The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-10-21, Page 6.-4 /*»»» •Z. J. PAGE SIX ■ i ' ■ , > THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNQW, ONTARIO , KAIRSHEA W, I. MEETING FEATURED BY DERATE i For the October meeting of the Kairshea W.I. held in Holyrood Hall; Mrs. Walter MacKenzie and . Mrs. Fred Gilchrist were host­ esses. Mrs. D. H. Carruthers pre* sided and the secretary, Mrs, pqnald. McKinnon, read the min- '■ utes and correspondence. “ Mrs. Wall reported for the com­ mittee iir charge of the At Horne. Mrs. Evans reported for cpmmit- \ tee in charge of St. Andrew’s * ’ “ Ballto be-held in the Town Hall < - onNovevmiber 20 th. . The extension coiirse on “Froz- ’< en Foods” is to be held in Holy r ' rood Hall on November 16th and Mrs. Lockhart, the Blue Cross secretary, asked that fees be paid toy November 10th. The Junior : " girls’ project,. “What Shall. I Wear”, is to begin shortly with ( Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. Roulston as leaders. $25.00 was voted to­ wards the Baker Convalescent Home and $5.00 to the Institute for the Blind, with a donation pf clothing to be given to the Child­ ren’s Shelter later on. The pres- Jident. was to see if a bus trip to the Royal could be arranged. The roll call, “Ways of giving consideration to others” was w.ejl responded to. The motto, “Do your best for your organization and rejoice with those who dp c better”, was well taken by Mrs. I o- , v • ONE CARLOAD OF FIR PLYWOOD in- stock' ALSO SHEATHING PLYWOOD in 5-16 inch thickness Come in and get youf* Free Booklet ' giving many ideas on the use of PLYWOOD. JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED ’Phone 150 Lucknow, Ont. —1953 CHEV. SEDAN-" — 1SI53 PONTIAC SEDAN 1953 CHEV. SEDAN / TWO 1958 STYLELINE CHEV. SEDANS ; 1952 PONTIAC COACH ; 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN. 1951 DODGE SEDAN > 1951 Powerglide chev. coach, fuiiy equipped ! 1949 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN ; 1949 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN 1948 CHEV. COACH I THREE 1948 CHEV. COACHES 1948 CHEV. SEDAN, [ 1947 MERCURY SEDAN . 1947 CHEV. SEDAN ! 1946 CHEV. SEDAN . 1946 PONTIAC SEDAN , ---- ----- --------------*•—------r-""’ - ! 1937 CHEV. SEDAN 1942 DODGE COACH j-< TRUCKS .; 1948 MERCURY HALF-TON PICK-UP 10 TWO-TON ARMY TRUCKS, available /soon Brussels Motors [ Huron County’s Foremost Used Car Dealers L Cash, Traded Terms —? Open Evenings Until, 10 S Cities Service Dealer Phone Brussels . 7 0 Alex Sutherland. ' Mrs, Walter MacKenzie, who1 ,9*1 had been the delegate tp the1 Area. I dfetiiiv yxtf* ttr convention in Guelph recently, BOWLING CLUB PRESENTS presented her report in a very A1? interesting style. Margaret and Ruth‘ Steer sang “Juanita” as a duet with Mrs. Wm., Scott ac ­ companist. J “Resolved tnat me woman woo jng a new power mower and re­ takes part in community activit- pinking and resodding the green ies is happier than -the one who, ends which were the major pro­ does' not” was the subject for a i j^s’ Gf year, spirited deibate, Miss Annie Mac-1 Harvey Webster, the retiring “Kay and Mrs.7Thelma MaeDonald | ppes|c|en^ after-twcHyears—in—of- upheld the affirmative side; with fice presided. The new president Mrs. ■Cliff RolstOn and Mrs: Arch- negative. The judges decision was in favor of the affirmative side. At the close of the meeting the directors, Mrs- Evans, Mrs., _„_c_ _ ____ Moffat, Mrs. Steer and Mrs. Scott j jngton McCoy.. ■ gave a .demonstration on a var-1 _—-o-o-o—r- iety of fancy sandwiches. A social ^LEGIONNAiRES FETED AT ” hour was enjoyed. i TURKEY BANQUET TUESDAY The next meeting will toe held ] , tone week earlier on '. 