HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-12-09, Page 1l ie u ;h. ,l't. ' h • "’S " e ■' LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, DEC. 9th, 1953 T" l i, • I r* ' A. 90 ■/*' WWM .56 57 48 2 130 19 ..62 93.71 • 42 83 98 68 65 77 k 86 77 93-. 64 40. 639 528 ’,508' 413 276 1. Dun- 3. Zion; Kingsbridge; •88- 73 50 ' 65 52' -51 3'3 * 10.0 19 17 482 .457 68 55 53 8J 39 ""78'“"“ 109 ■ vf9 >■ . 75 39 68 ft,J10 .. ...... 116 72 M, Gibson .- .£■. Gould W. Alton ■G» Ffbl^ysoh' I I • _ D, MacKenzie J. Bradley >■.... Ritchie ...... Howard X». R. Wilson “•as third, man elected,...just U votes .behind. Mr. Gould. . . Polling- subdivisibns 'and^the •vote, by .polls follows: ’ ' ■t gannon*;' ’2, S-S, ■ No.. 9; i 4, . Port' Albert; 5, .-1 CONFERRED WITH FACTORY OWNER LAST WEEK » ■98 96 HO ‘58 57. School Area Trrii^tees (‘first ibree 18 22' SUFFERED HIP FRACTURE Mrs. Daisy McCharles suffered fractured hip' in a fall at. her taken to Kincardine Hospital and fracture 'was pinned. Mrs. Mc­ Charles will shortly be returned to Kincardine Hospital until she is able to go home. TEN PAGES |2.50 A Year ln Advance—$i.oo Extra To U.S A. AUXILIARY ADDS~ FOUR MEMBERS The December meeting of the Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Canad­ ian Legion was held in the Leg- —ionRoomsonTuesday,“December 1st. Prior to the meeting a de­ licious turkey. supper was enjoy7 ed by 47 ladies. Apart from the turkey the ‘trimmings’-’ were of the “i^ot luck” variety. Four new members were in­ itiated by President Sadie Mac­ Millan. They were Mrs. Margaret Hamilton, Mrs. Garnet Hender­ son, Mrs. Bob Macintosh, i Mrs. Jack MacDonald. Mr. J. W. Joynt spoke briefly on the Navy League Stating he would like the Ladies’ Auxiliary to < take over the Navy League Tag Day. The ladies decided to sponsor a Well Baby Clinic Which .is un-{ $er the* jurisdiction of the Bruce! County Health Unit. I A donation of $75 is to be sent! to the Canadian Legion Branch No. 309, also a $10 donation to . the TB Christmas Seal Fund. All members vacated their of­ fices, and new officers for 1954 ( were installed by , Past President Eva Hijack. They are as follows: Pres., Sadie'MacMillan; 1st vice, Anna Johnston; 2nd vice, Mar­ garet, Wasney; sec., Grace John-” ston; treas., Arabelle Bushell; standard bearer, Ethel Armstrong ; deputy standard bearer, Dorothy Anderson; executive cornmittee, - _i^,^j)llyerjJE._JReid—Mv-MgcFar^r^ lane, M. McQuillin, K. Forster. An enjoyable/program follow-, ed with an exchange of Christ- a mas gifts by Mrs? Santa Claus. PTE. DUNCAN TO ARRIVE^ IN TORONTO. THURSDAY ‘ Pte.. K. M. Duncan, son of Mr; and Mrs. Jim Duncan of town, is scheduled to arrive in Toronto . on /Thursday. Ken was. one of more than 900 men of the 27th Canadian Infantry Brigade who arrived* at Halifax on Saturday aboard the Cunard liner Sam- ■ aria. ■ ? r." ^-^Suffering-from'sinTKrPt^Dun^ can was temporarily hositalized at Halifax . which delayed him from • continuing the homeward r trip/ ” His wife and two children have been residents of the Village for some time. Mrs. Duncan is meet­ ing her husband in Toronto. CHILDREN baptized at SUNDAY SERVICE tt v16 morning service in the united Church on Sunday, Rev. C. A. Meiklejphn baptized the frillow.ingchildrenrSm daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Nicholson; Sandra. Louise, dau­ ghter of Mr. and‘ Mrs. William G. Humphrey; James Bryce,, sori of Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Elliott; Pat­ ricia Isobel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs; Alvin, Hamilton; Eric Mur­ ray, son of Mr.