HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-11-18, Page 4Moderate Prices ! IFOURTH CONCESSION ! T I Insure With The4 i KWBHsiS®? ri i I I- I r NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having cl a i m s against the estate of William Thuell. late of the Village of MEMBER OF Ontario Insurance Agents’ Association - ) Helens Women’s- Institute for their kind remembrance while ’ I Was iri beck I deeply appreciate it. ' MURRAY GAUNT. Day or Night Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extra Cost --STATE.FA RM MU T IT L , AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE- Investigate Before Investing Asnews’Agency Howard Agnew — Jos. Agnew GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago Telephones:? Business39— Residencel38 :■ REUBEN WILSON ", R. r. Gndcrich, Phone.«80‘t'-8 Dungannon PAGE FOUR THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUGOOWf ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, NOV.18th, PUPS FOR SALE—Apply to Jan de Boer. ? , WANTED—quantity of sod land, ™^uitable^for“growing“llax—And­ erson Flax Products, Lucknow. FOR RENT — small apartment ' with heavy wiring. f Apply. to Mrs. ? Wellington Henderson. ■. FOR SALE—small cook stove in good condition. Apply Mrs. Red- vers Johnston, Lucknow. FOR SALE—20 pigs, 8 weeks old. Apply to Walter Elliott, R. 1, Lucknow. •• . FOR SALE—Ajax coal br wood heater in good condition. Apply at . Mrs. M. Dudley’s hqriie in. . .', Lucknow. ■ ■ FOR SALE—baby carriage and (bassinet on casters. Apply Mrs, Melvin Stewart, Lucknow, phone 7.0-r-13 Dungannon. FOR RENT—house on corner of Willoughby and Havelock Sts., 6 rooms and bath. Available at once. Apply E, J. Farrish, Gorrie. CARPENTER WORK — hew and' repairs, kitchen cupboards, etc., made to order. No joib too small. Leo Beauchamp, phone 97-w, FOR SALEr—cement septic tanks; approved by the Health Unit.. We deliver them. Forsiter’s Welding Shop, phone 206-r-ll, Lucknow. LOST — a billfold ’ containing a sum of money and cheques; Gen­ erous reward- Finder, please not­ ify Walter Alton, phone 67-15, Dungannon,-collect. PLEASE RETURN -- will the party who borrowed the spoons this spring from the Moriday Night Shoot ClUlb, please return them. TIMKEN PRESSURE BURN­ ERS for service 24 hours a day. HISELER & SON, Patrick and Edward . Sts., Wingham, phone '426. ’ LIVESTOCK WANTED Dead, disabredhbrses ?or~cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service call “STONES” collect Ingersoll 21, Wingham 561J ,pr Ripley 182. TORTSAXE^R-RENT^^apart- ment house, 2 basements, two bathrooms, heavy service wiring. Choice location jori Station St., close to churches and school. W. L. MacKenzie, phbne 193 Luck< now/'. ? WANTED I am purchasing boars at 9c to lie per lb. liveweight,.also horses for slaughter at top prices. Write direct to Leroy Acheson, Atwood, Ont., dr get in touch with me at Lucknow Community Sale on Wednesday, or contact Sid Gard- ner, Lucknow/ • FOR SALE ; -North half of farm Lot 15, Con­ cession 14, Township of Ashfield. On the farm are a frame house, -barri, driveshed, garage and two good wells. . :.... For particulars apply to Marie Greer, R.R. No, 1, Lucknow, Ont­ ario, or Vfilliam Ferguson,/ R.R. ; No. 1, Kincardine, Ontario. !■- MEAT FOR SALE Good beef for sale by the^quar­ ter. Beef" killed under license from the Department of Health. Highest quality. Lowest pgjces. Front quarters 24c, hind quart- ers 35c.- , , Raynard Ackert, Holyrood, Plione' 24-30 Ripley. NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS The Court of Revision pn the 1954 assessment roll of the Town­ ship of Kiriloss will be held in the Township Hall on Monday, November , 30th, 1953, at . 1.30 o’clock iri the afternoon. All ap­ peals- against assessment. rriuSt be inthe Clerk’s hands not later thbri November 20th, 1953., J. R. Lane, Clerk, Kiriloss Twp., R. 2, Holyrood, Ont STENOGRAPHER WANTED for full time employment at Wing­ ham General Hospital, Apply in own handwriting, stating^ age and experience to the’Superintengent^ Wingham General Hospital. RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now op-; en. in/ Bruce. County. Trade well established: Excellent opportun­ ity? Full time. Write at once, Rawleigh’s Dept, K-271-189, Mon­ treal. