HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-11-04, Page 37 WEDNESDAY, NOV. 4th, 1953 LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Wednesday, Nov. 11 i A I CHARGE DISMISSED SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8th I I. Sponsored by LUCKNOW BRANCH CANADIAN LEGION, B.E.SX1 Clarence Greer, Pres. H; D. Thompson, Sec. ; Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. C. A, Whin, B.A./ Minister. i j 12.15 p.m.4 Church School. ....j I 7.00 p.m.: Toward Peace in j | , Our Time. b_ | LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. G, A. Meiklejohn;I B.A., B;D. / j SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8th j 11.00 a.m.: The Creative Pow-gJ held at the home of Sandra Percy er of a Worthy Sacrifice;’ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PURPLE GROVE Misses Lettie and Ada Gawley of Ripley spent/Sunday evening at the home of‘ Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gawley. Mrs; ; John Emerson and Mrs. . ; Harry Brunt of Winnipeg, visited . with Mrs. Sam Emerson on Thursday, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Currie and Brenda spent the week-end at Toronto. and Hamilton. ; Miss Winnifred McFarlane . spent Sunday at the home1 of her —-parents. PRESENT GIFT TO CHURCH_ORGANIST ' (KINLOUGH NEWS). Th e Anglican Qongregation held a chicken supper at the I church on Monday evening when around eighty partook of a boun- I tiful meal.: At this time the Rev. John Brest spoke briefly and Mr. Midford Wall .presented a gift of money to organist Miss Edna. Boyle who has served in . that capacity for many years. Edna -made-a-f if ting-reply; , The evehing; then took the form of a 'Hallpwe’en masquerade with a variety of costumes. The judges were Mrs. James Hodgins, Mrs. Arthur BreckleS and Mr. Wm; Cox arid the prizes were: awarded as follows: best Hallo­ Mr. aind Mrs. Elmer Morgan , and- Betty/of London visited at the' home of Mr. and Mrs# Eli . Morgan on Sunday. / Mr. and tyrs. Jim Brooks spent Sunday evening, with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leeson. • ' A“ Hallowe’en- party -was held we’en" costumes, ■ Mrs;r~Mato£e’ Hodgins and Mr. Alex Hewitt; best dressed x couples, Sheila ' and Beatrice Haldenlby,* Alice & Don­ na Haldeniby; best disguise,/Kar­ en Nicholson; best cpfnic couple, Joyce and Lois Haldenb-y; the > oldest gentleman, Mr. H. A. Gra­ ham; oldest lady, MrS. Mary Simpson; youngest person, Allan Nicholson; youngest couple, Ma-- donna Graham and Donny Wall; best make-up, Mrs. Howard? Thompson. Mrs.. Bert Nicholson, i The remainder of the program j was as follows: speech on farming j/by John Hpdgins, game, Joyce Haldenby ■ contest by Edna Boyle; junior quartette number/Donna Nicholson, Sheila Haldenby, Alex Hewitt^ John Hodgins; games by Rev. John Prest and Mrs. Prest.;, All received a .treat from the S.S. and j~oirTed .in singing uThe more we get together”. | | The Mission Band meeting was 4*1 .1 « /-I 1 . r . ( with Helen Needham in the chair. T”!TThe scriptUre was read by Mrs/ Perry Hodgins and short prayers given by Donald Barr and Sandra Percy. “The collection was taken ~up—by-^EriO r-Rercy.- A; story.- was read by Sandra Percy. After the closing hymn’.the rest of the af­ ternoon was spent in. work. in the Purple Grove school on Saturday night. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Burton Collins attended the warden’s banquet at Ripley on Thursday night. ’ Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boyle on Sun­ day were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Farrell,. Ray and Tommy, Mr. & .Mrs. Glen Farrell, Glenda and Wayne, Mrs. Thomas Farrel, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Aurel Armstrong and Dale. i I i j i i I a 11 a.m.: Morning Worship. 