The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-12-16, Page 11$■ •» a|ive Lanna Lib- alided » hbs- e was ital. i, was Cf on home ip tied rrived n Kin- istrong ersary r, Mrs. .V it the •ar-old iMac.- n ap- -year- Mrs. ay at .’.> Sf-fr • WEDNESDAY, pgg. 10th, T953 ■ " ...... #■ IF ■ S? • ■ ■ft w •| KEEP YOUR BEAUTY I UP TO UATE . . : ■w.I ■ |:: ■.ft 5 ft With one of 'bur Tong-lasting, season-fashionable >P®rihanentsr moulded into a hair style to suit yot^ GET “SET” FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON KEEP APPOINTMENTS PROMPTLY, PLEASE! ’s Phone. 115r‘Lucknow, MRS. D. GRAHAM REVIVES- ? W.M.S. LIFE MEMBERSHIP The December meeting of South Kinloss W.M.S. was beld, at the Manse. Twenty-eFgHt ladies and five children were present, The - president, Mrs. Baplch, opened the meeting with scripture .and . prayer and all joined’ in singing, ‘psalm 60. The roll call , was well answered by a Bible verse with ’the Ayords .‘give’ or ‘giving’. Mrs.. -“.--/r^-Ted^Cbllyer^gave a splendid scrip­ ture and meditation followed by prayer, by Mrs’ .Steer. Miss Dean MacLeod fold a* stirring story of the work peing dohe by a ChriS- -t-ion™nafi-ve-nurseHnHETberiaT^A solo by . Mrs* Steer was much-en^ Alex Sutherland, 1 - THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN * V ate ■ /• ■ ; ** 1? J " . I ft ■ wI- ss .«?■ ft * ft J i. ■ S ft ;”L: ?.| .’’■ft;: V' zftW ft w ft* • ft £ ft tsr ■ ft ' er > $ Hughes; Glad Tidings, Mrs. Evan Keith; Welcome & Welfare, Miss Annie MacKay; 1 Mission Band, Mrs; Evan Keith, Mrs. Ted. Coll- yer, Mrs-. Idoyd MacDougall, Mrs. Harold Campbell; Sunshine com­ mittee, Mrs. W: ;F. MacDonald, Mrs. R. MacMillan, Mrs. L. Mcln- nes,- Literature sec., lvlrs. D. Gra­ ham; . Ladies. Aid, Mrs. Harold Campbell; historian, Mrs. A. Mac­ Intyre: assistantsMissTA7 MacKay The . members voted that Mrs. Douglas Graham should receive the life membership this year. • The new president, Mrs. Wm, MacIntyre; then took the chair owam mj.xvxld. w......... ,and ^e^meeting closed with the .. joyed as was a reading by Mrs. ’^^O^benediction. The Grace . Alex Sutherland, An quartette, was ^unA aad a tasty , lunch ser- Mrs, D. L. MacKinnon. Mrs.'- L.- v— ky. the hostess and directors^ the East” with: Mrs. -A, Hughes i 11 -MX YEAKb ,r. _< as accompanist: As .this was the ’• . annual meeting reports, were giy-.i ^r- K McNab has a pqcket eh by all the secretaries./They . watch which he has used. and. showed South Kin loss W.M^S. had : continuously for 66 years, a good year. Mrs. A. MacIntyre1 and. .it’s, a perfect/time-keeper. 7 took the chair for the election of The watch was presented to him officers for the coming year: ^Wn he passed 4h^ //. .-pres,, 1/ vice, Mrs. F. vice, ‘ vice,............... . and press reporter, Mrs. P. Steer; treasurer, Mrs. Herb: Buckton; to light recently upon the .prey­ pianist, Mrs. F. MacKinnon; life ( entation of; a wrist Watch to Mr. membership, Miss Annie, Mac- McNab, in recognition of mem- Lepd;. supply sec., Mrs. A. Suth- bership in the Quarter Century erland; - Home—Helpers^—Mrs?—A. dub of Stlveiwood"Dairies? at . # I* ; was ir Op- er.? Grant / spe- a 44 n in- : Ask. fdr , Mthe folder . 20 Questions’ ■ CHURCH CHANNELS ,.r-.r,';.....'