HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-11-25, Page 3. .................. '........ < ft- . WEDNESDAY, NOV. 25th, 195a t | LUCKNOW^"! UNITED CHURCH Minister: I Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, I . B.A., B.D. j | ll.OOj a.m.: Women’s Mission- ! j ary Service, Guest speaker* I Mrs. YV, Holtby. j 12.15 pjn.:p Church School. i ! 7,00 pan,: Young peoples’ Un- i I ion Service. Guest speaker: I j Mrs. James McEwen. I rDecr6th:_Sacramentof- Holv f I Baptism, . K j Lucknbw Presbyterian Church Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A., Minister. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29th 11 a.m.: Morning Worship. 12.15 p.m.: Sunday School. 3 p.m.: Erskine, Dungannon, 7 p.m.: Evening Worship. Sunday School Christmas Concert, Friday, Deceiriber 11 at 7.30. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO o D,KS’ N,GI,T HELD IN U.S, AUDITORIUM Ladies’/Night, ah annual event sponsored by Old Light Lodge, .• • & A.M,, was held in the Lucknow District High School auditorium on Friday evening was largely attended. ,The attractive setting of th'e new school added to the enter- fining program presented by the Rorn Conway, concert troupe; which featured a . four-piece or­ chestra, tap danqing, western spngs^miitatioiis^old^timeXrddL' , mg, vocals., and ’magic. • I WcDonaW. Worship-ful-.Master of Old Liglif.Lodge, welcpmed the ladies, and called on District- Deputy Grand Master Areh'ie" McGugan ’ of Palmerston ‘°r a few words. Mr. ‘and Mrs. McGugam were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. ‘‘Bill” Scrimgeour, Who renewed old friendships am'JW the evening.. Tho W.M. later made an im­ promptu appearance on the stage to “assist” .Magician Meyers per­ form his tricks. St. Peter’s Anglican Guild cat­ ered for a tasty lunch of turkey sandwiches, cake, ice cream and coffee. ' Dancing followed to music by “The Continentals”. Bill” Scrimgeour, duriw the evening.. Thp W.M. later made an im­ promptu appearance on the stage to “assist” .Magician Meyers per­ form his tricks. . Mr. and Mrs. Angus Nicholson I ux ^Un- entertained some of their friends don. and Lavergne MacMillan of on Saturday Evening and served, Toronto were week end visitors • a delicious “pigtail dinner” which I with Mf. was enjoyed by all. Miss Gail;.MacMillan of Lon- ;. and Mrs, J. L. Mac­ Millan, \ Local & General Evan and Ed McQuillin visited . friends in Toronto and attended the Winter Fair. Victor visiting dalk. . Ad^m . ............ his home for the past six . weeks and is still confined to bed. Mr. and’ Mrs. Ed Marshall pf -Toronto, were week-end guests of . Ethel arid Belle ‘Robertson. Harvey Naylor of London was a caller in town last Thursday on’ his way home, from a ,deer hunt­ ing trip. .- ‘‘ • ' Mr. <and Mrs. Floyd Wilsori and Max of Toronto spent the week­ end, with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. Mr. Dave Andrew of Calgary, who had .been attending the Royal Winter Fair, was. a visitor •here the first of the week. Mr. and. Mrs. Lawrence Reid have returned home after spend­ ing the past two weeks in Lon­ don, where Mr. Reid underwent an operation at St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital. Mrs. Etta Roberts spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ken- zie Foster of North Bruce; It was the occasion of the 55th^wedding anniversary of Mrs. Foster’s par- en^s,X^^an<M!fc^A^Munrq?~^ In recently reporting that Mrs.' Frank Miller was on a trip to I the West,: we were not aware that. I her daughter, Miss Betty Miller of the Bank of Montreal staff had accompanied her. They’ll be home this week it is expected. Mr. and Mrs.