HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-11-25, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 1 ► >■ PRE-HOLIDAY SALE CONTINUES ALL THIS WEEK XI » 7 » Cl c Bring your Coupon with you which entitles you to |I WORTH of FREE MERCHANDISE |1 with a purchase of $10 or over < ■ ! I ■* < MORE SPECIALS THIS WEEK: .« / Boys’ Striped Flanellette Pyjamas, sizes 6, 8,10,12 pnly $1/79 < k Childs* Doeskin Overalls, warni for cooler weather, sizes ..., < ■ / ■■ , > ■ — ■ ► ■ . I SEE BY THE SENTINEL THAT hilj-cutting work got un­ derway this week north of Silverwood’s»downtown office With a view to improving and widening the approach to, and the intersection at Campbell & . Stauffer Streets. "a....'"7"............................. THAT Mr. Bill Lougheed spent last week here visiting his wife and son at the home of Mr. William Stimson.: Bill has just completed: a course" with The Travelers Insurance Co; at Hartford,Conn.,andhasnow WEDNESDAY, NOV. 25th, 1953 I GIFTS-—for every member of the family. A coinplete price range to fit into every budget. JORJdEM^I Masomc Tie Racks ~ Bowler Tie Racks — Ashtrays : FOR CHILDREN ... . . •' ‘ i Viewmaster Stereoscopes and Reels, Gaines, Toys, Dell. Strollers, China Piggy Banks. FQR LADIES . . : Oil Paintings, Wall Plaques, Crystal, Chinaware, Jewellery, Silverware, Novelties, > Christmas Cards and gift wrappings left for Vancouver / where, he < will be-supervisor of the7 Ser* vice Dept. Mrs. Lougheed and . David will, follow later. „ ( THAT at a meeting of the Royal Black Preceptory at Amberley on Friday night, the Red Cross ' degree will be exemplified by a team from Woodham Lodge. The Amberley Lodge has six candidates planning to take the degree,, and several more can­ didates are expected from other Western Ontario lodges. ~o— THAT October was. the blackest month in Ontario’s motor his­ tory. Preliminary figures show 149 people killed on Ontario streets and highways to surpass the high of 132 fatalities set in October of last year. 1 •b. K J .’. 79c < < < 1,2,3........................ Corduroy Slacks, 2 to 6 .. .. Wool Plaid Overalls, 2, to 6 Boys* All Wool Plaid Shirts, 2 to 6 ....... ......... . . . Ladies’ all wool, long sleeve Pullover^, $3:98 & $4.98 values. Clearance ....i.................. .. .. $2.98 ) It ► ► . , ........ ., ... ........................................... . ... k Ladies* Station Wagon Coats, sizes 12to 20, values to $1.69 $1.98 4 $2.49 ► ► ► k ► k k < $34.95. Special $24;95?< Ladies* Flanellette Pyjamas, small and medium only, / to clear .................................................. $1,79 J < •< MEN’S, !ADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR : Piece Goods and Woollens A a' A Jk JL AAAA Jk'A k A JL Please Feel Free To Come In And Look Around ’ ' •, < — 'Anytime —-7;' ■' Finlay Decorators ’Phone 218, Lucknow, Ont. . L : ■ ■ *' ‘ - ■: ■ • , > .' , THATthecouponappearingin Ashton’s advt. inThe Sentinel last. week is still worth one dollar on a ten dollar purchase; : during their pre-Christmas sale. THEVOICEOFTEMPERANCE This “Voice” has been, silent for some time past. But The Voice ofTemperancefor Ontario7has been very vocal in a practical way. There has. just come to hand a summary of the5 results of all the local option votes for ■ - the THAT Mr., and Mrs. Les Purves were, prize, winners at the Aux- iliary ShootCparty~oh / Friday . evening. THAT ah eairly riser on Sunday morning found a. “parking’* ticket on his car which had beenleftronthestreetataiateyeafsT947 tol952,inclusive^and hour Saturday night. It looked as if the “Arm of the Law” had a night , patrol at work, and the “traffic violator” boiled for some time before learning that the legal-looking ticket was the work of a friend, who ■ had been out later than he was. RAY ROBINSON Floors LAID, SANDED AND FINISHED. ’Phone Carlow 2195 R.R.l.Port Albert / BIG- TlAMBOREk SALE AT I.G.A. * Robiii Hood White, Cake Mix .................29c IGA Peanut Butter, 16 oz. 35c Crown Brand .Com Syrup, 2. lbs. .... Gold Seal Sockeye Salmon, ^'s*...... 35c Pablum Baby Cereals ... .. 23c 29c it makes good reading. This sum­ mary lists all the different ques­ tions on which a. vote was re­ corded,- such. as beverage rooms, cocktail lounges, brewers’ stores, etc. In some cases it was only pnd, in one case all eight poss­ ible .questions were submitted, i Ineidex|t^lly the,, vote bn^ that oc­ casion went solidly more than 75 /percent dry on every question. The Ontario summary shows that ninety-4wo of the votes held went against * liquor and 46 for liq- our. This fact should hie noted too. The trade is choosing its ground for; contests much more carefully now than formerly; Only where they think they have a good chance of winning do. they, join issue.—ADVT. THAT the jWomen’s Missionary Socie]5r and fhrYbuhg'Pebpl^ Union will have charge of the services in the United Chtirch on Sunday. Rev. G. A. Meikle- john, Mjessrs.JW. L. MacKenzie ^and ^ErnesC Blake will spend- the week-end at Five Oaks, at­ tending a conference on evang­ elism sponsored by Bruce Pres* bytery. Plans will ibe laid for a three-year program ainjed’ at’ a revitalization of the work of i the church in rural and smaller i urban centres. THAT Village residents,. partic­ ularly along Maili Street and in the vicinity af iit, had their, nocturnal sluinbers rudely dis­ turbed until about 2.00 a.m, Suhday morning by a rip-roar­ ing, brake-screeching game of motor vehicle “tag”. I Some girls will scream at a mouse and climb in a car with a wolf. . . • ■ V Dominion Sugar, 5 lb. bag 43c ... 