HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-11-11, Page 5% i r • < v •< WEDNESDAY. NOV. 11 th, 1953 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO LyceumTheatre wW INGHAM Two Shows Each Night. FIRSTSHOW AT 7.15 Wed,, Thurs., Fri., Sat. November 11, 12; 13, 14 -ALAN-LADD,———— JEAN ARTHUR SHANE Evenings 75c, 35c Matinee 50c, 25c Matinee Saturday Afternoon notice TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS i«L ' Court of Revision on the ihit«/Tmrnt ro11 th<? Town! th»P K1"!oss W*U be held in ownship Hall on Monday, er.u30th’ 195-3> 1.30- o clock in the afternopn,. All • ap- peals against assessment must be ♦h thNT Clerk’s hands not later than November 20th, 1953 J. R. Lane,. Clerk, Kinloss Two. R. 2, Holy rood, Ont. NOTICE 7-) JL A X<» 1 PAGE FIVE. Monday, Tuesday, Nov. 16, 17 HUMPHREY BOGART, . KATHERINE HEPBURN — in — The African Queen Wed., Thurs., November 18, 19 : , V. • ■ - . ■ ■ HELEN CARTER, ARTHUR FRANZ — in — ... Invaders From Mars STOP! * SHIPPING FEVER * PNEUMONIA CALFDIPHTHERIA INFECTIONS ENTERITIS This Season With NIXON’S V FEVREX The concentrated, easy to use solution which combines the effect of 4 SULFA DRUGS. Complete, detailed dosage chart for all animals on every bottle. UMBACH DRUG STORE Phone 13-w, Lucknow Local Man Excellent Opportunity to break into the selling field, sales ability essential, experience unnecessary, organized assist­ ance and training provided, WRITE THE FULLER BRUSH COMPANY, 498 15th St. W., Owen Sound or phone 1008M. COMPLETE BIBLE SOC1ETYJCANVASS (K INLOUGH NEWS) Messrs; Tom and Eldon Bon­ nett Qf Glamis visited Friday ey^ ening with Mr. and Mrs. William Stauffer. The, Bible Society canvass for this community has been com­ pleted and sent in to headquart­ ers. Canvassers and. amounts re­ ceived are: (Kiriloss) Mrs. R. J. -Kaake-and.-Mrs—HaroId“BahherT man, $12.60; (Basp Line) Mrs. F, Maulden and Margaret Malcolm; :$?5.50; e (Kinlbugh) Mrs, G. H4U denby and May Boyle. $5.65: Con;. T2, East; ' Mrs; Perry ; Hodgins, $7.85; Con. 12, West, Mrs. Ed Bushell, $10.00; Con; 10, East, Mrs. Frank Thompson, $6.75; Con. 10, West, Mrs. Frank Johnstone, $7,00; Con. 8, Mrs.-Ed Thompson and Mrs. Harold1 Corigram, $21.25; Total $96.60. . ... Why support the Bible Society? Because,. “Where you eannot go, the Bible can”. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Nicholson and family spept Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Nicholson. Mr. and, Mrs. Fred Boyle left this week for their return trip to | Moose Jaw, Sask., after spending ; a few weeks with relatives here and in London and Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacKen- zie of Moose Jaw, Sask., visited during the week with her auAt, Mrs. Cox, Sr;, and other relatives here. 1 Mrs. Mary Simpson returned to ' Hensa IP a ft er -spending “a^while- I with her cousins, Edna and May- l Boyle. • . Misses 'May Boyle and Iona i Terry spent the week-end with i-relatives“at“Londx>TE—:—~ Miss Helen Malcolm of Toronto is spending a few days with Miss­ es Nellie and Margaret Malcolm. Mrs, Wm. Haidenby arid grand­ son Rickey Fry are .spending this week with relatives at Toronto arid Scarboro. The H.W.I. met oh Thursday at the home of Mrs. Frank Thomp­ son with the president, Mrsl R. Ackert in charge. After the usual opening exercises plans were made for the bazaar to be held in the Legion Rooms, Lucknow, on November 18th. A short course on Frozen Fopds is to be held with the Kairshea Institute on November 16... Preliminary., plans, were made for an evening on Home Beautification, commen­ tary supplied by the Dovznham Nursery at Strathroy. Short re­ ports of the stahdjng committees were’ given. Follow.ing is thc^pro^_ gram: readings, Mrs. Tom Hod­ gins, Mrs. Jim Smith and Mrs. Jim Boyle; piano solos, Corabelle Thompson and Sharon Hodgins; talk on New Zealand by Mrs. Frank Brown, illustrated with pictures; topic, Mrs. F. Thomp­ son; closing remarks, Mrs. Ray- riard Ackert. The National An­ them and lunch closed the hrieet- in*g;; 'I '• 1 Mrs. J. W. Colwell visited With Mr. and Mrs. Currie Cdlwell and family during the Week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bushell of Lucknow, Mr. arid Mrs. George t Colwell of Kincardine visited on Sunday with Mrs. j. W, Colwell. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Suther­ land of Toronto visited during the week with Mr. and Mrs,., Jas. Hodgins;- Mr/ Verne Hodgins of Angus spent the Week with Mr. arid Mrs. Tom Hodgins. , ' Deepest sympathy is extended to Mrs. Toto Hodgiris in the pass^ ing of her mother, the late Mrs. 'Thomas McCue of Kincardine.. ' ' ' .../....... ..........'.....'■............................ ...... LANGSIDE NEWS , "Mr.