HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-11-11, Page 6• ’ • ’• * $ • j ‘ • • « . ., • • •' .. ' , . .. • ■ • 6. Mrs. The dentist is the only who can tell a woman to and shut her mouth and get with it. her ^parents, Mr. and Mrs. Schumacher. 4 - v V * T gone next Levi PAGESIX ''CULROSS CORNERS The H.W.I. met Thursday af- ternoon at the home of Mrs, Frank Thompson with a good at- ’ tendance. The report of- the /Hal- lowe’en dance was. given and plans made for a bazaar and tea to be held in Lucknow. Readings and current events. were given ’by members, piano solos iby.Cor- abelle Thompson and Sharon Hodgiris; The motto, “A commun­ ity is like a ship. Every one 'should be prepared to take the; --helm”T-was-preparedbyMr^.-Jas. MacEwan and read by Mrs. Frank x Thompson. The'roll call whs arisr wered (by “A good turn done by a neighbor”. The guest speaker •. was Mrs. Frank Brown Who gave • tin > interesting ; talk • about New Zealand and showqd snaps, pap­ ers, etc., which she had received from her pen pal there. The two ., ladies have kept up a correspon­ dence since they were small girls at public school. Lunch was serv­ ed' arid .asocial time enjoyed. The Bethahy Forum met Mon­ day night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Meyers with ah' at-, tendance of 14. The topic, “The Ag. Rep. and the Farmer”, Was discussed. It was thought that many of the farmers didn’t use the Ag. Rep’s, service enough and that it would be a good; idea?j^a number of farmers could meet together and have.theAg. Rep. '?/ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO - „• SPORT... TIMBER TIPS, \ ‘Seven point wins )Vere. scored by the Coons and Fawns last week as they downed the Kang­ aroos and Lions yrhile setting new jeani and individual records. The 1028 flat pins chalked up by the Coons is the best'single to date and will take a lot of beating! Meanwhile Fawn San- derson who was performing near­ by came through with a sizzling ^g^a^ewHgure-for-everybody- to shoot at. If certain scratch ibowlers do not slow -down a trifle they wilV have nothing! left for the big ahnual turkey roll! Dufr. fers have won them before. arid, can do it again! -Speaking of records, we over- .. . . , Doug Brown, Kincardirie & Mr. • the leading. Cubs. Their flat triple and Mrs. Roh Stanley, Kinloss. I °f ?®^2 pins is tops for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schumacher i.ThjS' mmdentally, along .entertained, eight couples at a > stainless steel demonstration din- . ner Sunday evening. . | WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11th, 1953 f • . WOLF CUBS ST. HELENS Mrs. Durnin Phillips of Pun- gannon; president of West Huron, District. Women’s Institute,' was 'the guest speaker at the Novena- ber meeting of the. Women’s In­ stitute held in/the community hall on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Phillips told of the Area convention held recently in Lon­ don arid of the rally of the three Districts, Of Huron hOld in Gorrie on Tuesday. She concluded her interesting and informative. talk with some~.highlights of a motor trip she and Mr. Phillips had en- i joyed through the Southern: States * ■ * ■ ’' * - - - k < Mr$. JasaCurran presided and .the roll call Was responded to by “Fond Memories”. It was agreed to donate $10. to the Girls Club which is having as its project, “Being well dressed and well ; groomed” with. Mrs, G. MacPher-. ison and Mrs. Jas. Curran as.lead- .X1 f ‘ ers. Any new girls who wish to with the Chipmunks, are our cur-1 join this class will be very wel- rent hot numbers. They-have i came It' Was decided to have a __ __________o. . racked up 12 out of a possible i coll6ction at the next meeting for Miss Helen Schumacher, Kin- ’ 14 points during the past twq gingham General Hospital.