HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-11-11, Page 3tUtfWJW'ilWIM'JWW ’ WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11th, 1953 LUCKNOW I UNITED CHURCH] Minister: | Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, . f . • B.A., B,D, / ' j SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15th | 11 a.m,: “Blessings of God’s Mercy”,, 12.15' pan.: Sunday School. I i I . . ... . .. . . .. i7 p,m.; Slides, entitled, t‘Qur j -----^Father’srBdSm^C ~ ! Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A., Minister. * 1 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW. ONTARIO fourth concession •Miss Margaret MacDonald of MiMv 8,?1 Mr. .and Mrs. Graham MacDonald of London were home for the week-end. The South Kinioss W.M.S. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Buckton on Wednesday and the Busy Bee Mission Band met there on Saturday. Mrs, George Gilchrist has been Hl for the past week. . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Austin & family spent ^the week-end in ^London.—:— r°ur sympathy is • extended to Mlsl Allan -Graham in the/"death of her father, Mr. Barton, in Kit­ chener Hospital on ’Tuesday. “ Mr, Stuart Brough of Paisley visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickie and boys. ■•.•«• SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15th 11 a.m.: Morning Worship. 12.15 p.m.: Sunday School., 3 p.m.: Erskine, Dungannon, 7 p-irii.: Evening Worship. BOUNDARY WEST • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell visited with Mr. and Mrs.. D. Mc­ Connell of Hanover and attended the christening c$ their youngest daughter. ■ , : Mrs. Jas. Hamilton visited at Point Edward, Roseville, Mich, &■ Detroit for a week. Mr. and’ Mrs. Jack Henderson •visited with Mr. and Mrs.-Geo. Wraith on Sunday. Mr. B. Gibson of Detroit yisit- RECREATION CONFERENCE Members of Recreation Com­ mittees, Municipar Councils and , .... - others interested jn the develop-1 5• Miss Susie and George- ment of community programs of |-lbson' recreation in the Counties of i Miss. D.n Nicholson, a nurse at ■. ■ ..............., . ... .. Local & General Mrs, Mary *J; Webster visited in Clinton the past week with Mrs. Jessie Webster. Miss Kathleep McIntosh spent the week-end at Harrow and Lpn* don. Flora, MacDonald is able to bq about again, after being confined to bed. with a heart condition, Mrs. Robert Scott visited at Pt. -Edsyard—iwith—Mrsr"HurveyH\fc- Quilliri and at Roseville, Mich., with Mrs.' M, Jackson. - ; J . Week-end visitors . <-with‘/‘Mr; and Mrs. John England were Mrs. Raymond Morrissey, Jr. and Mr. and,Mrs. Ted England, Elora. Mr. C, Cleghorn and Mr. J. Bruibacher of Guelph are visits ing with Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Stothers. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Gagan of London, formerly Almeda Dur- nin, were week-end guests of Mn and Mrs. N. E. Bushell. Mrs. H. Somersall- of London was a Sunday visitor with Miss Margaret Pickering. Mrs. Somer- sall was formerly Marie Durriin of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs; Robert Harper- of. Leney, Sask,, have/been Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ackert and are shortly returning to the West. ; Mr. and Mrs. Tom MacKenzie [<• Be Ready For Winter With A WARM COAT $30.00 — $39.95 —. $49.95► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► L. ► XOUNCfL MINUTES KINLOSS TOWNSHIP . . . Kinloss Council met in the hall,!Eadie drain, 56,00; ___ November 2nd, 1953^ all mem- speaking contestants, 14.00; Mc- bers present. , : / The minutes of the last regu Finest woollen fabrics, chamois and satin-dined in women’s, misses and teen-age sizes; choice of colors. WINTER SNUGGIES and VESTS 40 percent; 15 percent and all-wool —■ all sizes. Bruce, Grey Huron and Perth,/Seaforth Hospital, spent a few I and children, Sandy arid Bruce • visuea ine daiier part ot the | week at NorthBay with her par- ■ents,™Mr._and’Mrs?“Bert HCooke. Torrance Anderson who was in Wingham Hospital for a time with a heart condition, and other complications, returned home last week improved in health. Edwin Ansley and Mrs. Du- mond of TheSsalon spent a few days' with Ira and Mrs. Campbell., Mrs. Ansley returned home with them Monday after spending two months with her parents. