HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-12-02, Page 8t I >■ PAGEEIGHT s I SEE BY THE SENTINEL 1 I 1 ’Phone Carlow- 2105 R.R. 1, Port Albert \ 35c 6 1 I Peas, 20 oz.2 Corn, 20 oz. 2, for 39c for 29c THAT P. M;/ Johnston won the —-lady’s’Lprize7andEarl Harr is the man’s prize at. the Auxil­ iary Shoot party on Friday ev­ ening. Xmas Candy and Mixed; Nuts“ g at attractive prices .3 L Printed Rayon Cloth, size 45” by 4f)Hj only $1.98 k ‘ Cotton Embroidery pillow Cases, ? pair ............................nu.h?../ $2*98 her wallet in Lucknow, al­ though fortunatelyz there Was not much money in it, » ( Sponge Rubber non-slip Mats, - f . fed and green $2,9$ RAY* ROBINSON Floors;7 LAID, SANDED AND FINISHED^ ONLY 19 MORE DAYS To Select Your>. . , < * GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS -.■■Jfcfeir We Suggest: WOMEN’S SLIPS ... . ..... . Crepe ............. 1........................... •. $£■?&> . Nylon ..............,..................... $2.98, $3.95, $4.95„ $5.95 Sizes *32-46, Generously frosted with deep lace on top, hem and straps, Makes a welcome gift and a welcome addition to your own wardrobe too!NLYON HOSIERY v7-,. —t <—^—--—^.-,-ft. v -Kayser, Corticelli, Phantom,- Weldrest-Mn all the latest 5 '■. ?yfaR'Shadesf^GIFT^BOXEIJ^FR^y'' HANKIES, HEADSQUARES, SCARVES J . . .ft We have a beautiful array of linen and lawn handker- ^j . chiefs, silk and'wool head^^ros, silk ,heck scarves. J Station, Wagon Coatsi : Dresses, Skirta^ Blouses, § - ■ Sweated, ' , Gldye$ '. Handbags. FOR THE MAN IN YOUR HOUSE: SHIRTS .... v By Forsyth^ Broadcloth, Corduroy, Wool Plaids and Checks, Cashmere Cotton. SWEATERS .... Pullovers and Cardigans, long sleeve and sleeveless. Sizes S, M, L, 32-46, in finest Botany wool. Nylon and Nylon, Rayon and Wool Mix Sox Ties, ’ Linen Handkerchiefs, plain or initial Work Socks, Nylon Reinforced Throughout ' Doeskin arid Brushed Cotton Shirts Jackets and Station Wagon’Coats | MENS, l^IES\anS CHILDR^^ WEJtfl I 1 Piece GoocTs and Woollens i g — J ? ■ •..y ■■ THAT Raymond Finnigan and Walter Alton have ^both suf­ fered the loss recently of con* siderable sums of money and last week Mr® J. W. McGee of Goderich reported the loss ,pf Do your Christmas Shopping Early ■ and ' Save By . Buying At Your I.G.A. I.GA. Maraschino Cherries, 16oz. 51c ffi Aylmer . .3 Cut Mix Peel, 8 oz. 18c § Cut Mixed Fruit, 8 Oz, 19c tj Red Glace Cherries, 8 oz. 27c ft Silverwood Butter, lb. .... 64c gBowes Almond Icing/ lb. 43c u Aylmer'“Fruit Cake Mix 69 c § White Swan Toilet Tissue 2|25c . ft Challenger g Red Sockeye Salmon | SMITH’S FOOD MARKET | THAT Mrs. Jessie Allin has been appointed local and district re^ presentative for British Knit. THAT a large Crowd at Blake’s Hall on Friday ^evening was well entertained by * the.play, “A Close Shave”, presented by Blueyale ^RU^Wm. Bucking­ ham provided entertainment between acts.'' • .■■?. -■ ■ ./A?■ . THAT Wei^were eight tables at ; the Monday riigli| Shoot’party. , The winners were Mrs. Bark­ well arid Jim Mathers. THAT Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rit- chie moved recently frdm the farmin Ashfield: totheir home in, Lucknow; which they pur- • chased from Hector Purdon. k Neighbors in the Lanesville _community—presented—:thjem. with a lovely lamp. The pres­ entation was made informally by Mr. & Mrs. Cyril Campbell. i.gX Choice Choice Country Kist " Wax Beans, 15 oz. ............ 