The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-10-14, Page 3WEDNESDAY, OCT. 14th, 1953' ■ '■
..... .„ i\w4 4...................................".....
L Minister:
j Rev.- G. A* Meiklejohn,
! B.A., B.D.
1 ll.X)0 a.m. and 7.00 p.m. .
I Guest Minister—
j Rev. J. W. Stewart, B.A., B.D.,
| of Trafalgar, Orit. -
| * Special Music by the’ Choir. I.
110.00 a.m.: Regular Sunday I
School. r \ j
Local & General
Russell Middleton .spent the
F°^est Mth his brother, William Middletori. ‘
• Mr. and Mrs, A. M. Lewis of
> were week-end visitorswith her .uncle, Mr. Dick Baker.
• - Mr; and Mrs. Edgar Lovett, Mr.
and Mrs. yVm. Clements and dau
ghter Janice of London spent the
week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Os
car Hodgins. ,
Joe Conley returned the end of
The week after spending the past
few weeks with Mr, and Mrs±
Roni .McLelland, at Loreburn
.Sask; , • . ; c ■ ’•
Mr. and Mrs. Orm Moffat and
Judy of Toronto apd Miss Mari-
, lyn Moffat and Keith Nichol of
Woodstock spent the holiday with
Mr, S. C. Rathw^ll.
Mr. and -Mrs. Ed Thom, Mrs.
Stuart Collyer and Tim and Mr.
and Mps. Li C; Thompson and
Patricia spent the week-end with
... ........... ........................... „;■
Norwood. . '
Mr. arid Mrs.' Floyd Wilson and
Max of Kitchener have berin;vis-
Jting--fi-iends^-here; "Fioyd~is~Orr
holidays prior to being .transfer
red to the. Toronto plant of Sil-
i verwood Dairies. • .
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Passmore
and Ronald of Woodbridge, Mr.
and Mrs. W. B. Whale of London
and Miss Ruth Stothers of Guelph
were week-end. guests of Mr. and
Mrs. S. B. Stothers, who marked
their 34th Wedding anniversary
on; Sunday. . .. •.
L-^M-i—a-n d—M-r sr-Rob e rt“Elh pt.tTjL
. 1 Ham id ton and Mr.’ and Mrs?'John
• -.Frederick, of Teeswater . spent
1 Little, also Mr. and Mrs. Russell
L. -Jobnston-and--fam-i-l-y-of-Ashfieldr
Visitors. over the week-end
with Richard Baker of town were
. his sister, Mrs. Daisy Fiske; Nia-
: l.gara, ./accompanied^ by Mr. and
• Mrs; Robert Heximer and Eileen
, i of Chippawa . and Mr. and Mrs.
- I Maynard Lewis of Detroit.
°xj Mr. and Mrs. Jim MacNaugh-
de , ton. had as their guests for the
1 week-end,'Mr. and.Mrs;. Andrew. ' Wallace, Jeanette, Isa and Wil
liam, Bill Imrie, Misses Doreen
Welsh • and Susan MacNaughton,
all of London. •
Guests of Mr. and Mrs.-Sandy
Elmer Um-' Purdon and family of Sarnia for
I the week-end; Mr.’and Mrs. Ernie
------— ■ I Charlton of Hamilton on Sunday
Mrs. M. Turner left on Monday1 and Miss Bertha MacKay _and
for Toronto where she* intends! Miss Betty Scott of London on
staying for the winter, months. Mbnday.
Lucknow .
Presbyterian Church
Rev. C. A. Winn, B,A,,
lOaJn.: Sunday School.
