The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-12-16, Page 133k THE LVCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO * r t i h I ZION ♦ uoug, /isniieia, vinwi ■.ouuuaj. — .—— .-- - .—with Mr. and Mrs. Milford Wall . Lucknovy visited with Mrs. Will | a •*. and MONDAY, DECEMBER 28th ’./ 1953, For One, Hour _ $ J THREE, THE VILLAGE HALL, in " the’ said<viiiage if 2 Lucknow, on f 7 . S’ MONDAY, JANUARY 4th I 1954, and will be open from Nine O’clock A.M. § ” until Five O’clock P.M. and no longer, S IT SHOULD BE NOTED that when a proposed candidate is g hot present at the nomination meeting his nomination paper S ! ft will noi.be valid unless there is attached thereto evidence ft § satisfactory to the Returning Officer that the proposed can-. 'Ridate consents to be so nominated. . , ft Given under my hand this 12th Day of December A.D. 1953. ft | - . -E. -H. AGNEWv-Rethrning Officer., ,| . /’ ,.*31 J r Sent to You on Trial! PHONE 110 migration. ■' .............................. / . > Wednesday,DEC- wth, im *' i., ...'.'.i-...i, . u‘. , -PAGE THIRTEENT ray- . . the uil- and •»• on pre- hich’_ res.: rs. G. .... W. ’ uth- soc- nch and • lor, ield - . & s. r. a ices ed- n & ent- ~- >ug- has as wiU on 100 ap- rn- th- this an ap- ■ V.............................................................................. 1 NOMINATION . ■ <y ‘ 4. • '.■/;.. /' g NOTICE h hereby given to the MUNIGIPAL ELECTORS g OF THE VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW that in compliance with 2 the Statutes in that behalf I require the. presence bf the ft Said Electors at the Village Hall in the said Village of ft Lucknow at the hour of 7.30 p.m„ on . :ft -'.t > •*> 5 t i e- I • ■ft : ft :4»; - ft • - -ft' ' A» ft «•» < ■ ,1ft.' „ ■ -' < *-'• *• • ••'- • - •■ ■■• t- •ft for the purpose Of nominating fit and proper persons for. JJ £ the Offices of Reeve* Four Councillors and Three Public ft; * School Trustees for the Village of Lucknow for the year g ft 1954, Trustees to hold office for two years, of which all §ft A» „ knu jvaiSj U1 WI11CI1 ail <ft Electors are hereby required to take notice and govern ft 5 themselves accordingly, and if a greater; number of Can- £ e didates than required to fill the said Offices are nominated g 2' and make the required Declarations, Polls will be opened 2 ft in the following places: POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. ONE, ft S THE LEGION HALL; POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. TWO, £ g THE MUNICIPAL OFFICE; POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. g "* ttmtiji?!? 'rwir vn i A/iv «<<< s- a.»— ..... - «■ft ft I 'S•:■ ft • A ft ■, nJV CULROSS CORNERS The Bethany Farm Forum met Monday night at the home of Miv-an d-“Mrs77J-as“WTalt lr~ wTtir an attendanceJ of 11. The topjg, . “Cjtizens of. Tomorrow”, was in-, teresting. Euchre and crokinole 2. were played- The1 hostess served lunch. The next meeting .will be on January 4th at.. the home of : Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall, and; * . Donnie. ■Miss Esplin and her pupils are1 busy: preparing for lhe-Christ­ mas tree and concert to be held ; in the school on Thursday even-, ing, December 17th. . ■ i Mrs.. Earle Hodgins spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Howard. Whytock, -Tpe.swa.ter. We are sor- •, ry to report Mr. Whytock to be . very ill. ___„_j___■_ Frank Schumachers are having the hydro installed. Many from the community were in Teewater on Saturday to see Santa. They-report the parade 4. KINLOUGH The W.A.‘ met at the church on Friday afternoon for the . De- ceirfber meeting. Mrs; Tom Hod­ gins presided and the Christmas carol “O come all ..ye faithful” opened the meeting. The scrip­ ture lesson of the Christmas story ! was read by Miss May Hoyle/ Each member answered the foil] call. with a Christmas verse ’from I St. Luke’s gospel. Prayers follow-1 ed. The secretary read a letter of thanks from Miss«Thompson of^heResidentiaT’Schobl at Moose Factory for the tw;o lovely bales/that the W.A. had sent ih November.. Mrs. Prestr ' theh pre­ sided for the election of ~ officers for 1954: hon. pros., Mrs. James Hodgins, Mrs., J, W. Colwell; Mrs. H, A. Graham, Mrs. Wm. Coe; pres,, Mrs. Maurice Hodgins; 1st vice,. Mrs. Howard Thompson; sec.-treas., Mrs. George Graham; assistant sec.