The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-10-14, Page 9WEDNESDAY, OCT, 14th, 1953 . / . J........J|............................. ..................... '' TOE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,* ONTARIO WEDDING BELLS GROEN—-LOGTENBERG At the home of the bride’s par­ ents, Femiriigje Logtenberg, dau­ ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Log­ tenberg!, Ashfield township, was united ip marriage to Thys Groen ...... Benmiller,' son of Mr. and Mrs’ Arend Groen, Holland. The Rev; J.' R. Dickinson officiated. Given in marriage by her fath­ er, the bride wore a floor length ' gown of orchid het over taffeta, With matching lace panels inset , in the skirt front. Her fingertip dress and she carried a colonial __. bouquet qL white carnations and , stephanotis. ....' .*> * Mrs. JTyorne Reurink, Preston, •’ , sister of the bride, as matron of / honor, wore a floor length gown . of pink net over taffeta with bol- , ero net jacket. She wore a floral headdress of pink forget-me-nots, and carried a colonial bouquet of white carnations. Derk (. Logtenberg, Ashfield ,. township, brother of the bride, was groomsman. For the reception which follow­ ed the bride’s mother received wearing an afternoon dress of wine crepe and a corsage of white carnations. The’young couple will i eside in Benmiller. L.D.H.S. NEWS " On September 29th_ the-stud­ ents made their annual campaign . speeches and the election was held on September 30th. The re­ sults are: George Anderson, pres.; Audrey Ross, vice pres.; Carolyn - Gibson, secretary; Bill Baulch, treas,; Mack MacDonald^ editor; Margaret Miller, press reporter; Jim Hackett, pianist; Caryl Gard­ ner, assistant pianist; Jim Hack- e.tt critic. The , form representa­ tives are: IX A, Marie puncan and Elwood Hodgins; IX Bs, Ruth Embcrlin and Bob Morton; X, r Marianne West and Jim. Reid; ‘ XI, Edith Marshall and Ernie ■Gibson; XII, lielen Weiler arid Mack MacDonald; XIII, Joan Hamilton and Dan Rose. Helen Weiler was in charge of - the Assembly held on Friday, October 9th, Jim Hackett presid­ ed at the piano for the hymn “Unto the. Hills”. The scripture read by John Helm, was followed iby the Lord’s prayer in unison. ‘ Everyone joined in singing “Dear Lord and Father Of Mankind”. . Mary Collinson favored with an J |’ ~piorence' ’Fry'' 1 gave, an appropriate reading, “Thanksgiving”. The announce- ments were made and Assembly dosed with God Save The Queen. WHITECHURCH -- . ,1 . Miss Winnifred Farrier of Tor­ onto spent the. week-end at her home here. -The friends and neighbors of; Mrs. E. Welwood and Gordon col­ lected and, presented them; with an occasional chair and electric clock prior to her -leaving for Wmgham to live. Mr, and Mrs, W. B. Thompson and family of Preston spent the week-end at the hoipe of her parents, Mr, ^nd Mrs. A. Moore. —-Mr.—and—Mrs—Ab-Gotrltes“^and ; family "visited on Sunday ip Pais- .. • Mr. Fred Thorhpson of Toronto visited last week. with. Mrs. -J 'J, Tiffin ahd other relatives. • . Mr. Russell Moore of "Preston spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr., and Mrs. A. Moore. ’ , v The W.M.S. of the United Church are holding their-Thank- offering meeting. in the church on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Rey. Brooks from Bluevale will’ be the guest speaker. . '. MARRIED—in Kitchener Pres­ byterian church on Tuesday, July Cth, Mr. Beth Gaunt, formerly of Whitechurch arid Miss Georgina Brasseur of .Montreal. . The atten­ dants. were Mr. and Mrs. Basil Thompson of Preston. Rev. and Mrs. Graydon Cox &. ; daughters of Fonthill spent the holiday with her mother, Mrs. M. Ross. ' Visitors at the home, of ML & Mrs. B. D. McClenaghan over the week-end. were Mr. and Mrs. Har­ ry Moss and family of Bright, Mr, arid Mrs, Wm. Parker and family of London, Mr, arid Mrs. Jas. Mc-r Intyre arid son Allan Of Ridge­ town, Mr, and Mrs. Irwin Mc­ Clenaghan arid Mary Louise of St. