HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-12-02, Page 3I. * WEDNESDAY, DEC. 2nd, 1953 i — n — iiwn — i LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Minister: ReV. G. A. Meiklejohn, B.A., B.D. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6th 11.00 a.m.: Sacrament of Holy j Baptism. i 12.15 p.m.: Sunday School; | i7.00 p.m.: Colored Slides— j “This Is Angola!!_—4- Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A., Minister. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6th 11 a.m.:~Mornrhg Worship. 12.1$ i>.m.r Sunday School. 3 p.m.: Erskine, Dungannon, 7 p.m.: Evening Worship, Sunday School Christmas Concert, Friday, December 11 at 7.30. i THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO , PAGE THREE 7*****"—*" 1 ... ......,7; .. J,« ................ * CHURCH CHANNELS The Christian Funeral ' We bring to our readers the outstanding points of three leaf­ lets of two. great Protestant de^ nominations which have been published. The most distressing times that any of us are likely to face comes with a death in the family. Even when expected, death is a paral­ yzing shock to those who are left. Emotionally, mentally and spiritually we are upset. The nat­ ural reaction is iodo, every thin g- we can in the final .a^t of tbe .funeralto express our esteem-and affection for the loved one. At such a time we need some guid­ ance.’ ■ , ' ' .. ■ . 1' Because of the Christian under­ standing of death, the Christian funeral is a service of worship. It is an act of praise and thanks­ giving for our jhiope of eternal life by faith in our Risen Lord. Also • because of Christ, the Church, the household of Faith is involved, and the funeral ser­ vice is. a congregational matter. Unless unusual 4conditions pre­ vail, the burial service should be held in the church. The deepest .moments of-life from baptism to .burial should take place in God’s House. When death occurs in a family the first thing to do is to call! I your, minister, no matter the time of day .or night. He- will, advfee you as to all the suitable, ar-] rangeiiients, the4 customs of the ■locakchUrch'rand^ will heTp?ybu in the notifying of. your; friends.. Flowers' however beautiful*, last only a few'hours, and are- not a- liylng memorial. Individuals. pr groups 4 may pay tribute to‘the) deceased by giving some lasting] ....... ... .....jwt vf_ mcmcria! vnuiuu ui vu, era|jon which she^-und^rwent-T'er • some other good ■ ■ . 4"4 The~deceased "was interested. The’ • ‘ . family may be informed of this Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin vis- . lited a -few ’days ;4 last.. week at ; Eganville with Mr. and Mrs. Al­ lan' Stuart and family and with Mr. and Mrs. John Martin Und David of Maple and also took in the Royal Winter Fair at Tor-' onto. . - • Visitors with Mrs. Ellen Me-1 Nall on Sunday were. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McNall and children of Blyth, Mrs. Robert McNall and Roberta of Langside, Mrs. Harry Swan and daughter of Kjnloss and Mrs. McNall’s nephew, Wil­ liam Hackett. i I I i I ANNOUNCE WINNERS OF LIBRARY BRIDGE MARATHON „ . We take, great pleasure in an­ nouncing the winners of the . Lucknow Public Library bridge " “ C ma rath On as^folio wsTTirsC pr ize? ) silver'comport, going to Mrs- Wm. Douglas* with a score of 21,460;. second, prize, isii ver— candy- dish,- to Mrs. ._W. jL. MacKepjy_e,J 19,640;. "i: and third prize, a china cheese dish donated by Wm, Schmid,’go­ ing to. Mrs. Well. Hen def son, with' v 7 18.560 points 4 7"” "4-t- May ■ we also, at this4 time, . sincerely thank all those who participated, as regular players •. ..and4 as subs, together with those who so kindly made donations. In extending our appreciation may we remind you that the’Library -— is there for your convenience; and .-we hope you will take ad­ vantage® of the very good , selec­ tion .of books ’and publications. { Signed on behalf of the Luck­ now Public Library, Mrs. W.. V. Johnston, Mrs/ M... C. Hamilton;, Mr. E. H. Agnew. , ’ ’ * ■ • • * DOUBLE RECEPTION AT ZION FOR NEWLYWEDS ■ _/_ A double wedding reception was held at Zion Hall for Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Ritchie and Mr. and Mrs. Lome Wall on Fri­ day, November 20th. This pleas- —----ant 'social event was sponsored by Maple Grove L.O.L. No. 1044 and a purse of money was pre­ sented to each couple after the following address had been fead: Dear Beth and Graydon, Cather­ ine and Lome: We, your friends and neighbors, are gathered here tonight to hon: our you on your recent marriage. Graydon and Lome we have V known you for some time as you have been members of dur Lodge..1 here. . We wish to . . . -. . ±,, . 