The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-12-16, Page 12TW WptQW WCKN0B 0NTAHIQ WEDNESDAY, DEC. 16th, 1953PAGE TWELVE Your Gift Problem/Can Be EASILY SOLVED AT FINLAY’S f Gifts sure to delight anyone on your list. § FINE SELECIION OF TOYS yO CHOOSE F^ “ Sleighs, Dolls, Banks, Toy Phones, Doll High Chairs, Ferris Wheels, Trucks, Cars, Miniature Farm Machinery Sets and many other items too numerous to mention. GAMES TO PLEASE THE WHOLE FAMILY Checker Boards, Crokinole Boards, Parcheesi, Steeple* < chase, Etc. ■ ELECTRIC CLOCKS, regular or china . . . Insulated Teapots and Coffee Pots . . .Nut Cracker Bowl Sets . . . Silver. Trays and Dishes . . * Book Ends . . . Ornamental Rose Bowls . . . . Marine Rose Bowl and Shadow Lamps, Etc. ................................... V .... .. . ’ • ? . • \ FOR MEN ONLY— ’ / Remember that oil painting your wife has always wanted, or Crystal Stemware, either clear or tinted. --• ......................... ..... ; THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE A R, G, Bell, niedical director of Shadovfbrook Health Founda- tion, told an audience recently, “Many of the country’s alcoholics need never have been addicted had they known the d^ri^cr nals early in life”. Our youth in Huron County and. throughout Ontario will- grow up knowing the danger signals if advantage is taken of present Department of Education regulations. For Al- cohol Education is how an ob­ ligatory subject of study of Grades 10 and 11. , The Depart- ment iis Ibeing ufged?tp /extend this teaching dbwh into Grades 7 vand 8 since rnany students never reach Grade. 9. It goes without saying that ip churches and Sunday School alcohol edu­ cation should ]t>e carried on con­ tinuously, A very excellent tea­ cher’s manual for alcohol educa­ tion has recently been produced iby; the Ontario Department of Education. Preachers, Sunday School, teachers and leaders of i young peoples’ groups interested | in this^vital subject will find this i manual invaluable.—Advt. 3P ;«5 § Finlay Decorators and GIFT SHOP Directly Across From Legion Hall Cut Flowers and Potted Plants 1 ft:?' S I 'W ,■ j ft * ft w ft ft* ■ ft ■ ft * ft w ft w ft or Order Your Christmas Flowers Now ■ ./’i' j. ■. ■ - POTTED PLANTS INCLUDE: Cyclamen, Azalea, Chrysanthemum, Christmas Cherry, Mixed Pans EVERYTHING IN CUT FLOWERS T A -r Remember Her With A Lovely Bouquet at Xmas 86. <8* WOLF CUBS Mrs. W. I. Miller opened her home for the December meeting of, the W.M.S. and the W.A. of Twet^one-membCT^^ Solomon’s Greenhouse ’Phone 88, Lucknow ft. > ntF- s •>. 5 i I ! . § • ft■ft-'. ■ «r. /.ft:<ar ftar-.-ft ft .car ft or ft ’Phone/ 218,. Lucknow ASHFIELD UNITED CHURCH GROUPS ELECT OFFICERS . The annual meeting of Ashfield . . w « .. , .. y WJtS, was held in HScketfs U-n- j ited Church with ■ the president, I ~ Mrs. Bert Alton,; in the chair. ‘. ‘Mrs. Jack, Gardner presided at ri, .""j-the piano. The Lord’s'prayer was meetln« .follow ed- repeated in unisori. Mrs. Bert; Al­ ton read the. scripture arid led in prayer. sang a spto accorppanied by Mrs. | Wes Ritchie/ Hymn 252 was fol- A.'was'held following the W.M.S; lowed by a reading by Mrs. Dick meeting. The minutes of the last Kilpatrick. There were 17 adults meeting were read by the sec- and one child present. Mrs. Frank i retary, Mrs. Jim Hunter and ad- . Ritchie gave the cor. sec. feport.' opted. The treasurer’s report was Mrs. Jim Hunter read the supply • read by Mrs. Richard Kilpatrick secretary’s report. Mrs. L. Men- showing a balance of $5.55. Mrs. ary reported for Blake’s; Mts: B.! Jake Hunter, president for 1953, Alton for Hackett’s and Mrs. J. j and Rev. Dickinson then took ™Hunter for-Ziom All reports were’ charge of the election of-officers very satisfactory and encourage t for the coming year: pres/ Mrs. ing. Rev. Dickinson presided for George TwamIey7~treasrr~Mrs. R. election of officers for 1954^. pres/ ? Mrs. Frank Ritchie; treas., Mrs. ter. Ladies to represent the W.A. Clifford Kilpatrick; cor. sec., Mrs,; at each appointment were Blakes, Friends, Mrs. Nelson Raynard; J sec. of supply, Mrs. W. O. Hun- ! ter; temperance & Christian cit- Mrs. W.G. Hunter; the W.A, which was opened by the use of the theme song, pray* er and creed. The theme of the service was “Joy”. Mrs. .McQuil- lin read ;the scripture lesson and — —- - /Mrs. Cameron, the lesson the United Church on Wednes- ^ough,fs Mrs. Lome Woods pre- day afternoon. Mrs. Miller-,: the c,Pnt.Pd the slate of officers which : was accepted as follows: pres.: I Mrs. Jas. Curran; vice pres,, Mrs. T,. J. Todd; Sec.