- and Mrs Eric Hackett; Janet Pauline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Thompson. In the choir anthem an alto ■duet' was taken by Mrs; Orville Jones and Mrs. Donald Watson. a fractured hip in a"' fall at. her home ten. days ago. She was first from there to London when the fracture 'was pinned. .Mrs, Mc- Charles will shortly be returned Hl KIDS, SANTA'S HERE SATURDAY Santa Claus is Lucknow bound!' He is due to arrive here at.. 100 p.m.. on Saturday afternoon, and ’: els^xpeeting-alLthechildr^n from near and far to be on hand to greet him. Santa plans to meet the child­ ren at theySupertest Garage cor­ ner, where the Lucknow District High School Band, ^ill be ■ on hand. to escort him down the. Main Street and back, .' Following the parade there will be two free shows at The Play­ house for rural children. The first show is at 1.30 and the sec­ ond at 3.30, so there will be lots of room , for all the children and each will receive a big bag of sweets, through the courtesy of the Lucknow Business MeiTs_As^_ sociation. / -x • On Saturday morning at 9.30 there will be a free show for the town children arid a treat for thern too. It is necessary, hbW- ever. for the 2o.wn—iikidsT-to-at- tend: the morning show to pro­ vide afternoon accomodation for their “country cousins”. Cecil Blake Sweeps Reeveship In Ashfield Township, Big Vote Polled Monday’s full slate election in closest contender. Veteran Coun- * • ; cillors John Bradley and Andrew j Ritchie finished second and third I with only 20 votes separating J them. Thomas Upward, another \new” man, wasHn the fourth ’spot. 'Reuben Wilson was unsuc­ cessful in his .bid fbr a-seat. The -.school, trusted race was; • the closest of all with only 68 . XLptes-be.twee.n...lhe.-higlu. and., lo w-, man, Marsha it. Gibson headed the poll, twenty-five' votes* ahead of Ashfield for reeve, councillors j and school trustees, with the co-1 operation of . the weatherinan, I brought out a’ record-breaking | vote, that elected Cecil Blake as i,eeVe of- the Township with a /. ^Weeping count of^?48. In second place was CouncillorKenneth MacKenzie, while Reeve Elmer Graham... went- do W-n-to -decisiy gu defeat in seeking a, fourth term as feeVe. */ Mr. Blake had heacled the poll Jack Gould. ./mmp for councillor a year ago with 522 Gordon Finlayson. / votes, and even his most dptom-/was Wii • .istic supporters didn’t bank on I,* the vote ho rolled up on M<)TRia.y. !'• Donald MacKenzie,, a newcom-. I' er to the municipal field,. headed the poll for councillor with votes, more than 100 over r */■.' ■ '■ ■i ' , ■ ■’ Reeve ' ' ' ■ / ’■ 1: Cecil Blake 142 K. MacKenzie 12__ , Graham■. Councillors (first four elected) r 143'" 97 ■ 91 42' 27 his116 ■ F'arrish.hoitfcf .7,.;Laiti‘ierz 2 3 ■’.4 ■'5;' 6 • '7'.Total ■99 8-9 81 70 39 48 ■ 548 .25;' 18 38 ■ 1 Q . 59. 9 ' 73 ' 1 (y 279 .. mtws DR. JOHNSTON TO LEAVE LUCKNOW It has been officially confirmed 4hat_-.Dr.~Wr“V^yrohnston^is^"to leave Lucknow ’•within less than three months, ' . Dr. Johnston has accepted th<e. position of executive-dir ectdr of a medical organization, with ofr fice in. Toronto. His' duties will begin in. March, and he will be here, until that time. Mrs. John- ston and Nancy will remain in Lucknow until the summer. Dr. Johnston’s practice will be taken over by Dr. M. H. Corrin who has been associated wjth him here for the past 54/2 years. Members of the Village Council were in Kitchener last week con­ ferring with Mr. AVm. Renaud, owner of the . local furniture plant. Purpose of the visit was tb“ discuss and clarify any points that might be of mutual advan­ tage to both the owner and the Village, in their efforts to have, the idle plant in operation again. There was no immediate en­ couragement in this regard. Those making the trip to Kitchener in­ cluded Reeve S. E. Robertson, Councillors V. A. Mowbray and Archie Smith and Clerk E. H. Agnew- : -__... ■ — KIN LOUGH HOME • . \ t . . ■ ■ ■■■ r, ' The ^“residence occupied k. by Cleve Hill, about a ihile 'e^st'-of“ Kinlougb, was practically des- troyed by fire on Saturday night. The farrti is owned by Alex. Percy and is known as the ‘Rousom place”. The fact that Mr. Hill had been away for a couple of days deep­ ened the mystery of the ouit- ' break. Cleve had been, at the farm of Howard Glass since Fri­ day morning, assisting with the chores in their absence. Mr. Hill’s home is not wired arid he burns ‘ wood. In addition the location of the outbreak was not hear the stove. The fire