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin McClenaghan and Mich­ ael of Kitchener. Miss Rena... Moore returned home after spending-a/few weeks in Preston. < Mr. Elwin Moore arid Mr. Ron­ ald Young of Islington visited with Mr. and Mrs. T? H; Moore on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Farrier and family of Mimico spent the. week-end with his parents^ Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier. ST. HELENS I l' PAYINT_EftEJeA® Agent: Mr. Alex F. MacDonald, R. R. 3, Lucknow PAGE NINE I Canada savings bonds have always been an, exceptionally, good .investment because of the satisfactory income and "mnni>.y back zat airy time"’ features.; But the n^^nfei’ckt rate of.3^% on the,8th Series makes Canada Skyings Bonds belter jrigs Bonds never-gri down in value and you can cash them at any time, for the full purchase price, plus interest. . ’ ' .. To place an order, or for an .application' for in, write or telephone.. Vl' 1- :’.zles & c o. EM. 8-17(11 x TOK ONTO Ross, K now 330 BAY STREET . Hamilton Brantford Windsor Sarnia " Sudbury Brarnpion . Direct wires to Montreal and New York Miss Margaret MacPherson of London and Mr. Keith /Black" of Centralia were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacPher- son. Mr.. Callurn Cameron and Carpi of Detroit visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron. ; Mr. and Mrs; Frank Sherwood, Glen and Paul of Toronto spent the week-end^with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt. Weiner Roast and Sock Hop The first social event of the season was held in the auditor- 'ium on Friday, October 9th, 1953;. The Grade IX students introt duced themselves and Ronnie Thompson received a prize for the student wearing the' most beautiful socks. Games “were played under the supervision of Gladys Kilpatrick and the ‘tea­ chers arid bus drivers were, called. ? ‘e‘n to sirig. Mr. Burden and Mr. . Webster were judged the best. . ’ and given a lemon for their e.f- ■ ■■ forts;’- ...... .' ' ' .....■ ' “George Anderson, Jim Hackett and Dan T^osO sang and this, wps j followed yith a song by Bessie ■ Reavie, Anne Petersen and Ruth Treleaven. The weinet’’ r6ast, was' hcId"i'b- doors because of cold weather and-t-he-students-7vvei-e-seiwed--4Yt)U| dogs; and pop. A “sock ho.p” fol­ lowed with students dancing to.' • records and Wearing nd shoes;.. < We hope there will be ano'thei j party soon because all of the st-u-; dents enjoy..'this' type of.'a-m.tej*-■ ■ tainment. ' On Friday,. October 9tb, eleven ’ athletes entered iri- the inter; ( • school field arid track meet, at{ Gwen Sound. Unfortunately weir,| ..-....e-fforts—m’oved-futile...■■as-.. i There will be no service in ^thc“Uiiited-^^ Successful anniversary services were held in the United Church on Sunday w.hen the minister, Mr. Harvey Sparing, was'in charge. In keeping with the. Thanksgiv­ ing: season, he . chose as his sub­ ject. “Forgetting to be thankful” in the’ morning and “God and Human Hands” in the evening. Special music included three arv thems by thechoir; a duet by Mr. and Mrs. E. W., Rice. and a quar­ tette at. each service by Mrs. Geo. Stuart, Mr. and Mrs.