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Iii the Matter of the Estate of Annie McKenzie, Deceased. Notice is hereby, given that all persons having claims against the estate of Annie McKenzie* who died at Wingham<on the'twenty­ fifth day of Aqgust; A.D., 1952; are. notified. to 'send their, claims duly verified to the undersigned before the Twelfth day of De­ cember, 1953, after which date the estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard. only to such claims as are then received, DATED /at Walkerton, this 9th day of November, A.D. 1953. ’ ■ John Henry Ross, R. R. 1, Holy-■' rood, Ont., Executor. P. Stuart MacKenzie, Walker­ ton; Ontario, His Solicitor. -A— Lucknow in the County of Bruce? Gentleman, who died on or about the thirty-first day of October, A.D. 1953, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the seventh day of December A;D. 1953, full particulars of their claims in- writing. Immediately after the said seventh day of De­ cember the assets of the said test­ ator Will1 be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, hav­ ing regard only to claims of which the executors shall, then have notice. ; < ; . ■ Dated, this fourteenth day of November, A.D. 1953. Crawford & Hetherington, Bar- Tisters, etc., Wingham, Ontario;~ SAVE MILK and MONEY GARGETEX (NIXON), — Multi-AntibioticOintment—— WILL STOP MASTITIS or Your Money Back! GARGETEX contains two peni­ cillins, streptomycin and the new- antibiotic bacitracin, combined in a completely milk soluble oint­ ment, bringing the effect of four antibiotics against mastitic infec­ tions. GARGETEX works immed­ iately on the internal infected ud*. der tissue, promoting fast safe recovery arid is guaranteed to give effective results. Get a tube of New GARGETEX today. In­ structions for easy administration on every package. Made^in Can/ ada iby Nixon Laboratories Lim­ ited. ' . . IN MEMORIAM McMORRAH—Ip loving memory of our dear ihother, Mrs, Daniel C. McMorraiX who passed . away rnie^e^rr-^o^NnvemberH4Hi952f God took her home, it was His ■•'will" . Rut in our hearts she liveth still. —Ever remembered by Madelyne, Mae and Jack.. ’ . . ■ , CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Alfred Ritchie wishes to sincerely thank friends' arid' neighbors Who so kindly reriiem-. bered her, and whd were so good to A;lf, Bill and Donna, While she was in the hospital ?" Mr. and Mrs. Burt Roach wish td sincerely thank: friends,• rela­ tives and neighbors, with .special thanks to the Sil verwood staff, and Rev./G. A, Meiklejohn, for kind, and thoughtful acts during Mr. Roach’s illness while .in Vic­ toria Hospital, London. I wish, to express sincere .thanks to all who visited me. ’seht cards, flowers, fruit? tc the Luckndw- Calf club, and , the St [COMING EVENTSIj DANCE at ST. AUGUSTINE Plan to attend the dance at St. Augustine on Friday, November 27th. ..Henderson’s orchestra. Ad­ mission .50c. BAZAAR AND BAKE SALE Blake W.A. will hold ,a bazaar, baking, sale and afternoon -tea in the Legion Rooms, Lucknow, Sat- nurdayrNqvember21T-at~?L30-pdn- U. /, BAKE?,SA^ '?•;/.. ■ ^ Kiritaii? Women’s Institute wiil hold? a ibake sale arid afternoon tea in the ‘Auxiliary. Rooms, Lucknow, on Wednesday after­ noon, November 25th. ■ - BAZAAR & BAKING SALE St. Peter’s Guild will hold their bazaar .and. bake sale in the Aux­ iliary Rooms, Lucknow, on Sat­ urday, ^Toveniber 28fh at 2.30 p.m. Afternoon tea will be served. DOUBLE RECEPTION In Zion prange. Hall on Fri-' day, November 20th, in honor of ! Mir- and Mrs. Graydon Ritdhie and Mr. and Mrs. Lome Wall. Lunch served. Every one welcome. Bruce’s orchestra. FEDERATION BANQUET Annual meeting and banqyet of Ashfeld Federation,.of Agriculture in the Recreational Centre, Luck- how, Tuesday; November 24th at 7.00 p.m. Guest speaker, Bob Car-, bert. $1.50 per plate. Jack Mc­ Kenzie, Pres.; Howard Blake, Sec. .