- cardine, spent the week-end with weeks. McDonagh’s “rampaging comrnittee composed of Fred ........................ Jack help and Buttons hopefuls should McQuillin, Mrs. G. Macpherson, •: Mrs £ Gaunt,. Mrs. Frank Mc^ Quillin with power to add to their number, ^was appointed again to arrange Tor social even’- ings. The motto”, “Life is like a ladder—every step you take is With Coon< Norma ^McDonagh. f Miss Jean Aitchison’ was read by able players who scored heavily I R7ce sang ^a” solo ■’ “jLovle’S Qld for their teams When flats ; were i Sweet Song”. During the social compiled with handicaps were ’ hdur wheri lunch was served by Coons Bob and . Marg Finlay and < Mrs. Chas. McDonald and Miss Gophers Russ and Freda Button.|Annie Durnin, Mrs. E. Barbour, Team standings at the quarter; the president and Mrs. Fred Mc- mark: Park’s Cubs 24,, Button’s Quillin, the secretary, were ap- Gophers 19, Johnstone’s Chip-; pointed to get estimates on the I munks 19, Bannister’s Wolverines i cost of installing hydro in the j-1-7—MeKinno^n^^eay^s-l^vTAnd^-i^ii-————.--------- ‘ersori’s Tigers 17, Sanderson’s, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller Fawns' 14, McDonagh’s Coons 13, and Larry of London and Mr. Eedy’s Lions 9, Hamilton’s Kang- I Murray Taylor of Walkerton, ster’s Pole Cats 6. , . - —^-o-o-o speak to them. Games were play* ed. Lunch was served, and a* vote of thanks extended to Mr. & Mrs. Meyers. The next" meeting will ibe at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Why trick. . Mrs. ; J. Eckenswiller has to Teeswater to spend the. month with Mr. arid Mrs. Eckenswiller. There were many hunters in the community during the week with most of them going home without their deer. . Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Cornish &. family of Olivet spent Saturday wither. arid Mrs.- Tom Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wall, Tees- waier, spent Sunday wijth Mrs. Mary Wall and Jairies and Orville Wilson. ■ •.••• ■ « ■ ‘ , • Sunday , visitors with Mr. Land Mrs. Tom Stewart were Mr. and. . . , .Mrs. Mac McPherson and family, i 'Speaking of records, we over- 8th Con.; Mr. Russell Stewart arid locked one last week set up by . cool them off this coming week. . ' 'if they cannot do it. there are ; other teams in the other group- man mgs who will show them the red open'iightl away > Combination I •J y- WE CARRY THE FOLLOWING SIZES IN STOCK: 2’ 8” x 6’ 8” 2’ 10” x 6’ 10” THESE DOORS ARE ALL NO. 1 GRADE -—^EEARrCEDARTH^ Beaver Marion McKinnon’s 568 ' ___ flat pins was high for the ladies 'either up or'dowri’’, prepared by with Coon ; Norma McDonagh Miss Jean Aitchison, was read by scoring a 245 single. Other valu- j Mrs Ross Gammie. Mrs. E. W. able players who scored heavily I Rice sang a, soio “|Lovle’< Old for their teams When flats ; were i Sweet Song”. During the social compiled with handicaps were'• h^ur wheh lunch was served -by Goons Bob and Marg Finlay and ■ Mrs. Chas. McDonald and Miss Gophers Russ and Freda Button. | Annie Durnin, Mrs. E. Barbour, Team standings at the quarter; the president and Mrs. Fred Mc- 1----1_. T-.--1_,_ nA Gophers 19, ... . . . • •---------;...... v ' •» ’ * Three “new phtims” found their way to the Jungle last meeting night and thereby bring the Pack up to full strength of .24 Cubs. Weweleome-these-newlads------- Billy and Keith Gardner and Roy' Gardner and trust they will do . their best for the Pack, and the Six to which they belong. Akela Thompson and•-assistants Siariley and Umbach were in charge with Sr.