HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-11-04, Page 4'Phone 76 C- Moderate PricesI £ fish t i 9- Asnews’Asency ,x< I I o' ■4 Close lO/cnurcnes ana scnuui., w. ■ ; - . V tl,L. Mackenzie, phone 193 Luck- ?rs‘ k> ^ke immediate proceed- n6W. ih t STATE FARM MUTUAL T i *1 i Campbell of Belfast heartfelt thanks to Heartfelt thanks to Star for floral' trib? ■ I I I I MEMBER OF - V '• / V • Ontario Insurance Agents’ Association FOR RENT — 7-room house in Lucknow, new bathroom and hydro, stable, immediate posses­ sion; also a Quebec heater, year old. Elmo Pritchard, Lucknow. FOR SALE—lauys winter coat, like hew* worn one season." wine, Persian lamb trim, size 12; boy’s snow suit* hbod attached, green, size 2. Phone 116, Lucknow FOR SALE—cement septjc tanks* approved-by-the-Health-Unit^We deliver them. Forster’s Welding Shop* phone 206-r? 11, Lucknow. FOR SALE—ibaby carriage: and go-cart; girl’s winter coat* size 14, in good condition, $5;. also two pair lined drapes, rose back­ ground. Mrs. F. Emberlin. FOR SALE — 25 pullets,. New Hamp and Sussex, 6 months old. Jack MacKenzie, R. 3, Lucknow, phone 65-r-l, Dungannon. f ,■ ■■ ■ . . < Office 135 Residence 31-J . !■.■■ ■' ' „„ ■ ,„T, ■ « G, ALAM WILLIAMS Optometrist Office on Patrick St., just off the Main St in WINOHAM V '*■ ........ ............................................................................................................. Howard Agnew Jos. Agnew Appointment dr Information See Wni/ A. Schmid, ’Phone 16X-W Lucknow AUTOMOBILE iNSURANCE investigate Before Investing | COMING EVENTS '.' RECEPTION AT ZION "?: j GENERAL INSURANCE ■ Established Over 30 Years Ago Telephones: -Business-39___—Residence_Ji38 . REUBEN WILSON ‘ft. IL 3* Gdderich Phone 80-r-8 Dungarinon Professional Eye Optical Services Evenings by appointment. —phonetOffice 776;—Res.5.— ? Day or Night Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extra Cost Insure With The PAGE FOUR THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL; LUCKNOW; ONTARIO FOR SALE—good last winter’s calves. James Ciilbert, Lucknow. FOR RENT -r- small apartment;? ^Apply to Mrs. Wellington Hen- derson, Lucknow. • ‘ FOR SALE—at large Norge oil burner in Al . condition. Apply to. Llpyd Hall, Lucknow. RIGS FOR SALE—40 pigs eight weeks old. George Fisher, White­ church, phone 747-w-11 Wingham. FOR SALE—dry hardwood, \ 16 in. long. Harry, Lavis, R? R. 5, Lucknow, phone 209-r-41. WOOD FOR SALE—sTfew^cords bit maple body wood. L. A. Sal* keld, R. 1, Lucknow. / WANTED—quantity of sod land, suitable for growing flax. And­ erson Flax Products; Lucknow. HOUSE FOR RENT on Campbel] St.* all modern convenience^ Possession at once. Apply to Wm. ? MeGill, Lucknow. CARPENTER WORK new and 1 epairs, kitchen cupboards, etc., imacfe to order.? No job too small. ?Leo Beauchamp, phone 97-w. SEED WANTED—highest prices paid for clover and grass, seed. Hailey Hagedorn, Kintail, phone Dungannon - 66-17. \' FOR SXLETTWhitochurch* United Church shed, tenders for same to be sent to R. C., McClenaghan, R, 5* Lucknow, not- later than No­ vember 7th. TIMKEN & PRESSURE BURN- ERS for service 24 hours a day. HISELER & SON, Patrick and Edward Sts., Wingham, phone 426. ' ' , , ' ? FURNITURE FOR SALE—mis­ cellaneous bedroom furniture, kitchen furniture, odd chairs* an­ nex stove, etc. Apply mornings or night to Mrs. Orley Cooper. LIVESTOCK WANTED Dead, disabled horses tor cows removed ■- free of charge; For prompt and efficient service ) call “STONES” collect Ingersoll j _2LJWingham 561J or Ripley 182. | HOUSE FOR SALE—two-apart- mCnt .house* 2 basements, two bathrooms, heavy service wiring. Choice location on Station St* close to?churches and school., W* f ■ ’ AUCTION SALE of cattle .and hogs at Lot 8, Con. 14, Ashneld Tbwnship on Tuesday, NoVCrnbet - 10th at 1.30 .o’clock. 23 head . of . cattle, 21 calves, three sows with litters'. See bills for list & terms. B?uce '■ MacDonald,, Prop.; Eihile MgcLehnan, Auc. ■ / ?