HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-12-02, Page 2PAGE TWO V THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, DEC. 2nd, 1953 BORN WARDELL—-in Kincardine Hos­ pital on Monday, November 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wardell, R. 1, Ripley, a daughter. ^HENDERSON—in Wingham Gen­ eral Hospital on. Monday, Nov­ ember 16, 1953, to Mr, and Mrs, Robert Henderson, R. 5, Luck­ now, a son. To Meet At Holyrood Ball The Kairshea W. I. will meet on Thursday, December 10 at the Holyrood Hall. Mrs. Ira Dickie and Mrs. D. L. MacKinnon are hostesses. Ashfield Meeting Hesitant About Aiding Windham Hospital Plan i TO THE ELECTORS OF .THE .... TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD In standing for election as Reeve of the Township of II Ashfield, I am not unmindful of the tasksandresponsibili- | ties of^this office; i ^ rgojurmy^efforts to serve you ! well as a member of the Council and assure you that 1 will I continue to serve you diligently and untiringly. if elected j Reeve./.. • x. ” \ j CECIL BLAKE j Be Sure To Vote On Monday — A Vote For Blake j a Will Be Appreciated. | 1 * ’ P •• . ; KJ TO THE ELECTORS OF THE .... TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD r i i i Having been nominated again for Reeve of the Town­ ship of Ashfield for 1954, I solicit your Vote and influence. For the . past eight years Ihave served your interests, aiid, if elected, will continue to serve you to the best of my ability. ELMER GRAHAM THE ELECTORS OF THE . . . j TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD I ■ / ■' I It has been a privilege to serve you for five years oil j the Council, and now as a candidate for <he Reeveship, I i respectfully solicit your support and influence^ and if elected | willdomy-utmost togivej^u^soimdmunicipal—govern^* ment. <_ ■ | D KENNETH L. MacKENZIE i Ml ! TO THE ELECTOR^ OF THE .... | TOWNSHIP OF ASH Fl ELD IIt has indeed been a pleasure to serve the Citizens of a Ashfield for the past five years as a member of the Council ? Board. In standing again for re election as Councillor, I I reaffirm that as in the past, the best interests of the people | of the Township, will be my chief responsibility and con- |' cent. . 1 . - For Councillor In Ashfield Vote i I i i i i i i JOHN BRADLEY Your Support Will Be Appreciated. I j TOWNSH IP OF ASH Fl ELD | ' In standing for election to the. Ashfield Council, I .take I this means of soliciting your vote and influence. If elected, I I assure you that the affairs of the Municipality will be my j first and foremost concern. | • ■ ■ > ■ - .... ■ j i 1 TO THE ELECTORS OF THE . j TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD I _ During the five years I have served on Ashfield Coun- T cjl, the best interests of the Municipality have received my | -closest—attentiom—In—seeking reielection to the Council, I | assure you I will continue to do my utmost to serve you j | well and faithfully. j C I ' ' " j TO THE ELECTORS OF THE . . i i I i j j I l i ! ! TOM HOWARD f / ANDREW RITCHIE Your Vote and Support Will Be Appreciated, i i. t" As a Councillor candidate in Ashfield Township, your I j TO THE ELECTORS OF THE . . L I I ....... -._______ I vote for Reuben Wilson is respectfully. solicited and will j | be heartily appreciated. I have been a resident of Ashfield |. » | for 30 years, and will spare ho effort to do my .best to give 4 | our Township good municipal government* * 1 I REUBEN WILSON | TOWNSHIPOFASHFIELD • ■ ♦ . Even standing room was at a premium at the Ashfield nomin- ■ ation meeting on Friday after­ noon, . presided over by Murdo Matheson, who was- appointed chairman for the ratepayers’ meeting and who remarked that it.was one, if not the best> meet­ ings he had seen in his day, _ _The meeting „wasii’t yery old before an election was indicated . and developed into an all-round . election for reeve,' council. and school .trustees. It is the, first trustee election since the inaug­ ural election of the Area Board some eight years ago. Cecil Blake, was the first speak­ er and pointed out that the Town­ ship rate, which is the only levy over which; the feoard has con­ trol, was only up a half mill. He referred to Ashfield leading the way in township hard-surfacing with a stretch of one and one- eights ^niles on the 4th Conces­ sion built at a cost of approxi­ mately $9000 of . which the. De­ partment pays 50; percent. How this road stands up , will be watched with interest and will be a forerunner to more hard- surfacing, the speaker felt. Mr. Blake stated he had “fully, made up his mind to take , the stand for I the reeveship”, and thanked the electors for their fine support a- year ago.—- Wise To Delay Revising the procedure of call-; . ing thd^candidates, Mr-.Matheson* then called on Reeve Elmet Gra­ ham who gave a detailed account of Huron County business, attrib­ uting the 1 mill increase, largely to road expenditures, the House of Refuge building program and the Court Hduse.: He reviewed the Wingham Hos­ pital building fund request for $8000 from Ashfield and read a letter that disclosed that the 4 percent allotment was not act­ ually based on the past five year average Of patients from Ash­ field hospitalized in Wingham. He stated that the. 1952 figure was slightly over. 4 percent and had been set, at an even 4 per­ cent as the basis of Ashfield’s share. He did not take kindly to the surtax impost, “held as a whip over their heads”. Mr. Gra­ ham said he had looked into the -matter—closely—and—thought-Ht~ wise to delay. He |elt