12rl5p.mv:SundaySchooI;—- 3 p.m.: Erskine, Dungannon, i ' 1 p.m.: Evening Worship. Conflicting evidence by-a-wit- ness, was ■ a' factor in Magistrate D. E. Holmes, Q.C., dismissing a charge of reckless driving against Robert Howard of Ashfield, in police court, in Goderich. > , The charge arose from a col- lision on Con. 10, Ashfield, in­ volving- cars driven by Howard and Murray Gaunt. The latter suffered a severe knee injury as a result. G H PITTSBURGH WALLHIDE SATIN JUW WedHm- nI and drapes.with water. Dry ,in an hour . for rehanging pictures No Messy Cleanup- your hands, brush, or roller­ coater all- come clean Scrubs Clean Again and tgtnn without K'armjhg its lovely satin finish/.* Easy "Glide on 'Application —goes on as easily as stroking a wall with a dry brush I John w. Henderson LUMBER LIMITED Lucknow Phone 188. ■..; Ontario (fa PAGE THREE Local & General Mr, and Mrs. Ron McLelland of Loreburn, Sask., are visiting her father, Mr. Joe Conley, My, and Mrs. Harvey Hall and John of Detroit spent the Week­ end* with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hall. Mr, and Mrs. P, W. Hoag have moved, to. the Robert Reid house across frorn the new high school. Mr, and Mrs, H^S._jLavery_of- Toronto were week-end guests of Mrs, R; T. Douglas and Miss Mac? Donald; \ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blake spent the- Week-end in London with Mrs. Grace Maclver and boys and Miss Olive' Blake, Mr. and Mrs.' Fred Stewart of Niagara^ Falls are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Cameron MacDon­ ald and Mr. Hill, Mrs. A. W., Hamilton .was a recent visitor in Ottawa with Cl. and Mrs. Douglas Clark and fam­ ily. . << ■ Miss Agnes MacQuaig has en­ tered Westminster Hospital, Lon­ don, after being ill six/weeks at horne. . . Mr. and Mrs. Mac Graham of Toronto were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Wellington Henderson. $ Mrs. Arthur Cook, who was a patient in Wingham Hospital for a short time, is now at the Baker Private Hospital. »• ' * ■ * ■ • '' \ ’ Mr. and'Mrs. Hank Krueger, Mrs. Al Martin and Neddy of De- i trdit spent the Tatter part of the w*eek with relatives. , Mr. and Mrs;. Clifford MacMi|-. -l^n-and-babe of-Merritton visited last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. MacMillan. 4^iss Charlene Smith of Blen­ heim spent the -week-end with friends and attended the open- her minister, the Rev. R. J. WmimisticeZW LestWe Forget Commencing at 10.00 a.m. 'A' Followed By The CEREMONY AT THE CENOTAPH Members of the Legion, Ladies’ Auxiliary, Scouts, Guides, Cubs and Brownies are requested to assemble at the Recreational Centre at 9.50. ./■/,■ Lucknow District High School Band In Attendance She died_ ut her home ,in Mon- also survive, Hector and Donald of Ashfield, Duncan of. Victoria, 2B-C-.,. Mrs. Kincheloe-of ChicagG^ and. Mrs. MacDonald .of Butte,, Montana. Her sister, the late Mrs, Phillip j, MacMillan of Luck- rnow, predeceased heir some year* ago. ’ ■ . - .'