- Young attended the hockey, game at the Maple Leaf Gardens between Detroit and Toronto.,, , ‘ .. . .. held at i the next regular V.P.S. meeting on Monday, November 16th’ at 8.30 at the honie of Mr. and Mrs. James Richardson. - Week-end visitors at’ the home } of Mr. and' Charles Tiffin r were' Lind a ah cl Jannette , John- -Ltoii, daughters Clark Johnson of Belgrave. } Visitors with Ml arid Mrs.; Chester Feagan on Sunday were their daugh ter,.’ Mr. and . Mrs. Jack * NIGHT CLASSES .... Commercial and Shop Work 1 ' A minimum of at least 25 per* spris are required for each of the above Courses before the Depart­ ment will grant their approval of these Night Classes. At present we have only 9 and 5 applications, respectively. Unless the required number is received by Wednes­ day, November 18th, there will not be classes in these two sub­ jects.. Classes will -Ipe given in Eng­ lish for New ..Canadians. Course will last approximately 15 weeks. Lucknow District High School Board, Donald Henderson, Sec. whitechurch Mrs. T. Lamb & Mrs. H. Tich- bo.rne of Goderich visited with Mrs.. D. Kennedy on. Saturday. Miss. Winnifred Farrier of Tor­ onto spent the week-end at her home here. ; Mrs. Sid Fpien of Mimico, Rev. and Mrs.- Graydon Cox of Font­ hill, Miss Olive Terriff,. R.N. of Listowel' and MK~"Gebfge Ross of Owen Sound attended the fun­ eral of their uncle, W. J. Coulter last Thursday. : Our Sympathy goes out to the -Gcraiters—and^tlrelT^fnerias-irT their recent bereavement. .. . .]. Mr. and Mrs/ Charles Fal­ coner and son^John of Tiverton spent...Sunday..with his- parents, Mr. and Mrs.-Ja’s. Falconer. Mr. aind. Mrs. W. James & boys visited in Preston on Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs.. Garnet. Farrier an,d family spent the71 week-end with Mr. and. MrS; Carman Far­ rier at Mimico. . ... ;. Last week we reported Mrs. Frank Coulter to be. a patient in Wingham Hospital. This was an error.. We are very pleased to report she has recovered from her heart condition so much that she - -i s~abl•eJttrretumrt(rher owrr home 1 in the village. . ' * Mr. Fred Fells of Toronto spent I the hunting season With: Mr. and .1 Mrs, R. Ritchie arid hunted with. i Mr. Nat Thompson. He was sue- ■ cessful in shooting a deer.. ! Our sympathy goes out to Mr. | & Mrs. Wm. Henry in the death I of this neice, Miss Marion Hinde 1 of Wingham, She was the daugh- I ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ! Hinde (Elizabeth Henry). She j was in her. 40th year.- . 1'1 i I I Remanded Till. Thursday . Appearing in police .court in. Woodstock last Thursday on a charge of armed?assault,’ Henry. 1 Elliott was remanded in custody ■for hearing on Thursday of this week. . Beware! Your pullets depend oii you tor protection J*'**,u i enemies . MOST,DANGEROUS of these at this season ,; of the year are, possibly: ' ‘i ' BLUE COMB "Pullet Disease- * and ROUND WORMS or TAPE WORMS < for t <.i4 <; x CAN AND WILL SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS J . " V ' 'ir - ' Try Our New Protein ’ .. -v. ". . ’. NEW LIFE LAYING PELLETS ; ' • ■ iif LIFETERIA LAYING MASH ; r Grildien Glow oi Ripley /' 1 di, a, '|Xl J!. /• ’ ■ ' ■ '• A: ’ ■_ ; ■ ........... ............... .....■/ ' iaHi;'WWMi I > ■ K ■ r- • ► >, ► - ► / at the first indication of trouble place a call * • * ask DUNGANNON 19-r-12 or LVCKNOW 16;> With Votie Cbtoi>etiition► * • r— ►;. 1 / ► * ► t ► , >• . • ►. .. Leave You Eggs With F0i* . ;*' r / z ; T < , ' . •’ ,-.r ’ ■ ' ’ t i The PLAYHOUSE Wed., Thur., Fri., Sat., November 11, 12, 13, 14 MICHAEL RENNIE and PATRICIA NEAL, in 'The Day The Earth Stood Still* . ; First Show at 7.30 —- Second at 9.15. Matinee Each Saturday at 2.30 P.M. Feeding tests (tinder farm conditions) proved again and again that pigs fed on Swift’s Pig Power grow faster, right from the start;—mature more evenly. And, that’s why more hog raisers are switching to Swift’s Pig Power every.day, • ■' '' ___Rich in animal and vegetable proteins, and fortified with all _____ .the essential vitamins and antibiotics—Swift’s Pig Power is truly a '.’powerful bag of nutrition!” // COMING NEXT WEEK .RONALD REAGAN and RHONDA. FLEMING in “THE LAST OUTPOST” In Glorious Technicolor ^7 >X3 FEED ’EM THE SWIFT WAY/ ALL THE WAV There’s a-complete Swift’s Hog Feeding Program tailor-made for your own farm. Swift’s Hog Feeds include: • Swift’s Pig Powers-for nursing pigs In creep-to weaning age . / " ■ ■ • Swift’s Hog Concentrate—for growing and finishing period to bal­ ance home-grown grain 9 Swift’s Sow and Pig Concentrate—during gestation and nursing time Next time—startyour pigsthe faster way—start them on Swift’s : Pig Power, then follow through with a Swift’s Feeding Program tailor-made to yout needs. ® , YOUR SWIFT'S FEED DEALER V I Williams, and John and Janet of i Ivan Conley visited on Sunday Goderich. r | with Mr Joe Conley of Lucknow. r udsaahnHMenMiannnttnra^