2. . brides to this community/’hop-’reasonable acts of Christian love, ing you . havie many . happy married life. , We would ask - you to a co • this token of the esteem in which niimity.’ you are held. _ , , . ■ , rrSigned on- behalf ’of your -friends -Mi’Sr- Clif-f^-R-ou lston and-Ken-^ and-neighbors, Earl Swan,. Llovd noth spent a few days with ieia- Saunders ■ 4 . _______—tires -in. StrathroyL^u- — : 1. ■ * . Local & General GIFT GIVING is easily solved with a new 01: renewal subscrip- ’ tion to The Sentinel, Just, say, ; “send it”, and we’ll forward at the proper time an attractive gift ' announcement card. .■ ■ ■• • ' ■ • - : ■ . ! Miss- Hazel Webster has gone. ) to Clinton to spend the winter j months with Mrs. Rbbt. Webster.? Mr. W. T. Roulston attended. a J w^k-endt-7conference-w^hich was': held at Five Oaks at Paris. « Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Barkwell, ; Carole and MJurray, $nd Mrs. Evelyn Barkwell visited friends in Dundas oyer the week-end. Miss Flora Webster of Kitch- I ener spent the week-end with her j parents; Mr. and Mrs. Richard I Webster. . | Mrs. F. W. Hargraves of Strat- t ford visited with iher sister, Miss Jennie Mather, guest at the Hen­ derson home, one day last week. Russ Middleton left . on Wed- j nesday for Toronto where he will • spend the winter with Mr. and Mrs. George Middleton. . Mrs. George Blue and Misses Marjorie Blue and Jean Brier of Detroit were visitors last', week with Mr. jand Mrs.., Noble John- ■ s.tori. ..7-■ 4 <■•■■ • . • • Mrs. Charles Lorenz returned ) to her home on Saturday. She ac- Clarence Bell, with whom she ’ i1’ ’ '/ . . land,. Ohio. . ■. '7...77.. Mrs. Jack Campbell is visiting, in Kingston, with Mr. and Mrs., I..A, G.. Aitchison. Mrs. Aitchison •14 xi,■- “ u u > 7° I is convalescing from a major Op­memorial -to -the church or to,) _ . . . . . J I I by letter. 7- . Tlie4 casket should be closed before the seryice“commences. All wishing to review -the remains ieceive ample time ’beforehand. No personal reference to the’'de­ ceased should be made during the service. If there is a sermon it should be an exposition of the Resurrection to give comfort and •hope and strengthening of our Faith. .. ■ Floral tributes , in the church service should be few, limited to 'those of the immediate relatives. At the funeral of His late. Maj- -esty--Ki ng~George“t fie" SixtH,"Ja' single wreath on the casket rep­ resenting the Royal. Family was the only wreath to be seen dur­ ing the service. A family is not honoring their love one, or Jesus Christ, by going into debt for an elaborate funeral. • . All civil honors and ceremon­ ies, should take place apart from the Christian funeral preferably the evening before. Sunday funer­ als are to be discouraged. Persons who have not regularly support­ ed the church should make a contribution: No person will ever be denied for financial reasons any of the services of the Church. /•A Christian funeral conducted ! in the .spirit of humility, sincere . welcome4 . your ' sympathy, triumphant faith, with of and with proper participation by friends^and neighbors4 is, part of ?ept -a Christian witness to the ,com- years I I Sanderson’s - LADIES’ AND MEN’S WEAR ► ► Gifts For Him.. ¥ 4 , 4 ■" ► SHIRTS—Nylon, Broadcloth, Sport Shirts, 14 1A 4-~ i” ’ . • -• ► I ► ► % V . ; I' . I. : § 1 $ ite Sewing Machine I WORTHWHILE CHRISTMAS” 3~ Priced from $84.50 . „ §‘ 4 ‘ ‘ ’ SSf $ • I ■ 1 ANNOUNCING THE NEW A Sewing Course with each Machine; Greer Radio & ElectricI • fe I • I f ' .< 1 < < < < ► > I.► ► r ► ► ► ►. ► assorted colors, 14¥2 to 1.7, popular brands.4 seiected warietv— -. ------ STATION WAGON COATS* Jackets,. Sweaters. Sizes 36 . to . 