The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-10-14, Page 9WEDNESDAY, OCT, 14th, 1953 . / .
J........J|............................. ..................... '' TOE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,* ONTARIO
At the home of the bride’s par
ents, Femiriigje Logtenberg, dau
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Log
tenberg!, Ashfield township, was
united ip marriage to Thys Groen
...... Benmiller,' son of Mr. and Mrs’
Arend Groen, Holland. The Rev;
J.' R. Dickinson officiated.
Given in marriage by her fath
er, the bride wore a floor length
' gown of orchid het over taffeta,
With matching lace panels inset
, in the skirt front. Her fingertip
dress and she carried a colonial
__. bouquet qL white carnations and
, stephanotis. ....' .*>
* Mrs. JTyorne Reurink, Preston,
•’ , sister of the bride, as matron of
/ honor, wore a floor length gown
. of pink net over taffeta with bol-
, ero net jacket. She wore a floral
headdress of pink forget-me-nots,
and carried a colonial bouquet of
white carnations.
Derk (. Logtenberg, Ashfield
,. township, brother of the bride,
was groomsman.
For the reception which follow
ed the bride’s mother received
wearing an afternoon dress of
wine crepe and a corsage of white
carnations. The’young couple will
i eside in Benmiller.
" On September 29th_ the-stud
ents made their annual campaign
. speeches and the election was
held on September 30th. The re
sults are: George Anderson, pres.;
Audrey Ross, vice pres.; Carolyn
- Gibson, secretary; Bill Baulch,
treas,; Mack MacDonald^ editor;
Margaret Miller, press reporter;
Jim Hackett, pianist; Caryl Gard
ner, assistant pianist; Jim Hack- critic. The , form representa
tives are: IX A, Marie puncan
and Elwood Hodgins; IX Bs, Ruth
Embcrlin and Bob Morton; X,
r Marianne West and Jim. Reid; ‘
XI, Edith Marshall and Ernie
■Gibson; XII, lielen Weiler arid
Mack MacDonald; XIII, Joan
Hamilton and Dan Rose.
Helen Weiler was in charge of
- the Assembly held on Friday,
October 9th, Jim Hackett presid
ed at the piano for the hymn
“Unto the. Hills”. The scripture
read by John Helm, was followed
iby the Lord’s prayer in unison.
‘ Everyone joined in singing “Dear
Lord and Father Of Mankind”.
. Mary Collinson favored with an J
|’ ~piorence' ’Fry'' 1
gave, an appropriate reading,
“Thanksgiving”. The announce-
ments were made and Assembly
dosed with God Save The Queen.
-- . ,1 .
Miss Winnifred Farrier of Tor
onto spent the. week-end at her
home here.
-The friends and neighbors of;
Mrs. E. Welwood and Gordon col
lected and, presented them; with
an occasional chair and electric
clock prior to her -leaving for
Wmgham to live.
Mr, and Mrs, W. B. Thompson
and family of Preston spent the
week-end at the hoipe of her
parents, Mr, ^nd Mrs. A. Moore.
; family "visited on Sunday ip Pais-
• Mr. Fred Thorhpson of Toronto
visited last week. with. Mrs. -J 'J,
Tiffin ahd other relatives. •
. Mr. Russell Moore of "Preston
spent the week-end at the home
of his parents, Mr., and Mrs. A.
Moore. ’ ,
v The W.M.S. of the United
Church are holding their-Thank-
offering meeting. in the church
on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Rey.
Brooks from Bluevale will’ be
the guest speaker. . '.
MARRIED—in Kitchener Pres
byterian church on Tuesday, July
Cth, Mr. Beth Gaunt, formerly of
Whitechurch arid Miss Georgina
Brasseur of .Montreal. . The atten
dants. were Mr. and Mrs. Basil
Thompson of Preston.
Rev. and Mrs. Graydon Cox &.
; daughters of Fonthill spent the
holiday with her mother, Mrs. M.
Ross. '
Visitors at the home, of ML &
Mrs. B. D. McClenaghan over the
week-end. were Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry Moss and family of Bright, Mr,
arid Mrs, Wm. Parker and family
of London, Mr, arid Mrs. Jas. Mc-r
Intyre arid son Allan Of Ridge
town, Mr, and Mrs. Irwin Mc
Clenaghan arid Mary Louise of
St. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin McClenaghan and Mich
ael of Kitchener.
Miss Rena... Moore returned
home after spending-a/few weeks
in Preston. <
Mr. Elwin Moore arid Mr. Ron
ald Young of Islington visited
with Mr. and Mrs. T? H; Moore
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Farrier
and family of Mimico spent the.
week-end with his parents^ Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Farrier.
