The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-10-28, Page 3lry Tie, >n’s X THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE THREE; ■BL ♦ f t LANGSIDE c SPORTSWEAR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1st 1 p.m.: Evening Worship. CULROSS CORNERS I $3.50 to $7.95 i V. I >!• the. Mission Band, j F CHURCH CHANNELS I * 4 / at f interest on . A ( j r I I b rv T I i j P • Sun- Mrs. ATTENDED fashion show AT "KITCHENER MONDAY and Donald of Pinkerton Sunday with Frank Mil­ Young People’s Society Wihitechurch Society on A rear good 11 alm.: Morning Worship. 12.15 p.nu: Sunday School. 3 p.m.: Erskine, Dungannon, z /■ HIAD OFFICE 172 B«y Str T«r«ntp "I get more interest on my money than if 1 kept it in a savings account. I can buy a 5-year debenture foras little^ as $ 100.00 arid get my money. Huron & Erie debentures are a dependable investment.” CARDIGANS • . . . All wool and nylon. Colorful „ assortment in sizes 10 to 48. These include girls’ sweaters age 6 to 12. Choice . quality. ; Priced from , Ask for ||||| the folder ■ *20.Quesft’<Mw’’f rhe <>>”*•Hurpn&Crie MORTGAGE CORPORA I' I ON “Older than the Dominion of Canada" ! ™E STERLING TRUSTS C .0 R P 0 R A T I O N branch office |-3 Dunlop si., 8orH» to' disCUfB inattert with you and your husband. Such an interview could _be the answer to’your future peace,of.mind. • , Inexperience — _ . - . - give Arid cause untold worry. A sympathetic and experienced Estate Officer of The Sterling Trusts Corporation will be ^PPV > WEDNESDAY, OCT 2?th, 1953 LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Minister;. j Rev* G. A. Meiklejohn, I B.A., BJD. j SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1st | 11.00 a.m.; Tl>e Challenge of! our Protestant Heritage. | 12.15 p.m.: Church School. j" 7.00 p.m.: The Unfinished Re- i formation f Local & General SPECIAL SALE PRICE to clear all hats, this Friday' and Satur­ day. Bell Robertson. Mrs. Etta Roberts spent a day with friends at Tavistock. . Mrs. Janet Twamley of Wood- stQck was a week-end visitor with friends’ ; in the community. , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haldenby of Toronto were week-end guests of Mrs, M. Dudley. v • Mr.\nd Mrs. Morgan Hender­ sonandtDonald Were recent visi- sp im Lucknow Presbyterian Church ^-Rev.C.A«Winn,BrA.Y — Minister. Master Harold . Whytock visit­ ed after schobl Monday with Don- ; nie°Wall. Mr. Harry Parker has bought Mr. Walter Pirinell’s pasture farm situated just across the Kinloss- Culross boundary. We a re sorr y tor "report th a t" Mrs. Mabel Harris is not enjoying the best of health. Several from here attended the ‘ turkey supper iri Kinloss United—church—Wednesdayeveningr——1 Mr. Albert Harris &? Miss June Harris, London, spent the week­ end at their home here \ The-rriemibers. _0L the W.A. met at the home of Mrs< Cal Lamont on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and; Mrs. Raymond Harris and Bunny, London, spent day at the home of Mr. and , Albert Harris. Miss Helen Schumacher, cardine, was home, over week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall &j Donnie spent Sunday with Mr.; and Mrs Ed Collins, Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs.. Jack Schumacher and^Helen sperit^Suriday-after^ noon with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Zettel and Jean arijd Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schumacher, Walker­ ton. ' ;___Mr:.