10c Large Head Lettuce 2 for. 33c Fresh Mushrooms, lb. 65c I I 8 » «ar . :S" a ft ft 5 ft — J..'.;., — r - - - ...W; ' Grapefruit, 96’s 10 for 49c ft Red Emperor Grapes, 2 lbs. 31c g THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, ' Ontario WAWANOSH ELECTION (Continued from Psge 1) E|don Miller and Qrv$ McPhee., ‘Jj'riday’s nomination meeting was presided over by a former yeeve and warden, Mr. ‘ Brown Smyth, and apart from a con­ tentious assessment . affair, ' the meeting passed off quietly. The following nominations, were received by Clerk Durnin Phillips: y For Reeye Harold Gaunt by Win. Webster .and' Gordon Struthers, ' . 7 John- Durnin by ~Archie Mac- Millan and Ross MacPherson. Gordon MacPherson by ’ Leo Foran and Archie MacMillan, Brown Smyth by Ldfne. Dur­ nin and John R. Thompson. FOr Councillors Benson Johnston by Wm. Good and Edwin Mills, John Durnin -by Brown Smyth arid; Walter Washington. Harvey Culbert by G. C. Greer and Gordon Struthers, 'Gordon Struthers by Harvey Culbert and' J. H. Gaunt. Lome Durnin by Ross Mac­ Pherson and Archie. MacMillan* . Eldon Miller iby Archie M^0- Millan and Leo .Foran. ( Orval McPhee fay Ben John­ ston and Edwin Mills. Wesley Jbyrit by Archie Mac­ Millan and Eldori Miller. George. Phillips by Lorrie Dur­ nin. and Archie Aitchison. For School-Trustees Harvey Anderson by Jim Cur­ ran and. Wm. Webster. James Curran by Eldon Miller «arid Archie MacMillan. THAT the initial reception from CFPL-TV, which went on the air on Saturday night, was quite disappointing, locally. ; However, it’is understood that “ this station has a greater power than what vi$ presently being channelled, and eventually TV viewers can expect better re­ ception ftom this/ London sta- . tion. ■ 7 ’ • THAT Murray Taylor, son of Mr. and: M^ jph^ter Taylor, of West WawanOSh, has resigned his position as manager of the Dominion Store at Walkerton and has returned to Wingham to take over.. the position of Canadian National Express ag­ ent. ■ THAT Mrs, Archie Anderson of Montreal is keeping very well? and loves to read The Sentinel news of all her old friends. To them she extends the season’s greetings and best wishes for good health. - < ^-o-^ ■■ ■. THAT the; District High School Board pnd the teaching* staff have been quite concerned Over some apparently wanton darn- ; age and defacement that, occur,- red last week at the newt school. THAT Donald Thompson has ter­ minated his course at Ryerson Institute and has returned home to join the Sentinel staff. A THAT The Sentinel . reporter is accustomed to jotting down notes in divers quarters and positions, but we had a new ; 'experience last week. We “cov- . ered” the .Ashfield nomination meeting, squatted on the end of a rather skimpy block of •’“^ood-^j^ked^Up^-ai^inStHjhe?- furriace. We weren’t alone —among__the “restless” block . squatters, and aren’t Complain­ ing, but just ' cite the instance to show how overtaxed the ac­ comodation was by the record crowd in attendance. «1 s S ................... ..........