HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-11-11, Page 8j > * ASHTON’S —o— o— <■ RAY ROBINSON Floors I 1 ! /* *«P» '-’T,—.y-.-Tv-i-- F ,f. • ■ ■ I ,, BLOUSES, GLOVES, SOX, TIES, HANDKERCHIEFS*Etc,... I e LAW SANDED AND j finished. GABARDINE CAPS . Warmly lined, brown or beige. “....", ‘$1.15 to $1.25 7 .....,,2........... JU,....,,..........................A.................................... Sr < 4 4 4 < 4 4 4 .4 t ...................... . :4m $5.95 * a **• dresses. l Business Change .Boys’ Twfced Pants, special nt—$2.98 • . (for ages 10 to *18) . t * Sizes 3 to 6, only —-------___$1-49 For that extra pant for school wear these values cannot be'beaten. f HATS ARE CONTINUOUSLY COMING IN more varied gift L \:.„merci|andise.,'such -..as;.• / . . •.... i SCARVES, HANDBAGS, HOSIERY, SWEATERS, . SANDERSON’S LADIES’ and MEN’S WEAR have taken over the Millinery RiisinfWs previously operated by Miss Belle Robertson, yimp does not permit a remodelling operation at present. Lined leather gauntlet gloves or ■ ..mitts, pair .......................— $1,9/ Some clearances? included at LESS THAN HALF PRICE. 1 ‘ ■ ■ ■ •.■■■ • ■ .• m WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11th, 1953 PAGE EIGHT WEEK-END SPECIALS. . ., ... .... -----. A RACK OF LADIES’ and MISSES’ DRESSES ...... Sizes 12 to 24%. Exceptional values in new : THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO J......, J ■■■.. .....'if!; .1... I SEE BY THE SENTINEL MEN’S, LADIES* and CHILDREN’S WEAR 7 • .1' : . ~ ---------Piece Goods and Woollens AO O A A KINTAIL WJ. AIMS TO IMPROVE THE HALL r ■ _________• The November meeting of Kin­ tail W.I. was held at the home of Mrs, O’Neil at Kingsbridge. The roll call, “A mineral and where it is mined”, yras answered by 18 members and five visitors. The community hall at Kintail came up for gome considerable discussion. A committee was formed to convene a social even­ ing at Kintail hall and welcome all interested people to come and see what can be done to lay the ground work for a community . hall at Kintail. It was also de­ cidedto have a tea~and~bake~sale- on Wednesday, November 25 th,: at the Legion Rooms, Lucknow. Thank you notes were read from .-several sick fojk* Mrs. Elliott Sandy gaveea finereport of the London .Convention- The topic, Agriculture and Canadian Indus­ tries, was taken by Mrs. Donald Blue of Ripley who gave a splen- ’PhoneCarlow-2105 — R.R.l,Port Albert Tiriie To Buy CHRISTMAS BAKINq SUPPLIES ATLGJL .;.r , See our Complete Line Raisins, Currants, Etc., I.G.A. Red Maraohino Cherries, 6 oz. 23c Magic Baking Powder, lb. 35c Aylmer Cut Mx. Peel, 8 oz. 18c Aylmer cut Mx. Fruit, 8 oz. 19c -Ayjmer —...................... Red glace cherries* 4 oz. 16c Vankirk Chipits, 6 oz* .. 27c < 4 4 4 4 THAT prize winners at the Mon­ day night. Shoot Club party were sister and brother, June and Keith Collyer. \—o__ , 1 THAT Alvin Moran, Eldon and Wilfred Austin and Bert Schur- mans are home after sailing on the Lakes for the season on the barge Portadoc which is tied up at OWen Sound. ■ —o— ■ -THATsome^-changes—havebeem made at .the Recreational Cen- ^- -tFer ? where a Scout meeting room ha$ been partitioned; off to make use of. a portion of a little-used section of the north wing. Full use of the south winjg is again possible with the rernoval of the partition that was built to provide a tempor­ ary school room, made necess­ ary by overcrowding at the Public and High School,, prior to the erection of the new school. ii