The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-12-16, Page 2<1 I to Greer Radio & Electric &I ZION Successful S.S. Concert _ with ITI. A * I * i to a AUSTIN MARTIN BRUCE F. OF A. VICE-PRESIDENT 1 ■ > ST ’ PRESENT LIFE MEMBERSHIP AND MEMORIAL CERTIFICATE AGED LADY SUCCUMBS FOLLOWING HIP FRACTURE Electric Blankets, Tricycles, Toboggans/ Sleighs, TELEVISION. aUendTnee- I hSes G Iv=n dr^t‘ .flrS‘ year)’! Fisher, Mrs.. Salkeld, Mrs. Solo- Ivan Cook,, Carol Helm, Wanda mon and Mrs. Wttii Douglas. ~ WEDNESDAY, DEC, lgth. i PAGE TWO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL. LUCKNQW, ONTARIO * Appointed To Pursue Plan For Hall At Kintail «. •• ••• Of special interest was the pub­ lic meeting in Kintail Hall, on November _ 26th, called by . the Kintail Women’s •• Institute. ’ The president, Mrs. Ray Dal­ ton, called the meeting to order with fhe singing of the Institute Ode,1 after which she brought to * " the' forefront the purpose of the meeting-^adiscussiononthelong standing issue of. a community .hall... Mrs. Dalton then ■ called on ■ a ^capable chairman i> the person *of Mr. Steve Stothers of Luck- nowz By his humor he kept the gathering in a good mood and falso added stability to the dis- , cussion through his wide experi­ ence of rural affairs. . Jerry Montgomery, Ag.’ Rep. for Huron County,. gave 4an in­ formative talk. He-outlined the correct procedure for such un­ dertakings, suggesting several al­ ternatives. Throughout the even­ ing he was, called upon for advice. Several members of the Ash­ field (Council were present and expressed their views on the sub­ eject in question. There was no° lack of general | participation in the discussion , that followed and the outcome was definitely in favor of action. • A committee was elected -to discuss terms of buying the hall, the owner being Mr. Dan Mac- Lean. The committee included Robert Simpson, Mrs. Ray Dal- ton,HenryMacKenzie,JackGol- linspn and Mirs, Jack MacKenzie. They withdrew for a few min­ utes’ discussion with Mr. Mac- Lean and when Mrs. Dalton an- nounced the result Jhejterms-met- with the approval of the meet­ ing1 as proven by a showing of hands in favor of 'buying the hall. ..It was voted that this committee stand^o negotiate the business in­ volved. After moving a vote of thanks to Mr. Stothers and Mr. Mont­ gomery the meeting adjourned. Minutes of the meetirtg were recorded by Mrs. Fred MacGre­ gor in the absence of the secret­ ary, Mrs. Bert Alton. A committee meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Ray Dalton, bn December 3rd when it was decided to hold another open meeting in Kintail Hall on De- - - cember "lOth. Jack Collinson diet­ ed as chairman for this meeting. The steps taken by the committee were made, known and their ef­ forts commended. A substantial donation toward the buying of the hall was made by> the Boys Hockey Club. The - Women’s Institute"1 also made a generous contribution. Mrs. Ray Dalton and Jack Collinson, act­ ing for the committee, were suc­ cessful in buying the hall. The death of Mrs. Ewen Mao Kenzie occurred in Wingham Hos­ pital on ’ Saturday in her 91st year. She had suffered a fractur­ ed hip about 2^ weeks earlier, but' was jhaking_encQuxagipg„^Q^ gress, and was to have shortly 'been brought tp . the’ fraker Con- y^iespent Home.; However, she took a ‘ turn for the worse and at her advanced age;, failed to rally; *• <• The funeral service was held at the Johnstone Funeral Home, Lucknow, on Tuesday afternoon with interment in South Kinloss Cemetery. ( The annual meeting of the Bruce County Federation of Ag^ riculture was held in the Walk­ erton town hall on Tuesday, with Donald Ireland, Culross, acting as chairman. Officers, elected were: presi­ dent, Alfred Brunton, Tara; 1st vice, Austin Martin, Lucknow; executive,. Edward Tanner, Brant township; Lome Lawrence Ward, Albemarle; J Lloyd Jasper, Car­ rick ; Louis