HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-12-09, Page 5it V i I WEDNESDAY, DEC, 9th, IBM Letter. To The Editor THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO « PAGE FIVE IS YOUR MONEY OUT OF WORK? If you yourself were out of work— not making any money, you’d consider yourself something of a failure, wouldn’t you? By the same token—-MONEY should be working, too, making more money and making it safely. 4% Guaranteed Trust Certificates • Unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and* interest. • Pay 4^, payable half-yearly. Short term—5 years. • • Authorized investment for trust funds. No fluctuation in principal. IN 5 YEARS $411*11 ACCUMULATES TO $500.00 STERLING TRUSTS C ORP O R A T I _Q N head office branch office .372 Bay St. 1-3 Dunlop St. Toronto J- Borne 2.» OUR FREE WORLD spent a. happy boyhood in « ^k!?OiW z?nd f9r that 1 a™ most grateful. One. of the songs I'used to enjoy at school was “Rule Brj- ^annia”—a song written in trib­ ute t.o the 'might of the, British Navy, . • Times have indeed. changed since then. Air.power has,forced ahead and in recent years the unbelievable destructive power of the atom bomb has been. ,§hown._ In the ebr irderabje unrest we hear-of at Rhe- present tjme\one name seems' ta stands put- above the dtherf^-nKorea, ' Having heard the. name sb. often during the last few years if- niight* be interesting o kno\y just what * the mere mention ot the word means to Canadians in different walks of life, ^Should Korea and: French Indo. China ^fall prey to the com- ipunist hordes, would our ’way of life in the free .world be really threatened of is that just so much .talk? ' ’ , 1 ■. ’' ■ - ' It seems to me that in the •weeks* arid months fhat. lie just ahead more and more people are going to be obliged to do some concrete thinking about those Far East places. . Certainly we can take the. attitude that Canada’s standard of living is high, so let some of the other countries loo'k up to us as a shining example. Unfortunately we rriust. realize that untold millions of‘people in the world today are not free to lobk or- to worship and whose leaders are vigorously opposed to our way of life. Would it not help to clear our thinking along these lines if some of us made an attempt to briefly’ state our views from time to time in a column of The Sentin- -el^Ihm—^ure^that many" of its readers are quite capable of giv­ ing’us some interesting views along these lines. . ' “RANCHO”. . this’ n’ that ■■ by ROSEMARY THYME Wingharri Hospital. A Want Ad will bring big re­ sults at little cost. Take No Action Carrick Township has taken no action in regard to its share of % of one percent, or $1000, to­ ward the proposed new wing at j ' j . I Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association j | “WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED” j j Meetings Will Be Held On: | j Monday, December i4th ! at 1.15 P.M., «iii the Town Hall, EXETER TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15th at 1.15 P.M., in the Community Hall, BLYTH j------A moviiTg~picture on frozen semen—will be. shoAvn, _as.-well as slides of all the bulls ip use. An opportunity will | j Association, and men will be elected to select and advise j | directors from Huron County on the board of the Waterloo I I Cattle Breeding Association. ' I . 4 j..................... .............................................................• —........................ Do you make hot water pie dough to have on hand? Simply take 1 pound lard (you get best results with lard) and pour over it one cup boiling water, Allow to cool , . . lard - will be quite soft. Add 5 or 6 cups flour, de- pending on the flour; you need a good stiff mixture, Keep jt in the frig, or a good cold place, and cut off a slice when you want tp make a pie, Have you made the Chiffon Pumpkin Pie of last week? I made one for our church turkey supper. It looks very nice too, with chopped pecans in a circle around the edge, and sp it got put away in the corner of the cupboard, with the lush lemon and banana cream pies, for the waitresses. (Isn’t that. wicked?) It was voted “put of this, world”. So yqU had better, try it. It is certainly popular with my family, an^ so easy to dpi . I NE What do’ you suppose the mod­ ern housewife does with all the extra time she should have with all the new time savers? Elect­ rical equipment. Prepared foods, soups’ all reaidy ...to.