^ WANTED’ ' ; j 1 am "purchasing boars .at* Ski to lie per lb. liveweight, also horses, for Slaughter at top prices; Write * . direct to Leroy Acheson, Atwodd, . Ont, or gef in touch' with me ‘at Lucknow Comfitunity Sale on Wednesday* or contact Sid G-ard- her; Ldckhow. ’ S'u . 1 e NOTICE NIGHT CLASSES Commercial and Shop Work ” A,minimum of at least 25 per- sons are required' fop -each of the above Courses before the Depart-? ment will grant.their approval of these ^ight Classes. At present we have Qnly 9 and, 5 applications' respectively.' Unless the /required- number is received by Wednes­ day, November 18th, . there will npt be classes in these two sub­ jects: .. ’-I;'.' ■’ Classes7 will be given in Ehg- lish for New Canadian^. Course will last approximately 15 weeks. ' Lucknow, District High School Board, Donald Henderson, Sec. CARD OF THANKS Mr. arid Mrs. Melvin Stewart wish - to express - their sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for cards and letters of sympathy received during their recent be­ reavement. " the Eastern ute. ■ ■ Glenwood extends his the neighbors who helped out with the plowing last Week while he was ill. Glen never fully real­ ized before what it mefans to have such good neighbors and their kindness was greatly appreciated. MEAT FOft SALE <?• Good beef for sale by^Jhe quar­ ter. Beef killed under license from the Department of Health. Highest- quality meat. Lowest prices. /, ; Raynard Ackert, Holyrood, Phone 24-30 Ripley. , NOTICE CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters’ Lists, 1953, Municipality Of Ashfield, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of The—Voters’ ?Lists^ Act-and^-that-L have posted up at my office at Kintail, Ont., on the 31st day of October, 1953, the list .of all per­ sons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elec- i tions, and~that such list remains- there for inspection. , ?— And, I hereby call upon all voV- ters to take‘immediate proceed­ ings to have any errors or omis­ sions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 21st day of November, 1953. Dated . this 31st day of Octo­ ber, 1953. DONALD SIMPSON, Clerk. NOTICE CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING ?OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters’ Lists, 1953, Municipality 6f West Wawanosh,. County of Huron. ' ' Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section ^.8 of The Voters’.Lists Act and that X hive posted up at my office at Dqngannon, on the 17th d^y of October,—1953-the-~listof--all--per- Sons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal. Elec­ tions, and that siich list remains there for inspection. . “ . And I hereby call upon all vot­ ingsto have any errors or omis­ sions .corrected accbrdihg 'to la,W, the last .day for appeal being the 7th day of November, 1953. :T Dated this 17th day of Octo­ ber,' 1953.' '■ ,•/ .' “I Tried, To Kidnap Stalin’s Son” Colonel Ulius (Pete) Amoss, a wartime officer in the O.S.S., now head of his own private inter­ national- espionage . organization, tells the amazing inside story of how he tried to engineer Vassily’ Stalin’s escape from Russia^ Read “I Tried th Kidnap Stalin’s Sort”*‘ in The American• Weekly with this Sunday’s Detroit Times'., A reception ’will be held at Zion, Orange flail, Friday, Nov­ ember 6th, in honor of Mr. and Mrjs. Herb Wilkins. Everybody welcome. Lunch served. BAKE SALE AND TEA . \ Legion Auxiliary Bake Sale and Afternoon Tea to be held on Saturday, November 7th, 1953, at 2^30 p.m. in Legion Auxiliary 'Everyone; welcome! . • ?■?' . £ALL /FESTIVAL DANCE and program at St. Joseph’s Church, Kingsbridge, Friday,. No­ vember 6th; Turkey and chicken sandwiches, homemade pie* Car- ruther’s orchestra. Admission 50c. •Prize draw for eight valuable prizes. , ’ ARMISTICE SERVICE The annual Armistice Service arranged by the . Holyrood Wo­ men’s Institute, will be; held in the Township Hall, Holyrood, on Wednesday, November 11th,. at 10.30. Rev. Benson Cox, guest ^speuker.. : - •' : •/ BAZAAR AT KINLOUGH “ Kinlouigh . Anglican Evening Guild bazaar on Tuesday, Nov­ ember 10th at > 9*30.. o’clpck. Col­ ored slides 6f local interest*^will be shown by Rev. G. B. Cox. Horhe made7 baking table, em­ broidery, knitted wear, fish pond. Refreshments, served. Sil­ ver collection: - r ■ DANCE, BINGO, DRAW . The Legion’s annual dance, bingo and prize draw will be held in the Recreational Centre, Lucknow, on Wednesday,; Nov- ember^Llth. Bingo at 8.15 for chickens. Prize draw- fbr five lovely prizes, on display at Mcr Lehnan' and MacKenzie furniture stone/ Mel Lavigne’s .orchestra. Admission to dance 75c. IN MEMORIAM CAESAR^m loving memory of Mr. William H, Caesar, who pass­ ed away two years ago, Novem­ ber 3rd, 1951. More and more each day we miss him; .’