HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-12-09, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE L.UCKMOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ”1 ft ' ft I • w W I ft ft ft 5 ■ff ft *' ft ■ s? ft -W- - -,ft. Jft; : ft. . w ■„ ................................................................................. ft § OPEN EACH EVENING OF XMAS WEEK. 5 jS.’ / - ■ '. . ■' ' ft ' ft RUSS BUTTON, Pfes. BOB MacKENZIE, Sec. $ ft ft I i ixiii i iv/11; I * MR. and MRS. CHRISTMAS SHOPPER B ! ........./ ,.u .r.?, „..i.-,y! .....M,, u.,... The Lucknow Business Men^s Association announces that Business Places in Lucknow will be OPEN EACH THURSDAY AFTERNOON UNTIL CHRISTMAST^ • / . • ’ ■ . I • • . •' * * } . " a _ / \ . , ’ / • ' • • f' c ,♦■** . • t \ * k , ’ * < , • and will also be , ; Smti RIPLEY-LUCKNOW SQUAD OPENS ON DECEMBER 22nd Ripley .Intermediates, bolstered by la number of boys from Luck- now, and with Jack Gould as playing coach, are scheduled to meet Teeswater in , the opeper on December 22nd. ‘ Gaines will be played, we u-m derstand in Kincardine and Luck* now. Some of the squad have (been practising a bit: and an ex- hibition game is slated for Thurs< .' WEDNESDAY,; PEC. 9th, 1955 .....*' ■ Bike! .4 PRESENT DIPLOMAS The presentation of Robert Raikes diplomas and seals for Sunday School attendance Was held at»the United Church Sun- day School on Surid^fo-^Five di- *. plomas 1 and thirty-three/ seals were awarded. These run for 7 years. In addition an alumni di­ ploma and three seals were pre­ sented . These run for twenty years. The presentations were made by Gordon Mlorrison. DRY ONTARIO & ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ '. • . ONE CARLOAD OF JUST UNLOADED -including I ‘ 0 I -^tongue arid Groove Barn Door Material, Tongue and Groove Flopring. 1*’ x 12” Shelving, - - also — ■ 4”, 5”, 6”, 8” and 10” Boards. day night. ■;..... ■ Dec. . .. / V.'. 22—Ethel at Nqustadt . Teeswater at Ripley 29—Gorrie at Neustadt Ethel at Ripley : Jani. ' 1—Gorrie at Teeswater 5—Ripley at Neustadt Ethel at Teeswater v 7—Teeswater at Gorrie “ Neustadt at Ethel 12-—Ripley at Teeswater 14—Neustadt at Gorrie Ripley at Ethel 19—Gorrie at Ripley Neustadt at Teeswater 2 b—Ethel at Gorrie Neustadt at Ripley 25— Gorrie at Ethel - 26— Teeswater at Neustadt 28—Teeswater at Ethel Ripley at Gorrie ------o-O-O— TIMBERTIPS doltarpurchase you make at The J 'ft ’“ft- *_A.. ■ </* ft*ft s ft a» I ' Wet. y. «.• o~ FREE TICKET on . STREAMLINED BICYCLE. • ’ •■/S, boy^ or gi BRAW CHRISTMAS EVE i ft ft * 1 ft,:’- S s JOHN W. HENDERSON S LUMBER LIMITED i ' • ? 4; § ’Phone 150 — Lucknow,Ont. | ;-z I ATTRACTIVE equipped, 2-tone Fawns and Wolverines stole the spotlight; on t' the bowling lanes last week as they downed none other than the Chipmunks and the Gophers for the full counts, Both teams rolled well and were full value for their wins as they scored totals better than 3,000 pins. -: At the half-way point in the schedule we find the same top teams still .in there but there are several teams threatening to move into the inner circle! ; Top individual honors go, once -again to the ladies/ particularly Tigers Joan ..Cormack and. Fern McDonald who ran up grand/ totals of 743 and 702 respective-1 ly. Runner-up was. Wolverine I Edna Couse who sparked her team to better things. Speaking of valuable players, we overlooked ’ the leader of the fair sex last week—a newcomer, Fawn Gwen Attridge. The record book credits her with a 650 total which is excellent bowling. ; —>Eeading-rnale players^w Fawn Sanderson and Attridge to.-, gether with Gopher Westlake. Mike came through ■ with a neat 700, a warm-up for that big tur? key roll! ; ; All teams are urged to bowl two frames at a time regardless pf individual preferences. It does speed up the game which often­ times is permitted to drag; , If all players would stick with the two frames rather than one (or 4 or 5 which is sometimes done!) it will be more conven­ ient and less embarassing for the opposing teams. A ndw grouping. gets / underway this Week. By knocking off .the leaders you -can give everybody a sporting chance! Team Standing . . Park’s Culbs 41, Johnston’s Chipmunks 38, Bannister’s Wol­ verines 34, McKinnon’s Beavers 31; Anderson’s Tigers 31, Button’s Gophers 29, Sanderson’s Fawns 28, McDonagh’s Coons 24, Taylor’s Zeibras 22, Eedy’s Lions 20, Ham­ ilton’s Kangaroos 19, Webster’s Pole Cats 18. r ir .4$, | ()5 $ 1953 CHEV. SEDAN. - . 