46, good variety, all popular prices and colors. \ '* * ' ‘ ' ...... • * PYJAMAS—-Polo, Broadcloth, Flette. Colors and sizes for the Family, HATS—Give him a Gift Certificate, by Stetson and Biltmore. TIES—-Large assortment, most popular makers. Wool, plains, stripes. Boxed ....................................... $1.00 lip SOX—Choose early from our z large selection. Nylon^ . Wool lVTiv+.i 1 roc All • ~ — a — -Wool, Mixtures. All guaranteed; Initialled Handkerchiefs, Jewellery, Belts, Caps, Work Clothes, Gloves, Scarves. -- - All — The Store Where Men Choose Quality — 4b, A a ' a a a a < < < < < < • < ' ' < , / < .4 deed was no doubt the means of. teacher, Mrs. Smith, depicting the compa nied . her . ^dangh^f>n_.,„ivi:rc-- ;^®YilU£-Som£-miQtoEi.sUs=tifesT=^^ of people in T/hc.L;j.J ’ ■ :" oU- had. spent three weeks in Cleve- All of which prompts us to re- ■ ; ^mind you of your ¥-‘Good Turn” j for tlfe day. . | | PURPLE GROVE ;~;Mrs7~ Donald McCosh and Mrs. .Will Arnold attended the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto. 1 We are sorry to report that Mrs. Harry Osborne is not so well, • . Mr. and Mrs. Burton Collins and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gawley spent a day in Kitchener recently. The Purple Grove Women’s In­ stitute held a social in the school recently. The main feature of the evening was films shown by the f < «■ / WOLF CUBS • tr l i “4ife - anid^ustoms of people in other parts of the world. A penny ' ' * sale was conducted by Mrs. Don­ ald McKay after, which lunch was served and brought a very i enjoy able evening to a close,. ; . ' ■•Mrs. Laverty of Toronto is spending a few 'days with her mother,_ Mrs. Osborne, who is iH: Mr. Frank, Currie spent Satur­ day at London.- .. 7 , / ' '. . Mrs. Angus Graham of London visited with' Mr* and Mrs. John Emerson last week. '••••>..’ Mr. and Mrs. Trayer and fam­ ily of London visited with Mr. Milton Stanley for the week-end. Mrs. Bert McLean and Mrs. Will McLean of Kincardine, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Grant and Myrna of Melfort,, Sask., visited at'the home of Tfttr. and Mrs. Donald McCosh on Sunday. iS r5r » • • • ■ *' • - , «FWith every dollar purchase you make at The S i 7 s •I t Time again to go to preiss with § the latest Cub news. . The Pack $ assembled for last week’s meet- & ing in the new Scout-Cub room in the Recreational Centre/ with 3 a turnout of 21. Akela Thomp- son and Raksha' Attridge Were in Charge. The usual opening cer- g emonies were* conducted ‘by 3 White Brother George Gibson, followed' by the regular inspect tion .routine, Akela conducted al g quiz on, Cub. tests, and' activities-(-.3 with • the--Reds coming out oh“top.“| - J Feature of the ■ evening was a [ talk by Scout Chaplain _ Rey-._lL-i—£- L, Jennings on his work among | 3 the Indians at’Fort Norman in j 5:the Indians at' Fort Norman in • the N.W.T. from 1936 to 1941. Rev, Jennings had with him var­ ious souvenir articles of-Indian, work which were most interest­ ing. His talk was greatly enjoyed by the Pack and are looking for­ ward to,;another'visit from.him. Red Fang Gai^y Ritchie led his Six to victory in this week’s, in­ ter-six competition, but fell six, jewels short o-f,. overtaking thei. " Whites for the winning’ Six of j the month. Final Noyernber standing is: Whites 103, R:eds 98, j Tawny 82, 'Greys .78.? ” 4 ■ ': • / ■ r Akela salutes Tawny Second [ Kenneth Jones for his presence ■ of mind in removing a broken bottle from the road in front of tjie^ Recreatidha)L, Centre^ Jast meeting night. Considering: the * many cars, parked’ 'there for the banquet that' 'night, this small • " >. •4 i & Lucknow Fruit Market, you get One FREE | TTI?Iif I7T ~ GTD f A Ilf • Ikrr’rx ra isvirm 3 ft *... B . 7- JSAT.' a b ' S a <r r • tr - I 5 cr e» er $ $ fir B § • $ . •ar o •ar ■ ■ $_®lt—■—.§ .. cr ■ $ ' *»>$ - S ■ . $Or ar ..^.7 .■ ” -i ■ TICKETonaSTREAMLINED BICYCLE, boy’s or girl’s. Balloon tires. ( SPECIALS Mixed Nuts Head Lettuce, med. Golden Yellow Bananas, lb. Tomatoes, lb. . . . Choice Grapes 2 lbs .71. SUGAR, cwt. lb. 35c .. 10c 15c 25 c lb. 18 c 35c $8.49 ►<•*♦ 1 i i i i i I i i i i i Spinach : Radishes Mushrooms Broccoli Green Onions Water Cress Parsley Cauliflower Savoy Cabbage Red Cabbage, " Citrons ( * 1 ... 0 HIT GROWS; WE HAVE IT”1 SEE OUR BIG DOLTAR SALE OF CANNED GOODS. TRY OUR CRISP CELERY HEARTS now operating the business ourselvesAs we are our Costs are lower WE CAN SELL FOR LESS.I /I 1 We^Now Have ------G-UERNSEYHVHLi^FROMj'GUK LOCAL SUPPLIER We assure you the best of service and the best of quality . •• r^' 7 . ■ LUCKNOW FRUIT MARKET Ivan and Monica Louzon FREE DELIVERY ANYTIME. DURING TIIE 8.00 aan. to 6.00 p.m.—Phone. 119 I • 4 II f 4 . ......, . ... ...A DAY <r >’ ■ L