The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-10-21, Page 24 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIOI /• 1 giving verse. Mrs. Steer gave the offering prayer. Mrs. A, Macjn- tyre gave a fine scripture and meditation based oh Psalm 98, followed by prayers 'by Miss An­ nie MacKay, Mrs. D; MacCdnnell and Mis^ Dean MacLeod, Mrs, P- Graham then introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. A, MacAuley of Ripley, the Presbyterial pres­ ident/ who brought an inspiring message on the Thankoffering theme. A ^olo by Mrs. P, Steer was much enjoyed. The chapter from the- study book was well summarized—byiAIrs.UD^JL.__Mac^ Kinnori. Mrs. Harry Lavis exten­ ded ^ayvote, of .thanks to<tlxe hqs->. tess arid, a gift was presented to Mrs. MacAuley by- Mrs. F . MaCr Kinnon. The meeting closed with a Thanksgiving prayer, read by Mrs; Ira Dickie. *■ * ' ’ . **' WEDNESDAY,, OCT. 21st, 1953 "_______« !■ ____________ - y PAGE TWO CHURCH NEWS Group 2 of the WA. / * Mrs. Kenneth Cameron’s group «of the W.A. held their October meeting at the home of Mrs? Howard Robinson. After the opr erring exercises the reports of the different committees were given. Xrs. P. W. Hoag took charge; of the program. Mrs. Albert Alton jgave the scripture lesson and took ■the meditation and prayer, Mrs. Meiklejohn gave a Thanksgiving reading. The speaker for the ev- eningwasMi^-Helen-Thompson who gave a very vivid picture J: ^the/peopie, haiHts^ a ’ <Of the Eskimos pf Arctic Bay/ /■/ where her brother had spent the past year. Solo hy Margaret, Ra£ and a reading by Mrs. \Harvey Webster, were enjoyed. The miz- t&h benediction closed this part . mf the meeting. Mrs. Hodgins con­ ducted a very interesting contest. South Kinloss W.M.S. A combined monthly and Fall Thankoffering meeting was held . Tuesday, October 6th, at the "home of Mr. and Mrs, Tom Mac/ Kenzie with a splendid attend­ ance. Mrs. Baulch opened the meeting. The Training? Institute to be held in Wingham October /'19th to 23rd; was announced and cajl brought to our attention a ^all W.M.S. members- Urged to at- few reasons for us to be thankful tend; Twenty-two members ans-^ such as the.privilege of living in wered the roll call with, a Thanks- a land of plenty, good health, be- ) W.A. Group I, United Church The October meeting of group .1, W.A., was held at the home of Mrs. W. L. MacKenzie, Tues­ day, October 13th. The scripture lesson was given by Mrs. K. C. Murdiej and Mrs. Scott led in prayer. The sewing committee were asked to be responsible for the request from the Red Cross Society for the quilting of two quilts. The response to the roll ing able to attend meetings, being/ able to work, the love of Jesus and the gift of His Son. Mrs. Black took the chair for the pro­ gram. The following readings were given: “The Grace of Grat- itude” by Mrs. E, TnyWI County Ballad” by Mrs. R. J"ohn- ston; “Welcome Stranger” by Mrs. A. MacNay; “The Art of Accepting” by Mrs, Gordon Mor­ rison. A short sing song was en^ joyed, followed by a piano instru­ mental by Mary Allin. A social time followed with Mrs. Black conducting! an apple contest. Mrs. A. MacNay voiced the vapprecia- tion. of /the (group to the hostess^ Mrs, Black, Mrs; R. Johnston and Mrs. ’..Cpuse, and to those taking part in /'the1 program’. , United Church Mission Band The meeting was opened by the singing of the Mission Band hymn and followed by the Members’ Purpose and motto. Joan Craw­ ford and Carolyn Mathers played piano solos. Duets were sung by Mary Allin and Lynn Couse, Louise Jones and Dianne Hum­ phrey. Louise Jones then favored with a solo. Patricia Thompson, Nancy. Irwin and . Joanne Hunter read poems. The Bible study was followed by a game of musical chairs. World Friend books were given out arid the meeting closed i with the mizpah benediction. 