--andi.Mrs....Wrn. Wall, Kin- lough, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Weir Eckenswiller. Mrs. J. Eckenswiller also« spent some time at the same home. Mr, and Mrs.. Weir Eckenswiller mot­ ored to Tobermory and other points oyer .the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown & Reg spent Sunday eVCiypg with Mr; and Mrs. Hugh. Nicholson; Bervie, , Mr. & Mrs. Art Hodgins spent the week-end in Haihiiton visit­ ing with her family. . hd Mrs. Morgan Hender- utDonald Were recent visi- tors Xin' New York City. ‘" ; . . H., M. MacEenrian of Kit-? chener Jias; been., visiting here with his son Mac arid Mrs. Mac<- Lerinan. _ ■ , ■ ' ■. . *»Wayne--Jamieson"spentthe”past weok at Duck. Lake, Michigan, visiting, .with Sharon arid Cam­ eron Lane, ' Miss Helen Thompson spent * the week-end in London as the guest of Mrs. H. G. Sherriff. who teaches near Simcoe. / Mrs. A. E....^hpmpson; of. Lind­ say. arid Mr. Fred Taylor of Tor­ onto spent the week-end with Mrs. R; T. Douglas and Miss Christina MacDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Jamieson and family and Elmer MacKen- zie, spent the we6k-end visiting with Mr. and Mrs/Roy Lane at Duck Lake, Mich., and Mr. arid Mrs. J. Le Beau of Royal Oak, Michigan.-' . Mrs. Jessie Maclnnes, who has been a patient in Wirigham Hos­ pital for six months; was able to leave the hospital on October 10th, and is at the home of her niece, Mrs. Walter Willits of-RT 1, Wingham. Major and Mrs. R. F. Irwin of Montreal and Mrs. Verna Mac-. PhersOn of Vancouver were Re­ cent guests of Mrs. Etta Roberts. Major Irwin has been stationed at Montreal since returning from Korea where he spent ‘15 months, Mr.v and Mrs, Thomas Ander­ son,. Jr., and Andy, visited last week at Hamilton and at Brapt- I ford. From Brantford they were ! accompanied home by Tom’s mother, who had been visiting xyith her daughter* Mrs. C.: Pearce and Mr. Pearce. - . . . On Monday evening ' Mr. and Mrs, M. L. Sanderson attended th$ fashion show ‘and dinner in the Walper; Hotel in Kitchener. This was sponsored by the-Donv inion Corset Company of Quebec City, manufacturers of NuBack, Lelong corsets and girdles and Gothic brassiers, , The show featured new trends in stitching in the new Discretion brassiers and Enhance' garments. Mrs.^Sanderson,a.licensedcor-- setierre, found the show most necessary, and instructive .for fit^ ting for our. local public 'in the foundation - garment field. . < —The—bazaarT^and'social^which was to be held in €the church on Friday evening is being held on Thursday evening, October 29th instead. Please note change of date, , , Mrs. Win- Evans spent a few days with her family at London and Hyde Park. Mrs. Clark Johnson, Linda and Janetta of Belgrave spent..the week-end with/ Mr. and Mrs; Chas. Tiffin,. ; “ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Metcalf, Gladys ’ ' ~ visited ler. The. visited Monday everting, time was enjoyed. Mr. Jpshua Dawson, Mr. & Mrs. Huntley Dawson and family .spent the week-end in London and ■joined the family gathering in honor of the 15th wedding anni­ versary of Mr^ and Mrs. Steyvart Dawsop. _ — TheMission”-Band-was-heid-in- the church Saturday afternoon with a good attendance. The mothers attending quilted a quilt for th Cana^af SALADA' TEA BAGS " 1. ■ 111 ’ '. ’ ■ • NEW FALL SKIRTS . . . . Wonderful savings in this wide assortment of skirts. Straight and flared styles, pressed and unpressed pleats. Wools, Gabardines, Checks, Flannels, Tartans, etc. $3.98; $4.98, $5.98, $7.98, $9.98, $12.98 Wide assortment in, sizes and colors. SLACKS ... in Flannel,. .Gabardine arid Tartans. Sizes 10 to 44. Choose parly for best assortment. .. BLOUSES..., See our blouse bar and select a blouse at your price, color and material in all sizes, styles and weights. Nylo;:, wool, allm-acel — all guaranteed washable. COATS and DRESSES . ... __—— , -Try us f o r—Pr icee-Qu ality and~Styl er~—- SPECIALS . , . . Nylons 99c; Brkssiers 79c; Work Sox 69c; Boys’ Shirts $1.98 L.D.H.S. NEWS Assembly George Anderson was in charge of the Assembly on October 23. 