The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-10-28, Page 6PAGE SIX WHITECHURCH ■) PURPLE GROVE '* -T P. • •' . , Mn and Mrs. Frank Currie and Mr. -Murray Campbell visited last Tuesday at Collingwood. Miss Margaret Robertson visit­ ed her sister, Mrs. Goldie Huston ’ last week. Messrs. Walter’Collins & Ste­ wart Dore. returned home from the West where they spent the past six weeks. . , . Mr,. Cecil Hill of Sarnia is spending a few .days at the home "^r^M^and^Mrer^Ralph—HilL—;----- Mr, Will' Montgomery of De- ~troit visited his? sister,; Mrs. Gep; 'A;- -Emerson.-’., . <. ' On Thursday pf last week the ladies of Purple Grove Institute were entertained by fhe ladies of Reid’s Corners. All report a very . enjoyable t-im&X’ . , • / / • L • • Mr. and MrsXKenneth Wright and family of Wrbxeter visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Currie. " •Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Nixon and family visited with Mr. .ana Mrs. jack Emerson recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schandler of Pott Credit, Mr. Wallace Thomp- sori of Malton, - Mrs. -Graham Thompson of Fergus, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Colwell, Bob and Joe For­ ster were visitors at the home, of Mr. and Mrs, Donald McCosh. . Mr. Frank-Currie attended the 99th Battery reunion at Wingham last week. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO * Mr.. and Mrs, Groskorth of Unionville spent the week-end with their son, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Groskorth. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Thompson, Alex and Eddie and Mrs. S. H. Thompson of Caledon spent /Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Moore. Mr®* '$•' H. Thompson in­ tends staying for a Week. iMr, and Mrs. Robt. Laidlaw & family visited on Sunday . with MrrTand-Mrs.—Chas.—Falconer_at- Kincardine. ',. • .•••"•;• -- Mr. and Mrs. Ted McClenagban and son.Percy and Francis Henry spent (a couple of days in Tor- onto. Mrs. McClenaghan intends staying a week or two with Mr. and Mrs. O, Mitchell at Toronto. Mrs. W. R. Farrier, Mrs. G. Gillespie, Mrs. H. Laidlaw, Mrs. E. H. Groskorth, Mrs. E. Scholtz, Mrs. J. D. .Beecroft, Mrs. Milan Moore, Mrs. Jas. Falconer and Lois all attended the Sectional meeting at St. Helens last Friday. Mr. G. E. Farrier made a busi­ ness trip' to London on Monday and Mrs. G. Gillespie accompan­ ied him, to visit friends there. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sproul and Mrs. 'Ella Hunkins, all of Exeter, visited with Mrs. M. Ross onj Sunday. Mr.’ and Mrs. H. Tichbome of Goderich visited with her mother, Mrs. D. Kennedy on Sunday. WOLF CUBS SPORT HOCKEY MEETING CALLED FOR THURSDAY NIGHT Trie hockey picture locally is a bit obscure at this point, but should ibe clarified somewhat at a meeting called for this Thurs­ day evening in the Town Hall, . Lucknow will-no doubt be rep­ resented in some or all of the minor series, and as Tory Gregg said here, last Friday night,/there is—no-town—in—the-W.O.A.AX-that has . done ’ any more for minor hockey triad has Lucknow. The Intermediate picture will ui^ hight/Akela Thompson and be ain important point, for dis- Attridge were in charge, cussipn at Thursday’s-' meetingi' - *•’ / - .1^ and a good turnout of players and fans is requested. — •• ------O-O-O- -—— /' TIMBER TIPS • Team .standings after 2 weeks’ play: \ ! Gophers 12, Cubs 12, Tigers 10, Wolverines 10, Chipmunks 7, Beavers 7, Fawns 7, Kangaroos 5, Pole Cats 4, Lions 4, Coons. 