The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-10-14, Page 3WEDNESDAY, OCT. 14th, 1953' ■ '■ ..... .„ i\w4 4..................................."..... ....... UNITED CHURCH L Minister: j Rev.- G. A* Meiklejohn, ! B.A., B.D. I ANNIVERSARY SERVICES I SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18th 1 ll.X)0 a.m. and 7.00 p.m. . I Guest Minister— j Rev. J. W. Stewart, B.A., B.D., | of Trafalgar, Orit. - | * Special Music by the’ Choir. I. 110.00 a.m.: Regular Sunday I School. r \ j 4-^. . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUC KNOW, ONTARIO SV ft?- PAGE THREE Local & General Russell Middleton .spent the F°^est Mth his bro­ther, William Middletori. ‘ • Mr. and Mrs, A. M. Lewis of > were week-end visitorswith her .uncle, Mr. Dick Baker. • - Mr; and Mrs. Edgar Lovett, Mr. and Mrs. yVm. Clements and dau­ ghter Janice of London spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Os­ car Hodgins. , Joe Conley returned the end of The week after spending the past few weeks with Mr, and Mrs± Roni .McLelland, at Loreburn .Sask; , • . ; c ■ ’• Mr. and Mrs. Orm Moffat and Judy of Toronto apd Miss Mari- , lyn Moffat and Keith Nichol of Woodstock spent the holiday with Mr, S. C. Rathw^ll. Mr. and -Mrs. Ed Thom, Mrs. Stuart Collyer and Tim and Mr. and Mps. Li C; Thompson and Patricia spent the week-end with ... ........... ........................... „;■ Norwood. . ' Mr. arid Mrs.' Floyd Wilson and Max of Kitchener have berin;vis- Jting--fi-iends^-here; "Fioyd~is~Orr holidays prior to being .transfer­ red to the. Toronto plant of Sil- i verwood Dairies. • . Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Passmore and Ronald of Woodbridge, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Whale of London and Miss Ruth Stothers of Guelph were week-end. guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Stothers, who marked their 34th Wedding anniversary on; Sunday. . .. •. L-^M-i—a-n d—M-r sr-Rob e rt“Elh pt.tTjL . 1 Ham id ton and Mr.’ and Mrs?'John • -.Frederick, of Teeswater . spent * 1 Little, also Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. -Jobnston-and--fam-i-l-y-of-Ashfieldr Visitors. over the week-end with Richard Baker of town were . his sister, Mrs. Daisy Fiske; Nia- : l.gara, ./accompanied^ by Mr. and • Mrs; Robert Heximer and Eileen , i of Chippawa . and Mr. and Mrs. - I Maynard Lewis of Detroit. °xj Mr. and Mrs. Jim MacNaugh- de , ton. had as their guests for the 1 week-end,'Mr. and.Mrs;. Andrew. ' Wallace, Jeanette, Isa and Wil­ liam, Bill Imrie, Misses Doreen Welsh • and Susan MacNaughton, all of London. • Guests of Mr. and Mrs.-Sandy Elmer Um-' Purdon and family of Sarnia for I the week-end; Mr.’and Mrs. Ernie ------— ■ I Charlton of Hamilton on Sunday Mrs. M. Turner left on Monday1 and Miss Bertha MacKay _and for Toronto where she* intends! Miss Betty Scott of London on staying for the winter, months. Mbnday. 1 fI i 1 i •i a- Lucknow . Presbyterian Church Rev. C. A. Winn, B,A,, Minister. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18th lOaJn.: Sunday School. 11 a.m.: Morning Worship. v > 3 pjn.: Erskine, Dungannon, i Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rothwell at IANNIVERSARY SERVICES LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Sunday, October 18th, 1953 SPECIAL MUSIC . .....Morning ^Ser vice—— J Organ prelude—overture part 1, Messiah—Handel; . ’ “If with . all , -your hearts” — Elijah—Mendels- ■' sdhn. :■ -y. ' ■ Anthem—“O worship the King” —J. H. Maunder. : (jB Anthem—“My' God and ,I”-I. “unday with .Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Sergei. v lr 4, . . Organ postlude—“Their sound is gone out JrftcTan'lands’’—Mes­ siah-Handel. Evening Service Organ prelude—“O come every one that thlrsteth”, Elijah—Men­ delssohn; “Song of the Reaper” Schumann. Anthem—“Hark the sound holy voices”—G. H. Bode. Solo—“The Publican”—Van Water—Mr. C'. Attridge.’ Anthem—-“Hold thou my hand” —C. S. Briggs. Organ postlude 4- “Glory to God”—Messiah—Handel, Director of Praise—:Mrs. Wes-! Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sandy ley Joynt. . | Purdon were Mr. and Mrs; Hector. Organist—Mr. L.; bach.: Mr. r and Mrs. Wm. RpWb were recent vistors with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil. Robb at Lucan. ♦ • ’ Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Moore of Hamilton spent the , week-end with her mother, Mrs. E. N. Hod­ gins. . Mr. and Mrs Lyall MacDiarmid . of Jarnestown, N.Y,, were week­ end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant MacDiarmid, Mr.- and Mrs, Richard1 Brumby and daughter Edith of Toronto were Thanksgiving visitors with ^rt^ndCMrs,r^arvey-Webster- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alton/vis- ited-with’-the"termer’s sister^. Mrs*. Robert Stephenson, near Vari?a, who is in her ninetieth year. ' Mr. George Linleys of Detroit was a week-end guest of Mrs. Josephine Cameron of Belgrave. Mrs^Linley, who has spent ''a month here assisting her mother, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Reynolds; Linda and Donald, Toronto, visit­ ed oyer the • week-end with Mrs. A. Struthers arid other friends, after attending the ’ Stewarb- Chantler wedding ip London. . Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Redvers^ Johnson were Mr. and Mrs. Sid Johnson,«Tor­ onto; Joy Johnson of Kincardine; and Mr. and Mrs., Guest Mitchell of Preston. Joan is spending the Week here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickson I of Philadelphia and Mr. and Mrs. I Ray Dickson of Muskegon, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bell and Mar- j garet. of London, Mr. and Mrs. I Frank Young and Peggy of God-J erich were Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bissett. . Thanksgiving week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Salkelcl were Dr. Marion Joy, dentist at Toronto--General—Hospital—Dr— Helen Salkeld of Bradford arid Miss Doreen Thornette of Lon­ don, "England. Miss Thornette re­ turned home by plane this week’ She left Montreal Tuesday night and was scheduled to be home for tea on Wednesday. .) I J I 19 T I I I It is with j^ncere thanks and ap­ preciation that we acknowledge the pat­ ronage and pleasant business relations we enjoyed while in the grocery business. We offer our best wishes to our suc­ cessors, Henry and Marion Donais, and —bespeak-for- them a generous share your patronage. . . LENORE and OLIVER GLENN s *1 X me the*fdlder 20. Questions* 4 < "My Huron & Erie debentures guarantee interest on my savings, and they’re a’most dependable investment. PI lean buy them for a 5-yetr term;and. • . for as little as $100. Debenture^ were tailor-made for my investment needs.’ |B » "Debentures are the safe investment I have been looking for” I S' • >3 * * 1 our choice OPEN EVENINGS ~ We wish to arinonce that we have taken over B Glenn’s Grocery and will offer the Public ’ B ’ .the Best at Lowest Prices in S Fresh Fruit - Vegetables | and Groceries | We will appreciate a share of your patronage & and welcome the opportunity to serve you. & u • j*. ?T. • 1 1 COUNCIL MINUTES KINLOSS TOWNSHIP Council met in the Hall, Oct­ ober 5th, 1953 as per adjourn­ ment. All members present. The minutes of the regular meeting of Sept. 7th and special meeting of Sept. 21st were ap­ proved and signed. The assessor was paid $300.00 part salary. Cheques were issued to cash payers on the Harris drain for their share of Government had- their yearly debenture pay­ ments reduced. .ter_thieir share of the grant, and same iwas done in regard to' the McDonald-Bushell drain. On recommendation of the En­ gineer, the contractor was pa|d in full for the MacIntyre and Moffat-Thomson drains, and the contractor on the Emerson drain was paid in full, and 80 percent on the Conley drain and the con­ tractor on the tile portion of the Percy and Pinnell drains/paid in full and 60 percent on the Eadie draini and the contractor on the 1' open portion of Percy drain 50 on the Pinhell.’