they started, supporting hospitals, God­ erich and Kincardine would no doubt expect aid sooner or later/ Wingham was stepping out. on sion, he thought and it was reas­ onable to. expect that the time might be coming when the muni­ cipalities involved might find them coming back for mainten­ ance assistance. Mr. Graham stated definitely that he was running again for the reeveship. More Gravel Councillor John Bradley stated that while the road subsidy had been cut. this year to some; $41,000 more gravel .than ever 12,826 yards —: had been put on Town­ ship roads. He urged those pres­ ent to get up. and “say what.yoU think” about the . hospital grant. Mr. Bradley said he had intend­ ed to Stand for reeve, but in v.iew of *. develppments, J^arid J. the.; fact, that there were three of them had been therefor five years, he would~like to talk it. over with the boys before giving his decis­ ion. ’ . •; Mr. Bradley, said that the Warble fly spray costs, Which this y6ar were collected, oh the taxes had figured out at about 15c pef. head. . ; • Councillor Andy Ritchie was also of a mind to. withhold his decision. Being , one of the five- year Then he could see rid sense of everyone' coming up for the hazardous, unsafe ^bridges'' ofhazardous, unsafe abridges * of the horse and'buggy days. Mr. Mac­ Kenzie . said their township rate was one of the lowest, that the municipality was in good finan­ cial position and he favored keep? ing the balance on the-right side mf the ledger and giving service. We had better be careful, he cautioned in regard to the hospi­ tal grant. He didn’t favor a vote * of the ratepayers because the West Wawanosh . vote-'had not been enthusiastic and had not decided the issue satisfactorily. Mr. MacKenzie couldn’t see vot­ ing on three hospitals to give them something they haven’t ask­ ed for. ■ . He stated He intended “to def­ initely stand for reeve”., New Nominees Speak Donald MacKenzie said he would allow his name to stand. Tom Howard was not present. Reuben Wilson referred to the hospital grant, and felt some of fhe-overcrowding™epuld—be-re—— (Continued on Page 7) • • •* •* •• ■ * f *■ >/TO THE ELECTORS OF THE . . . * TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH .1 I 'reeveship. . , / ; Replace Horse & Buggy Bridges Councillor Kenneth MacKenzie explained the pdlicy of, paying snowplow operators $100 a month standing time, which assured -the Township of service. When need­ ed. He stated that over $6000 had been * spent bn corrugated cuL -verts,.pn. which the Proyirice paid ’^b'^rcelt subsidy.’He cpnsideired; i i i i | ❖ After six years’ service on West Wawanosh Council, I solicit your support as a candidate for the Reeveship. As in the past, if elected, the business of the Township will have my close and careful attention with my objective be­ ing economy commensurate with service. • <1 JOH N BURN I N | TO THE ELECTORS OF THE . . . . I TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH i i i. I I i i i i i: Having served you as Reeve for the past two years, I j ! am again a candidate for this office and respectfully solicit I l^.yoursupportandinfluence. - ....... • -j i . As a member of the Huron County Roads Committee, $ I I have still a two-year-term to serve on this Committee, j I j | dependent- on -my re-election;- feel--that on - this~ County ' | Committee I can be of special service to W’est Wawanosh - | as well as to the County as a Whole, and on these grounds I appeal to you for re-election. . esi wawanosn j these grounds j X assure yon that if re-elected I Will. continue to nn- I tiringly serve our Township’s best interest. Time may not permit me to call on you all personally, but I will try to do so if possible. , ' HAROLD GAUNT i < ❖IM lh TO THE ELECTORS OF THE . ... TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH As a candidate for re-election to West Wawanosh Council Board, I solicit your influence and support. I have deemed it a pleasure4 to be of service to you in the past and will strive-to serve you faithfully and carefully in the future. 1 . ' . I I I i I | HARVEY CULBERT j A Vote For Harvey Culbert, A Veteran of World War n, | ’ Will Be Much Appreciated. i i i i ; i i ■ i//. ■j‘ ' i , t, ■ i ■... | TO THE ELECTORS OF THE . . . .. j 1 TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH j * I Eldon Miller respectfully solicits your support anti vonr | /__ TO THE ELECTORS OF THE .... TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH : ■ , As a Candidate for election to West Wawanosh Council, I respectfully solicit your support, and if elected, it will be my earnest endeavour , to conduct the business, of our Township to the best • of my ability and to the mutual benefit of our citizens. . LORNE DURNIN | vote on Monday, as a candidate for Councillor in West j Wawanosh*. Jf you .see fit to elect me, I assure you that the j affairs of the Municipality will receive my closest* attention, ■ aild * will spare no effort to serve you well. ELDON MILLER I j j 80 percent subsidy.- He considered ’■ j ^4. j this good business in' replacing| J i i ! 1 I. TO THE ELECTORS QF THE \ , f -TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH i ~ ’ * ■r ’ * I ... _____________ __ i serv6 you to tho best of my ability during the past five | years, and if re-elected Will continue to do so Whole heart- j edly. . .. / f 4v...........- '■'I ■ ' .'i , Four vote for Gordon Struthers as Councillor in West i Wawanosh will be much appreciated. I have endeavored to ’ GORDON STRUTHERS Your interests ’"Are My ®etests •*te.