4, ■Zebras 2. - 1 . Cubs and. Gophers continued WEDNESDAY, OCT 28th, 1933 ONE CARLOAD OF FIR PLYWOOD in stock ALLTHICKNESSES 1-4 inch, 3-8 inch, 1-2 inch, 3-4 inch. o ALSO SHEATHING PLYWOOD in 5-16 inch thickness GomeinandgetyourFreeBooklet giving many ideas on the use of PLYWOOD. ^7—0 JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED Lucknow. Ont.’Phone ISO J? 1953 CHEV* SEDAN # ,| 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN | TWO 1952 STYLELINE CHEV* SEDANS. | 1951 CHEV* DELtiXE FLEETLINE COACH | 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1951 DODGE SEDAN | 1951 POWERGLIPE CHEV. COACH, fully Equipped g 1949 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN g 1949 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN 1948 CHEV* COACH ~#-~1^47-MERCURY~SEDAN 1946 PONTIAC SEDAN | TRUCKS « 4 TW0*T0N ARMY TRUCKS • § 1916 CHEV. :',-TON PICK-UP I: Brussels Motors g '■ ’ Huron Courity’s Foremost Used Car Dealcrs § Cash, ‘Trade, Open ’ Evenings Until 10 , § , Cities Service Dealer « Phone Brussels 1948 CHEV. SEDAN. 4947--CHF.V.„SEDAN DUNGANNON The-Col wan ash Junior Farmers held their annuay banquet Fri- ‘ day evening in the- United church with 107 present The Dungannon Women’s Institute catered for a turkey dinner. Seated atx, the head table were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carbett, Wingham; Gor­ don Bennett, Toronto, a former *agricultural representative of (Huron county and Mrs. Bennett; 'agricultural representative Gt W. Montgomery and his assistant, -Hamld_Baker; Clinton; Miss Le- . ona Johnston, office stenographer^^ Clinton; Miss Dorothy Pattison, president of Huron county Junior \ r Farmers Association;. ’Rev. G; ’ Watt, basior of ; Dungannon Un^ ; ited church and- Mrs. Watt; Miss Doreen Larrib, president of Col- ^Waria*h -Junior Institute; Miss • Dorothy McCabe, vice president, and Miss 'Sheila Feagari, secret­ ary-treasurer' of the Junior In-; stitute; and Arnold Alton, pres­ ident Of Colwanash Junior Farm­ ers, who introdueed those at the _ head table. The national anthem was sung accompanied at the piano by Miss Lillian Popp, after Mr. Alton had proposed-the toast to the Queen; After the banquet,: they adjotirned to the auditorium - of the church, where the guest speaker, Mr. Bennett, introduced by Mr J Montgomery, gave an ad* ‘ dress on “The Junior Farmer and You”. A dance was held later in 'the agricultural hall with Carnegie’s orchestra from ford supplying the music. Mrs. T. C. Anderson, a of Turkey, will sail November 4th on the Cynthia, a Cunard liner, [ from Quebec City to LeHarve, France. After two weeks in Paris \ with relatives, she will visit an aunt near Athens, Greece, and ~ therr visit her-parents - in- Istan- “That’s a large (grandfather < Turkey. ( clock you have in the hall”. JVIission Band was neld in the “We call it a mother-in-law I United Church basement during clock because it’s been here for^churchv^GeoFge—Daw^n-conduH-— years and it won’t go!” Seventeen Cubs gathered round the Council Rockjor last week’s meetingwhich^AvasheldonWedj: nesday night due to other act­ ivities in the jungle on our reg- Opening ceremonies were led by Sr. Sixer George . Gibson. .Follow­ ing the usual round of games the iPackengaged-in-a_“pumpkinJ^ce contest” with some interesting ,and amusing results. Raksha con­ ducted a short period of instruct tion on knots, 'and following a lively game of “British Bulldog” the meeting was brought to a close. The White Six made it two straight in the Inter-Six competition by topping the other Sixes in the games division. As I 4- their good rolling last week ' a result White Claw Gibson; con- Sparkling performances to date tinues as Sr. Sixer for another ■ .... . _ . 1_.; ■ .' ■ ’ ■ • . ■ - ■ —O— i icauw vv. v* «•*’- November is membership fee Some teams have riot yet hit month^ so bring jn your annual .their-Irtrides but when the cruits obtain a’ little experience the story will be different! Sev- - - -eral of these recruits; incident- week for special service on Apple ally, are doing very wjell—in fact Day, we 'neglected to1 mention ■they are bolstering the regulars,. Baloo Rae Stanley who 'worked . Top flats last week were: Go-'at Apple Day headquarters “all pher Westlake’s 725, Park’s 700,; day. Thanks Rae for a jo>b well together with Chipmunk Anna ’ ” Johnstone’s 630 pins. Your bowling executive sin- “cerely wants“everyone to erij oy- I the outings but, at the same time, I we desire to encourage better | bowling. Therefore a few changes will b? made from time to time. Please