HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-10-21, Page 39 ■ WEDNESDAY, OCT. 21st, 1953 tHR. LUCKNOW. SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO lucknow | weal i General WON PLOWING CLASS FOR THIRD YEAR IN ROW ■ar I *7 UNITED CHURCH Minister:; Rev. G, A. Meiklejohn, B.A., B.D, i i i I i i i I 12.15 p.m.: Sunday School. | 7.00 p,m: Messengers of Light. | SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25th 11.00 ajn.: ‘Pioneers of Faith".! •• • i K ( • •................/' ' ->• • * • . Lucknow ■ • , .• , . * ,• , Presbyterian Church Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A., Minister. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25th 10 11. 3 7 Mrs. Neil ,J7 MacKenzie spent the past week “in Hamilton. <• Joe Irwin returned home last week, after spending the spring ? i andL summer in Western Canada. ! I Mrs. Ernie Ackert is convales- I cing after an attack with prieu- i nwnia, Miss Sarah MricQuaig of (Chi­ cago, Ill., /is holidaying at her home here. ' ■ ‘ •' __.WjllLees_haS-returned_toTam- pa, Florida, where he will spend the winter.; ‘... ■, . • / ? _ ’/J' When Earl Harris of Holyrood wpn the Utility class at the Bruce County plowing match held re- cently at ^Port Elgin, it was the third’year in a row that he has Won the class, which does not permit handling of the furrows with either hands or feet. Earl swept the awards, win­ ning $15.00 for plowing, $2.00 for crown, $2.00 for finish and a special, prize pf five gallons of motor oil. ; • Thank You...■ ■ . A ' ’ ” ‘ - ■■■"' / . • ...........................................................! w?.. ■ ■ I......!■ ..I ... ...........II . ... ..................■ . ■■ FOR YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT To • • ••• ’ HELP THE blind help , THEMSELVES i' 5 T a.m.: Sunday School. a.m.: Morning Worship. p.m.: Erskine, Dungannon, p.m.: Evening Worship. | - >• Your Contribution Will Help Provide:CHARGE REDUCED IN STEN'■ GUN SHOOTING ■ |. • ...Ari attempted murder ^charge against Henry Elliott, 24, of Kin­ loss, was withdrawn in police court at Woodstock last week, and a lesser charge of shooting a Sten gun with intent to do grievious bodily harm and armed assault with intent to rob. Thru his counsel, he pleaded not guilty to both charges, i / - Elliott admitted his guilt' to 8 charges of breaking and entering, including the theft of Sten guns from Wolseley Barracks at . Lon­ don. He was' remanded in cus­ tody for one week .for; “sentence on all the break-in counts' He is one of a four-man gang alleged responsible for a recent wave of burglaries and break-ins in Western Ontario. • i Social; rehabilitation through counsel of field secretaries , > • home instruction in crafts and Braille reading and writing 7.;.- niaintena^s of the newWesternOntario residence nnd' recreation centre job, placement service . . . blind pre­ vention service. Mr/ and Mrs. A.. E. Pitcher; Jim arid Barbara Of Woodstock, visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. ' Fred- Martin. . ' I . . • • • * ' * Rennie Graham of Toronto spent the week-jend with his par-^ ents,. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Gra-. ham. . Mrs. .Margaret Sproul and'Bill Sproul attended-the funeral on Mondgy of her brother-in-law, James Sproul of Dungannon. Mrs. Emma Boulding of Re­ gina is visiting with Mr. and Mrs., Ernest Ackert^ She will .spend.the, winter in the East ! Mrs. George Hiltz, who is. suf- I fering from a back ailment,, has : returried home after three weeks’ treatment > in ,Wingham Hospital. Mr., and Mrs. Joyce of Paris end with. Mr. Douglas. ., Mr. and Mrs. and family have returned to. Lon- i don after spending the past couple of. years at North Bay where Ken- was engaged on com struction projects. .. ■ ■! “M'rsrJ’ohmCarruthers-rs-vi siting­ in Delhi- with ’ Mr:. and Mrs. John' Carruthers, and family.. They 1 .were Thanksgiving visitors here, _and-she—accoimpame.d_tb.eiru_baclc to Delhi.’ . ■ Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. MacKenzie and family of Oshawa spent Thanksgiving’holiday with Mr. R. J. MacKenzie and Mrs. Alice Robb. At present M-rs. Wamseley of Clinton is their. guest. Miss Gladys MacDonald, Mrs. Duncan ,7 MacDonald, Mrs. J. C,- McNab and Miss’-. Sadie Johnston took a motdr trip last week which included a visit at Ottawa and —other-rEastei’n—Ontario-points, tt ' Mrs. Dave Alton has been v.is-. 1 iting in Clinton with Mrs. Robert Webster and with friends in -the •I Varna district. Mrs. Alton - is in ■has-been a SON OF KINLOSS NATIVE KILLED IN CAR ACCIDENT I •' _■ '■ "• . i z « Dr. Jack A. Valens of Modesto, California, was killed in' a car accident in the southern state, two weeks ago. He is a son of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Valens of Saskatoon, his father being a for- i mer resident of Kinloss Town- ’ — :-’sMp:~Mrsr7V-alens~:-ffew“-to---e“aii^’ fornia to attend the funeral on Saturday, October 10 th. i Choose color like \ y. n an expert i than you cost less PITTSBURGH WAUHIBC RUBBCRIZBB MUN ■ ■ \ ZJ^ > THE CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND s . *». H. D. Thompson, Local Campaign Chairman CAMPAIGN CLOSES OCTOBER 31st finish b\ fJIKSICHSj DRY IN AN HOUR for rehanging pictures arid drapes. . ■ SCRUBS CLEAN AGAIN AND AGAIN-<-without harming , hs lovely tertiri finish. " , . NO MESSY CleEANUP-^your hands,' ——-^n>shr^A4^Uep>coatei^altxoni£L£l&on. ' with water. EASY ’’GLIDE ON” APPLICATION —goes on ds easily aS strokin.g a wall witlva. dry brush I t *•< N. S. .Calvert and spent the week- iand' Mrs. W. J. Kenneth Laidlaw I PREPARE NOW-SAVE REPAIR LATER! there is the not so amusing item The ghosts and goblins will be of the man who asked for. a tag I out at next week’s meeting;, s® free-gratis so that he wouldn’t] come “in costume Cubs ’and join, be tagged any further. ’ • [ in the fun. . : v '(■ WOLF CUBS The Pack .