.'■■■■ ' ,.i Friends may think the wound is healed;- ■ But they little, know the sorrow* Lying within our hearts cdnceal- —„■■■ edx----;'..; ■'----. • ?_______2- —Ever remembered by Wife and Family..-1 . /.-■ - . IN MEMORIAM | MacIVER—in loving memory of Donald ■ kfadvert Who , passes a Way two years ago, November 1st, 1951. We cannot forget-your smiling ■ .face, ■ - : Your happy carefree ways The smile that won so mdhy .. friends ■ ■ ? In those happy by-gone days. One of the best the- world could hold • Your cherished smile,? your heart of gold ? Always so good, unselfish and " kind, ? / ■■■•;?. .■ What a wonderful memory you left behmd. Deep in our hearts your memory • is kept/ ?■■'. We loved you too, dearly to ever . ? forget. ^Ever remembered by his Wife* Jack, Donald and ftonald/: ‘ “ NOTICE" ..?".■■■' Re Court Of Revision A Gourt. of Revision on the 1954 Asse^smdnt Roll of West. Wawanosh Township will be held at the Township Hall on Tues? day, November 10th, 1953, at 10 a.m/ ; purnin Phillips, Clerk. XoHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME MacLENNAH and MacKENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted accord-? ■ ing to your wishes at your. -Home, Your Church, or at our Memorial Chapel at no additional charge. AMBULANCE SERVICE > ’Phone 181, Lucknow. Day or Night insurance Co-Operative Life Insurance Co-Operative Automobile j: Insurance . Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurance Economical and Reliable. T. A. CAMERON ■ ■ LUCKNOW Rhone 70-r-10 Dungannon Kenjieth J. MacKenzie ' R.O. Optometrist LISTOWEL, ONT. Will be at Wrona’s Jewellery store, Ripley, TO a m. to 9 p.m.7 WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18th and every Second Wednesday. Eyes examined - Glasses fitted For appointment ’phone Roy MacKenzie, 96-r:24 Ripley/ WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP We Have /BeenMemorial Craftsmen For Thirty-f ive Years, Always Using ? . THE BEST GRANITES « ' Along With Expert Designing and Wotkhiaiiahipk frites MbSt Reasonable ' Cernetery Lettering a Specialty R. A. SPOTTON Photie 256, Wingham. Ontario WEDNESDAY, NOV. 4th, 1953 DR. T. B. CLELAND ' VETERINARIAN Havelock St.* south’of Supertest Garage- LUCKNOW Telephone 175 BUSINESS and "?.?/’TAXlEWte- MONTHLY AUDITiS For The Small Merchant, Professional man and the Farmer. S. J. PYMM P.O. Box 74 •» Lucknow, Ont Office in Kilpatrick Block " ’Phone 23-w F. T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST GODfiRlCH FOR APPOINTMENT ’Phone 110(1 INSURANCE fire, wind, casualty’ -^■^AUTOTVIOBILEr"-^ AND LIFE To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH R. R. 3, Lucknow, Ont. 'Phone 61-5, Dungannon I I P. Stuart MacKenzie ’ ? ' ' /I . > ■' ■’ 4 ■: ?. , : . . ’ * . Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK I I R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LiSTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW 'Every ^ ' ■ — Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon < Office in the Joynt Block Telephone: R. S. Hetherington, QX ' : ■ Barrister, Etc. -• •' ■ - -? - Winghamand. Lucknow INLUCKNOW - Each Monday and Wednesday Located on the ground floor in the front of ' John Kilpatrick^ Building ? '' ; ’P^one W^ngiiani ' Office 48 Residence S7 Culross Mutual FIRE INSURANCE CO. Reasonable rates* sound pro­ tection & prompt* satisfactory settlement of claims. • FARISH MOFFAT < • ., ... Your Local Ageiit '' • . ' R. 3,' Toeswatejr. • ■ • ’Phone Teeswater 57-r-41