11 a.m.: Morning Worship. v
> 3 pjn.: Erskine, Dungannon,
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rothwell at
Sunday, October 18th, 1953
. .....Morning ^Ser vice—— J
Organ prelude—overture part 1,
Messiah—Handel; . ’ “If with . all
, -your hearts” — Elijah—Mendels-
■' sdhn. :■ -y. ' ■
Anthem—“O worship the King”
—J. H. Maunder. : (jB Anthem—“My' God and ,I”-I. “unday with .Mr. and Mrs. Albert
B. Sergei. v lr 4, .
. Organ postlude—“Their sound
is gone out JrftcTan'lands’’—Mes
Evening Service
Organ prelude—“O come every
one that thlrsteth”, Elijah—Men
delssohn; “Song of the Reaper”
Anthem—“Hark the sound
holy voices”—G. H. Bode.
Solo—“The Publican”—Van
Water—Mr. C'. Attridge.’
Anthem—-“Hold thou my hand”
—C. S. Briggs.
Organ postlude 4- “Glory to
Director of Praise—:Mrs. Wes-! Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sandy
ley Joynt. . | Purdon were Mr. and Mrs; Hector.
Organist—Mr. L.;
Mr. r and Mrs. Wm. RpWb were
recent vistors with Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil. Robb at Lucan.
♦ • ’
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Moore of
Hamilton spent the , week-end
with her mother, Mrs. E. N. Hod
. Mr. and Mrs Lyall MacDiarmid
. of Jarnestown, N.Y,, were week
end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Mr.- and Mrs, Richard1 Brumby
and daughter Edith of Toronto
were Thanksgiving visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alton/vis-
ited-with’-the"termer’s sister^. Mrs*.
Robert Stephenson, near Vari?a,
who is in her ninetieth year. '
Mr. George Linleys of Detroit
was a week-end guest of Mrs.
Josephine Cameron of Belgrave.
Mrs^Linley, who has spent ''a
month here assisting her mother,
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Reynolds;
Linda and Donald, Toronto, visit
ed oyer the • week-end with Mrs.
A. Struthers arid other friends,
after attending the ’ Stewarb-
Chantler wedding ip London.
. Thanksgiving visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Redvers^ Johnson were
Mr. and Mrs. Sid Johnson,«Tor
onto; Joy Johnson of Kincardine;
and Mr. and Mrs., Guest Mitchell
of Preston. Joan is spending the
Week here.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickson I
of Philadelphia and Mr. and Mrs. I
Ray Dickson of Muskegon, Mich.,
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bell and Mar- j
garet. of London, Mr. and Mrs. I Frank Young and Peggy of God-J
erich were Thanksgiving visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bissett.
. Thanksgiving week-end visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Salkelcl
were Dr. Marion Joy, dentist at
Helen Salkeld of Bradford arid
Miss Doreen Thornette of Lon
don, "England. Miss Thornette re
turned home by plane this week’
She left Montreal Tuesday night
and was scheduled to be home for
tea on Wednesday.
.) I
It is with j^ncere thanks and ap
preciation that we acknowledge the pat
ronage and pleasant business relations we
enjoyed while in the grocery business.
We offer our best wishes to our suc
cessors, Henry and Marion Donais, and
—bespeak-for- them a generous share
your patronage. . .
20. Questions*
"My Huron & Erie debentures guarantee
interest on my savings, and
they’re a’most dependable investment.
PI lean buy them for a 5-yetr term;and.
• . for as little as $100. Debenture^ were
tailor-made for my investment needs.’
"Debentures are
the safe
investment I have
been looking for”
S' •
>3 * *
1 our choice
We wish to arinonce that we have taken over B
Glenn’s Grocery and will offer the Public ’ B
’ .the Best at Lowest Prices in S
Fresh Fruit - Vegetables |
and Groceries |
We will appreciate a share of your patronage &
and welcome the opportunity to serve you. &
u • j*.
?T. • 1 1
Council met in the Hall, Oct
ober 5th, 1953 as per adjourn
ment. All members present.
The minutes of the regular
meeting of Sept. 7th and special
meeting of Sept. 21st were ap
proved and signed.