1 Olivet W.M.S. The Olivet W.M.S. held their regular meeting in. the church with the Pine River W.M.S. . as guests. Mrs. Oliver McCharles presided for the opening, devo­ tions and business. Mrs. Melvin Colling gave the temperance re­ port. The Pine River ladies then presented the worship service. Mrs. Roy Geddes gave the call to worship. Mrs. Wesley Robb read the scripture. Mrs. Mervyn Eck-1 mier favored with a solo after which Mrs. John MacDonald led in prayer. The order of service in thenVLissidnaryrMonthlyw lowed with Mrs. Mervyn Hooey, Mrs. Elmer Reavie^ rind Mrs. Leonard Irwin taking part. Rev. BeridonCox, gue$t: speaker, spoke on his recent, tfip^to the Holy Land: Mrs. Wm. Courtney and Mrs. Mervyn Eckmier then sangr a pleasing duet, Mrs. Walter Steele then conducted a contest. After the closing hymn and pray­ er, lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. ‘ baptized grandchildren The Rev. William Matheson of the Associate Presbyterian Church, at. Chesley, recently of- fic.at.ed at the baptism of his two grandchildren, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bain Stewart of Toronto and i the sori of Mr. and Mrs. William ’Ross Matheson of Chesley. "" ■- ■••• . • J AUTUMN THOUGHTS The sweetest songster in the------- woods . . Wifi cease to sing his happy lays, The -fairest flowers fride, and die> When come these late October days. • The glow of sunset tinted woods Where golden leaves fall silently, A flood of glory fluttering down, God’s hand in these, that we. might see. / The beauty of the autumn .Woods, No brush can paint, no poet pen, Foronly.Godcould-make_a2.tree.-__/ Reveal His handwork to men. I God glorifies these simple; thinggp ; ;He speaks in parables Jike these, The glory of the hazen hills,. ? : The matchless beauty of the trees. - —Wm. M. Buckingham. ROY LIGHTFOOT PROMOTED . Roy Lightfoot lias been elected : a director of the Stevens Hepner Company Limited of Port Elgin, accordirig to a recent announce­ ment7 by R. J. Pequegriat, presi-' dent /and. general manager. He will continue to hold the position of -treasurer. Roy was formerly in the Bank here a number W > years ago, and after a transfer to Port. Elgin, gave up the bank­ ing business to join the Stevens- Hepner firm. ; Mrs. Lightfoot was formerly Margaret Geddes 'of Lucknow. a full r r V . percent interest (f er year) for 12 years on your new (8th series) Canada Savings Bonds •/ L I and ■■ f gw g Jp NOW AVAILABLE FOR THE FIRST TIME F U L L Y - R E G1 ST ERED FORM TO BUYER 5 DENOMINATIONS O F $ 50 0, $ 1,00.0 A ND $ 5,0 00 (...interest paid by, cheque instead of coupon) HOW WILL YOU HAVE YOURS? © 4 4 ( fr. f V '.V v i- ' * x.» • tW a / no other Bond offers this combination of features ' For cash-^-or in instal-, ments.' Instalment purchases can be financed through the Payroll Sayings Plan where you work, or on convenient arrange- meats at your bank. / ' / ' ■■ ■ ■■ Immediately ..cashable at full face value plus interest—at any time | —at atiy bank in Cany ? adaz ■ ' • -v GATE . (RECEIPTS at Teeswater Fair were $4913.00, with an ad­ ditional $1080.00 received from grandstand fees, DONNYBROOK At maturity 12 years ,_A1/ j? from date of issue, V r / November 15, 1953— you will have received -Rack. $145 for each $100 you invested • • • you can count on it. The W.M.S. and W.A. met on Tuesday afternoon at the church/ -Mrs, H—Jefferson-was