-Llo-y-d-.Stewar-t-of- Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Stewart of London, Mr. and Mrs. J. R; Wilson of Stratford and JVJiss i Winnie Stewart and Mr. Howard Moffat of London spent the week­ end with Mr.r and Mrs. Philip Stewart. ■: . Baker spent last week with relatives, at •• Dun- Bowman has been ill at PARAMOUNT INSTITUTE J WALLHIDE KVBtatua SATIN Dry in an hour lor rehanging pictures and drapes. No Me ssy Cleanup — your hands, brush, or roller­ coater all come clean with water. The Paramount Women’s Insti­ tute meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Stanley on November lTth. The roll call was answered by naming what was wanted in the shut-in boxes. Eighteen ladies were present, i There was a discussion' regarding -qui 1ts and sewingTrCurrent events" were given by Mrs. Dexter. Mrs. J. Henderson and Mrs. K, McNay gave readings and Mrs. R. Reid a poem. A contest was conducted by *Mrs.‘ J,. Elphick and at the -close-uflhe meeting refreshments were served. Scrubs Clean Again and igain — without harming its lovely satin finish. \ Easy "Glide on 'Application —goes on as easily as stroking a wall with a dry brush I BANK MAKES LOANS TO CANADIANS OF EVERY CALL JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED Lucknow ■— Phone 150 • . — ' Ontario ‘I FOWL Under Auspices of Lucknow Branch of the Canadian Legion RECREATIONAL CENTRE, LUCKNOW • Thurs., November 26 < ■ < free t ; . / ' ' . .M i $at 8.00 p.m1. J CHICKENS t. •• ’ * . GEESE - TURKEYS ..,:..r PAGE THREE I i t IN THE TOWN HALL. LUCKNOW > / Hallicrafter ilips ► ► ► ►. ► ► ► ► also SPECIALS Work $ox, nylon reinforced. .. ...... ...^ Boys’ School Sox, nylon, 6!X» to 9 ........ MILLINERY New Shipment of Hats in all colors, black, navy, etc. .:... ............ $4,00 and $5.00 General Electric, Philco, Crosleyf . HOOT MON, DON’T MISS IT! Friday, November 27 • r: / THE ANNUAL ❖ i .»■ I I SA LADA TEA BAGS Sanderson’s LADIES’ AND MEN’S WEAR TOP COATS, TROUSERS, JACKETS, SWEATERS, SUITS, SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR Full selection in all colors, materials, sizes and-brices. ► HATS—4>y Stetson and Biltmore. \ CAPS—for boys and men. 1 ^rilL Jweights,_.cQlors and prices. , TIES—boxed selection . in all colors. ► PYJAMAS—flette, polo and broadclqth. k SHIRTS—Al! sizes, 14,/<>-18,/<2 . .. SPORT AND WORK SHIRTS for bovs and mpn Y WORK CLOTHES1—Jeans, Overalls, Streamliners. ► ► ► $2.95 to $7.95 69c 49c I St. Andrews Ball I -F I i i i i i j i i i Under Auspices of Kairshea Women’s Institute WILBEE’S ORCHESTRA SCOTCH DANCING & PIPING LUNCH COUNTER ’featuring those yummy home­ made pies Admission 75c Striking confirmation of the rapid pace qf Canada’s extraord­ inary development is found ih the Bank of Montreal’s annual re­ port to its shareholders and its two million customers. The 136th annual financial statement Of the country’s senior chartered bank shows all-time peaks in the most important departments, with total resources running to a record fig­ ure of $2,364,000,000. A most notable indication of the nature and pace of business |. activity\during- the past jye^r is j. provided by., the. fact that the B i • of M’s total loans have increased / by .$ 145.582.000 and, stand at the ! Tmpressive""total of $857-,762,561. j -. These loans are, made to “Can- j adiaris. of every calling—farmers, j miners, fishermen, oil men, lum-1' , bermen, ranchers — to industrial ; and business, enterprises and to • provincial arid municipal govern- mants”, according to the report |. jusf issued by the local B of M . manager, G. Murray Couse, Hiy report underlines the fact that the extent of the bank’s' par- • ticipation in. financing jhe bust!. ness and personal needs Of its j customers is . made possible by * the record amount of funds which ' B' of M depositors' have placed, . with its branches ff^orri coast to | coast. Increased over the-year by $79 million, the bank’s total, de^j posits rtifi to $2^226,060,000, the | highest’figure, in the bank’s long}., history. Well over Iialf JhiymObey ., up""bTXlie'Tsavings of, ' private cijlheos 'in .all wkll<s-bf' • I- -I .? • .... J <■ 1954 Models -17” ADMIRAL 21” ADMIRAL $249.00 ' $299.00 TELEVISION INSTALLATION AND ' SERVICE GREER RADIO and ELECTRIC _V' ’L \ -1 ' ‘ . .. •/ ‘ 7 • ? ‘ *