- heat and serve. . You may combine 'a couple of different va’rfeties and have a change, cream of chicken with cream of mushroom, dr-with, crearh ofcelery soup. You cari try all sorts of combinations. The reason they are so popular is, no doubt, because of the saving in electricity. Years ago we might, have a fire in the big'wood stove, burning all day long, and it was quite easy to have, a pot of soup simmering away on the stoye for hours. I was reading the other day of a particular Cape Cod re­ cipe that had every known vege­ table, and almost every variety of meat, it seemed, and it was supposed to simmer for three days. And cake mixes. You can whip up a cake, in. a. jiffy, with a min- mum of dirty dishes. Add. nuts to a plain White cake, raisins to a spice one, a package, or part of ^package, of jelly powder to a white mix; a lime jelly powd­ er gives you a sice soft green, any red powder a delicate pink. Something nice to do with angel cake, made in a tube pan— dissolve 1 pkg. strawberry jelly powder in ; 1 % cups hot water. When’ partly thickened, beat un­ til fluffy. Fold in ¥2 cup straw- berry jam -or thick strawberry preserves, and % cup cream, whipped. Scoop out pieces of the cake here and there all around the. cake, drop'these pieces in the centre. Pour in gelatin mixture to cover. A sirnple iway .to make a iruited jelly quickly — thoroughly dis­ olve a package of the powder in 1 cup boiling water, then add 1 package of frozen/fruit, still froz­ en. Agitate gently until it is thawed, so ^as not. to mush the *' fruit too much. I’ve digressed. I’m supposed to be still on cake mixes. . Cookie Quicks: ¥4 cup soft shortening, 1 cup Chopped nuts._ _ 1 unbeaten egg, one-tjiird cup of rnilk, 1 pkg. Cake mix, any de­ sired. Stir shortening, nuts and egg together, add milk and cake mix, blending well. Drop by tear spoons. Bake 12 to 15-min._until-j_ lightly—•browned——■■■•■'-. — — — -k You may make chocolate or spice brownies with the same re­ cipe in a greased pan, baking 25 ( .or 30 min. in a moderate .oven. Dust with powdered sugar or ice I thinly. Cut in bars. ■' Dumplings are mixed in a .trice ’ With biscuit .mix, rind you may i make a quick nut or raisin bread with biscuit mix. Quick. Nut Bread; ?£_cup sugar, 1 egg, l?/2.cups milk, 1 cup chopr ped nuts • or raisins, or both, 3 cups biscuit mix. Mix in all in­ gredients. except .biscuit -mix then mix it in well, beating hard for ¥2 min. Bake 45 to 50 min. C60I before cutting; , > . • -I- I IY J i 1 1 1I J* f •I rra- •ing two irse ore zed Ses, and re- and . It po k the the had VE the at • - • in and , /(Mr. JLiv- v jars she ——>re- son; son, late the zzie >ur- ?as- iack. Zer- tell •nth rnal riild —at / var- I i i i d= I i i i I wen as suaes oi an me uuns iji use. ah uppui luimj. wm * ! be given for questions about the Waterloo Cattle Breeding j ■ ' A-Li.-.—J —Al-. — LI_______...111 V.-» ~Inn♦ ..*1 in cnln/ii onrl arliric'o z /■ I GRAND DISPLAY “GIFTS FOR THE HOME” at the- MILDMAY FURNITURE STORE CHESTERFIELDS ’KROEHLER and other beautiful suites displayed in our two showrooms (one on each side oi Main St., Mildmaj). TRADE IN your old suite. Show cushion from ydur suite | to salesman for trade-in evaluation. CSr I ■» ISssI................. . . to salesman for trade-in evaluation. 1|_1_Select-from . , . ...:— 20 Livingroom Suites 18 Bedroom Suites I' a ft o Hr, r a $ . $ <57 . $. ■ I •i ■ $ • «* CORONATION MEDAL AWARDED GIBSON WHITE tere - - 7iine ;r— un- rees tere 1.24 be- ■' hes. , *»■ t as tWo low Chrome & Dinette'Suites § »• * & T New And Used PIANOS Schuett’s. Specialize In •g Chesterfields and Fiaiios g $1 00.00 PRIZE CONTEST f . With'every $16.00 purchase you receive a ch | ■'“Christmas' Gift" of MerctaiMW: I Godfrey Schuett, MIldmay j I ■........1 Free Deli very. ?’ r Easy Payment Plan • , • ’ I . 1V " ■* t W. Gibson White, son of Mrs. Margaret White, Seaforth, receiv­ ed a Coronation medal recently, .He is employed., in . the office of the Department of Veterans’ Af­ fairs in London., • During, the. Second World War'. Mr. White w.as in uniform (for 5- 5'ears, four of which he 'served overseas as- Lieutenant-Colonel. Gibson, was 1 .raised at Seaforth- where he was ; awarded a’ scholarship on his | graduati on-, from the Seaf,orth Col leglate Institute, From 1927 to 1931 he attended the University, of Western Ontario College of Education before teaching on the j staff ;of the Walkerville'Cplleg-j fate as a classics specialist’ He I > 'did not resume teaching on* his j return from overseas. ' - Ho is a nephew, of Miss Eliza-> be.th Mprdie Of . town, ' Lieutenant-Colonel, born here • and was i {hrfVi- tirhoro ha ,»,£><• ■ .fr I rqjT/ar a;. BtBKtI'jaisa 3 last^■'1 a a J f 1 aar ' [ mat day • lay, ting Phe tree the-. 5 of SHOMMSHtMtn MMOMnWiwrotnc'OCTfl o (0 , blic i.m; the 3/s- ack ‘ent ■ eto, lip-; idi- ■ idol • Was- » lac- 1 .ad-; on ■». 12