- E. W. Rice and Mr. W. I. Miller. Mrs; Allan Miller spent the we'ek-end in London where her mother, Mrs. Richard Elliott; .is. seriously ..ill in Victoria Hospital. "Mrs. Kenneth, Cameron of Bel-, xgravc; Mr.. and .Mrs. .Geo., Linley of Detroit. • ML. Win.. 'Walden of Westfield' and ' Mr. G. . A/ Webb —’— vris-^preyed^uttler-ras • . reived no points. 'Also unfprtim- ato was the fact\that.we were . 'b<ate.n by a village to. the north- of Lucknow by one poirit. LeT us do better next year. Those attending Were: Seniors/ ■ George Anderson, BJill Baulch, • Doug Haldenbyj Mack MacDon-1 aid;'Intermediates, Ken MacNay, i George Richards,-Carrnah Nixon;, ’ Juniors, Boib Gardner, Paul Couse, Mrs: J m Reed and Doug Smith. Gt'orge Richards, Carman Nixon , v v A P L 4 4 L* *.*Xi,v* * * ‘ ' ,.•••. !.of Lucknow <were 'recent guests • of Mr'.' and' Mrs. E. W; Rice. / ■ • Miiss A-nna Stuart of Toronto was- a visitor' for '.the holiday | week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ! Mr: and Mrs/M’ol . Brow,n and- Bob 'Murclie spent the week-end^ with Mr. and Mrs/ R. Woods ancl ■ Mrs. Murdie.- '■ ’ . . ... . • I Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Miller & . Larrv (-)f London and. Mr, Murray Taylm: .of Walkerton were home* ' for.'the week-end, 1 ■"■ ■ • ,Mr. -and Mrs..' O’Brien, formerly Miss Ruth 'Ramage, of Coe Hill w e f e renewing. .acquaintances' here .as. the guests- of Mr, and Mrs ; Mae Rama MG, Mr; dnd Mrs. John Sparkes.. Ivadal and Donna of London and Mr.< Alvin Miller of Sfrathroy, were week-end guests‘of Mi’, and Mrs:. Fred'McQuillin. ■ • Recent guests with Mr. & Mrs. Frank Todd 'included Miss Annie McKeryzie and Miss Annie Clark of Guqlbh' arid- Mrs, Alllster Hughes.k..HQl^r^d,.a '"" s’: 'Walter .VanWyck of Wing- • . ' ham.. ' , . ” ' . • r I Never .before has an Army career offered so many advantages to young men. Army life is for meh who “want to Kelp ,guard Canada's freedom. IfTs "nob an easy life —: but it is a rewarding one. You and Canada -profit by the many opportunities and benefits' of military service. Here's how you gain when you serve Canada in the Army: good pay,,financial security and pension; 30 days annual leave with pay; opportunities for. special training, promotion, adventure, For, Canada, you will represent another trained soldier to help guard our freedom. „ /To be eligible, you must be 17 to 40 years of age, skilled tradesmen to, 45; When applying bring birth certificate ' • ’ • or other proof of age.. ' . Apply right away — For full information write or visit the Army Recruiting Centre nearest your home. ■ . "" No 13. PersonnelDepot, '. Wallis House, Ricfeau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Orif. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artilkry Park, Bagot St,, Kingston; OhK. *' Canadian Army Recruiting Centre, ■ 90 Richmond Street West, Tofdnto, Ont.' . ... No. 7'Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Oxford A Elizabeih'Sts.; London, Ortf, . Army-Recruiting- Centre •> Comradeship is oridofthe finest features of Army life. Ask*any soldierj Yob take pari m sports, live, work and face clangers wilkmen who ‘ shore ~youf' interests'; and ambilions. ’ I ■ ’ ■ • . ' Travel will give yOu wider . experience and interests. . There ore many chantei for travel in Canada and '< overseas^. You See and learn more day than ever before: | ; Army Recruiting Centre*,.230 Main St. W., North Bay, Ont. - > Army'‘Rett'uitrng- Centre7“'7“‘*'•• *:“7 ’ jamei Street Armoury, 200 James St. North, Hamilton,. Ont* - i A3 63W-6