7 12th ait the home of Mrs. Alex MacLeod in Lucknow, with Mrs. Glen Irwin, Miss Annie MacLeod; Mrs. Donald McKinnon and. Mrs. Geo. Lockhart, directors. TWO LIFE MEMBERSHIPS The Lucknow Lawn Bowling Club met last week and reviewed a successful season. The Club had a favorable credit, after purchas- ie MacIntyre speaking for the dent Wallace Miller and-sec.. »»r>rtr.+i,rA. rT,l^a -iii/Lrcoo zlomcinn nr^ics v n" . __ • * ' • jects of the year, . . Harvey Webster, the retiring fice, presided. The new president is M. L, Sariderson; vice presi- treas., Alex Mackay. Highlight, of {fte meeting was the presentation of^life member­ ships to S. C. Rathwell. and Well- OBITUARY EZRA CECIL WELWOOD Mr. Ezra Cecil Wetwood pass­ ed away in Westminster Hospi­ tal, London, on Wednesday, Oct­ ober 14th after a lengthy illness. He was a son of the late Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Welwood and was in his 69th year. He was born on the 2nd of Culross and attended, school at S,S. No. 3, Culross. He was a veteran of the first World War. He lived for a while jn Manitoba after the r war before comihg jto~the~l^ thCon;of~East- Wawanosh and for the past 15 years had lived in Whitechurch. . His kindly disposition and wilL ingness . to assist others- won for- him a host of friends* in the com-t munities in which he lived. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife,. two sons, ^Nonnsm J. of Wingham ,and Gordon at home; a daughter, Jean, Mrs. C. Heiffer of Turnberry and 8 grandchild­ ren. A son Arthur predeceased him in childhood. A brother Ira of Vancouver, B.C. and a sister, Tena, Mrs. John Falconer of Wingham, also survive. He was TURKEY BANQUET TUESDAY illbe heid weren’t any trophies to November | y.QC,Ckr,+ .Kiit’ fhnrp wwe a lot of One; You say. Bill is pretty; cocky 9 and sure of himself? I The Other: I’ll say he is. He:| does crossword puzzles with a I pen s • present, tout. there were a lot of complimentary, remarks extend­ ed to the Lucknow Legionnaires at a stag turkey banquet on Tues- sday night, and there were few in who weren’t groaning from-an ( over-consumption of turkey by j the time the speech making got ( I underway. . \ I The Legion was complimented for sticking in to the end, and the, harmonious co-operation of the Lucknow-Wingham-Auburn boys, who battled to the finishing line, -was extolled by several speakers, The $64 question: “Will Luck­ now. be back next year?”, wasn’t officially answered, tout a good many are taking, it for granted they will, despite the- deficit the Legion has to wipe off from this season’s operations; Lucknow is J" phe. or igin ator of~the fastbaH-pat— >. tern as it’s played today. J Bob McIntosh was chairman, > and called on H. D. Thompson to [r^’pitrclT-hit-as--fhe-Legion- speaker,, in the absence of Clarence Greer. Next came Manager Chuck Web­ ster; then Harry Doughty, WQAA president; Hugh Hawkins, past president; Tom Rafferty, CKNX sports commentator; John Hanna, M.P.P; ■ /' ■ , Players called dn were George. Westlake, Lome Gardner, Fred Templeman, John Hanna and Harold Greer, and then followed brief remarks by committee men, Russ Button,. Jack Bannister, W. -B.—AndensUn_andLJack Cook.