did paper in which she covered the entire subject both at home and abroad. She said farmers must still be willing to gamble for they are still'buying cattle. Discussing the “war against want” she said it is our war against communism, for hungry people will listen to any solution to their hunger. She referred to Kincardine for local industry sayinig • that their manufactured goods are seen in stores from coast to coast. She concluded" by sayiifg that Canada has a good hand of cards arid plays them well,, and we must share our abundance with those less fort-. Unater- - .7" ■—'—~ f Mrs. . Hugh McKenzie thanked the speaker. The Queen and lunch brought an interesting af­ ternoon to a ^loseU Mrs. John ' polling of Ripley will be the guest speaker at the December meeting at Mrs. Henry MacKenzie’s home. , ’ ■ ■■ ' KQftN WHALE — in Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday, November 6, 4953, to ME and <Mrs. Brock Whale (nee Kathleen Stothers), son, David Stephen Brock. CARTER—-in Wingham Generar Hospital, on Friday, October 30, 1953, to Mr. and’ Mrs. Ernest Car­ ter, R; 2, Wingham; a son.- THOMPSON—in Wirighairi Gen- ober 31, 1953, to Mr.' and Mrs. Mac Thompson, R. 1, Holyrood, a son. '• of Mixed Frtiit and Peels, at Everyday Low Prices. Australian •Seeded Raisins, 12 oz. .... 24c Gold Seal Sockeye-Salmon 39c Vita BCereala..:, 34c . Sunny Morn Coffee, ib.: ...* 95c Breakfast Club Raspberry-~Jam,24ozrr.“35c“ McIntosh Apples, bus. ... $3.25 Ontario Spies, bus. ........ $3.25 SMITH’S FOOD MARKET ( HOUSECOATS . ... Beautiful silk arid /bengalinetail- ored housecoats, sizes 14-20, navy,” , black, gfeeri, scdrlet and royal. Priced, at ............................$8.50 . sfel pANT^ ‘ > Navy all-wool ski pants* sizes 3- ; 6,' pair $2.59 feltfLg>'UNEft JEANS,. Sizes 4 0 THAT a Western subscriber, ex­ plaining the delay, in paying up their Sentinel subscription, says that the hail got their entire crop this year and they are now counting on their turkeys, “if the coyotes don’t get them”. ■—0—THAT - Wendy MacKenzie; dau­ ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mac­ Kenzie, had her tonsils remov­ ed last Wednesday in Wing- 'ham. ■ —o— ■ THAT Jack Leith, Jr., has de­ veloped a nostalgia for news of the old. home town, and we’ve added his name to the mailing list. Jack has been away from Luckhow for 15 years. Mr. and —Mrs^Leithreside—in—Ottawa where Jack is assistant-manag­ er at the Board of Trade. He extends an invitation to Luck- nowites to drop in and see him, when anyone from home is in the Capital. „ will be offerCjd for your Christinas Buying. ! STORE OPENED WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11th I Hobby Club' handicraft com­ petition at the Walkerton Win­ ter Fair. . —o-—• ' • THAT Ripley Junior Farmers*.' square dance team, with Austin Martin as caller, will again this year compete in the internat­ ional square dancing contest . at the Royal Winter Fair. • —r0~~ THAT tickets ’ are . available to anyone wishing to take the bus trip to the Royal next Tuesday. The trip is sponsored by the Kairshea Institute, but' there is accomodation for others besides Institute members. /” 3S1T Post^^ C a m - ' eron and the office staff weren’t sorry to see the end of last. week. Throughout the week they had to record and THAT Alex McIntosh has return­ ed from a three weeks’ trip via the Lockeridge Transport to . Wainwright; Alberta., Alex ac­ companied Charlie Blatchford • who was in charge of4he trucjk. —o— THAT a