HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-11-18, Page 3I WEDNESDAY, NOV. l£th, 1953 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd 11 a.m.: Morning Worship. 12.15 p.m.: Sunday School. 3 p.m.; Erskine, Dungannon, 7 p.m.: Evening Worship. Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. C. A. Winii, B;A., Minister. / LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, B.A., B.D. SUNDAY NOVEMBED 22nd 11.00 a.m.: “Regeneration”, 12,15 p.m.; Church School, . 7.0Q p.m.: ‘tTjie Trust of True ! • A Riches”. I SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd WHITECHURCH KINLOUGH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH • v i of CHURCH CHANNELS Scarves ► I FOWL BINGO Free Admission ✓ ■ • I • • s Wagons Don Thompson. A phone call 33 or 35 Will bring samples your home at the week-end. 11.00 a.m.: Rev. G. S. Bauich. -7.30 p.m.: Rev, J. R. Mac­ Donald of Ashfield. THE ANNUAL Nylons, Broadcloths, Doeskins, Wools, Etc. . Full size range 13 to 18 for men arid boys. UNBELIEVABLE VALUES IN i V THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE THREE II ii i Ii _• i The ChurchSchoorChristmasi Concert is planned for Friday, | December 18th. ■;? - /■ ANNIVERSARY SERVICES X’ Everyone Welcome WEDDINGS v ritchie—McDonald WALL-McDONALD W a double wedding ceremony at the* Ashfield United Church Nonage, oh Friday, November 6th at 3,00 p.m., Elizabeth (Beth) Fleming McDonald, of Lucknow, became the bride of William. Gray don Ritchie of Ashfield, son of Mr,' and Mrs. Robert' Ritchie; and Catherine C. McDonald of Powell River, B.C., became the bride of Lome. J.Wall of Kin- 4ossrsonmfThe-Tat^^ Joseph E. Wall- . , / /. -. The...two brides are' sisters, daughters£. of the late .Mr. and Hpgh McDonald of Tpfield, Alta, ■■ The unique double ceremony was performed by Rev. J. R. Dickinson. Bridal attendants for Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie’J were her . v __...................... sister arid Mr. Wall, and in turn; Charline Smith of Toronto were Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie witnessed recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ' Bert Ward. Mrs.; Lydia Urnbach is at the horpe or her daughter in Kitch­ ener,' following hospital treatment for a severe arthritic condition. Jack McGillivray of Paisley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Glen. Walden and Mr. and Mrs, Ewart Taylor. Mrs. Verna Meyer of Kitchener was a weekTend visitor with her father, Mr. R. H. McQuillin and with Mrs. A. E. Durnin. Mrs. Charles Lorenz is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bell at Cleveland where she will spend the winder months. Visitors with Mrs. McNall on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gawley and Ronnie of Wingiham and >Mr, and Mrs. Hackett and ThndTerT“di“C’amp Borden. c ~~ . Mr. and Mrs- Glenn Moore of j Hamilton spent the week-end I here and on their return were accompanied by Mrs. E. N. Hod­ gins who will spend the winter, with them. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Havens were Sunday visitors at Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor. They were accompanied by her - moth­ er,- Mrs. Mary MacDonald, who returned to Sarnia after spend­ ing a week here. DO NOT FORGET the, prizes you can win while doing your Fall -^-iG-hristmas^shopping-atJlughesL Ready-To-Wear Store, Teeswater. First, Tip Top Suit; 2nd, $25 in merchandise; 3rd, $10,00 in mer­ chandise,Draw to be made Christmas Eve at. 9.30. Local & General Mr. and Mrs., Ewart Taylor, vis­ ited with Rev. and Mrs. Ted Mil­ roy qf Egmbndville on Tuesday. Mr.. Garfield Qstrander of Pier ton is spending a few days in ^he village. , Elmo Pritchard and Robt. Helm! attended the Royal Winter Fair j at . Toronto last Friday •• find ^Sa’t.