___ -—-o-o-o - • TIMBER TIPS Last week saw new and in­ teresting developments take place iri the Lucknow - Dunganr^oh bowling set-up. Two new teams captained toy “renegades” from the Tiger and Chipmunk folds have agreed to organize and^fill the Wingham lanes on Wednes­ day. as well as on Thursday , ev­ enings. One look at their rosters and you will be forced to admit that the new entries will toe any­ thing. but door mats for seasoned veterans’ To the many new faces appear­ ing on the new as well as regular teams a .cordial welcome is ex­ tended. We are particularly iglad to be alble to accomodate a few single members of the younger set. It is hoped, that. this enjoy­ able outing will provide recrea­ tion and clean fun during a slack season. \ : With - two. groupings,, minor changes are being worked out iri -Connection with the hew sched- ule in addition to playoffs. The' league will operate as one unit with all entries meeting at-least once during the season. A cash prize will given, to the league­ leaders. Six teams will enter the “A” playoff for the silverware, while the remainder will battle it out for that consolation prize. Both round' robins Will run for five nights instead of the usual three. . ' . ’ . teams-, officially shoved off last week'with the Gophers, Cubs and Tigers settihg.. the pace. A newcomer in the person of Go-; pher Westlake racked up the high triplie of 624 while Zebra Jamie* ^oriyanother recruit, knocked off the high single—286 pins’ Again, we urge you to do your part' to speed up the game. And what has- become of “.ail that pi n } patter commonly ’known as pen ' . .. J. ... . ... to give the game a lift 1 . • ,, the audience of .almost a. hundred (,Ri,ehard and Fred and a sister! Alex MacLennan. 1 Amy. . I Funeral services were held in i Curries Funeral Chapel in Wing­ ham on Friday, October 16th with Rev R. D. A. Currie, assisted by' Rev. J. Pollock, officiating. Pall­ bearers were J. D;. Beecroft, J-, Mclllwraith, J. Wilson, A. CouL tes, J. McGee, C. Falconer. Inter- I ment was. in the Maitland Cem- Ietery, Wingham. I U'^^Uie eame ?a ’ FwWfee Vour Crop with NAT/ONAl well-cured, Properly-Blended FEKTlilZEt ' WEDNESDAY, OCT. 21st, 1953 SECOND ROUND WAW PUBLIC LIBRARY MARATHON Mrs. Couise, Mrs, W. V, John> ston, Mrs. Bannister, Mrs, A. C. Agnew. ' * . „ ' Mrs? J. Agnew, Mrs. W. Doug ­ las, Mrs, L, C, Thompson, Miss Plumsteel, Mrs. H. Wdbster, Mrs, Well, Henderson, Mrs. Hollyman, Miss 'M. Rae.Mrs. J- L. MacMillan, Mrs. G. Rathwelh Mrs. H, R. Allin, Mrs. Yovan, \ • • Mrs. E, *H. Agnew, Mrs, R. J. 'Buttbn7^MrsTTrRuss--Button 7-Mcs-— Thelma MacDonald, . Mrs. K. Murdie, Mrs, .T. Robin- . son, Mrs. R. H. Thompson, Mrs. Alek MacNay, “ ; ’ Mrs. W. L. MacKenzie, Mrs.; M. Hamilton, Mrs, W. B. Ander­ son, Mrs. W. A. Portepus. Mrs. N, E. Bushell, Mrs. Wm. Schmid, Mrs. R. FinlaysonMrs. P/ B. Stewart. . Mrs. R. Johnstone, Mrs. Cum­ ing, Mrs, Solomon, Mrs. Hoag. .Mrs. J. C. McNab, Mrs. R. Mc­ Kenzie, Mrs? McKim, Mrs.' Plew- es. ’' ' ; Mrs, Harold.Treleaven, Mrs. J.vvmglicun, aiou ou-ivivv.. ------------------‘ * A j . •predeceased • by* two brothers, | W. Joynt, Mrs. A. Andrew, Mrs. "Mrs. Clark,' Mrs. Rae, Mrs. Win. MacDonald, Mrs. Cook. • REV. PREST TO PREACH HERE The Rev. John Prest of Bervie Will be the preacher at St. Peter’s,. Lucknow, on Sunday, October 25th. Rev. H. L. Jennings will celebrate communion at the Anglican Church in Kingarf./ “ ___ ________' .7 * 1 i —_________ ■_ ■ rr-. ' -■ WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED . • INGERSOLL, ONTARIO * MADE FROM i See Your NATIONAL Dealer today­ look for the bright. Orange and Black Sign, . f-49 tea Extra profits can be yours by feeding your birds a “Fresh- Mix” Laying Mash made from National . Egbilder Concentrate* National Concentrate is rich in the vitamins, . minerals and proteins so essential to fnaintain healthy ~“bifdrafrd~sready^GTadc“A~cgg-production^--- So. for year ’round production and profits ask. your National dealer for a ‘‘Fresh-Mix” Laying Mash made from National Egbilder. Concentrate.