HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-11-25, Page 4PAGfe FOUR.. of all undersigned 1 i ZZJ. FOR RENT—house on corner of Willoughby and Havelock Sts.,. 6 rooms and bath. Available at once. Apply" E. J. Farrish, Gorrie. on week days and 7*3,0 and 9.30 a Jri. on Sundays. Phone collect Kincardine 101-r-7 or Mildiriay CARPENTER WORK — new and. repairs, kitchen cupboards,' etc., made to order. No job too small. Leo Beauchamp, phorie 97-w. ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION For artificial insemination at its best for all breeds, calKjhb direct td LerOy Acheson, Atwood, Ont., or. get in toqch with me at Lucknow Community Sale on Wednesday, or contact Sid Gard­ ner, Lucknow. FOR SALE—cement septic tanks,, approved by the Health Unit. We deliver them. Forster’s Welding Shop,phone 206-r-llyLucknow* — ■ WANTED ■ , .1 am purchasing boats at 9c to lie per lb. liveweight, also horses* FOR SALE — purebred Suffolk ram, 4 years old. Apply to Jas. Forster, R. 1,. Lucknow, phone 43-r-12. ■ . ';.- SEWAGE DISPOSAL and cisterns pumped but "the sani­ tary way. Ra4es reasonable. „ / IRVIN COXON, Milverton,-Phone 254. FOR SALE—Tamworth hog, nine months old, sound and healthy. Wm. Buckingham, Belfast. FOR SALE—girl’s bicycle^ hab loon tires, good condition. Apply toMrs.C.ShaddickrLucknowL- • FOR SALE—mixed hardwood & cedar posts; also 500 : bushels of minced grain. Farish Moffat, R. 3, Teeswater. , FOR SALE — man’s professional hockey skate outfit, size, 8, wom only once. Apply to Chas. Web- ster,: phone 217. f FOR SALE. — 50 Light Sussex x New Hampshire pullets, 6 mos.; beginning, to lay, Apply to John. Crowston, Rr/5, Lucknow. TIMKEN & PRESSURE BURN- ,. JSRS for service 24 hours a day. HISELER&SON,Patrickand Edward. Sts.? Wingham, phone 426. _____. . . • STRAYED—a steer weighing be­ tween 1050 and 1100 lbs., from the foriher Wm. Mackenzie farm at Lahgside. Contact Joe Foran, R. , 2, Lucknow, phone 11-on-56. WORK WANTED — byl9-year* old Hollander, experienced in farm work: Apply to Jack van der Linden, % Peter van der Ley, R. 3, Goderich, phone 65-20 Dun- gannon. RAWLEIGHBUSINESS now op­ en in Bruce County7. Trade well established—ExGellent—opportun­ ity. Full time. Write at/ once. Rawleigh’s Dept. K-271-189, Mon­ treal. . LIVESTOCK WANTED Dead,; disabled horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt arid efficient service call “STONES” collect "Ingersoll 21, Wingham 561J dr Ripley T82< FOR SALE OR RENT—2-apart- /. merit house, 2 basements, two bathrooms, heavy service wiring. Choice location on Station St., clos® to churches and .school. , W. , L. MacKerizie, phorie 193 Luck* * now. ' FOR SALE ivo MVOV «XX. MX<=Wo, Ndrth half of farm Lot 15, Cpn- Waterldp Cattle Breeding Asspdi* cession 14> Township of Ashfield. ation between 7.30 and 10*00 a,m. Onv the farm are a frame house, 'On- waMt Havc'nnd 7 so and P art barn, driveshfedj garage and two good wells. ‘ j —For^pmM^ctri^S“iipp^ly^ to~Marie- ^f^V?T^i2rr; Greer, R.R. No. 1, Lucknow, Ont- ( ario, or William Ferguson, R.R: No., 1, Kincardine) Ontario. MEAT FOR SALE ■ Good beef for sale by the Quar­ ter* Beef killed under license front the Departmerit of Health.' Highest quality. Lowest prices. Reynard Ack^ert; Holyrood;- ? - ’ Phorie 24-30 Ripley. THE RED CROSS DEGREE " will be exemplified by the Wood­ ham degree team in the Amberley Hall . on Friday evening, 'Novem- ber 27th. Visitors welcome. Reuben Wilson, W.P., 132. . FOR SALE—two 6.00x16 six-ply snow tires, slightly used; one 740x15 four-ply snow tire; two used Massey-Harris rubber-tired four-wheel spreaders; 1948 Dodge coach, Al condition; • 3-year-old Massey-Harris No. 44 tractor; 6- foot Massey‘•Harris clipper com­ bine, P.T.O.; 6-foot Massey-Har- ris clipper combine, motor drive. Bargain price on these combines. J. S, Kilpatrick & Son, Lucknow. NOTICE Re Legion Auxiliary Meeting A^turkey and pot luck supper will be held at the Auxiliary Rooms, Tuesday, December 1st at 6.30 Meeting and initiation to follow. New- members please be present.—Social- committee,^Mrs. Clair Johnston, Mrs. Mae John­ stone, Mrs. Jessie Johnston, Mrs. Merle Hodgins. Christmas gift exchange. GARD OF THANKS Adam Bowman wishes to sin-; cerelyM?hank^-friends—and neigh­ bors who have so thoughtfully remembered him and been so kind to him during his illness. It is indeed' appreciated. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate Annie McKenzie, Deceased, s Notice is hereby given that persons having claims against the estate of. Annie McKenzie, who died at Wingham on the twenty- *f if th day of August, A.D., 1952, are notified to send their claims duly verified to the before the, Twelfth day of De­ cember, .1953, after which date JhA_£si.atfi_^ amongst the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to silch claims as hre then received. DATED at Walkerton, this 9 th day of November, A.D. 1953. rood,; Oht., Executor. P. Stuart Mackenzie, Walker­ ton, Ontario, His Solicitor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having C1 a i m s against the estate of William Thuell, -late of the, Village of Lucknow in the County of Bruce, Gentleman, who died on or about the thirty -first day of October, A.D. 1953, are riotified to send to the undersigned on or before the seventh day of December A.D. 1953, full particulars of their claims ip writing. Immediately^ after the said seventh day of De­ cember the assets of the said, test­ ator will be distributed apiongst the parties entitled the’retb, hav­ ing regard only to claims of ‘WlJicK ^the.executbrs.shair have notice. \ ^“-Dated^-this^fourteenth-^day—Of- November, A.p. 1953. Crawford & Hetherington, . Bar­ risters, etc., Wingham, Ontario. A RHUBARB which, developed in Port Elgin over changing the half holiday from Thursday to Wed* nesday,is to be-settled'by a sec­ ret ballot. A two.-thirds majority ■will be necessary if the change 'is made; . Want ArwnrWf big re­ sults .at little cost. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO -TH — I — J A | COMING EVENTS J RANCE AT ST. AUGUSTINE # Plan to attend the dance at St. Augustine on Friday, November 27th. Henderson’s orchestra. Ad­ mission 50c. FLAY AT BLAKES See the play, “A Close Shav^*\ in Blake’s Hall, Friday, Novem­ ber 27th at 8.30 presented by Bluevale Y.P.U. Admission, adults 50c, children 25c. Olivet WaM.S. Meeting I The Olivet W.M,S?. held its j meeting at the home of Mr?. [Howard Henry. The roll call was ! answered with . a donation of clothing1 for the bale, The mem­ bers gave candy to be sent to Westminster Hospital in London. Mrs, Oliver McCharles presided for the meeting. Mrs. Herman Anger gave a chapter from the j study bpok after which Mrs. John [McCharles favored with a solo., Mrs, 'Daisy McCharles read the BAZAAR $ BAKING SALE St. Peter’s Guild will hold their,; bazaar and 'bake sale in the Aux­ iliary Rooms, Lucknow, on- Sat­ urday, November 28th at ( 2.30 p.m. Afternoon tea will be served. CARDS AND DANCING A card party and dance will be , held in Kingsbridge Parish Hall on Tuesday, December 1st. Henderson’s orchestra, Cards, at ,8.30 sharp. Lunch counter, door prize, admission 50c. . > RANCE AT DUNGANNON Plan to attend the dance in Dungannon Agricultural Hall on Friday, November 27th sponsored by Colbome Township Athletic Club. Music by Cairruther’s Or­ chestra. Lunch counter', . Admis­ sion 50c. St. HELENS SCHOOL CONCERT Plan to attend St. Helen’s School concert and social even­ ing in St. Helen’s. Community Hallr^WednesdayHDecembei^nd^ at 8.30., Good music. Ladies please bring lunch. Admission 35c and 15c. ' BAZAAR AND TEA W.A. <Off Whiteehurch United Church Christmas bazaar and tea Legion rooms. Lucknow, Satur- . day, December 5, 3.00 p,m. Home baking, aprons, fancy articles, candy, vegetables. Salad plate served. PUBLIC MEETING AT KINTAIL A public meeting will be held at KiritaiJ Hall on Thursday, No­ vember 26th at 8.00 p.m. to con­ sider the matter of a community i halt The meeting is sponsored by Kintail W.I. Anyone interested is welcome. Lunch served. . | ' ■. - , | A WILDCAT is reported near Durham and has killed more than < one young calf. A day-old calf I was. recently found ripped open. ! NIXON’S SCOUREX u YOUR CALVES! Scourex Works Fast! Removes infection from the intestinal tract overnight. The “combined sulfas” in Scourex work fast. Promotes appetite for rapid recovery. ' Save every Calf this Season Get Nixon’s Scourex at:. UMBACH DRUG STORE ; Phone 13-w, Lucknow J CO-OP AUTO INSURANCE Can Now Ac,cept ”■RESIDENTS ~ & COMERCIAL TRUCKS as well as' the farm business. For. information copsuit T. A. CAMERON, LVCKNOW, Phone Dungannon 70-r-10 JOHN McMURCHIE, RIPLEY, \ Phone 20-r-23 STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Investigate Before/Investing I , , —-• .• REUBEN WILSON K.R. 3, Goderich ' .' Bbohe 80-r-8 Dungannon1.;................■ •. I; WEDNESDAY, NOV. 25th,1953 scripture Mrs, . Colling gave a reading. A donation was voted to the Children’s Aid Soc­ iety. It was also decided to send Christmas boxes to the shut-ins. .A nominating committee consist­ ing of Mrs. Norval Stewart, Mrs. Herb Clayton and Mrs. Kelvin Colling are to bring in the new slate of officers to the December meeting. , Why hunt for an argument when there is such a‘good chance of you .losing it? 1 7 ..1 CO /21 3 » . . , v I ■ ■ ;»■ . • > —*.........•