■ / •- :/ , ; ■ . • V' ■ ■ '' . ' ■; DANCE AT DUNGANNON ColWanash Junior Farmers are sponsoring a dance in Dungan-/ non Agricultural Hall, Friday, Ndvembei^^th —Miastc^y/Nbrm-r Carnegie and his orchestra with j Roy McCreight as floor manager. I Dancing 10.30 to 1.30. . Lunch counter. AdmisMQh. 50c; / .? “LANDSCAPING YOUR HOME” “Beautifying Canada by. Land­ scaping Your Home”,. will be shown through the courtesy of H, C. Dowpam Nursery. Co., at! Holyrood Hall., Thursday, Nov- ( ember 26th at 8,15, under auspices | Holyrood W.I. Colored Slides will | hie accompanied by an informal 1 discussion on home beautifica-1 tiori. Musical nuinbers, lunch ser-1 ved, everyone welcome.; Adults I 35c, children 10c. . | Mrs. Liovd RlacDougall spent Friday iri /London where she vis- -4ted—wif-h-her-mother; Mrs.. Wil- fred .Farrish in Victoria Hospi­ tal'.- : Mrs. 'Fraser MacKinnon, Jim­ mie and David spent a few daiys last week in Hamilton! Mr. T. Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Allen of Birch Cliff spent the week-end With Mr. and Mrs. Herb Buckton and family. -Mr. F. MacDonald spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hariiilton and family visited with Mr. and Mrs, John Hamilton and family of Clinton on Sunday.. The Official Truth About Flying Saucers What ARE flying saucers? Op­ tical illusions. Men from Mars? Guided missiles? Soviet, spies? In The American Weekly with this Sunday’s (November 22) issue 6f Detroit Sunday limes, Capt. WaP'? ter. Karig, .special deputy to Chief , of Information, U.S. Navy, gives, i for the first time, the actual truth I about flying saucers. 6. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Office on Patrick St., just off the Main St. in wingham Professional Eye Examination Optical Services Evenings by appointment. ■ Phone: Office/770; Res. 5. JOHNSTONE FUNERAL HOME ’Phone 76 MacLENNAN and MacKENZIE S FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted accord­ ing to your wishes at your Home, Your Church, or at our Memorial Chapel at no additional- charge/ AMBULANCE SERVICE ’Phone 181, Lucknow. Day or Night - t i' 1 ■ ■ ' INSURANCE Co-Operative Life Insurance Co-Operative Automobile insurance Mercantile & Farm, Fire insurance Ecoriomicai and Reliable. ••/•.•" ' ■' See.. T. A; CAMERON LUCKNOW Phone ;70rr-10 Dungannon I Kenneth J. MacKenzie R.O. Optometrist LISTOWEL, ONT. MliL fee. at Wrona’s Jewellery store, Ripley, 10 a.rm to 9 p.m., WEDNESDAY, DEC. 2nd and every Second Wednesday; Eyes examined - Glasses fitted For appointment ’phone Roy MacKenzie, 96-r-24 Ripley. wingham MEMORIAL SHOP T, We; Have Been Memorial Craftsmen For Thirty-Five Years, Always Using ;THE BEST GRANITES ■ ' Along With Expert Designing arid . Workmanship. Prices Most Reasonable .. Cemetery Lettering a Specialty R; A. SPOTTON Phone 256, Wingham. Ontario DR. T. B. CLELAND VETERINARIAN Havelock St., south of Supertest Garage L U CKN 0W Telephone 175 BUSINESSand TAX SERVICE * -' monthly audits For The Small Merchant, Professional man and the Farmer. S. J. PYMM P.O. Box 74 - Lucknow* Out Office in Kilpatrick Block ’Phone 23-w . F T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT / ’Phone 1100 ■ For ’ Appointment or Information See Wm. A. Schmid, ’Phone 167-w Lucknow INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE To Protect Ydur Jack, Insure... With J ack Today. J. A. McDONAGH R.R. 3, Lucknow, Ont. ’Phone 61-5, Dungannon R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW . ■ Every • / '..■ ■•■ Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block Telephone: Office 135 Residence 31-J P. Stuart MacKenzie Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday OFFICE IN HENDERSONBLOCK ..- • •••■ ■■ '< '■ ■ .: —/ ?'?. ?.!? •//'?" ■, 'ar? "’T R. S. Hetherington, Q.C 2 ■ ■“—“'■Barrister; -Etcr—•' ■“/ ' Wingham and Lucknow IN LUCKNOW Each Monday and Wednesday Located on the ground. floor in% the front of < John Kilpatrick’s Building ’Phone Wingham Office 48 Residence 571 Culross Mutual FIRE INSURANCE 00. for ; Reasonable rates,' seurid pro* tectiori & prompt, satisfactory settlement of claims?..’ r FARISH MOFFAT Your Local Agent. ■ 3» T<wssiwste. .j Phone Teeswater 57-r-41 [