in eharge. Psalm selection 729 was read re­ sponsively. Miss Elaine Jefferson favored with a solo. Mrs. Norman Thompson„jread_aiu_article__Qn_ Christian stewardship. Mrs. E. Robinson read the first chapter in the study bobk “Following the Sun”. After singing the closing hymn, Mr. Washington pronounc­ ed" the benediction. Mrs. N. Thompson presided for the W.A. meeting. Plans were dis­ cussed for the bazaar and bake sale to be held in Auburn early in November. There were 14 pres- ’ent. ■ ;/ i ./ ■■ Rev. Mr. Livingstone of WinT throp will have charge of the services on this charge next Sun­ day. This will be the last morn­ ing service at Donnybrook for this season- Commencing Nov. 1st,, ser­ vice will be held at 3.30 p m. —^-Mi\^nd-JMi^,- Norman Thomp----- son and Grace were Goderich visr t itors on Sunday.; Mr. and. Mrs. Stuart Chamney. Diane and Donna were Sunday visitors with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Webster. . Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamney were Sunday Visitors with .friends at ' Goderich and Benmiller; IT’S ONLY VALUABLE TO YOU! Available in denomin- l ations, of $50, $100, $500, $1000 and $5,000. ■ ■ ,i '■ ■ ■ Registered as to prin­ cipal in your own name" for your protection against loss, theft or... ■ destruction. f AT AIL < I JHE MONEY \ YOU’VE & vrtir # Ther;e _y^fMYOU-/ $5,000 in any one, ( AHO THE \ - ’ W / WHOLE J | fAMItY!/X WHERE f through your bank, or f , C your investment deal- DO YOU er—or through your /I GET THEM? J Company’s Payroll % SaViiigs Plan. ■ ■ ■■ - / .. . y 4 name, but each person in a family may hold up to this limit. CULROSS CORNERS Mr. Morley Wall and Eld a and Mr. Jos'. Wilson motored to Torr : .onto on Tuesday.. .......... Miss Mildred Turner'of Brant­ ford and Mrs. Allan Turner of. . Whitechurch were recent week­ end visitors with Ijlrl and Mrs. Jas. Wraith. Mr.. Reg Brown /accompanied friends on a fnotor trip to Lon- don on Friday. , , . . . [ Bethany Farm "Forum will hold their . ogranizatibn meeting and make plans for the coming seas­ on on Monday evening, October 26th at’ the.home of Mr. and Mrs.. Frank -Brown arid Reg. ’ . iVIr. and Mrs. Jas^ Wraith spent ' ‘ . Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Henderson, Luck­ now. v ' ’ Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall and , /, Donnie spent Sunday With Miss Mary Gant and Mr, Joe Gant, , '.Bervie. ■ '■ \ '- '.f ,' - Mr, .and Mrs. Melvin Zettel & Jean and Mrs. Chas. -Schumacher, j Walkerton^ spent Sunday after- I noon with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Schumacher. . * * Sunday visitors With Mr. arid ' 4 Mrs; Tom Stewart wereMr.a nd 3 Herald . Steward/Mr; .'and Mrs./ John Stewart and.. Mr. ,Russell. , Stewart, Kincardine and Mr. and <’ Mrs. Ll<>yd ’ Cornish, Olivet, ' - $500, $1000 and $5000 bonds may be fully registered if desired. . Cash buyers may ar- range—for/fully-regis- — ' tered form at time of purchase^ Ipstalmbrit buyers purchase their Coupoii bonds in the regular way and then exchange them for fully-registered boiids '■' after air instalments A favourtte with more than a million Canadiam have been p^id in fuik ^THflirEi^E^irCAN 1 Bear interest each LOOK AT \ YOUR < MONEY FILE UP!j ‘J? year for 12 years at a f .flat rate of 3%% paid annually—a high rate of interest* for a bond of 100% casbability* t SOME CAN BE\ FUllY Registered!J t BONDS ' ' . ' . (-S-53-UW NEW 8TH SERIES ON SALE STARTING MONDAY, OCTOBER WH f .. /.■ ■. ...r ; . 'L 1 - ' ' • • '" ■. ■ ' \ '• ’ . ■ .. ■ l. i. ■ Jf- #■ CS53-MW •/f * '• ’/v >■ ■ .* '■ ■ • ’• ’ ’■ ; J; , ■ * * ■ • ■■■,