co-operate by giving them an honest try. \ One that we wish to put into effect this week is bowling two frames at a time instead of one, changing alleys at the end of 16 frames. This move makes for more continuous bowling and will tend to speed up the pinboy and the game. j Individual copies of the sche­ dule will be handed- |o the cap­ tains of the various teams at the -alleys—thiS—week and from here in you will know definitely when you bowL -—-o-o-o----- Ken Dolson has been appoint­ ed director of recreatiop and manager of Kincardine arenar Norm Bagnell jias been named assistant manager. Dolson will, also act as hockey coach. Where there’s money, there’s always interest. by Gopher Westlake and Cub t week, park have done much to put their teams at the: top of the heap. re-1 fee (50c) promptly please. —Q1^.... .. ■ In passing out bouquets last ELLA HEFFRON PASSES i” done as. Pack representative. What was your “Good Turn” for the day? i—7____ ■■’■■' <■ BOUNDARY WEST Mr. Garner Stanley is a pat­ ient in Wingham Hospital. ■' Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson of London ^visited at l\^r. Wm. Stan­ ley’s at the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. G. Colwell and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schilroth of Kincardine visited with ’ Mr. and Mrs.-Dam.Nicholson.... Mr. and Mrs. Don Hamilton motored to St. Thomas to visit with Mr. 2nd Mrs. J. Crocker on Sunday. Mr. Wm. Stanley of Kingston visited-at—his-home-here,---------- Mr. Oliver Barkwell and Henry ? and Mrs. H. Ensign visited in London with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barkiweil. They were accompan­ ied by Mrs. E. Barkwell and Mrs. Ruth Brooks. I The death of Miss Eleanor. A. Heffron, age 80, occurred ‘ last Wednesday at St, Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London. She moved from Bly th to London three years ago. Ella, as she was known to' old friends here, was formerly of’this community, arid visited frequently, with Mrs. - Wm. MacKenzie *be- fore She moved.to Toronto. Miss Heffron was the last member of the family. . ^“Requiem“high--mass-^was—sung- in St. Michael’s Church; Bly th , on -Friday morning with interment in St.' Michael’s -Cemetery. Presbyterian Evening Auxiliary Mrs. Archie Smith;was hostess for the October meeting of the Evening Auxiliary which was under the leadership of Mrs. Jack Fisher The opening . hymn 449, was followed With the reading of Maude Sherwood. The Bible study on the 7th Beatitude was taken iby (Mrs. .Robt. MacKenzie and Mrs. Pollock gave a reading. A film strip on Africa, Which was been the study for the year, was in charge of Mrs. C. Winn, and ’ proved to be very interesting and informative. "The current events were taken by Mrs. Jack Mac- | Donald, hymn 599 Was sung and the meeting closed with prayer by Mt’S. Gordon Fisher. / |‘ . . > ' . . • :■ '■ ' X Norm Strata native • Ji ed the meeting, opening with the call to Worship. Mrs. Irvin led. in prayer. Mrs. Harvey Alton conducted the election of officers for 1953-54: pres., Patricia Pent­ land; sec.,- Sandra Finnigan; treas/ David Dawson; pianists, Eleanor Alton, Lynda Blake and Pauline Anderson; World Friends sec., Carol Pentland. “Let’s Pack a Parcel” and the business was taken by Mrs.. Irvin, The meeting closed by repeating the Members’ Purpose;—■ ■ - ~ :----———— Buys Shorthorns At the Bruce County Shorthorn Breeders consignment sale held Free of Dungannon paid $325 for a polled Shorthorn open heifer consigned by R. C. Armstrong. Mr. Free also bought two bred heifers consigned by Roger Hood of Paisley. ■ - . For hard wear and repeated scjrvbblhfl^^^J r ■ » I V i • • FLORHIDE fLOOR ENAMEL rQ- ' Make the drab, unattractive floor and step® your home sing with a happy harmony ± color* Paint them With Florhide Ed- c ^^^ amel. Quick-drying elastic fin- ish for wood,concr®te ormetal* \ JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED Lucknow —i , Phone 150 “ Ontario » '.V1„-.p.. ; , . ' , • ' . • V , XT** ' ' . .. \ ’■ ’ ...[ iiuhi' i; iiiii