33<j 28c 29c 45c. 95c 3*7c Swifts Prem .:...; ?......... ....... Jewel Shortening..... Pard Dog Food ... .... 2 for Swifts Baby Meats 2 for Sunny Morn Coffee/ lb. .... Marshmallows, lb. bag .... Just arrived from Scotland, fancy cookies and shortbread in fancy, tin containers . . . Daily Mail cigarettes, cartons of 10 pkgs., §2.79 * . . S6e: our silverware? deal' by shopping on -Monday^T1^es-day, and Wednesday. ......: ...... ...... SMITH’S FOOD MARKET ... ;......'■■■ 4.....„................................................................. r; ,..;... tabtvc1 haiwc . . 'Knitted .rayon With cotton lace trim, and self gathers. Colorynnk and blue, sizes small, medfdm & , large. Priced at $2.29 * ..;.. ....................................''■ J' -.Z,Z ' 7 ’• • r/ ■ ........../ • t 1; ’ FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS \ • Warm, and cosy ladies’ flannel^' . ' •' ette pyjamas, rose pattem in blue, • mauve and pink oh white back- ; ground.$2.98 ’i of the Kirilough parish, was guest' speaker recently at the Seaforth Home and School As- ; sociation. Dr. Townshend, iriem- ^ber^pL-the^-Lbndpn^Board^rOf- Education, for several years, was -a member of the Hope Royal Commission on Educa- ---- THAT Art Baker of town ajid Norm Liddle of Ripley, two junior C.N.R. employees, left ^onFriday—forthe-Hornpayne- division. Al Irwin has been as­ signed for the time being to the Gajt depot. THAT Miss Bertha Allin of Tor­ onto draws our attention to “The Old Fashioned Revival Hour” and commends it to Sen- . tituxel readers. The program is broadcast each Sunday morn­ ing z at 9.00 a.m. over station CHUM. B THAT there were nine tables at' the Monday night Shoot party with Mrs. Philip MacMillan and Wm. S. Eadie , the prize ' winners. THATGarfield Ostrander, who has been visiting here, thinks the town “looks like million dollars”. The new street liglht- ing ~system~and the removal-of the trees “along by the Bank”, gives a striking and improved appearance, says this former Luckriowite. » L__^_—L-j-.—.■ .'J';;/’/—— THAT ithe printing and publish­ ing trade has been informed of - another increase in the ..price of all types of paper, which went into effect last week. THAT the Kairshea Institute re­ cently made a donation of $25 to the Baker Private Hospital. It is being UMed to purchase bed linen Which will be on display when it arrives. There are 30 patients at the ■: Baker Home at present; half of whom- are bed \patients.' • . THAT Don Cameron recovered a . radiosonde transmitting! appar- . atus from a United States -wea­ ther balloon. that came down in .the bush pn Frank McQuil- - ^lin’s-farmY-The/deflated-balloon- «was entangled high in the tree, and the suspended transmitter was shot loose and dropped to the groiind. THAT the “no smoking” request within the High School at the Masonic ladies’ night on Friday , -was carried out to the letter, and' it, was a pleasure to be in an. auditorium free of that . usual “choking blue cloud”. THAT A. M.: “J^andy” Nicholson, C.C.F. member of the Saskatch­ ewan constituency of MacKen-r zie, spent , his sister, tyre and Nicholson provincial " convention in Toronto and mot­ ored here with Rennie Graham, ■~“whO”visited“wittr“his“parents; Mr. and Mrs. Angus Graham. THAT Archdeacon W,. A. Towns­ hend of London, and forhtotfly Lucknow District High School ihq Week-end with Mrs. Archie Maclri- Mr. MacIntyre. \ Mr. had attended the C.CF. nominating ,„An. ideal Christmas gift. Colors maize, orchid, green. Sizes small, . ■ ■medium, large. Price..............$2.79 ;PLAID SHIRTS sanforized cotton flannel convertible' collar.. Your , convertible collar. YoUr , ' Fine with with , __________ _____ ___ _ ( ^ choice of blue, green, , wine hr red plaid. Sizes 8 to 14........... $1.98 t In The Hijgh School Auditorium Friday, December 4 ' at 8.15 p.m. sharp Selections by The Baud and Glee Club GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. Joseph Connell, Secretary of the —NORMASHERWOOD^VALEDICTORIAN-^— WM. CONRON^ BARITONE SOLOIST ' ' . ' .!■ ■ ■ . , 7' ■ ■ ' ' ?—... Admission—-50c , ' '» Plastic, quilted, ■ reversible, in wine, blue and, green $1.89 BOYS’' STURDY JEANS ’' . 7V4 oz. blue denim, lined with suede finish cotton flannel, san* forized for permanent fit, zipper > front, copper rivets at • points pf ; / ■. strain.. /• / '■ ’ Sizes. .6,. 8-and 10'$3.69 Sizes 12, L4‘ and 16 ....... $3.95 —.....-.....-..Z....................... ..........'■......■ ■t •y Fitted “Vest” highback, practical, wearable and comfortable. Sizes 36, 38, 40, 42^& 44. .......... $5.40, ,7 SUPEftKNlf UNDERWEAR^ ■' v , Fine combed cotton, shug fitting, fully cut for' lots of comfort. ■' ’ Shifts, with short sleeves^ small medium and large $1.15 - Drawers,- all elastic - waist;- - sizes 34 .to 44 ............ $1.49 , * ■J/. »• ' * , ' T’’ ■