-treas., Mrs. Midford Wall; work conveners, Mrs. Col­ well and Mrs* Wm. Wall; buying committee, Mrs. Jim;.Smith, Mrs: Roy Graham and Mrs. Geo. Hal- denby; social service sec., Mrs.j H. A. Graham; prayer partner sec., Mrs. J, 'W.. Colwell; Little Helpers sec., Mrs. Roy Graham and Mrs. Jack JieWitt; program committee^ Mrs. Tom Hodgins, Mrs. George Haldenby, Misses Edna and May Boyle; pianist, Miss. Edna Boyle. Mrs. Tom Hod­ gins read the Christmas message from Mrs. Osler, the • Dominion W.A. president. Mrs.. Pres.t gave a v&ry splendid paper on the topic, What' does Christmas: mean to you”, The meeting clos­ ed with the litany and prayer. Mrs. Cameron McIntyre of Cul- ross, Manitoba,’ ^visited with the Haldenby families in the village. Mr. and Mjrs. John Robb, and Lois^ Mr^ and^Mrs.. Howard Me-1 Guire .were dinner guestsJOf Mrs,: .George Haldenby and Shield in honor . of Mr. and Mrs. Robb’s wedding . anniversary. / — Mrr& Mrs: Jack Cuyler, Joyce, Billy and David of Kincardine,) Mr. and Mrs. Harold Slessor and j family of Glands visited orr Sun- i day with Mr. add Mrs. Bert. Nich-’ olson and family.. Mrs. J. W. Colwell spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. .Wm. Bushell at Luckriow. SAVE Christmas TRADE-IN SA1E! 9 EASY ACTION Clean* ALL civer • $ swivei-Tor*3 * from 1 position -ROTO-MATIC SWIVIL-TOF you clean up, all around Ota avar. ag« room wMiout once mcmina' ♦he cleaneet New Super-Powered^ *Rcrto-Mafic* SWIVEL-TOP CLEANER EXCLUSIVE ^AfladiOMaiie NO DUST BAG TO EMPT Y of course! AMAZING NEW EUREKA NO. 60 RUG NOZZLE glides easily. Full floating brush gets hair, lint, litter fast! LOOK AT THE PRICE ---- was-real good. - ————--—=?——■-Btrthxtaj’F' Sunday visitors with Mrs. Mary I ' __' Wall and Jim and Orville Wilson I ’ were Mrs, Morley Bell, Gorrie; Mrs. McKee, Owen Sound; Mr. ond Mrs. Joe Wall, Teeswater; Mrs. Ernie Hanna and Joe Han- • ha. .•Mr. and Mrs* Eldon Henderson, Paramount and Mr. and Mrs* Murray Henderson of Lucknow' spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs, J.: Wraith,Mr, and Mrs, Tom Hackett arid' Doug, Ashfield, visited Sunday I and Dannie. ’ ' . ’ Gardner on Sunday. PARAMOUNT ■Christmas bells and wedding be 1 ls^ are /ring] ng.' J. _-.il— “ Mr. and Mrs; Earl. Gibson and son Calvin of Toronto visited with George Gibson. •' Mrs. A.. Robertson of Ripley, visited with Mr. and'Mrs. H.< Ensign recently. .. j . . . Miss . Donna Nicholson . of Sea- : forth spent a few days witlf her I parents, . Mr. and Mrs. D/Nich- i olson/. I Miss Mari.on Nicholson .is assist-j ing her sister, Mrs.-Jas. Hunter'. A surprise birthday -party was | held at the home of Mr. and Mrs;; R. G. Hamilton on Saturday ey-; ’ ening in honor of Bob,, who was • taken by surprise when mem- |-ber's •• of-..his- - family..and'friends; from Ripley and Lucknow drop­ ped ii^ for an. evening of cards. A decorated birthday cake added to the festivities and the gather-! ing joined in singing, “Happy Mrs. Johnston and pupils are I holding their concert on Decern-1 ber 23rd in the hall. Mr. and , Mrs. Donald Hobbs are living in Cliff Hackett’s home. They have four children,, one of them attending school. Mr. Hobbs is employed, at Maiton Airport. ; Mr. and . Mrs. Bill Webster of | /THE GEESE ' ' Just as the dawn is breaking in the east ' ■ I see the great V .etched against The^sky.. , ' ' The geese are flying high in true formation. * ' . They need no compass, neither landing light, They know from birth the laws, of aerial flight. . / I see the great armada flying-r* high'. ' Just as the sunset touches land arid sea, . . . * - ■, I see the weary travellers flying ’ oh. . The -air is filled with their wild honking sound, Weary, they seek a quiet landing ground Beside some quiet shore they - land to rest, The squadrons must be on the wing at dawn. Like an air show of aerial might v AOvtwhtfO Guaranteed by V Good Housekeeping EXCLUSIVE ATTACH-O- MATIC TOOLS...a fool for every cleaning job, .always ^^B .where you want it. .. no extra ------r container to lug ground, to store! * DEPOSIT 1 Balance easy monthly payments ■ ■ w /' Np pdyrridnfs *iit after Christmas 'W ■ . and power; ' The/great ai.r-s< ; greet 'the day. You Get This Beautiful STORAGE CHEST / ' ■/ TV-BENCH . for your old cleaner, regardless of conditionf NO OTHER CLEANER HAS ALL THESE FEATURES AT ANY PRICE I • No dust bag to amply • Swivel-topdeans from 1 posReOA • Aftdch-O-Matic dip-on tools • Super.suction—% H.P. Moto* • Very quiefr-rnb vibration , • 2To 5 lbs, lighter—easy to carry • Adjustable suction, for drape* '• Cord damps to side of cleaner • Triple filtering dust escapes • Tools lock—don't fall apart and many more exclusive features! K. Harmonizing Light Grefrn PlasHc J*7~^Well-PdW^Top~“-------------- Extra Seafing for Parties<*ncl tV Viewing / . # quadnms rise, to They dip. .the,if* .wings <&>v,vv --- ■ '• • , ’ ■' I .' weirsaiutOy . •■./ oU'e-iFttni-fj-in-fhdr •V-rforrt-November rm-d “fW ■ ation, ■ . ■ ' . ■ . i •’ ■Guided by ftathre i/i tiiefr ,fatl ■.—Wtii., M ‘Buckingham*, ’ * 4