-Sixer'George Gibson leading in. the Grand Howl. Following in­ spection, Balod and Kaa conduct­ ed several games, with Akela looking after some First Star tset work. Kaa led the Pack in the Jungle dance of Baloa after7 whigh Akela > told another . story in the adventures of Mowgli; The presentation, of 1st Proficiency stars was mdde to Paul Ember 1 in and t Ron Attridge, and Service Stars to Alan Mowbray, Don Kirkland, Ron Attridge, Paul Henderson, Gordon McNay—first ' year; and . Paul . Emberlin and Gary MacDonald 2nd year. With 'the Grey Six winning over the Reds by a single point (which the Reds lost, through the misconduct of their Sixer, Grey Brother John Andrew, becomes Sr. Sixer for next week. f . October Inter-Six' Pack Cornpe- . tition results, show Whites on top with 92, Reds 83, Grey 75 and . Tawnys 62. Congratulations to White Claw Gibson and his Six. ——------—.—__.„^o===__i l_ • ,. Annual Cuib membership fees (50c) are now due. Prompt pay­ ment appreciated. '• * —o— Till next weekT3?u^, ‘‘Good Hunting’”. ’ » Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller and Larry of London and Mr. aroos 7, Taylor’s ^Zebras 6, Web-1 yfere week-end guests of Mr. arid z>. j Mrs chester Taylor. ; Mrs. Tom Todd will be hostess HOCKEY CONCLAVE FRIDAY 1 for the November meeting of .the - ' i W.M.S. and the W A« of |he Un- To be or not to be,; so. far as ited Church on Friday afternopri ' an Intermediate. hockey team is at 2.30; All the ladies are invited. * Concerned, will probably be aris- r , Mrs. R. L. White of Chicago wered at a hockey meeting in * anc^ Mf- Jack McLennan of Ash- the Town Hall on Friday everi- field were guests last week of meeting will tell the tale. now and Ripley might join forces, minster Hospital, London^ It now appears -that the Huron _" J, Hub °wiir have a team of their Qodetlch; Mr. and Mrs. Harold own and- it remains to be answer- ' Webster, Allan and Glen of Au- ed, “Has Lucknow material for a burn; Mr, and Mrs. Farish Mof- ■team?” 1 fat and Gordon of Langside and I Minor hockey all down the line' Mrs. John Miller of Lucknow “wfllvmr-dom-T^iscu^ ing. The interest shown at the Mr- and Mrs. Geprge Stuart. wlL L.L vl'iv. vc*ie. We are sorry to report that It was first mooted that Luck- J ^oss Murray is a patient in .West- --1__ tt----1_1 t----J-— / • HENDERSON § at Friday’s conclave; LUMBER LIMITE1L ’Phone 150 Lucknow, Ont. ——0-0-0-—- GROUP INTERMEDIATE, MIDGET AND BANTAM TEAMS Mr. /and Mrs, James Webster, 1953 CHEV. BELAIR SEDAN, fully equipped, 2-toiie "1953 CHEV. SEDAN......:\■' : 1953 PONTJAC SEDAN - 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN TWO 1952 STYLELINE CHEV. SEDANS. 1951 CHEV. DELUXE FLEETLINE COACH. 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1951 DODGE SEDAN 1951 POWERGLIDE CHEV^ COACH, fully equipped : ' 1949 CHEV.' DELUXE SEDAN*' ‘ ' 1949 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN 1948 CHEV. COACH ' 1948 CHEV. SEDAN. 1947 MERCURY SEDAN 1947 CHEV. SEDAN 194M*ONTIAC--SEDA^ — I - —■ Trucks '/;■> /■/■'•w- 4 TWO-TON ARMY TRUCKS ‘ j . 1M6 CHEV. H-TON PICK-UP , BrusselsMotors ' Huron County’s Foremost Used Car Dealers Cash, Trade/Terms—i Open Evenings Until 10 ’ Cities Service Dealer Phone 73x, Brussels Lucknow hockey teams enter­ ed in the W;0.A.A. this season include Intermediate, Midget and Bantam squads. Groupings fqr each are as fol­ lows: Intermediate- C arid D series^ Lucknow C, Teeswater C, Ethel D, Gorrie D, Neustadt D, Bel­ more E. Convener, George Ste- Marie, Clifford. Midget — Goderich/B/ Wing­ ham C, Clinton C,. Lucknow D. Cdnverier, Jack Nediget, Clinton. Bantam—Listowel B/ Palmer­ ston C, Wingham C; Milverton j C, Lucknow D. Convener; Gor- Mrs. Fred McQuillin. , Miss Edith Collins of Toronto conducted a short course on “Cul­ tural Activities in Home and Community” under auspices of the Women’s Institute in the i Community Hall ori Tuesday. The, members of the DUrigannon In­ stitute were also in attendance. the L.D:H.