HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-11-25, Page 7> $ SILVER WEDDIIHG . WEDNESDAY, NOV. 25th, 1953. f HONOR. COURLE ON I ''Mern University. London were ............................................■ ' ....................................................................' . (ST, HELENS NEWS) Over forty/ friends and neigh­ bors of thia St, Helens commun­ ity gathered at . the, home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Taylor on 'the evening of November 17th to hon­ or Mr, and Mrs. James Durniri, on the occasion of their silver Wadding anniversary/ Mr. and .Mrs. Durnin were married at Kincardine on November 17/1928, „Mrs.^Durnin Was formefly Irene Luxton. of Kincardine. A 'pleasant evening of cards was ehjoyecf with high honors., gov 'j ing to Mrs. Frank McQuillih arid Mf. John Cameron and consola-. : tion prizes to Miss Annie Dur­ nin and Mr. Wm. Rutherford. A dainty lunch was served. The evening was highlighted by the presentation of a mantel clock to the bridal couple of a quarter of a century ago. The ad­ dress was read by Mrs. George .' Stuart, with Albert Taylor mak­ ing the presentation. Mr. and Mrs. Durnin suitably expressed thPir appreciation. The address was as. follows: , November 17 th, 1953. Dear Rena and Jim: It is with the greatest of pleas­ ure that we meet here tonight to honor you op this happy occasion, your twenty-fifth wedding anni­ versary. We take this opportunity to ex- tendJto__you-dur--moSt-hearty“conr gratulations, and we hope that you . may both be blessed with good health and celebrate many more, returns of your. wedding day.' ■ ?' "■■' ■. With these thoughts in mind, we, your neighbors and friends, ask you to accept this gifLmth - -—ourbestwishes. At .the conclusion Mr. William Rutherford extended thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Taylor for- their kind hospitality. : His many friends, were shocked : and saddened to learn of the sud­ den death of Mr. Torrance And­ erson which occurred early Sat­ urday morning. • , Mr. and Mrs.^Frank McQuiliin and Terry were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin McCabe at Windsor. They were accom­ panied by Mr. and Mrs. John. Cameron who visited with Mr. & Mrs. Callum Cameron 'in Detroit. Word was received by relatives __.^ere—of—the-^death~of~Mrsr~Mafy7 McBain in Kirkland' Lake. Mrs. McBairi, who was a sister of the late Mrs. John McQuiliin^ was, a frequent visitor here. Mr. and. Mrs. Mel, Brown and ~----Bob"~MTrrdre of Waterloo were- . week-end . visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. R. Woods and Mrs. Murdie. Congratulations to Murray. Gaunt and Barry McQuiliin 'who won honors'’ with their calves at’ the Royal Winter Fair. Murray Was first prize in the Shorthorn class' and was1 placed third for the Queen’s guineas' Barry’s calf ■ was placed in the second class group of Shorthorns: . ’ Mrs. Gordon Macpherson, who ■, is leader of the Giris’ Hofriemak- ingvClub attended the Royal Win­ ter Fair as . a guest of the De­ partment of. Agriculture. Among others attending were Mr. and Mrs. Fred McQuiliin and Barry, Mr. John McQuiliin, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt and Murray; Mr; W tJ._ .Miller,^r.-T.-JrT^ J. D. Durnin, Messirs. Ed & Evan McQuiliin, H /The December. meeting of the . Women’s institute will b’e hbld at the hbme of Mrs. Fred McQuil­ iin on Thursday, December 3rd ‘ at 2.30. Rioll call, A. Christmas Verse and exchange of There will also.be a, collection for Motto, by Mrs; .1 r l: n. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO guests of Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Sparling at the Manse for. the week-< DUNGANNON week-end and attended services Diet at the home of Mrs, Herb! AtVhB0"-^ ChUrp^ on Sundax ■,Finnigan, Mrs. E. Errington pre-' At the moaning service Mr, Spar- ' ling Was assisted by Mr. Wm. Kellar and by Mr. Chas. Ray­ mond, who delivered the sermon, i . A Young People’s rally’ was held in the United, Church on Sunday evening, with a Targe congregation including__many- _from ^the-^-surfbunding ‘. centres. Isobpl Miller presided. The .scrip­ turelesson was read by Margaret Miller and Marvin Me,Donald led in prayer^ Don Cameron wel­ comed the. guests and introduced* the guest speaker, Rev. George Watt, of Dungannon, who gave a challenging address on “God in < ’■ included a solo, “Bless this house’’ by Anne Todd;, a trio/“Lead me to Calgary” by Miss Susanne Sherwood of London,/Miss Hazel Sparling of Exeter and Harold .. . Jenner- of Charing Cross; and. a 127th Brigade in Germany, noth solo,“May the Good Lord bless I fied his parents, Mr. and Mrs. and keep you” by Phyllis Bar-[ Tom Park, that he was .leaving ;j . . . i. • _ . ... - • - ing sing song was conducted by I Miss Sparing.. with Mr. Harold’ Sparling'at the piano. Lunch was served by the ,local Young Peo­ ple. Rev. Scott of Blyth extended thanks on behalf of the visitors. sided. Mrs. Geo. Hodges read the | scripture., Mrs. Arthur Elliott gave the lesson thought on fel­ lowship & led in prayer. The roll call was answered by 26 mem­ bers and 8 visitors, The financial report’ was giveri by Mrs. H. Al- ton,.Mrs..G; Hpdge-thankb’d^the; ladiesfor co-operating and mak­ ing three quilts to be put in the W.M.S. bale. It was decided to have an. exchange ’of Christmas gifts at the December meeting at. Mrs..G, Watt’s on December Uth. Thank you cards were received & read. Mrs. Durnin Phillips gave the topic “Does it matter what our Vocation”. Musibali numbers Iwe believe?’’