strong iron taste and smell had local domestic water users complaining last week. The water- used *n the system since spring has been solely from the new. well south of the Flaxmill, and it is hard to ex­ plain the noticeable increase in the iron content. The extreme ends of the system have been flushed thoroughly, and wheth­ er dr- not that- had- any-effect, some sections of the town not­ ice a pronounced improvement •in* the palatableness of the water. THAT Merle Middleton of Ham­ ilton visited last week-end with his father, Russell Middleton, and did some deer hunting with success. Qn Friday, his first day out, Merle bagged, a five-point buck. THAT Gordon ■, Kirkland has • been re-elected a director of the Huron Co-operative Medi- cal Services board.x THAT Mrs. Bob Hamilton and Leo Huber were prize; Winners at the Auxiliary Shoot party on Friday evening. THAT George Kennedy paid the top price of $355 for a Hereford buil -at E. R. O’NeiFs sale near London. THAT farm properties of the Estate of Wm, E. Henderson in Ashfield Township were offer­ ed for sale by auction last Wed­ nesday. The “Gibson” farm Was bought by Marshall Gibson, while the “McKenzie” farm was not sold at the auction. THAT three sisters,, Mrs. Earl Grey of Walkerton and Misses Helen and Joyce Little of Ash­ field, won top prizes with their ^handsome leather handbags, ex­ hibited in connection with the tabulate every individual piece of mail that was handled, both incoming and outgoing, right /down to every single postage stamp. It was an exacting check while at the same time trying to prevent delay in.: servicing the public* • The Publisher, Mrs. Thompson and Donald attended a 1 meeting of Western Ontario Newspapers publishers, held at the Royal Hotel, Harriston, on Saturday aL. ' ternoon..... ■ ■>.. i i I I SPEEDED Synfhetic Rubber Wall finish Paint a room today. Use ‘it to­ night. It’s easy with SFEED* .EASY Satin. So Satin smooth to.. use, dries so fast, stands hard wear *.. can be scrubbed over and over. No "painty” odor* no ■ ■lap / marks”. For plaster, wallpaper,* wallboard, masonry—ue^ds no ■ primer. 10 colours and .white. ' ■' < —0—... v THAT Jack MacKenzie, president of the Ashfield' Federation, of Agriculture, announces that Uie annual meeting and banquet will ibe held in the Recreational Centre^on Tuesday ^November 24th. THAT Reeve Stuart E. Robertson of Lucknow and Reeve David H, Carruthers/ of .Kinloss are among Bruce County reeves in attendance at the November . session ,of County Council at Walkerton. THAT the Fall Fair prize money dieques_are^now_made..o_ut_anLcl are available from Secretary A. T. McNay at the Lucknow Dis­ trict Co-op Store. Those who can conveniently' do so, are asked to call for their prize money; CHRISTMAS DOLLS / See out gtand selection of dolls for Christmas.* All rubber dolls from $1.98 to. $4.95 Walking dolls from $1.98 to $16.95 Have them laid away now While ■; the selection is good. ' FOR SALE AT Finlay Decorators ’Phone 218, _ Lucknow, Ont. BOYS’ SHIRTS Plaid doeskin, blue, red, green, wine and gffey backgrounds. Sizes u to 14 $1.98. LINED JEANS ■ '7t/4 oz. deriim, sanforized, sizes 8, • - 8, .10,’ at pair $3.88 ’ I6 pair $3;95 , 7.■ MEN’S SWEATERS' ' Fine wdol Cardigans, grey, brown and maroon, 36 to 44 at........ $5.75 • ^-Cardigans with zippered, fronts, beige, navy and wine, 36-44, $6.25 Pullovers—7 long sleeves, yellow, blue, grey aWd tail; M, L, $5.50 Sleeveless Pullovers-^vhitd, .grey, blue ’ arid mardOri* S, MtL, $3.95