/ / ■ —r- Passed Away Suddenly The death of Miss Flora Turn­ er, a summer resident at PoinS Clark, occurred suddenly at Strathroy last week. The funeral was on' Saturday at Strathrtty. On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Taylor, Mrs. John A. Campbell . and Mrs. Walter Brbwri, motored to Strathroy to extend their sym­ pathy to the surviving sister, Miss . ^dna“*TurheE~ ~ “T* ’T ■ ... . -.a , ___ / . BORN SNOWDEN—in Wingham Gener­ al Hospital on Monday; ’October _2fh__1953, . to. Mr..and .Mrs. .Ernest- Snowden, R. 2; Lucknow, .a son.. •ir.ea-1 on Friday, October 23rd. The funeral SeryicteTn..Montreal-. ,was held ‘ on Monday, October 26th in the Church of St. And­ rew and St. Paul, of Which she had been a devoted member for many years, and was conducted Berlis, D.D. The remains wereing of the new high school. Mr; and Mrs. Bill Humphrey then brought to Lucknow for in- and family and Mr. & Mrs. Samtorment here.. ____ 1, . . ‘-r- i iVFneijnnalri. mReid spent . Sunday in London with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cli- perton and family. Mrs, William Schmid of town was among the guests at the sil­ ver wedding anniversary of Mr. The Rev. J. R, • MapDonald, minister1 of. Ripley and Ashfield, Conducted the ser­ vice, which* was very largely at­ tended by relatives and friends; Her two brothers, Hector and Donald, and four nephews, Ewan J. MacLean and Archie, Philip and Mrs. Edward Kueneman of j and Bruce MacMillan, acted as Hanover., Mrs. Schmid was pallbearers. 4>r-idesmaid~at^their~_wedding:- OBITUARY ; MRS. E. SCOTT MacKENZIE The funeral 'of the • late Mrs. F, Scott MacKenzie of Montreal took place- on Tuesday, October 27th at 3 o’clock, with a funeral service in the chapel of McLen­ nan and MacKenzie, and inter­ ment in Greenhill Cemetery. Mrs. Mackenzie, formerly Miss Lexie MacLean, was -a daughter of the late Donald Er and Mrs. MacLean of Amberley, and lived her early life in this community. In her education she chose music as her special field of study, at­ tending the Brantford Conserva­ tory of Music, with advanced studies in Chicago and Boston, and was a talented and success­ ful musical teacher. In 1913 she > was married to. Francis Scott: MacKenzie, at that time- a theo-1 logical student and ' now past I principal and professor of Theo­ logy at the Presbyterian College^. Montreal. She accompanied Df. Mackenzie to Harvard UniVersi- 1 Mrs. MacKenzie is survived by her husband, <&nd by two child- iren, Dr. F. Douglas MacKenzie of Vancouver, B.C., andlsobel (Mrs. Newton E. Jarrard) of Houston, -Texas,_and-fourgrandchildren.: Three brothers and two sisters ty and lived for two years in Cambridge, Mass., ’ where she continued her mbsical studies, re-. turning then fb Montreal where her husband began his ministry., Subsequently/she lived at Syd-. J ■hey- Mines,* Nova Scotia, and' Paris/ Ontario, where Dr;* Mac­ Kenzie .held, pastorates, and in 1027 returned to Montreal where she lived- for the rerrtaihder of her lite., ■ ■■■'■>;■ Mrs, MacKenzie was a lady of Jare gifts and great personal charnvand is remembered-with, grateful affection by a wide circle- of friends whenever . h’ef ,influ- ence has been felt. She was al- ;ways an active church worker, especially in • girls’ work / and missionary activity, but her in­ terests extended also into many other fields, including the M W. . _ Bible Societythe I O.D.E., of many and social welfare wor! types. ’ ■’ / . ’ ■S' a I $ mW ”1 think every widow should know about Debentures” ’’Most widows are looking for a safe, short term inYestmenMhat pa-y-S good:interesL I found I could buy debentures for as little as $ 100.00 for terms of 1 to 5 years. Foi1 a 5-year term> debentures pay me E Sa interest which is automatically deposited to my Huron & trie sayings account” Bi ■the folder ; 20 Questions MORTGAGE CORPORATION “Older than the Dominion of Canada" District Representatives listed»below Lucknow SL ..........- ■■ .i-/ - - — Joseph Agnew / Head Office London, Ontario*