-Jell short of a full turnout at last week’s meeting by the absence of one Cub. With si present strength of . 21, we are still three short for a full Pack; so if you know Qf any .lads 8 to 11 years who, would like to join, just send them along. Sr. Sixer Gary Ritchie led'in the opening ceremoriies, with Akela Thomp­ son, Bagheera Ritchie and Raksha Attridge. in charge. The latter two leaders gave the Cubs a rous­ ing game of “British Bulldog”, and then put them through their paces in signalling. Akela gave teridenpad instruction to. the new churns. In the Pack competition the White Six edged the Greys 26 to 25, winning on a one^ewel majority which is really keen competition.' By virtue of this win “White Claw” George Gibson will be Senior Sixer, next week. . ■ • —o— ■ ■ Akela, assistants and Pack take, this opportunity to thank those of you who did your ‘Good Turn’ on -Saturday by buying’ a Boy Scout apple. In making your pur­ chase may it be realized that it was not apples we were trying to sell, but Cubbing and Scout­ ing and all they stand for? In buyiri^ your apple, you were in­ vesting | in the youth of today ( through the Boy Scout Move­ ment • which-- is .. striving in i Its. many-sided prograin, to make bet­ ter boys today and better men for toiporrow. Best Apple Day posters made by Cubs were, first, Kenneth Jones,, and 2nd, Gordori MacNay. Top honors for the best decorated Cub basket went to, first. Tommy Rathweil and' 2nd, Kenneth Jones. Top salesmen were Paul Erniberlln ' ^nd Ronald Attridge. . '• ■/‘ ■ —o— -When it comes to perseverance, this group of Cubs should get the red.ribbon for sticking to the job on Apple Day from early morn­ ing till night: Cubs Ronald At­ tridge, Gary Johnstbn, Tom Rath- well,:. Seconds' Paul Emberlin, Paul Henderson, Kenneth' Jones and Sixer Gary Ritchie. However, everyone did a good job and car- ried. out, their individual task ef­ ficiently. - ' . •. ,-4. . ’',' ★ ■ —o— ' : An amusing sidelight -of Apple Da.w-was to see some of .the above hamed ■ Cubs meeting the/buses' on arrival .in Lucknow, in the hopes of catching arriving pass.- erigers. Let it riot be said, that they werenT trying.• Arid: then (. ......... SAVE A CALLON semi-invalid for years from a rheumatic affliction.. - Mr and Mrs. Philip Stewart spent the past week on a holiday trip Jo -New York City. They left on the trip after attending the wedding of their son; Allan and Jane Anri Chantl.er married in London 10th, Mr. and Mrs. Athol family of Wingham and Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Purdon of Lucknow spent Sunday in Sarnia with- Mr,, and Mrs. Hector Purdon. Hector is in the real estate business in that city. ' . •, I ’Rev. and Mrs. J7 W. Stewart of |.Trafalgar, were week-end guests 'of Mr’arid Mi;s. J. W7Joynt, Sun- , day. afternoon . visitors - at the /“jTryTrt"—Iwno—were—^Mp.—and—M.i s._ Wm. Karn of Osh’awa, Mrs. Alvin Cameron of Ottawa and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Spence of Burlington. SOUTH BRUCE Y.P.U: .RALLY WAS HELD HERE FRIDAY The Young People’s Society of the Lucknow United Church played, host on Friday '• for the South Bruce YiPiU. Rally, which resulted in a gathering of about onO'-'h u i id red—yeu-ng—peop.l p..and leaders; A very successful meet- ing was held, and at the close lunch• was- soryed by the _ W.A, 'Herman Young presided and Katherine Liddle inducted a sing-sohg with Kincardine.Y.P, in charge of the. worship period. The guest speaker »-was.Rev. w. R Lake Of Kincardine, who spoke oh TlVe subject '‘Youth- Faces The who were on October Purdon. and i i JOHNW.HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED. /Phone 150 — Lucknow, Ont.U*» vllv' v * 4if 4**Fact Of Atomic Wat . moro-niBSTfR Doni Delay Another Day Fill up before you freeze up PERMA-FILL”u PERMANENT ANTI-FREEZE GUABAHTIEO EQUAL PROTECLIOK IQ THE HIGHEST PR1CI0 BUMK ~ FULL-STRENGTH "PEBMA-FILL" ANTI-FREEZE — ’ Approved, concentrated Ethylene-Glycol protects down to 62 degrees below zero; one filling lasts all winter. Can't’Eoil off. Perma-Fill is guaranteed harmless to car finish.. hose or gaskets—-guards against rust and corrosion. Sold only in sealed containers for your complete protection. A tested, proven product ... • 7.. 7.7. 7;7 ;. /...7 .. 777.“...QUART $1.05 High quality balanced Methyl-Hydrate Base, blended with special inhibitors to prevent rust and ^orirosidh. Safe, long-lasting protection at lowest cost. Lets you get ample, quick hieat from car heater. .. Phone ItM Robin 6. Campbell