£. NEWS Remembrance Day Service ‘ On Tuesday, November L0th,„ a short Remembrance service was held from 3.30 to 4.00 p.m; Ken­ neth MacNay was Chairman/ First number on the prograrh was the singing of our National Anthem, . ; followed by |he repetition of the . Lbrft’s prayer. The psalm, “Urito ~ the Hills** was then sung. Mack ; MacDonald read Psalm 96. Rev. C. A. Winn gave an address en­ titled “The Challenge of Armis- tice” which was followed by a, ; prayer. Marilyn Kilpatrick read that memorable poem “Iri Flan- der’s Fields”. George Anderson played the Last Post and Reveille . on his cornet:; The’ Lucknow Dis­ trict High School Band played the hymn “For all the Saints who from their Labors Rest”. The: . . program , was . closed, with the playing of the march “With • Bands .and Banners” by. the band. On November 2nd, the Glee Club-held elections for officers. Those elected are: President, Jinri Hackett; sec.t Laurine McNean; librarians, George Webster arid Roddy Wraith; pianists, Jim Hac-, kett, Ruth Johnston, Sybil Barger and Lautine McNain. Mr. Ander­ ton is the leader. On Friday, Mr. Hoag posted the -Christmas-examination-time--table---i-..-— om the hail bulletin board. The examinatidris are from Wednes­ day, November 18th to Wednes­ day, November 25th./This shall be the, worst ..six days of . the term for most students. If rriany nervous Wrecks are, seen, the , public will know the reason for them'. Convention Held Thursday * About . 250 public- school arid •separate schour teachers attended ■ ■ • ; the Burce-IIuron teachers insti- * tute convention at Walkerton or, Thursday. The meeting was pre­ sided over by Mr. Stuart Collyer of Lucknow and qpehihg devo^ tions were conducted by Rev. W A* Henderson. The convention bpbke up ■ into four groups for discussions, supervisors of music. Women , Teachers* Federation Men Teachers* Federation ■ anrf Catholic Teachers’ Association^ T RECORD ATTENDANCE AT BLACK* KNIGHT BANQUET On Friday evening of last week the Black Knight Lodge of Am­ berley held their annual turkey, banquet ip the hall at Reid’s Cor­ ners with a record attendance. After the'supper a splendid pro­ gram was enjoyed by alt The toast to the Queen was proposed by Norman Dean, while the toast 40-^he-ladri4s-was-giy^n-by-Mor-le-y- Mills, the toast to the Black Lodge was proposed by John'Mc­ Cormick. Mrs, Jim Nesbit favor­ ed . with a piano instrumental. Neil McDonald of Kincardine eh* tertained in. his humorous man­ ner.’ A vocal number ,was given, by. Archie Courtney.* Mrs. Don­ ald McCosh,' gave a humorous reading, John Emerson. gave a, short talk and concluded bis re- marks by a poem composed On •J’he’-^Bl*aek"~-Lodg.C;N"''’,'''’'i'ii'ii"1"'"..1 Gideon, Ruttie introduced, the speaker for the evening, L. E. Cardiff, M.P., who took for the theme' of. his. address,' “Traffic Regulations and the hazards that, confront .peole travelling on our highways”., He. urged motorists to use cautipn arid if possible allow for the other fellow who is eare^ leSS.; ' . The remainder of the evening LEGACY FUND TO AID STUDENTS IN INDIA The November meeting of Presbyterian W.M S. was held in the church* Mrs, Porte'ous gave the Bible reading and study. Mrs-. Anderson, ’Mrs. Douglas, Mrs. Nixon and Miss Carrick look part in the prayer circle. Mrs. , Yo- van gave the. Glad Tidings cur-^ ^eni^vents^nd-Mrs^A^GT-Ag-- new gave’a supplementary paper prepared. by Mrs. McGill. Mrs.’ J. E. Little took the topic. very ably. It Was. decided to serid $200 of the legacy fund to Mr< Angus MacKay if or his work among stu­ dents in India. Miss M? MacLeod' and MrS. PorteduS were appoint­ ed to the nominating committee. | The meeting closed with a hymn I With . Mrs. C: A. Winn presiding at the piano; , ■ • ; ; . ’was spent'in dancin’g,.’ •I i * ‘I sssS&xkw