The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-11-18, Page 9WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18th, 1953 ...............................'......... ............................................ • Bruce County Council Wound Up Year's Business Last Week -The County Council of.the Co. of Bryce convened at Walkerton, for its final session of the year on ’ Monday evening, November 9th, with Warden Gordon Stan­ ley of Ripley, presiding. Road Report County Engineer George Ste- -phenson,--repor-ting-on-bthe^yeai^- work, stated that * the County roads from- Ghesley to; Scone, from Buygoyne west to Stirton’s Bridge, and fyoms Mildmay . west to the Carrick-Culross^ boundary, had been rebuilt and widened to 100 feet. The hills have been cut and good.__ vision provided on curves and hills. Two new brid­ ges are being built, one 24 foot spbri. on the boundary between Elderslie and Brant townships and another 10 foot, span about a mile .west of Armow. A new concrete floor is being constructs ed on Stirton’s Bridge about 2 Va •miles west of Burgoyrie. A tem- . porary bridge will shortly be .. . erected to replace the 90 ft/span which ^recently' went down at Pinkerton. The hard top between. Glamis arid Pinkerton has been- completed arid a new mulch top ‘ on the road between Kinloss and Holyrood. The roads between Oli- . phant "anda Wiart.on, two miles east of Port Elgin, and. between . « Ripley and. Pine River, have been • primed. Next year it is hoped that all roads which have been thoroughly constructed and con­ solidated will receive at least a ■ prime coat. /The Old crushing •'« plant has .been rebuilt at a cost 9 of $21,209. A new crusher would -----have- cost—abeu4-$457000r-^—— 3880 Children Inspected The report of Dr. D. R. Allen, director of the County Health , 'Unit, disclosed that; sipcer Janu^ ary 1st, 3880 children have been inspected in schools and 20$ 1 vision tests have been made. To date 1082 children ha ye, received a medical examination by the Medical Officer of Health. As in former years, the School Health program includes inspec­ tion of the individual child by a nurse, as well as vision testing. > All children entering school, and •newcomers, receive a complete physical examination.by thp Med­ ical Officer of Health. • Re also ie-exarnin.es any child having, a questionable.'defect from a pre- ious examination.' .Home visits by the nurses this year number 6128. This figure -represents visitno mothers 7arid new babies/presehoorchildren, as well, as other blatters concerning the various othdr parts ^of the Health IJnit program". The Child' Health coriferences or Baby Clin-- ics still ' maintain! a consistently high' attendance. Attendance' to date- has been 2304 infants and preschool children. Give Tuberculin Test Following the mass chest- x-ray survey in the county this year, approximately 450 chests had . to be re-screened .through the Unit Chest Clinics. The Unit held clin- -ics throughout the county, with an attendance of 933. All prev­ iously negative reactors and- all new entries to the county high schools were skin tested for. tu­ berculosis. Reactors, with- other members..of the household, re­ ceived a chest x-ray. The nun> ber of tuberculin, tests performed was 143.4. > • ■■ •' . . .. . . County treasurer T. H. .Alton, reported that .costs of Child Wel­ fare are running ahead' of last year, reflecting the fact that'more children, have been made wards of the County, -‘it also appears that highways expenditures will exceed the 5 mills appropriated • for this purpose;. Howevfer, there : is a total of $80,000 in the High-1 ways reserve account and some of" the reserve: monies will be used to make up any deficit., On the whole, the County will apparent-, ly finish- the. year^ within- its esti­ mates* . • ■ - ' ; " ■■ Dealing with a resolution of the- Greenock Township council-! requesting that the portion. of | Greenock south of Concession 12 be not included in the Walkerton High School District, the Consul­ tative Committee reported that no action could be taken one way or the other Until the January Ses­ sion. The High Schools Act pro- x A' I 1 A A ■ ■ ft I X BwiSI , 1 . ■ ■i* •' i TWENTY-TWO LIVINGROOM SUITES 4 , * j ’tr ...... • ,..., wifftlftWM J i i; 'fl -NEW vy . .