Mr. Alex F. MacDonald,
R. R. 3, Lucknow
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Miss Margaret MacPherson of
London and Mr. Keith /Black" of
Centralia were week-end guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacPher-
Mr.. Callurn Cameron and Carpi
of Detroit visited last week with
Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron. ;
Mr. and Mrs; Frank Sherwood,
Glen and Paul of Toronto spent
the week-end^with Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Gaunt.
Weiner Roast and Sock Hop
The first social event of the
season was held in the auditor-
'ium on Friday, October 9th, 1953;.
The Grade IX students introt
duced themselves and Ronnie
Thompson received a prize for
the student wearing the' most
beautiful socks. Games “were
played under the supervision of
Gladys Kilpatrick and the ‘tea
chers arid bus drivers were, called.
? ‘e‘n to sirig. Mr. Burden and Mr.
. Webster were judged the best.
. ’ and given a lemon for their e.f-
■ ■■ forts;’- ...... .' ' ' .....■ '
“George Anderson, Jim Hackett
and Dan T^osO sang and this, wps j
followed yith a song by Bessie ■
Reavie, Anne Petersen and Ruth
The weinet’’ r6ast, was' hcId"i'b-
doors because of cold weather
dogs; and pop. A “sock ho.p” fol
lowed with students dancing to.'
• records and Wearing nd shoes;.. <
We hope there will be ano'thei j
party soon because all of the st-u-;
dents enjoy..'this' type of.'a-m.tej*-■
■ tainment. '
On Friday,. October 9tb, eleven
’ athletes entered iri- the inter; (
• school field arid track meet, at{
Gwen Sound. Unfortunately weir,|
i There will be no service in
Successful anniversary services
were held in the United Church
on Sunday w.hen the minister, Mr.
Harvey Sparing, was'in charge.
In keeping with the. Thanksgiv
ing: season, he . chose as his sub
ject. “Forgetting to be thankful”
in the’ morning and “God and
Human Hands” in the evening.
Special music included three arv
thems by thechoir; a duet by Mr.
and Mrs. E. W., Rice. and a quar
tette at. each service by Mrs. Geo.
Stuart, Mr. and Mrs.- E. W. Rice
and Mr. W. I. Miller.
Mrs; Allan Miller spent the
we'ek-end in London where her
mother, Mrs. Richard Elliott; .is.
seriously ..ill in Victoria Hospital.
"Mrs. Kenneth, Cameron of Bel-,
xgravc; Mr.. and .Mrs. .Geo., Linley
of Detroit. • ML. Win.. 'Walden of
Westfield' and ' Mr. G. . A/ Webb
—’— vris-^preyed^uttler-ras •
. reived no points. 'Also unfprtim-
ato was the fact\that.we were
. 'b<ate.n by a village to. the north-
of Lucknow by one poirit.
LeT us do better next year.
Those attending Were: Seniors/
■ George Anderson, BJill Baulch,
• Doug Haldenbyj Mack MacDon-1
aid;'Intermediates, Ken MacNay, i
George Richards,-Carrnah Nixon;,
’ Juniors, Boib Gardner, Paul Couse, Mrs:
J m Reed and Doug Smith.
Gt'orge Richards, Carman Nixon
, v v A P L 4 4 L* *.*Xi,v* * * ‘ ' ,.•••.
!.of Lucknow <were 'recent guests
• of Mr'.' and' Mrs. E. W; Rice. / ■
• Miiss A-nna Stuart of Toronto
was- a visitor' for '.the holiday
| week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
! Mr: and Mrs/M’ol . Brow,n and-
Bob 'Murclie spent the week-end^
with Mr. and Mrs/ R. Woods ancl
■ Mrs. Murdie.- '■ ’ . . ... . •
I Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Miller &
. Larrv (-)f London and. Mr, Murray
Taylm: .of Walkerton were home*
' for.'the week-end, 1 ■"■ ■
• ,Mr. -and Mrs..' O’Brien, formerly
Miss Ruth 'Ramage, of Coe Hill
w e f e renewing. .acquaintances'
here .as. the guests- of Mr, and
Mrs ; Mae Rama MG,
Mr; dnd Mrs. John Sparkes..
Ivadal and Donna of London and
Mr.< Alvin Miller of Sfrathroy,
were week-end guests‘of Mi’, and
Mrs:. Fred'McQuillin. ■
• Recent guests with Mr. & Mrs.
Frank Todd 'included Miss Annie
McKeryzie and Miss Annie Clark
of Guqlbh' arid- Mrs, Alllster
'"" s’: 'Walter .VanWyck of Wing-
• . ' ham.. ' , . ” ' . •
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