. i r- , ' I ' We commend to you,the wbrk ^Ilhe^Upper^Canada^Bible-Soc- lety. In .1954 the Bible Society will observe 150 years of trans- Ja,Jing‘and circulating 'the Bible without comment throughout the world. ..The Bible has been and still .is a great factor in teaching the illiterate peoples $ the earth to read,. While tribes of people have learned to read thei/°own language in print and. have dis­ covered God’s great message of love and salvation. People from > other lands coming into Canada have been helped to learn our language . through Bibles printed in English and their own lang^ wage, given to them by the Bible Society; The Christian church has depended on the Bible Society in the mission fields. Themission- ary is able to read to the people in their own language and where finances allow to put the printed Word into their hands., A Bible may " adorn our . home but the people in distant lands read and treasures the Bible which we. treat as commonplace. In one land behind the Iron Curtain . there was great rejoicing when Bibles were smuggled injo- the commnuity; They could have used? food and clothing- 'but the Word of God satisified their deepest .; needs. Bibles/are supplied to men in the Forces, Braille Bibles for the blind, and a special Bible is being prepared for school child­ ren. A donatidn to the Bible Soc­ iety is a contribution towards the great struggle against . Commun­ ism. The Bible is the great weap­ on in the . struggle for freedom.7 Any minister in the community r will be pleased to accept your do­ nation on behalf of the Bible Soc­ iety.’ The Bible has a message for; you—read ih the Bible has a mes­ sage for all—share it. BRAND NEW WATER PUMPS as low 4-70 as , • "I •■precision •» built to re­ place original equip, ment at prices' that ^save up to 40%. I000-WATT ELEC. HEATER 5.95 Big mirror - polished 11” reflector. Gives hot heat in seconds. . With attached cord. HANDY AUTO MAT SHIELD .54 Lbw price—-big. size— 21Vi”'X HVi”. Protect nev? floor mats, hide old worn ones. * ■ - W ■ ............... TRICO DEFROST FAN was 1,59$3.65 I High speed, vacuum type (no b a t t e r jr drain), Blows away steam, sleet and frosts -. . REVOLVING NAIL WHEEL SQUARE ANO LEVEL 3.39 time - saver COMBINATION 3.3’ l.“ H a n d y time - saver f2” graduated ri'tri e l '.irtMhes to w«ll,M.oW, Sl'bor" WelSiiS$ sixteen R-oz. glass jars. accurate. < ;-COIL SPRING LIFTERS .85 Restore “front - end” sag caused , by weak­ ened coil springs. Use ■ one Xifter in each coil. , spring. 16-PC. SOCKET WRENCH SET //■?C2S/.a?. ’4” drive; eight 6-pt. and three 8-pt. sockets. t Rever. ratchet^ Flex : ha n.d 1 e. arid other ' adapters, 1 I - SPEEDOMETER /CABLEGREASE T“be >29 Special graphite pro­ tects against rust, neiM and wear-^n any tea*-'' peratnre. Olivet W.M.S. Elect Officers Wm. MacIntyre; 1st La eleven. That pretty .well Mrs. Oliver McCharles was: Mis. F. MacKinnon; 2nd tells you J.R?s-ag«^H was the I hostess for the Decemiber meet- ? Mrs * L MacDougall;' third only watch “he ever owned until ■ ing of the Olivet WM.S. Mrs. ’ Mr<? Tbrn M a r K pn 7 ic •’ «pc a bo u t_ten„d ays~.ago.J.____:——^-Alex-MacTav-ish-convenerrfor-the. This little watch anecdote^came ; meeting, conducted the worship.,1 A * • ‘ ... 