— . ; . v. - _ : Sherlock Mantling—^Willis—-Mason and Risch JSED .■ .• ,..r Weber—Mason and Risch-—Heintzman - & Trade-In Accepted . . . Take a cushion hom to show salesman so that he can va « , - • , | Frigidaire Appliances/ - Bedroom Suites CONTEST With every 819 pprehiwsfe y'oti •w?1'’4' “ ‘ Z - .. to - wih. st.'Christ-mas .■ LAZY BOY and Of 1 UM AN or $100.00 In Merchandise ■'<D?aw' ini De«;niber .'i2.riil. I953) . I • " t ■■—I—, . I ■ ;<F-: I J. F. Schuett & Son THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO - - ■ . ■ . I .......U... I............. . , J-----...•■it. . . ! .............■------... . -----— ■ ..........................................................................; vides that boundaries of high school districts can only «be ■ changed on or before July 1st in any year. The Reforestation Committee repdftpd the purchase of Lots 34 and 35, Con. 1, Culross and also recommended the purchase of Lot 24, Con. 13, Culross, and .part of Lot 33, Con, 1,'Culross, these to augment the present county foiv . est holdings in Culross township, Consider Grant In January Dealing with a request from .the municipalities of Lucknow, Culrpss, Kinloss' arid Teeswater, for assistance towards the bqikL ing of an addition .to the Wing­ ham hospital? the Finance" Com­ mittee recommended that, at ■ the January Session 1954,’ consider­ ation be given to a grant of $25,000 to the Wingham hospital, the sarhe as given to other hos­ pitals in the county. The following High School trustees were appointed far 1954: Arthur Doubt for the Chesley high school district; ■ Clifford Hewitt for ’ the Kincardine high school district; A. E. McKim for the Lucknow high school district; Robert Lamont for the Saugeen high school district; William Ar­ nold for the Ripley high school district; —Jacob . Fischer for the Walkerton high school district; Allan'. Whicher for the , Wiarton high schopr district. Dr. J. T. H. Robinson of Walk­ erton, was appointed .County Horne physician to fill the vacan­ cy created by the death of .Dr. T. Resolutions Adopted The following resolutions were adopted by Council : during, the Session: , ■ 1. ■ ‘ That the Minister of. Reform Institutions be requested to es-,- tablish a/separate Institution as | a Female’Refuge (Protestant) so. -rthafr^omen-’v^o^rempt-convicty- ed of any crime will no longer be committed to the Andrew Mercer Reformatory for Women. That, the Veterans’ Land Act be .amended so . as to redbee to riot less than two-fifths of an • acre the acreage riow required for any veteran purchasing land un­ der this Act. " ... That the Provincial Govern- rrient be petitioned to repeal sub­ sec. 2 of Sec. 59 of The Mental Hospitals; Act, which requires all munipipalitft^ to pay to the On-1 tar io Hospital, Woodstock, fifty cents per day for all local indig­ ent residents therein. That the Provincial Govern-' rrientbe petitioned to increase the. grant on county highway expen­ diture to 65“percent. Endorsing the efforts of the Ontario .Dept, of Highways in its attempts to reduce the number of highway accidents. . \ Council adjourned on Saturday morning to meet for the January Session in Walkerton as per sta­ tute; Lucknow — Joseph Agnew Head Office — Lpndon7"0ntarior^ .J..-.'• / : - *j. '■Mr; .and Mrs. Ted McClenag- han ,and Tamily visited Sunday in Fergus. . /■'' ■■■■■: Mr. and. Mrs. E. Scholtz visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ryan at Goderich. . ? Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moss and family bf Bright spent the week­ end at her parents here, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Moss and family and Mr. and Mrs. B. D. McClehaghan and Carl motpred to St. Thomas bn Sunday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Irwin McClenaghan. We are pleased to hear that Miss. Margaret Taylor has return­ ed home from Wingham Hospital. | Mr. Earl Caslick motored to i Malton on Monday with his son I Wilfred to haye a treatment on . hiis arm that was hurt early last ! I summer- causing-a torn, muscle -in - rr the upper part of his left arm. ! There was a large crowd at the | dance , in the Whitechurch Hall i for the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. j Lome. Wall. After lunch Mr. and front. Walter Bell read the ad- ' dress and Jack Gillies presented | them with a purse of money. a" ] Lome replied with a few fitting words of thanks. Everybody sarig. “For they are jolly good fellows”. . i Frank MacKenzie favored With ■' some bagpipe; music. Music for Wingham Hospital ■ dancing, was.by Tiffins orchestra. tn Mr and Mrs >. -------------:---------?---- ---------- WHITECHURCH BORN—in ’ on Nov. 11th, to Mr. and Mrs.! --------------- ----------- Alex Robertson (nee Jean For- ? KAIRSHEA W. I. MEETING . ster), a.daughter, Margaret Eliz- HELD IN LUCKNOW abeth, a sister for Jimmie. . —---- . , Mr. and Mrs. Chas.-McDonald . Mrs.. Alex MacLeod and Mrs. and family .of St. Helens' visited Lawrence MacLeod were hostess- on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.' G-. es' for the November meeting of Farrier. | the Kairshea W.I. held . at the “ Mr; and Mrs. Jack Gillespie & home of Mrs. MacLeod in Luck­ family of Wingham spent Sunday, now.. There was a large attend- with her parents, Mr. arid Mrs.1 ance. Mrs. D. H. Carruthers pre-1 W. R. Farrier.- ' ’ •. ■' ■, ’ sided. ' ’ . PAGE NINE / I ‘Hi Ask for the folder '■20 Questions’ -District Representatives listed below 1 . Huron&Erie ( MORTGAGE CORPORATION “Older than the Dominion of Canada" ■ ”We can’t afford to take chances •* • that’s why we like Debentures” ‘4 ,. ’ ' ■ ’’When I, retired, I looked for an investment that was safe, that , paid good interest and that could be bought ' 1 for a short term* I wanted to be sure of one hundred cents on the dollar at maturity?;My Huron & Erie five year debentures do all this for me • . « at interest on my money.” Plans were made for the Froz­ en Foods short course at Holy­ rood, for _theJbus:Jj^ Andrew’s Ball to be held in the Town Hall, < Lucknow, on Nov­ ember 27th; A vote of thanks was■ given to the directors who made theTXt HomeTsuch"a' success. "Mrs. Hughes, the leader for the Jun­ ior project “What shall I wear’’, reported bn its progress. $10 was I Voted to the Children’s War Memorial Hospital in London. The roll call “Don’ts for the sick room.” brought a variety of ans­ wers. The motto, “Good health must be lost to be appreciated”, was taken by Mrs. E. Purves. The topic, “Mental Health” was giv­ en by Mrs. Hughes who gave much information on the subject. -Miss-Dean -McLeod,- in a suitable- costume, gave a splendid reading, “Great Grandmother Ann”. A piano solo ' “The Fawn” by Mrs. Allin, was much enjoyed. Mrs. Farish Moffat gave an interesting ‘ -summary—Tif—“The Federated-- News”. Mrs. Chadwick sang a j old “Give to us peace in our time, O Lord”. < A report on the meeting spon­ sored by the Holyrood W.I. ^at which Mrs. Hamilton was guest speaker was given by Mrs. Hous­ ton for the morrij,ng session and Mrs. Dickie , reported on the af­ ternoon. . Both had much helpful • information. -Mrs. Clarence Irwin was' in charge of a contest on different parts of the body. ;■ The December meeting is to, be held on December-. 10th Mrs. Dickie arid Mrs.' D. L. MacKin­ non are. hostesses. The , place is , to (be announced later. The dir­ ectors are Mrs. L. MacLeod, Mrs. E.‘ Purves, Mrs. D. H. Carruthers and Mrs, Clarence Irwin. Donald Thompson, Lucknow , ‘ ' . PHONE 33 011 35 FOR ~ SAMPLES