Davis, Elderslie; Al­ phonse Murray, Kiriloss; Orville Taylor, Kincardine, and Mr. Don- ald—Ireland; secretary-treasurer, James Powers, Greenock. LOCAL LADY TO LIVEIN JiONOLULU Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilcox and family, plan to ’leave California after Christmas to make their home\ in Honolulu,, capital of the Hawaiian Islands. Mrs. Wilcox was formerly Mur­ iel Solomon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Solomon of town. Mrs. Solomon visited with Mr. and Mirs. Wilcox this fall in Califor­ nia, not knowing at the time that her daughter would shortly be .leaving for the South Pacific. Mr. Wilcox goes to Honolulu as assistant-manager of a tele­ vision coihpany. They have two children, Chris 9 and Henry 5.: ■ — ■ ■ .J, I.. ■ At this meeting the following executive committee was voted into office to carry on the pro­ ject: pres., - Robert Simpson ;1 st vice, Dave MacKenzie: 2nd _vicer Mrs. Ray Dalton; 3rd vice, Mrs. Fred MacGregor; sec., Jack Col­ linson; treas., Elwood Drennan; directors, Henry MacKenzie, Alex Farri^h, Mrs; Stuart MacLennan, Mrs. Finlay MacDonald, Raymond Dalton. ‘ GET READY EOH TH^ f Dinner, Luncheon and Cocktail Napkins Coasters Playing Cards Informals Matches Stationery Pencils HAD TRIPLICATE CALVES, TWINS A YEAR AGO There’s a Hereford grade cow on the farm of Harvey Ritchie at . Zion that’s more than making up for the reces­ sion in beef prices. .A year ago this cow gave birth to twins and on Friday of last, week it was triplets? Howeyer, only, two of the trio survived,, but they are . a husky, frisky pair. ...“BORN-^- REED-^-in Detroit on Thursday, December^ 16th,^1953; to Mr., and Mrs. Dick ‘ Reed, a son, Ronald William, a brother for Jimmie. WALDEN—in Wingham Hospital on Wednesday, December 9th, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Waldfen, daughter. WHITECHURCH ; Mr.. Gordon Small returned Toronto on Monday. Mi*. Robt.. Ross' had the phone installed in their home last week. Their number is 711-W-2. The United Church is holding the Christmas, concert in the church on Friday. The Presbyterian Church is holding their Christmas concert on Tuesday, December 22nd. The regular monthly meeting of the United Church W.M.S. was. held in the horqe of Mrs. A. Coul- tes on Wednesday last with Mrs. Jas. Falconer in the chair and Mrs. E. Scholtz as secretary. Rev. BrookofBluevalehadchargeof the installation of officers for the coming year: hon. pres., Mrs. Rev. Brook; pres., Mrs. Jas. Falconer; 1st vice, Mrs. M. Moore; 2nd vice, Mrs. E. Groskorth: sec. Mrs. E. ' Scholtz; assistant sec., Mrs. H’ Laddlaw; treas., Mrs. A. Cbultes; cor, sec., Mrs. B. McClenaghan; pianist, Mrs. W. R. Farrier; as­ sistant pianist, Mrs. G. Farrier; Mission Band supt., Mrs. M. Moore; assistant, Mrs. T. H. Moore; Baiby Band, Mrs. W. Jones; music, Mrs. C. McClen­ aghan and • Mrs. H Laidlaw; Prayers, Mrs. R. Gaunt and Mrs. M. Ross; visiting, Mrs’ E. Scholtz, Mrs. E. Casemore, Mrs. B. Mc­ Clenaghan, Mrs. J. Purdon, Mrs. E. Beecroft; temperance society, Mrs. G. Gillespie; Missionary Monthly sec., Mrs. W. R. Farrier; literature sec., Mrs. R. Laidlaw; Stewardship sec., Mrs? A." Cbul­ tes; supply committee, Mrs. W. James, Mrs. ,T. H. Moore, Mrs. G. Farrier; auditors, Mrs.- W. R. Chapman, Mrs. W. Bell. I Anyone Would Like To Find On Their Christmas Tree Lamps, Boudoir,: Novelty, . Radios, Space Heaters, Bed and Table Lamps, ■ Irons/' Toasters,. Kettles - Skis, Skates, Hockey Sticks, / Coffee .Makers, Clocks, Shavers, Washers, Refrigerators, Ranges, Mixmasters, Roasters, Egg Cookers, Sewing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners, Heating ” Pads, Bicycles, Hunter, Elaine. Cook;' 2nd yfer seals, Evans Helm, Barry McDon- • agh, Larry Hunter, Gordon Bar ger; 3rd year seals, John Helm, . Roberta Helm, Tom Helm, Arthur Helm; 4th year seals, Bruce Ray­ nard, Douglas Raynard, Everett Swan, Russel