4. _ —4 The program im the Missionary Monthly was followed with "Mrs. Alex MacTavish, Miss Mary Roul- ston, Mrs. John Colling, Mrs. Don - -MaeTavisbr-Mrsr-SandyHMcChar^ les and Mrs. Ross Black taking part. Mrs. Alex MacTavish read a. story “That was really Christ­ mas’ by Kate Aitken. This was followed with the members' giv­ ing < comments of Christmases ’they recalled Mrs. Brydon fav­ ored with a solo. Mrs. Waltei* Roulston conducted a contest. Mrs. Melvin: Collinig read the re­ port df the nominating commit­ tee. The meeting closed with the mizpah benediction. A fea was served by the committee in charge. : . Hon. pres., Mrs. Oliver Mc­ Charles; pres., Mrs. Melvin Coll­ ing; vice pres., Mrs. Herb Clay­ ton; sec., Mrs> Ross Black; treas., Miss’ Mary'’ Roulston; .cor. sec.,, Mrs. Harvey Brooks;- Christian!* Stewardship sec., Mrs.' John .Coll-1 ing; Friendship sec., Mrs. Doug | -Hen-i^rt^I^siibnap^HMontlTly~seuTri^T' Mrs. . Norval .St’ewart; Temper- j ance s.ee.;.Mrs. Oliver .McCharles;! supply,sec.j Mrs.-Alex McTavish;. press sec., Mrs. Ross Black; aud­ itor, Mrs. Donald MacTavish; or-, .ganist,' Mrs.. ■ NTorval Stewart;. Baby Band, leader, Mrs. Herb Clayton; M. & M. committee, Mrs. W. Sr McGuire,*Mrs; Walter Def­ ter; Willing Workers committee* Mrs. Howard Henry* Mrs. Orville Finlayson, Mrs. Daisy McChar- Rmd-s-to-nT- * finance com., Mrs/John Colling/ Mrs.-E'lmer Osborne, Mrs. John McCharles, - Miss -Mary Roulston athd Mrs. , Melvin Coiling. . ”We can’t afford to take chances • . that’s why we like Debentures” ’’When I retired, * I looked for an investment that: was safe, that paid 1 good interest and that could be bought for a short term, I wanted to be sure of one hundred cents on the dollar at maturity. My Huron & Erie five /year* debentures, do olf this for me * . . at interest on my money?’ •<$ I Huron & Erie mortgage CORPORATION 'Older than the Dominion of Canada' District Representatives listed below ■ Lucknow — Joseph AfflieW- Head Office —* Ldndoh, Ofitam. Secretary of North Huron L.OX. - Ross Erring ton of St Helens was elected county' secretary' of , North Huron Orange Lodge at • 'the* annual •meeting~at-Belgrave. I Thomas Mcinnbs of Gorrie'l’s Co, Mastcf.. '■ ■’ "■ " r/,1. ....... ... ....? ...................... - • ......■ RUBBER WEATHERSTRIP —“K-te-35— Self-adhesive; use It around car, and home —stops drafts and eliminates rattles. TROUBLE LAMP SET 25 ft. J^40~ Weatherproof: - cable; reflector guard with hang-up hooky handle with built-in s WHITESIDE TIRE CLEANER spr3y the dirt aw3) WH1TEWALL TIRE CLEANER 16 o* e98 No scrub,— no rub to make whitewall tires sparkle. Simply spray on—wipe off with a'wet rag and r i n s e‘ with clear water. Dirt and - Scuff marks disappear., Sprayer dispenser sufficient for cleaning 50 tires. y I I- CORPN HEADLIGHT VISORS ’ .59 Transparent plastic a«< i chrome; reduce head­ light glare — keep light on road. ‘A. “SEALrALLm„. MENDER •49 Mends * leaks in gan tanks (without drain-,' Ing tank). Apply with , finger or brush. Seals * on contact,—stops leaks instantly. A 1 s o f o r radiators, heater hose, fuel lines, plumbing. Best Wishes For A MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY new year Fhone 18* ' ' ' Robin E Campbell ’S <- e