~' ............. ■ I:........ . § The gift that keeps on giving for many, many years, and S will be a daily reminder to your children of lovmg, interest- I ” st A Piano For Christmas I §;■ ed parents . . . Music is essential to humanity, so rain mere L enjoyment pow .for the whole‘family by selecting a truly Sb worthwhile Piano for Christmas. s 7-ft TRIANON MODEL PRICED FROM $590 UP Large trade-in allowance on your' old piano .... . Terms 7 available if. desired. New and Used Pianps lat Greatly Reduced Prices. * CALL, SEE and TRY THESE PIANOS Garnet E. Farrier Piano Sales & Service, WHITECHURCH > fhone 711-Jrl, Wingham .i ; FREE DELIVERY Edwin Mills, by Wm. Good arid Walter Washington.. Albert . Taylor by John Cam­ eron and Frank McQuillin.- No. 5 At St. Helen's School The voting in West Wawanosh takes place next Monday between the hours <^ 9*00 ami. and 5.00 j___________ _ ________ <p.m. There is a change in one retire next year are Win. Web­ polling centre. No. 5 “Patrons ster and Wallace Miller. Hall” at Anderson’s, where vot­ ing has been held for years, was recently sold < and moved ^to Belfast where it became part of a residence. Balloting at this poll is now held at St. Helen’s School. The six polls are as follows:’No. 1, Dungannon; No. 2, Public Lib­ rary, Auburn; No. 3, Township Hall; No. 4, Community, Hall, St. Lucknow District High School 7, Commencement In TheVMigh School Auditorium Friday, December 4 ■. at 8.15 p.m. sharp Selections by The Band and Glee Club GUEST SPEAKER: Kitchener-Water loo Y.M*C.A. ........7 .....>„.,.*■■■ ’ ■ I,,-;.. V,...... e NORMA SHERWOOD, VALEDICTORIAN WM, CONRON, BARITONE SOLOIST Admission—50c - MEN! DRESS GLOVES, brown leather, Warmly lined, sizes 8% to IWz. Price $2.50,'$2.75 and $2;98 pr. WHITE ‘HANDKERCHIEFS, Irish . lirieri .*>».»...50c. Plain white Cotton or Striped •borders• 25c , NIGHT SHHITS^—striped cotton flannelette, sanforized, sizes J5 td ... ..........$3.35. aridl$3.50 & WEDNESDAY, DEC. 2nd, 1053 I Helens; No.’ 5, S.S. No.' 4; St. Helens; No, 6, Parish Hall, St. Augustine. Trustees Returned 7^-Therl^ee^^iririg-sdiooMrus^ tees, James Curran, Harvey An* dersbn and Ted Mills, were re­ turned by acclamation. The bther two members of the' Board who Albert Taylor was the only other trustee nominated on Fri- day. BORN a GIBBONS—in JVvingham General Hospital on Tuesday, November 24/ 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. George Gibbons, R. 3, Wingham, a son. The- market store JUST RIGHT FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS OR PERSONAL USE:— Gay Hankies in assorted, fibril design. Priced from 20c to 50c m.u A.-,-:, ..-L-,1-.^■... J . Dainty Hankies Of fi^e Swiss cot­ ton, colorful floral embroidery in one corner, 3 in gift box. Price .......79c and 89c 3-Piece Lace Sets, priced 89c set . MEN! . : ' “Hanson” 100 percent pure wool Work Sok, nylon reinforced toes. arid heelS“~ ' ’ 5 lb, weight ,$1.35 pr, . .'. .'4 lb, weight $1,25 pr, ’ Al - • ‘ '. . 3 lb. Weight ............$1.10 pr. 2 Va lb, weight ■.,.,Lv...95c..,ri.rKj;...,„. . ■ 7 ’ ■ s ' 3 ■ ■ > ■ ■ ■ ' '■ •; ■ ; ' ■ y ■■ v ■ ' « ■7 7.............■'i ’ -