^rai-n were for-, Moffat, struck and labor Mia cl n-1 gas tax, 23.55; j5? E. McTavish^ warded' tb Township of Culrqss tyre drain, 10.00; Farish .Moffat, I fuel and grease, 52.68; Jack Schu- as were the clerk’s fees andI by- com. feds MacIntyre.drafn,. 75.00; macher,.. gravelling,' 20.00; Wm, . laws on the Eadie drain sent to Dan T. McKinnon, com, fee Mof-1 Murdie & Son, hardware, 14.49; the Township of Huron. . jj Clerk was instructed to write Symington, on aic ppen’ part Per- • Dominion Road Mach. Co Hugh Simpson of Whitechurch re cy drain., 375.00; Lawrence Me-. • pairs, 207.53; rLanv’^D . Gaunt drain. ’ | Leod, allowances Conley drain,' ditching, 12.00; Thomas Austin. J. R:. LANE, Clerk, (Operated by Henry and Marion Donais, formerly of The Lucknow Fruit Market), o PHONE 82 LUCKNOW | return of deposit 293.50—2428.50; j McPherson, allowances- Percy dr^. Guy Mason, ‘ labor MacIntyre ’“30,00; J, W; .Freeborn, certifying, drain, 10,00; Frank Miller, labor j vo^e.rs’ listsi 3.00; relief, 50.01k vpcn vx * «-xk.j. . Highway cheques: Pay List No.percent..Clerk’s fees and- -iby-laws MacIntyre drain, 5.00; Graham. $471.60; Dept; of Highways, feds MacIntyre drafn,. 75.00; macher,.. gravelling,:. 20.00; Wm» L/CU1 X« lYAVlXAllUUlij W11J, jluv ---------- ---- _ —.,7^------- f a t -Th om son. dr a i n, 50.00; Clifford i W- C; Becker Co., belt set, 7.50* re- ; Qeorge Radford, 133.00; David Rdss, allowances I wire fence, 97,00. Pinnell drain, 182.00; John Ross, 1. allowances Pinnell drain, ,190.00; I Hugh Simpson of Whitechurch re cy drain., 375.00; Lawrence Me-I pairs, 207.53; Gaunt drain. ’ •’ 1 . ’ " • | Leod, allowances Conley drain, I ditching, 12.C I Lucknow — Joseph Agnew . Head Office —• London, Qntafio. A All parties assessed in’ Kinloss ori the Elliott drain in Huron Township to be notified Of their anuwanues I-Iimcn Uiciiii, a^u.uu, I . , y— ------------------* assessments to be paid on .or be- Ernie Hanna, allowances Pinhell i Presbyterian Mission Band fore November. 2nd, 1953. Council adjourned • to meet again on Monday, Nov. 2, 1953. v. ' Cheques isSued: Brantford, drain 468.00“tile portion Pinnell Builders, tile td rEadie drain, $90; i drain 293.35, 60 percent Eadie Harvey HodginS'?fox bounty, 2.00;; drain 1300.00—2061.35f Geo? Rack Harold“‘McQmllin7’fox b6uh'tyr$2ffterd,;cdhstruction Emerson drain Wm. Scott, pai?t salary assessor, 725.00, 80 percent1 Construction 300.00; cheques to cash payers on |Conley drain 1068.00—1793-00; J., , ---- ----- McDonald-Bushell drain, 602.63; R. Lane, clerk*s fees Dore , drain > days this month; Program .com- rebate • to debenture payers on. 35.00, Pinnell drain 50.00, Percy Deb. No. . 1, McDonald-Bushell 1 drain 40.00, Eadie 'drain 50.00-^- -drain, 94.98; cheques to dash pay-1 1.75,00; Pi A. • Murray,, com tees, efs on Harris drain, 344.83; rebate ' Conley drain, 50^00;■ Treas. Cul- to debenture payers on Deb. No. ’ rOss Two.,* clerk’s fee and by-laws i; Harris drain, 27.58; ‘ George ' Pinnell drain, 60.00; Clerk Htirqn Scholtz, MacIntyre drain 1439.00; Twp., clerk’s fees and by-laws. balance Moifa^Thpmson 696.00,. Eadie drain, 20.00; Mrs.. Margaret „ drain, 431.00,; J. R. Lane, Unemp. i stamps 7.56, postage 6.00—13.56; Roddy Inglis, tile portion Percy 60 percent Eadie The meeting opened, with• Jean> Mullin presiding. Janet Finlayson, \ ! Elizabeth Bannister and Margaret Ann Muliin sang ‘‘Step by Step’*. Janet Finlayson played a plants solo. Readings were .given by Elizabeth r'inlayson and' Evan ■’ Agnew. Alan Mowbray -and Eli'z- . abeth . Ahn Henderson had mi tied r for ne*xt month is; ’Sar^h Bannister and Janet Finlayson.' ■ Plans were made. to invite the Mission Band from Ripley Pres.-, byterian church to a Haliowel’er; party on Friday, . October 30th■ ■^Wcfi^vas sefyle^by^ehn;' lin and Marlene Stanley. * ■¥ V « •