Swan, Marlene Hunter,/ChrisRaynard, Anne Rit­ chie, Kenneth Gardner, Ronald Gardner. Marlene and Larry Hiinter had. perfect attendance and in- addition each ■ ^received testaments. Santa gave gifts to the children; then ; lunch/was ' served by the ladies of the con­ gregation. The Zion Sunday School con­ cert was held in the church on Tuesday, December 8th with the Rev. Mr. Dickinson as chairman. The following program was pre­ sented: two choruses by the pup­ ils of the Sunday School; carol singing by everyone; recitations, Wanda Hunter, Marybelle Hun­ ter, Anne Ritchie, Joan Barger, Ronald Gardner, Larry Hunter, Herbie Hunter, Grant Helm, Ken Kirkland, Donald Kirkland, Chris Raynard, Allan Gibson, Ren Bar­ ger; solos, Elaine Cook, Mrs. Peter Cook; trio, Mrs. Bill Helm/ Carol and John; instrumentals, Marlene Hunter, Caryl Gardner; monologue, Mrs. Chas. Wilkins; l quartette, Roberta Helm, Carol Helm, Caryl Gardner,. Beatrice Gibson;__two songs by Sr. boys, -John ““ Helm,“Ross~McD6nagh, Lorne Cook, Ivan Cook, Bill Gib­ son, Bruce Raynard, Russel Swan, Everett Swan; song by Jr. boys, Barry McDonagh, Evans Helm.l Arthur Helm, Tom Helm, Biii Barger, Gordon Barger, Donnie Gibson, Kenny Gibson, Jimmie Gibson; a pantomime, “Come to the Manget0, by the Junior class; two songs, Bill Hunter, John Rit­ chie, Jim Hunter, .Charles, Ander­ son, Gordon Barger, Charles Wil­ kins. Jim Hunter thbn spoke a few words of thanks and present- INSTITUTE HEAR$ OF CHRISTMAS IN HOLLAND The regular meeting of. the Lucknow Women’s’ institute was held in the Town Hall on Friday. « Mrs. ^Charies_ Cook presided.-The— members decided to remember all shut-ins. A committee was form-' ° ed to look after this: The motto was given by Mrs. Wilson, Mrs? John Wraith gave a”reading. Mi>. Hofstede. , .______ , _____I Christmas in Holland. Miss Mar­ garet Jlae favored with a solo accompanied by Mrs. J, W. Joynt. Current, events were given by Mrs. Salkeld. A contest was held. Mrs. Joynt and Mrs. Sproul get­ ting prizes. The table was de,- coratedin the centre with Xmas decorations. A dainty lunch was * The December meeting of the Ashfield W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Henry MacKenzie. Mrs. D. R. MacKenzie was in charge, and opened the meeting with prayer. The scripture'lesson was read by Mrs. John Cowan. Sadie Johnston gave a reading from the Glad Tidings. Mrs. Vanderlay of­ fered prayer. Mrs. David McMur- chy read a chrjstmas message. n The president, Mrs. Wilson, read a short message in remem­ brance of Minnie Cathcart, re­ cently deceased, who was a re­ spected member "of the W.M.S. Mrs. D. A. MacLean offered pray­ er. Mrs. Vanderkolk favored with a pleasing nnIAfPreVieW °f the stud^ Simpson. 'Mrs. Duncan MacKen­ zie gave the offertory prayer. Mrs. Ewart Jamieson gave a read­ ing on Christmas., After hymn 169 and the repetition of the creed Mrs. D. Ri MacKenzie gave the closing prayer. The.president, Mr?. Wilson took charge for the business. -She eul- ogized on Mrs. Earl Howes’ con­ tribution to the Society after which Mrs. Simpson presented ■her-Wi4h-a life membership, ■ " Mrs. D. A. MacLean gave a talk on Murdoch McLeod, whose death' was a loss* ;to the church and the community. ' He was a man of outstanding- personality-and char­ acter. .Mrs. Robert Simpson was presented with a certificate to his memory. ■ • 4 The ’ meeting closed ■. with the Mrs. MacKenzie', and helpers se£ ved refreshments. . \.r -L-' I STREAMLINE YOUR WORK . . . . < • . . STAMP IT TO SPEED ““ Let LJs Supply You With — MARKING DEVICES rI I -4-• rL J J I Phone 35 i ...... I '• • i i ‘ i i i i ■< i ■ . j.- "i ■ i .. i ;.J-— t i Circular, .Oval and Rectangular I : i ' ■ .■I.-' ■ ■ i 1. . - Lucknow f toftd dll types of Wber Stainp8 made to Order . . . B^k □tamps . . . ( : ■ Sta,“P> »i>h Changeable Date, and Number. . , Signature Stomp. . . Don Thompson Lucknow * ar •tV • ■ % T * ' ■ ■ ■ ■. : .