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ron McLelland woo left on Sunday on the return trip to pay for fence on Huron Bourn to their home at Loreburn, Sask, dary re Henderson -Cook drain, They- were accompanied by Mrs. and also to clean up the trees on Frank Miller who will visit her -- - grandmother in t^he West. Mrs. Orville Jones and * Mrs. Nellie Scott attended' the 50th anniversary of the Blueval0 Branch of the Women’s Institute on Friday evening. Mrs. Jones -was president of this Branch, a number of years ago. “ The 45th anniversary of the i Lucknow Women’s Institute will Tbe—eelebFatecL^at—the—Deeember­ meeting in the Town Hall this Friday evening at 8.00 p.m. Mrs. McKellar will be a special guest and each member, is requested to bring a friend. - . Paramount Institute will hold, the November meeting at the home of Mrs. Wm. Stanley on Tuesday, November 17th, with* Mrs. Al Irwin and Mrs. John El- phick on the program committee* Demonstration iby Mrs. De Jong; current events, Mrs. Walter Dex­ ter; also name what- you wish to put in the Christmas shut-in foxes' . . . ’ j ... , ----i aiiu umuieii. oaiiuy ana xsruceare making plans now tojattend days- with her parents, Mr.. and visited the latter part of the the Lake Huron Zone Recreation^ Mrs. D. Nicholson. 1 - -- C°ubcil’sLannual c^fereji.€eL|^^r_and-M-r-ST-James-^SpilsbuTy- This conference will be held at and Donna, Mr., and Mrs. Max . the Community Hall on Wednes- Hanna and Dennis of London vis- day,' November 25th, 1953, . in ited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanover. Hamilton. ' • r ! PITTSBURGH MTSBUKSi! GOWNS and PYJAMAS For noy-^for all- winter . . . Snuggle Down and Flette ' Gowns and Polo Pyjamas, for women, misses and " —' - girls. Sizes'8 to T4 years, 34 to O?S,1—,-t ,,t ■ I . stamps tax notices, 20.00; W. S. , j-Eadie, -tile? to Eadie~drain,151.257— I Walden Bros., trucking cement ” ’ ’ PublicI [J- •—VVA..VO, A.-X.VV, AVXV- . Lennan and MacK^nzijB-_ihdigent___ / The minutes of the last regu- funeral, 60.00; Q. Symington, lar meeting of October 5th and I w°rk Ackert drain 102.00, Eadie Here’s a real enamel for inside and outside use oh. wood or metal. Paint woodwork_and_tdm—in___ sparkling colors, do over the furniture in gay tones. Waterspar flows out easily to a smooth gloss, dries quickly, resists wear and abrasion, can be washed often without injur­ ing its lustre. ■ JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED Lucknow Phone 150 Ontario^ ONTARIO, 4 special meeting of October 12th, drain 144.00: 246.00; C. Syming-z as read were , approved? • . • ton, work Pinnell drain 1785.00, The Road Supt. was authorized I balance Percy drain 370.00, de­ posit return 250.00: 2405.00; Mrs. James Smith, caretaking, 8.00; Roddy Inglis, on ajc* Eadie drain^)’' .708.00; George Radford, balance' Conley drain 267.00, deposit re­ turn 210.00: 477.00; relief, 70.00; P, A. Murray, com, fees Pinnell drain, 75.00; Roddy Inglis, con­ tract and extras Dore drain, 472,; H.^H? Bannerman gravel deposit return, 300.00;, Harold Percy, com. fees Emerson, Percy & Dore drains and tile supplied, 174.89; N. S. Bauman, tile to drains, . 1874.96; Mrs. Elsie Scott allow­ ances Emmerson drain, 315.00; Trieas. Village of Lucknow,1 de­ benture L.D.H.S., 1460.10. Highway cheques: Pay Roll No. 11, $256.10; C. E. McTavish, fuel to meet. °d and grease, 61.28; Dept. High­ ways, gas tax, 20.90; Dominion Road Mach. Co., tire, 75.00; Ped­ lar People steel posts, 130.50; J. Schumacher, gravel, 50.00; A. Porter, welding, tl.00; Ab Coult- es, Whitechurch sidewalks, 98.QO; !R. Forster, welding, 12.00; Geo. Schultz Co., ditching, 346.50, Montgomery Motors, bolts, 2.60. . Js R/ LANE, Clerk. Mark Johnston’s sideroad. The Clerk was instructed /to write the insurance company re road operators compensation. H. H. Bannerman and Alvin Hamilton were engaged for snow- plowing? .. _ ■, ’ ' ■ • ’• ■. By-law No. 12, 1953, was pre­ pared and finally passed making provision for municipal election officials. / The Court of Revision on the T£k>4 assessment roll was set for Noy ember. 30th, 1953, at 1.30 p.m. in the afternoon. All appeals to be in the Clerk’s hands at least I 10 days prior to that date. Council adjourped again on December 15th or ait the call of the Reeve. Cheques issued,: fox bounties, $8.00; George Schultz Construc- tidn Co., work Pettypiecei drain, 187.00; Lucknow Sentinel, print­ ing, 40.00; D. H. Carruthers, sel­ ecting jurors, 4.00; Wm, Scott; selecting jurors, 4.00; J; R. Lane, Un. stumps 4.32, 3. O.A.P, 7,50, jurors 4.00: 15.82; Gordon Wall, *•* .•*. *« Doctor (at dying patient’s bed­ side) : , Have you any last /(yish you’d like to tell me? : Patient: .Yes. I wish I’d called , another■'doctor. United Church W;M.S. The Afternoon Auxiliary of the W.M.S. of the United Church met at the home'of Mrs. W. B? And­ erson with the president, Mrs. Russell Robertson in the chair. During the business period it .was decided to . entertain the- Baby Barid arid .their mothers on Mon- ' day afternoon, Novefniber 23rd. The ladies of the W.MjS. are tak­ ing charge of the morning- ser- . vice on Sunday, November 22nd. ,. A nominating committee was ap- ? pointed tci. present a slate of of­ ficers at. the December meeting. Mrs. Meiklejohn favored With a piano solo followed by a vocal Solo-by Margaret Raefc Mrs. Neil MafeKenzie very capably gave the chapter in’ the study book aind, Marilyn. Kilpati’ick, Bessie Reav­ is and Elizabeth Ann Webster sang “The LbiM is My Shepherd’’. The meeting closed with prayer < ■by Mrs. W. L- Mackenzie.