1953. Jim Hackett presided at the piano for the hymn “Breathe on me Breath of God”. T^ie scrip­ ture, read by Florence Fry, was followed by the Lord’s prayer in unison’ Everyone joined in'sing- Recent visitors, at the .home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bushell were Mr; and Mrs. Donald McKinnon and Mrf John McKinnon of Van­ couver; Mrs. A. D. Martyn, Rip­ ley;" Mrs; George Jarrell, Tiver^ ton; Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bush­ ell, Margaret Ann and Marilyn Of Kinloygh; arid Mr. and Mrs/ Howard Heritage of Toronto. FOR PERSONALIZED Christmas cards, ^serviettes, playing cards, coasters, matches^ stationery, and for a complete range of Christ- mas. cards, papers and everyday cards, a telephone call to 33 or 35 will bring the samples to your dodr; ait the week-ends. DON THOMPSON. . COULD YOU FACE IT alone? As your husband’s chief beneficiary, would you know how to handle the S administration of his estate? i in such matters can be expen- Each year there , is ah apalling loss of life and suffering caused ' iby accidents in otir machine age. Sometimes one wonders just how much the element of chance en­ ters into the -picture. There is the factor of human weakness due to mental strain, due to over­ work, or domestic problems, di­ verting the mind of the operator. There is also the weakness of mental reaction due to the Use of alcoholic beverage. So often we hear the slogan, “If you drink don’t drive', and , if you drive don’t drink’’. • ’ t There is the recent story of the little girl whose bedtime had ar­ rived after an hour with ‘televis­ ion. She told mother she wanted a drink before going tov- sleep. “I’ll get you some milk”, said mother .“But I don’t Want milk’’, was the reply. “All right then,” mother conceded, “I’ll openja bot­ tle of pop and we’ll share it”, Ejven that wouldn’t do. “I, don’t Avant pop”,, the little girl, said emphatically, “I want Slit? beer!” The- child knew nothing about Patrick gave readings on ths. United Nations. , Sybil Barger played a pianw> solo arid Assembly closed with. ( God Save The , Queen., I . " '• O— ■ ■ •. I On Friday afternoon at 3.35 Dr. i J;. E. Little came to the school j to speak to the pupils on dent­ istry. He gave an interesting and . ing “Unto The Hills”, There was ihfprmatiVe talk on dentistry as- violin—selection—by -Bob-^Mc-Ya-career—for—both—men and—wo- _— Innes,- accompanied by Caiyl (men; Dr. Little outlined briefly Gardher. Dan Rose, Audrey Ross, .. ■ ~Helen Weiler, Bill Baulch, Joan Ithe opportumties open to young Hamilton, Douglas Haldenby,1 men arid women who are inter- Laurine McNain and Gladys Kii-ested in this profession. Here’s why I’m / putting my savings, into debentures” beer; she simply did what TV told her.^ Here is a powerful kind j of visual education, whether good ’ or bad depends on your attitude towards the social problems in­ volved. The public,. social: and recrea­ tional, life of Canada is being nv tensively, infiltrated by the claims of those whose business it. is to make more people drink alcoholic ! beverages, more, arid whose pro- found interest' is To dpvelbp a generation of youth, which shall ‘ accept the preposterous nbtion .that alcoholic beverages belong to gracious living, because bill­ boards* radio, television, and a general .sharing of leisure life, have told theni so repeatedly, that it is taken as a fact The Chris­ tian church’has still much to do ip the matter of education.,to counter the propaganda of the al­ coholic interests. 1 1 /V District Representatives listed below; Lucknow W- Joseph Agnew Head Office London, Ontario. ......................................................r:....