-^ urday. ' : ' ~“T^rsT Harvey Treleaven’ of London has been; a* patient in TVingham Hospital for the past few weeks. • ' ’ . Miss ■ Christeha Cafrick has been visiting. at Markham with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Leishman . and family. I Mr. Larry Telford and Miss Sanderson’s LADIES’ AND MEN’S WEAR LAY-AWAY CLAN for CHRISTMAS GIFTS their marriage., Elizabeth chose, for her wed­ ding a.royalblue crepe and lace street length dress with corsage of .pink carnations. Her sister Catherine wore a mauve dress­ maker suit with navy accessories and corsage of white carnations. The two couples left on- a wed­ ding trip to Niagara Falls/and Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie are residing on the groom’s farm' in Ashfield and Mr. and Mrs.* Wall on the? groom’s .farm east Lucknow. ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ►. ► ► ► ► ► NOVEMBER SPECIAL OFFERINGS SHIRTS—plaids, plains, stripes, by. * Arrow, Tooke, Van Hueson, Forsyth, Balfour, for dress and work $2.50 to $7.95 * Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bell -and Heather spent the week-end with her parents at Burford. Mr. and Mrs. E. Groskorth and win, famtly^spent- the ■ week-en d -at Toronto. They attended the Royal Winter Fair on Saturday. Mrs. Bagg, who has visiting here for 0 few days, returned home with them., . '• .'•• •” Miss Rena Moore has started to work at Rapp’s Bakery, Wing­ ham. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hayes of De­ troit spent last week, visiting with friends and relatives. Mrs. Dune Kennedy of Wing­ ham visited on Sunday with Mis. Kennedy, Annie and Pete. Mr. and Mrs. ,Jas Falconer & Lois, Mrs/Walter Jarne^, Roy and Leonard spent the week-end at Caledon. _ Mrs. Haggitt of Blyth is visit­ ing her brother, Mt.‘ and Mrs. V. Emerson. . S Mr. Chas. Gillespie of Kitchen­ er visited over the week-end with . friends in the village. • Many citizens think that muni­ cipal lotteries would .assist in fin'aneing hospitals, ' They think* that the money might better stay ..in Canada than go to Ireland It is suggested that people would, contribute .more this way,- than I they do-voluntarily. We. feel that | they are wrong, and' that lotter­ ies are inherently :a violation of moral;, and economic principles; They strangle voluntary giving by discouraging people from con­ tributing to good causes unless there is a chance of winning a .1 prize. They substitute a selfish I hope :cxf unearned wealth for. the generous impulses, which so en­ noble mankind when gifts are voluntary. The end does not just­ ify the means. It has not done so .in countries , where lotteries; | are legalized. While a few people the .great; majority, suffer d isappointment - a n d ---financial loss. - ’ ' .:. Young people are encouraged to believe that good luck may well be a substitute for hard work, for they hear much of the ■ few- who * wi^n-and-nothing-of—t-he-- .thousands who lose when a lot--, 'tery is . held. An attempt is being made to weaken or abolish the federal law . against lotteries. A .committee, will report its findings to .parliar ' ment which has defeated, lottery proposals on previous occasions. It is to be hoped that people who are against lotteries conducted by any level of government will talk to their federal member ( about this; and urge them not to- let the anti-lottery bars down. ' . • ■ ' • ' ' ■ • ■ ■ s. I. Mr. Malcolm Clark of Toronto ,spent the week-end with Ethel .and Belle Robertson. 1 CHRISTMAS GIFTS! This Christmas give personal­ ized gifts' ' serviettes, .playing cards, coasters, paper matches/ stationery—with recipients names- neatly printed. Order now from to to v.v » W > i > » » * Under Auspices of Lucknow Branch SoF the Canadian Legion ■ • ■ '■■.’