would appear, to. have started in a downstairs partition and to have broken through on the exterior .of the home. The blaze was discovered by Tom Hodgins about ten o’clock Satur­ day evening when returning from Kinlough. Neighbors were sum- ■ moned and a bucket brigade went into action while a call was sent to Lucknow Fire Company, The blaze had reached the rcof through the partitions when they arrived, but the bucket brigade - had been doing a. gipod job of slowing the flames, and when the pumper succeeded in drafting , water from a roadside creek, it . looked as if the home rinight _be___:__ saved from , being ^mpletely gutted. The pumper, however, started sucking sediment and,, the truck had to be moved to another Water hole 9and hose lines moved. headway and the building was doomed. There was ho spectac­ ular blaze, but a persistent in­ stack didn’t take fire and willing , workers worked feverishly in bagging up several hundred Bus- shels of grain, which were stored in a kitchen adjoining the main building. The weairy half-dozen Luck­ now Firemen were served lunch at Alex Percv’s„and_-it-was-near—— ing) four a.m. Sunday when they got back to town. THAT Mrs. D. N. Lawrence left last week for Tampa, Florida, j^dien2L^he-4V4il^pend-^e-wm^-" ter. ■ ■ ■ v- T’— BUYS CRAWFORD HOUSE j f | Rg ’ (J ESTROYS Mr. R, B. Quance has bought Ernie Crawford’s residence / on Havelock St.across_from—_the- ^chdql7"which is. at present ten­ anted by Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Collyer.. The sale was transacted’ oh’Wednesday of last week.*’ "NIGHT CLASSES TO START FIRST WEEK IN JANUARY Night class courses in commer­ cial and shop work subject^will get underway the first week in January and will run for fifteen weeks. The shop work group is so large that it will be necessary to divide them into two classes, Ar­ rangements for suitable nights for these classes will, be subject to .change, we understand, accordr. ing as. it suits the class as a whole, but inaugural dates have been set for the 5th, 6th arid 8th, of January. The classes. will be two hours a night. / j Sqme have indicated ah inter-1 est in > leather craft, and* those interested are requested to notify Mr. H. B. Burden, the night class -instructor, hpt later than Decem­ ber 15th. ' ■ RECEIVES $100'CHEQUE, ON TRIP TO DETROIT Murray Gapnt may have miss­ ed the. Queen’s Guineas x “by a whisker”, but he’s not missihg out on much else. At the 4-H Club Achievement Night at Seaforth on Friday, Mur^. ray received a $100 cheque, for having, the top Shorthorn at the Royal. ’ < ? This week he is one of the three Guineas competitors on a three-day trip to Detroit where .they are attending the Junior, Shdrthorn 4-H Show. Ross Gra­ ham, the Guineas winner; Don Vancise and Murray and Assist­ ant Ag. Hep. Gordon Bennett made up the foursome that'irrot- ored to Detroit. . Don is reserve champion win­ ner and he also receives $100 for haying the top Hereford. . Murray, incidentally, is still hobbling around with his, injured knee iri a cast, which he has worn for eight Weeks/ He expects to have at removed on his; return. APPENDIX DIDN’T STOP ASHFIELD CLERK FOR LONG In . the midst, of a Township election, Donaild Simpson, clerk­ treasurer of the' municipality of Ashfield, was stricken with an appendicitis attack last Tuesday and underwent an operation that night in Goderich Hospital.,. . Mrs. SimJpson, HoweVer^ did Donald iri compietirig election af- . _ra-ng-7men-te---and-by—the—end-^oP the week Donald was home again,. and was on the job;tabulating the returns on Monday of this week, arid on Tuesday' made a trip to town to “get the stitches out”. . ■'■ •; ;7r - . /• ? . reflect reuben Wilson HEAD OF JOSHUA, R,B,P; At the annual meeting held at Amberley Orange_ Ball, S. K'. .conducted the election of officers as'follows: ‘ ’ ■ Reuben Wilson was re-elected Wor. Preceptor for 1954. Others are, D,P., Clarence * MacLennan; chap., James Ketchabaw; rec. sdc„ . Leslie Ray; • treas,/ -Alvin IrMn; 1st iect./W. G/Webster; 2nd lect; Alton SmelW; censors, Charles