. The. hostesses were Mrs. K. Dawson, Mrs. H. Eedy, Mrs.. K. Finnigari and Mrs. T. Webster. ‘ • Enroute From Germany Pte. Bill Park, who is with the PAGE SEVEN farmer to leave the farm and go to college for two years. Frank Alton, and George Turton will represent the affirmative side of a d ebate whether commercial sports on Sunday should be leg­ alized, to be held this week at Seaforth. The girls who met in another department were given. a , demonstration .by Miss Mary Durst and’ Mrs, Leon Robertson > oningTedients-Tor"~cake~Takirig. - The clubs^met- jointly and plan- •< lied-a dance which, was .held in the: agricultural hall last Friday night.’ The annual Dungannon Public Library concert was held Wed­ nesday night at the parish hall with a large crowd attending. Rev. Geo. Watt, president of the Library board, was chairman. The program included a play by the Junior room of Dungannon school; piano duet by Barbara •. i Wilson and Kenny McAllister; a j solo, Margaret Black; recitation, Wayne Stewart; trumpet solos by I J. C. Durnin; recitations by Wm. Buckingham; acrobatics, Faustina Banks; readings, Beth McConnell; piano solo, Norma Murray; chor­ us by Cedar Valley school; min- ;strel chorus by Diggins school; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Comfort, St. Catherines spent the week-end The W.A, of the United church witK her brothers, Harold and Cecil Blake. Mrs, Alfred Habel of Port Col- borne spent the week-end at the homes of her sisters, Mrs. Har™ vey Anderson and Mrs. Alvin Sherwood. Her mother, Mrs. J. Finnigan, is somewhat improved. Mr. and Mrs. Robt; Irvin and Mr. and Mrs.Wm^Irvinr—were recent visitors with Mr. & Mrs, Bertram, Curran and ,family at London./ Mr. ahd Mrs, Allan; Reed and d augjiters Elearior/& * Jewel spent a day k this, week with Mr. arid Mrs. W. J. Collins, Preston. The Dungannon Trail Rangers met Monday night with J. C. Durnin presiding. After the op- .ening ceremonies and a hymn,. George Dawson read the scrip-; lure. Rev. G. Watt read stories. Jimmy Blake read of the last! meeting and Rev. Watt called the i roll. The purchasing of ping pong i tables arid badge work were dis­ cussed. A game was played be­ fore the benediction. The Colwanash Junior Farmers, and Junior . Institute met in theJ Dungannon parish hall on .Tues-’ piano duet’by Eleanor Alton and day night' of last week. Harold Lynda Blake; violin solo,.Elean- Baker, assistant ag. rep for Hur- or Reid; trumpet duet by Jimmy on Co./ conducted a- panel dis- Reed and j. C. Durninf A film cussioh. on whether it pays, a on Alaska was shown. 1 I - .. (a r hour.. At the conclusion a rous-' last Sunday for home and would (see them, in the early part , of December. Mr; arid Mrs. Eugene Hanson of East Tawas, Mich., were week­ end visitors with Mrs. S. ’J. Kil­ patrick. . - the/Wingharh. Hospital. “RtVe you any room?” T Andrew Gaunt. Subject, “Christ* mas0 in charge of Mi’s. W.. A. Miller; Demphstration of Christ - as decorationfrhv-Mrsr^I^^"Sa^'''~"' > keltl, Hostesses & pfrigrain coni - MtU'e, Mrs. Jas. Cufran, Mrs. , Ernest Gaunt; Mrs. John Carrier* , &1V . ’ '; ■ • ; ' . .. > Congratulations and best wish- |S' for, manjr more to Mr. and. Mrs, Robinson Woods who obser- ■ ved ’ their 54th wedding anniver-’ • Wy on Sunday. *The event was ^rJ^(Ml----by-ra-,''diririefWith 'all the* hifeinbdrs v of family present. ' ' Thirteen’ young penplbt nwst of thonr theological students at* the ■1 J L YOU CAN HAVE Skilled Aircraft Technicians are the “li^ b^kei^’Jnjh^ T —/"Royal Caw^^^^ “OK” a plane isn’t;/" \ permitted to take off: ' . . _——---- -——— -=—years ago..Today he’s i fully-trained arid skilled Aero-Engine Technician. He’s an ' .. expert on all tvpe/of aircraft engines— from single-engine plaries to . t Jburengine transports* \ v •W hat does he think of the life? edtdttied ee 'ad.'.' Xniufe. ’sood.pay.and « pensiori.20 ye«S, enrol today.to .train .. ■ ;s,, skilled Ai.rfralt Technician. . . . ' ' . ' epr the CAREER COUNSELLOR AT YOUR NEAREST RCAF RECRUITING UNIT - OR MAIL THE COUPON TODAY! . LAC ERIC CRAIG 25, of Carp, Ontario, ^pesn't get enough'of planes in his RCAF job as a skilled Aero­ Engine Technician.. In his spare time,;he makes model aircraft. He, his.wife and baby live in.' married__quarters- ot—RGAF ~~ Station Uplands, nedr Ottawa, Director, of Personnel Manning, R.C.A.iF. Headquarters,. Ottawa. Please mail to me, u 'itboyi obligation, details re • enroimint requiretnenis .and openings abaiidbie in NAME (Pkase Print) ' • '■ ■ ■ '' ""•**..(S(irn(irtw) I I i i i i ......... t STRRETAbbRESS Cf'tY PROVINCE.,. .U EDUCATION(by gtiide afid province) iV i -A C5 ] 4 ■' . / (Christian Name) CAF.53«19W$ RCAF RECRUITING UNIT , ■ * ....................... ' ' ’ ’ " ' ■ ’ ..................