* ■ • • ■ ■ ' RECREATIONAL CENTRE, LUCKNOW 8.00 p.m. ■ . chickens — geese -- turkeys Underwear—all sizes Sox and Ties Handkerchiefs, cotton and Linen Pyjamas—flette & broad­ cloth Sweaters—cardigans and pullovers Caps and Hats Leather Gioves and Mitts. Work Clothes—for all Trousers—all prices Suits-T-on hand or to meas­ ure , 4 Zip-in Coats Jackets & Station Housecoats Woollen Gloves & ►< M K M ► < ► < ►< ►< M ► < ►< ► < ►< Jewellery Gifts for all \ \ New Costume Jewellery Vests and Snuggies W90I and Lisle Hose Golf and Half Hose Nylon Hosiery Gloves-r-wbol, cotton, etc. Lingerie—new stock Flannelette Gowns and Pyjamas, Foundation Garments /Brassiers and Belts / Kroy Knitting Wool Playtex Girdles Baby Gifts Skirts, Blouses & Sweaters Coats and Dresses St. Andrews Ball IN THE TOWN HALL, LUCKNOW HOOT MON, DON’T MISS IT! Friday/ November 27 Under Auspices of* . Kairshea Women’s Institute WILBEE’S ORCHESTRA SCOTCH DANCING & PIPING __ ___-—LUNCH COUNTER featuring* those yiimmy home- ' made pies Admission! 5c .Mexico; Mrs. Gladys Vandewat- ferings. of this present are not er, Dunbarton, Ont. Predeceasing here .were a son, Rexford Ostrander; a sister, Mrs. William Elliott (Charlotte) and a brother^ Rexford Reid,. ■ . ■ • • ••«.■■■ Service at the funeral home of G. M. Hicks and Son was largely attended by relatives and friends* Rev. J. W. Stewart of Trafalgar Was assisted by Rev. F. J. White- ley of Picton United.church. Mr. Stewart had conducted the fun­ eral of her-son Rexford, and his sermon topic was in keeping with Mrs. Ostrander’s long illness, be­ ing “For I reckon that the suf- worthy to be compared, with the glory which shall be revealed in us”. There were a great many 'beautiful floral tributes. Inter­ ment was in Cherry Valley Cem­ etery. JPallbearers were; nephews, Keith Reid, Charles K. Reidr Howard Van dewater, Raymond Ostrander, Keith MacDonald’and Harold Ostrander. . r. ,6.• . OFF TO THE SOUTH again aire Mr., and Mrs. W. J. Freeman of Teeswater, who last year acquir­ ed a winter home at. St. Peters­ burg; Florida. OBITUARY MRS. GARFIELD OSTRANDER A highly esteemed resident , in the person of Mary Luelja Reid, Wife of Garfield Ostrander, pass­ ed away at her-home at Picton on Thursday, October_29thj 1953. She had been ill for some time, having. .undergone an. operation., in . Kingston Hospital -in-January ! and hads spent nine weeks, in.; Prince Edward County Hospital, before being removed j to her; home a 1-.. passing. aBorn at Milford, September. 6„ 1889, she . was the daughter .of Hugh Reid and his wife, Elzir\a (Walker) R<eid. Two years after their.marriage, Mr.,and Mrs. Os­ trander moved to Lucknow where they resided until fiv^ years ago when they, returned to Picton af­ ter the sudclen. death of- their sbm Rexford, in February' 194.8,. : A member- of ffie United church few weeks before .her ■ Mrs. Ostrander, when' health, per-1 mitted, was active in .church j work, the Red Cross and in the * Women’s Institute while in Luck- , now. A lady of. many tine qual-j ities, Mrs.’ Ostrander enjoyed the , esteem- of a wide' circle .of friends.- Survivors are her husband, two ( brothers, Charles Reid of Green­ bush and Major .Howard Reid of Pict.on; three sisters, Mrs. Edith MacDonald, New York City; Mrs. i John E. Grant (Gertie) in New EXCITING - AMUSING - FASCINATING 1 Master Hypnotist AT THE WINGHAM TOWN HALL, ) • . . ■■ ■■ ■■■■■? • ... • 1- - 1 1 11 , , ■ . ■ - I • An . . . . • . ‘ XluirsdayjdEndayjMi^^ November 19,20,211 at 8 JO p.m.if Sponsored by the Wingham Branch of The Canadian Legion Adults 60c — Children 25c J