Wylie and-Claude Dore; S. beai>. ersr Chester Emmerton add.T> -It J ■ TO HEAR REPORT ON kintAil HALL A progress report in connection with-the—proposed'~Communify Hall at Kintaib will b<e heard, at a public meeting on Thursday, evening in Kintail Hall. ? \ weeks ago, the venture was well discussed and the Working of the Community Halls Act, under Which .the project would be un­ dertaken, was explained by Mr. Jerry Montgomery, Agricultural Representative. ^'rAt'eommittee of $ five was ap­ pointed at that meeting to in­ vestigate the matter further and to negotiate for the purchase of the privately-owned hall from Mr. Dan MacLean. A new site for the building will also be nec- essary if the pr6ject goes ahead, which seems altogether, likely. The committee includes the fol­ lowing: Bob Snripson, Mrs. Rae Dalton, Henry MacKenzie/ Jack Collinson and Mrs. Jack MacKen- zie, ■. - . ■ - -with—the proposed -Community Hall at Kintail, will be heard, at a public meeting on Thursday evening in Kintail Hall. - . At the first meeting a couple of t ,-----------—------------ ‘ “ The delay gave the flames fresh headway and the building was doomed. There was no spectac­ ular blaze, but a persistent in-. , the-walls fire. A nearby straw stack didn’t take fire and willing workers worked feverishly in bagging up several hundred bus- shels of grain, which were stored in a kitchen adjoining the main building. The weary half-dozen Luck- now Firemen were served lunch at Alex Percv’s„and_-it-was-near—■— ingi four am. Sunday when they ;e • ■> ' ie.'. ' ie ■ B.M.A. ANNOUNCES STORES OPEN THURSDAY ‘ ......... ' ■» ' The Lucknow Business Men’s Association announces that Luck­ now, business places will remain Open each Thursday afternoon until Christmas. It is also announce dthat. stores will rbmain. open evenings during Christmas week. . TOM TODD HONORED FOR 4-H LEADERSHIP At the 4-H Club Achievement Night held at Seaforth on Fri­ day, Tom Todd of St, Helens was honored with the presentation of a Club Leader’s Certificate in re-.. cognitionzof five years’ voluntary service as a leader of the Luck- how Baby/Beef Calf Club. ......a’111,1 .................................................................................................................... ihm.KM John Diirnin Reeve Of Wawanosh, Three New Men On Council Board John.Dufnin was elected reeve iof^West^ WUWariOsii i voting with a ^majority of 120 ------ over Harnlcl_-Gai]ntr-WhfY-has-held~~Lorner~Durnin The last three are the reeveship for two years. : . ■ ^The Aubtirn poll was the last one to be reported arid to that point Mr.'Durnin had but'a nine-, vote . lead .on Mr, Gaunt. The - Gordon Struthers, who has served south poll gave ■ “their” man 111 of ra > majority, arid history re­ peated itselfin that, because of •thp heavy vot#. in the south, few 'men from the “north end’’ have eveV successfully contested the reeveship. . ■ sume the,'reeVeshif} with, a'' back­ ground of six years’ service as a councillor. Reeve ' 1 John Durnin 121 Harold Gaunt 47 ’ CoiineiliofS (first four elected) Harvey Culbert 155k _ ‘OrVril McPhee............... .132 140 Eldon., Miller....... ............73 . Lome Durnin 76 Gdf^bri' Struthers 63 iCouncillors^elect, are .Harvey ‘Cuibert; af the head of the poll,' .Orval McPhee,- Eldon Miller arid/ __________,________T_. _____ _____ __________j. all new naeanbOrs. Councillor Cui-. bert has been a member. of the Board for two years. The unsuccessful candidate W'as . ss Councillor fph.fiye years. He too, polled.Xgood vote, in ah ex­ ceptionally.close’council*;race that saw less than 100 votes separat- ■mg. the high and the low. man. ■ The .subdivisions and the vote bj? subdiVisioris follows: No. 4\ ■ Reeve-Ft pot. Pnrnin^__vu.LLl—as~^B44m£a-nn-onr-Nor^r^Arrbrn^'H^o?^ 3; Township Hall; No. 4^ St, Hel- ens; No. 5. ‘‘Anderson’s”;No. 6, St. Augustine.• k' - " J . '■ 4 .■. > ’6 .Total 54 * 28 '.■ 47 20 400 28 65 82'39 ; 280 ’62 1 .59 5.9.’ .34.... 459' • 53 25 29 46 425 • 50 75 . 112 .49 *- 41T - 57 ; 75 91 .’49 406 W ' ?9.96 «■ 20 363