-treas., Mrs. G. MacPherson; pianist, Mrs. E. W. Rice; card sec.. Miss W. D. Ruth- ST. HELENS Pack gathered round the Council . ^^^^e^e of which j Christmas worship w^as “And the Tuesday meeting with Akela in Fleshand Dwelt charge, assisted by Bagheera, Kaa : „ M Frank McOuil- .and-Raksha,-White-Glaw-George Gibson again conducted the 9P< Lorhe Woods assisted Misspress sec., Mrs. W. G. Hunter. Lripson again conducted tne op- ; Rev. Dickinson pronounced / the ening ceremonies by virtue of his : benediction. The Ladies Aid ! position as Senior Sixer. Follow-1 - The .annual;'Un'g the games period,_th^ meet­ meeting for 1954 will be held in given bver tp a session : Zion Church.. . . .. ’ Mrs. Jack Gardner j W.A. Meeting • The annual meeting of the W. erf ord. At the conclusion a soc­ ial hour was enjoyed when; lunch , W. D. Rutherford who read ‘What. was served bv Mrs. G. Stuart and i does Christmas mean to me” and Mrs .J. Cameron. ■. ' ■. ' Mrs. George Stuart,: ‘‘A_ Song of- ™aSKtrniW^ions^ further Tenderpad instruct^ tol-^^t^A—Th^ the new Chums, with investitures planned for January 5th. The $138 had been, forwarded to the Whits Presbyterial treasurer; It was Mr. and Mrs. ♦ Victor Taylor, 4 Elaine and Irene of Bfacefield I Were recent visitors with Mr. & Mrs. R. Woods and Mr- and Mrs. Lome Woods. Plarts are J being ‘made for a | of the Sunday . School on Wed­ nesday, December 30th. I Mr. and Mrs. John Qameron Mr. Don Cameron visited recent- - ly with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Doug­ las at Mitchell. Kilpatrick; sec., Mrs. Jim Hun- sec., ivits. vnris * iylts. wiii. ^/Miarew, iiyxs. lu. ivieii- Cook; associate members, Mrs. • ary; Hackett’s, Mrs. Cyril Camp- Jerry’ Cranston; community bell, Mrs. Jim Nelson; Zion, Mrs. friendship, Mrs. Bill Hunter; { W. O. Hunter, Mrs. Gordon Rit- Chrisrtian stewardship, Mrs. Bert chie. Mr. Dickinson closed the ■ Alton; literature sec., Mrs. Alex (meeting with prayer and the Hackett; M. & M. and World I Hackett ladies served luncti. * ft * ft ft ft • ■ft'. % . Here’s'a Chance to Win Your ; Christmas Poultry i at the -Ax Lucknow Legion’s Fowl Bingo RECREATIONAL CENTRE, LUCKNOW • •' ■ . • ■ ■ ■ I Saturday, Dec. 19 , Free Admission CHICKENS — GEESE — TURKEYS » BINGO STARTS at 8.30 with a FREE GAME S y • ■ < < ■ , , ■ i • ?'.1 ' S' J f White Six were again this week’s , ' $20 92 from social evening under the auspiceswinners in the Inter-Six contpe- |^^d^2^t^] I — Q ‘dinner for a life membership, i _ i Mrs. W. A. Miller was presented! airr? Cubbing is to give with a/life memlbership certifi- the boys: in the Pack a healthy, cate. The presentation was made Useful and interesting pastime;/^y Mrs. John Caineron, and the A^’ll^U_bgdy and mipdj the desire and ability to serve funds raised by the collection of others, and to tram character by. coppers. Mrs. W. A. Miller pre­ self-control/ obedience, alertness, rented the report of the nominat; and self-confidence. . ing committee which was accept- These aims cannot be fully ed arid the following are the of- ■*“mi-loss tho parepts I ficcrs Fiori fir€s~ TVlrs _ do all they can to help, by mak-1 Harvey Sparling; pres., Mrs. W. ing it possible for their boy to I: Miller; vice .pres., Mrs. John attend regularly, and appear in Cameron; sec, Mrs. Lome Woods; clean, smart and correct uniform!.; treas., On joining the Pack, the Cub takes the following promise: “I promise to do. my 'best to do my duty to God, .and the Queen, to keep the Law of the Wolf Cub Pack, and to do a good turn to somebody every day”. r___ _ boy to .be 'loyal to these-Ideals^ Mrs. . W. I. Miller; Press, Mrs. W. and to keep the Cub motto: “Do I. Miller. \ ___ _ Your Best”. I Mrs.. Jas. Curran presided for ' pointed in 1952; Mrs. Frank McQuillin; pianist, Mrs; E. W. Rice; conven­ ers: Associate Helpers, Mrs. Cam­ eron; Community Friendship; Miss W. D. Rutherford; Christion Stewardship, Mrs., G. Stuart; sup-’ ___ ply, Mrs. E.‘ W. Rice; Christian You as ' <4tizenship/Mrs. L. Woods; liter­ parents can do much" to help your .erature and Missionary Monthly, LADY REEVE WAS FORMER PENSIONS INVESTIGATOR Miss Marion Calder, who has been gjiyen an acclamation as reeve of Durham for 1954, will be <the first women to serve on Grey County Council in its 100 years of existence. A year ago Miss Calder was a, candidate for town council and she headed the poll'of 13 can­ didates. In 1943 Miss Calder was ap­ pointed Iby the Ontario Govern­ ment to <be district investigator for old age pensions and moth­ ers’ allowances. She held this position for nine years until' an Owen Sound successor was ap- I ONe FROM DOC, - ■a z Z A