Phone 711-J-i, Wingham FREE DELIVERY The man who can drive safely 1 j " ' while kissing a pretty girl is not I deserves. TRIANON MODEL PRICED FROM $590 UP «r * s a ft ta ■ ft ft sa' ft ta . ft aa ■ ft ■Vener. Members^were reminded to Christmas carols. A piano instru- bring candy to * Mrs. J. Kilpat- mental, entitled “The Fawn” giv- »rick, Thursday by 4 o’clock for en by Mrs. Jessie Allin, and ‘‘The . i Christmas concert bags. The pro- very interesting Christmas story. Piano selections arid two vocal . __ ____ I duets 5by Mrs. J. W. Joynt and Mrs. Hobbs. Miss B. Robertson were all much hour which followed, Mrs. enjoyed. Hymn 59 closed the pro- a-1—*-----z-u. gram arid a .social half hour Was ' enjoyed. ... | Group 1, United Church W.A. i A pot'-luck supper was enjoyed by Group T of. the W.A. at the close bf 3he“ meetiTig^heid“atrthe hoirie of Mrs, Orville Jones, on Wednesday, December 9th. Mrs. Jones presided and opened the nominating committee and re­ ported that Mrs. E. Button and Mrs. F. Mathers would be the Mission Band leaders and Mrs. 0. Jone£, 2nd vice pres.; Mrs. A. Andrew, associate members con- j passages read by Mrs. K. C. Mur- [riie- Mrs. M. Corrin, Mrs. C. Crawford, Mrs. N. Hedley; carols /wfere sung. Elizabeth Webster, Eessie Reavie, Marilyn KilpaV rick and Donha Johnston sang . very fine reading entitled, Christ- two; very enjoyable numbers.1 mas in the Heart”. A humorous Mrs, Alex McNay then read a reading “The Day after Christ­ mas”, by Mrs. Eadie, was follow- ;- ed 'by a Chrjstmas quiz led by . During the social : Ackert conducted several Christ- ■ mas contests. [ Group Two of the W.A. Mrs. Cameron’s group of W.A. met at Mrs. E. Robinson’s home , with an at tendance^ of-. 25. -Carol—__ 51 was sung to open the meeting, followed with prayer. Reports ! were heard from the different committees. All were very sat­ isfactory. A vote of thanks was 4eudered-the-exeeutive--andL-pres^-—— ident. Mrs. Isobel MacKenzie was in. charge of the program. Carol 55 was sung and Mrs. Robert • Thompson read* the scripture les. ■son and meditation: Christmas readings were given by Mrs. Harold Treleaven, Mrs< Geo. An­ drew and Mrs. Kenneth Cameron. Mrs. Joynt and Miss Bell Robert­ son favored with a duet. Carol • »II with Mrs.' R. Johnston reading1, .. .. , the “Christmas Story”, as found 59 br°“8ht tl)e: meeting to a close, in the gospel of'Luke, and Mrs. Ia"^ I-e'P®ated the mizpah ben- W. L. MacKenzie offering pray.'edlctlon- A contest was enjoyed er. Mrs. Ackert gave an. interest­ ing story interspersed with i and all repeated the mizpah ben- _ —. -—-— . — --------. .. .—- - jJ ■ and a lovely lunch was served • by the hostess and her commit- j .tee. .' .'. United Church W.A. The Hunter and Kilpatrick Group of the W.A. met at the home of Mrs. McKirri on • Wednes- tday afternoon, December 9th with [ 14 ladies present. Mrs. Philip Mc: ,J\lillan_opened^the-meeting^with----— t the W.A. motto "and prayer.- After 1 thescripture reading by Mrs. Sarah Collyer arid prayer by Mrs. W. B. Anderson, the minutes were read by Mrs, .Orland Richards arid the business period followed. « Christmas greetings were sent to 1 . Mrs. Umbach and Mrs. Mumford.I , . , V,* * * V, * i U*IM XVAXOi , AVA Util I1A V . Reports were given by tHe cori^" Veriers of each committee. Plans were discussed- for the- coming year and each officer is carrying ■G n '■"■for-* an othei?jitter,m'7**Thc*'i'f otiOrw -1 fi 111 ,t" * ing program was enjoyed: a carol hymn, and readings by Mrs. Ncs- . bitt and Mrs: Qrland Richards; a duet by Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Philip MacMillan, “Silent Night0; a trip*, by Ruth Johnston, Gladys and Marilyn Kilpatrick, . “Christmas hymn”; a ■ piano ’ solo by Carol Gardner, .The Lord’s prayer clos- ed the- meeting. Lunch was serv-. ■ “ ed and & social half hour, enjoy-. cd. ■ ' ' ' . . • s