HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-11-11, Page 7WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11th, 1953 South Kinloss W.M.S. Twenty ihembers, nine . Home Helpers and visitors and 4 child­ ren were present for the Novem­ ber meeting held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Buckton. The president, Mrs. Baulch, opened the meeting with scripture read mg and prayer and all joined in ringing Psalm 31 with Mrs. Evan I$e>th at the piano. After the L were read the vote for 'new QffiCers fot pres!byterial was discussed, Th&Glad Tidings secretary asked that subscript­ ions be paid by the end of No- N - . •. , • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN I I You know where ——ID getme, You can go out with an easier mind when you know the telephone is “right there". ' _ „ „ ’ ■ A* ■ • ' ' So many times, in so many ways, your telephone contributes to. your sense of security... to easier and more^pleasant living for you and your family. COMPANY. OF CANADATHE BELL TELEPHONE (" No price can measure its usefulness T i "OF-COURSE I HAVE. AN ESTATE" “My Dad-is building it for me right how,^nd it’s going to be pretty important to me some day. And a father knows how important it is to-haye that estate properly .adrninistered', no niaucf how small it may -be at present'.; He advice anc - ' assistance from- experienced Trust . ( infers ,(-»n (the • disposition of his estate withoti' anv obh^ation* ■ Write for free Booklet Blueprint bor Your I aniily. *■ . . THE STERLING ’TRUSTS C i’O R P O R -A- T I, O IM HEAD offfice ' Boy. st, Trento vember. The treasurer’s reporbl IRENE ROULSTON HEADS -----. , daughters of kairshea The first meeting of • the Dau­ ghters of the Kairshea was held at the home of the leader, Mrs, A, Hughes. Officers werte elected With Irene Roulston, president; Betty Hamilton, secretary;; and Joan Hamilton, press reporter, . The new course entitled “What Shall I Wear;’, was discussed. Af­ ter various colors and shades of material were■ Lfield" up ‘.to^each was read, the offering received and Mrs. W. F. MacDonald gave the dedicatory prayer. The scrip­ ture and meditation on “Trees of the Bible”, had been very well prepared by Miss Mary MacMil­ lan and was read iby Mrs. Archie .MacIntyre followed., by prayer by Mrs.Wm, MacIntyre. Miss Dean MacLeod told prayer stories .of how rrijssionaries had beenhelp- ed by the prayer of those at hQme.LThe-study-“bopk-chapter“om the Christian iChurch in Africa was well explained. by Mrs, Fras­ er MacKLinnon. Many members reported briefly" on the meetings they had attended, during . the Training Institute, in Wingham, Mrs. T. Austin expressed her 1 hanks for being remembered when ill and those who had taken her part at the meeting; Mrs. Harold Campbell thanked the .hostess and those taking part. After singing hymn 551 the meet-: ing closed with the mizpah bene­ diction. During lunch all enjoyed' a piano duet played by Marion and Billie. .Buckton. , FINAL MARATHON WEEK TO BE HELD IN THE HOMES ' The fifth and final week of the Library Bridge Marathon will be hekl next week, with playing be­ ing done in the homes as usual. , Two prizes, first and second, are to be-awarded and will be. announced next week. Mrs. W. V. Johnston, Miss Plumsteel, Mrs. W. Henderson, -Mrsr- Allinr -—-7—77————---- Mrs. Hollyman, Mrs. • *L. C. Thompson, Mrs. Bannister, Mrs. Yovan. Mrs. Couse, 'Mrs, J. Agnew, J^argar^t-Rae^-Mrsr-RathweilT— Mrs, .A. C. Agnew, Mrs. Doug* las, Mrs. H. Webster, Mrs. Mac­ Millan • Mrs. E,. H. Agnew,4 Mrs. Mur- die, Mrs. M. Hamilton, Mrs. R. Finlayson. Mrs .W, L. MacKenzie, Mrs. R, Jr. Button, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Stewart. Mrs. N. E. Bushell, Mrs. Russ. Button, Mrs. R. H. Thompson, Mrs. W. B. Anderson. Mrs Schmid, Mrsi T. A., Mac* Donald, Mrs: McNay, Mrs. Port- eo.us. ' ’ . Mrk ■ McNab, Mrs. R. John­ ston, Mrs. H. Treleaven, Mrs. Wm. MacDonald. . Mrs. "CbokT Mrs? Cuming, Mrs. R. MacKenzie, Mrs. Joynt. Mrs. McKim, Mrs. Solomon, Mrs7 Andrew, Mrs. Clarke. Mrs. Plewes, Mrs.. Hoag, Mrs. A. MacLennan, Mrs. Rae. CREWE CHURCHTO RISE AGAIN AS ORANGE HALL The ..corner stone of .the new Orange Hall at Mitchell was laid recently, and material.‘from the Crewe United Church will go in­ to the construction of the hall. The church was bought in the Summer' by, Mitchell Lodge for $5.50 and was later < torn down and. the lumber transported to Mitchell. The’L, disappearance of the church reinoyes_, the, last land­ mark of what was once a flour­ ishing, little hamlet, complete M/it.h general store and post of­ fice. ■ Membership in.-Crewe . Church has been transferred' to other dis-' trict. churches, including Dun­ gan n 0 n and. Blake's. ' ■.■ ~ South Kinloss F. & F. Group The .Faith •& Fellowship Group j of South"Kinioss met at the. home ■of Mr. and Mrs. Ted.Collyer. Af- - , j fro the opening exercises a prayer 1 of. remembrance was given by J Mrs. Evan' Keith, One minute’s ’silence was\ observed and ‘Mrs. J Evan Keith ' read the poem “In : Flahder’s Fields”. Belle Graham, :—■ —rhtir the " ’ ' Mrs./ Harry, Lavis, EVan Keithassistance from experienccd . 1 - . • . and Frank MacKenzie- favored with ’a quartette “Jeslis .Will Re- •.} member You”. The‘scripture and ! meditation was conducted by Rev, ’ Haul ch and Belle Qfaham gave ' a' reading,-A film strip on The : Lord’s. Prayer' was followed by 'a quiz on the film, by Mrs. Harry ' , Lavis' and Jean Cochrane, ..Graced 1 lunch," .the vote' of .thanks . by i Frank MacKenzie and the miz- ! pah benediction-closed the meet- ’V A ■ 7 BR^iCH OFFICE 1.3 Dunlop Stz % member, each one was told what color suited, her best. Mrs,. Hughes then demonstrated how to , thread and yse an electric mach­ ine. The meeting closed with a delicious lunch served by the hostess. The vote of thanks was given by Joan Hamilton. . Servant: The doctor is here, professor. ‘ ‘ • . Absent-minded prof,: Dear me! I!m_iii_hied.^canlt-see^hm^ErTT-^^— tell himj’m ill., . / : • > ’l f I V 1. I .* • % ' I ■ ■ I * r 5j3B5jgj84cttffi88SeOJ!5^ 5Sa Ki ......................■■ I-.J.- -.........................................T._-...... .1' , Tirpyii'-'rT-irwwi»i-'»r-rt-Jiiii.il. r