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN | TWO 1952 STYLELINE CHEV. SEDANS • g 1951 CHEV. Powerglide Deluxe SEDAN, Fully equipped f 1951 CHEV. DELUXE FLEETLINE COACH § 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN g 1951POWERGLIDE CHEV. COACH, fully equipped 1 1949 PONTIAC SEDAN 1949 METEOR COACH fl , 1^48 PONTIAC SEDAN* 194? PONTIAC SEJDAN 1947 MERCURIC SEDAN - ' •r. 1948 CHEV. SEDAN. 1947 OLDS FLEETLINE COACH, hydrdmatic drive ..'1942 CHEV. COACH ■' ' e ‘ ’ * '" ? TRUCKS 4 TWO-TON ARMY TRUCKS ...1948 CMC W-TON PICKUP 1942 FARGO TANK TRUCK § Brussels Motors I Huron County’s Foremost Used Car Dealers 2 V * Cash, Trade, Terms — Open Eveiriittgs Untii 10 g Cities Service Dealer Phone 72x> Brussels S & . , .r , ' * irl’s. Balloon tires. *”......■ % T , ’ v*’ Bring the Children 5 . To Meet i SANTA CLAUS | ON SATURDAY j ■ \ . V • •.•4 ■ ■ ■ • 5.GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS ........ 11). 15c « POTATOES ........... .... 10 lbs. 20c J : POTATOES • •• •— ^5 D>« hag $1.15 $ LARGE SIZE HEAD LETTUCE 2 for 25c £ SUNKIST ORANGES? 288’s Doz. CHOICE LATE CROP CRANBERRIES ...... Lb. GRAPEFRUIT, 96’s ..... .......v—..... 10 for JELLO or PUDDINGS 3 for IsUGAR ..... ... Cwt., $8.49 FISHERMAN’S SOCKEYE SALMON, 7¥i oz. tin 3 for $1.00 Place Orders Early For Gift Fruit Baskets IREK DELIVERY ANYTIME DURING THE DAY 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.—Phone 119 v w .4»ft /*» ft ■4»tl 4» I ft 'fi*- ft ft • ft ■ ft ■*» ft 1 s 4 ■ 2 ft ft ft ■ « ft «? ft MB ft .• *> ft - ft • « -ft-___________________._________.____________________________________ __ _______________7________:_____________________,_______ ft Ivan and Monica Louzon ft tx SOAP SALE RIN SO, large, reg. 77 c .. 67c RIN SO, small, reg. 39c .. 35c ^DUZ, large, reg. 79c ... 65c DUZ, small, reg., 39c ........ 33c k>* 25c 25c 49c 25c suits of', last, week’s contest. Whites 21 jewels^ Reds 20, Grey 19, and Tawny’s 15. contest each week with a notice­ able improvement being.shown in ! the Wear ing and neatness of uni- | forms? There are still some Cubs, I however, careless about the fold-- ring of their neckerchiefs; and ! about their cleanliness. There are several also who do. not wear their breeches as requested.. The poorest showing comes in/person-' al inspection of nails, teeth, hair, hands and shoes, with the maj­ ority of Cubs, yes and Sixers too,' losing points for their Six in this' section: ^ ; The White . Six with.. George Gibson as Sixer, have won both __________ _ ___ the October and November tom-' den death * of MisZ*Minnie Cath- petiitions, with the Red Six a!’cart in Victoria Hospital, London. close second. Eyidence of the keen I To her brother John we extend competition i£ shown in thd re-1 bur sincere sympaihy. ' ■ ;' '• ASHFIELD NOTES Mrs. Henry MacKenzie will be hostess ' to the / Presbyterian W..M.S. for the December meet­ ing which is the annual meeting.. Mr. Donald Simpson’s friends* will be glad to know he is- able to be home. underwent an appendicitis operation in Goder- ■iclTHbspiXal'tlie”first of last ueek The people of this community were shocked to learn of the $ud- I ft ^Debentures ore; the^afe investment I have been looking for’1 Ji II .'ft WOLF CUBS With a.turnout of 19 Cubs arid one New Chum, the Pack held its regular weekly meeting on Tuesday last, ATcela Thompson, Kaa Umbach and Balbo Stanley in charge. Red Second Paul Em-’ berliri led in the opening cere- mpnies with inspection follow- dng^an(L_a__garne_period-eenduet-- ed by Kaa and £aloo. Akela gave a test on Highway Code followed by Tenderpad instruction; Baloo instruction dh knots, and Kaa put the boys through their* paces on exercises and . some gymnastic work. These activities brought the meeting to a close’ with Red- Fang Gary Ritchie leading in the closing ceremonies, > , , “ The spirit Ot competition .has really caught on in the intermix' ■■ ^ur^n ^r’e debentures guarantee pinteresl on my savings; .and*4%—4 they re a most dependable investment. I cdn buy them for a 5-year term, and for as little as $100. Debentures were tailor-made for my investment rteeds?’ IM •ii Ask (dr the folder ** Qy^stioni* H ui p* dpft i ------ —. — w. J.M. XV K. ML ■WTHL. UBHBaa JBL JM. MOFM’GAGf-, CO HP () DAI' 1 ON Older than the Dominion of Canada ^^^^^MHcHUpre^edUiiyes listed below ■. * ’ . - v ' r., ’ . ■ Vf If/ , u k}1Pr?w ~ Joseph AgneW *• 4* Head Office — London, Ontario. ... ...... ....\