The assessor was paid $300.00
part salary. Cheques were issued
to cash payers on the Harris drain
for their share of Government
had- their yearly debenture pay
ments reduced. .ter_thieir share of
the grant, and same iwas done in
regard to' the McDonald-Bushell
On recommendation of the En
gineer, the contractor was pa|d
in full for the MacIntyre and
Moffat-Thomson drains, and the
contractor on the Emerson drain
was paid in full, and 80 percent
on the Conley drain and the con
tractor on the tile portion of the
Percy and Pinnell drains/paid in
full and 60 percent on the Eadie
draini and the contractor on the 1'
open portion of Percy drain 50
on the Pinhell.’^rai-n were for-, Moffat, struck and labor Mia cl n-1 gas tax, 23.55; j5? E. McTavish^
warded' tb Township of Culrqss tyre drain, 10.00; Farish .Moffat, I fuel and grease, 52.68; Jack Schu-
as were the clerk’s fees andI by- com. feds MacIntyre.drafn,. 75.00; macher,.. gravelling,' 20.00; Wm, .
laws on the Eadie drain sent to Dan T. McKinnon, com, fee Mof-1 Murdie & Son, hardware, 14.49;
the Township of Huron. . jj
Clerk was instructed to write Symington, on aic ppen’ part Per- • Dominion Road Mach. Co
Hugh Simpson of Whitechurch re cy drain., 375.00; Lawrence Me-. • pairs, 207.53; rLanv’^D .
Gaunt drain. ’ | Leod, allowances Conley drain,' ditching, 12.00; Thomas Austin.
J. R:. LANE, Clerk,
(Operated by Henry and Marion Donais, formerly
of The Lucknow Fruit Market), o
return of deposit 293.50—2428.50; j McPherson, allowances- Percy dr^.
Guy Mason, ‘ labor MacIntyre ’“30,00; J, W; .Freeborn, certifying,
drain, 10,00; Frank Miller, labor j vo^’ listsi 3.00; relief, 50.01k
vpcn vx * «-xk.j. . Highway cheques: Pay List No.percent..Clerk’s fees and- -iby-laws MacIntyre drain, 5.00; Graham. $471.60; Dept; of Highways,
feds MacIntyre drafn,. 75.00; macher,.. gravelling,:. 20.00; Wm»
L/CU1 X« lYAVlXAllUUlij W11J, jluv ---------- ---- _ —.,7^-------
f a t -Th om son. dr a i n, 50.00; Clifford i W- C; Becker Co., belt set, 7.50*
; Qeorge Radford,
133.00; David Rdss, allowances I wire fence, 97,00.
Pinnell drain, 182.00; John Ross, 1.
allowances Pinnell drain, ,190.00; I
Hugh Simpson of Whitechurch re cy drain., 375.00; Lawrence Me-I pairs, 207.53;
Gaunt drain. ’ •’ 1 . ’ " • | Leod, allowances Conley drain, I ditching, 12.C
Lucknow — Joseph Agnew
. Head Office —• London, Qntafio.
All parties assessed in’ Kinloss
ori the Elliott drain in Huron
Township to be notified Of their anuwanues I-Iimcn Uiciiii, a^u.uu, I . , y— ------------------*
assessments to be paid on .or be- Ernie Hanna, allowances Pinhell i Presbyterian Mission Band
fore November. 2nd, 1953.
Council adjourned • to meet
again on Monday, Nov. 2, 1953. v.
' Cheques isSued: Brantford, drain 468.00“tile portion Pinnell
Builders, tile td rEadie drain, $90; i drain 293.35, 60 percent Eadie
Harvey HodginS'?fox bounty, 2.00;; drain 1300.00—2061.35f Geo? Rack
Harold“‘McQmllin7’fox b6uh'tyr$2ffterd,;cdhstruction Emerson drain
Wm. Scott, pai?t salary assessor, 725.00, 80 percent1 Construction
300.00; cheques to cash payers on |Conley drain 1068.00—1793-00; J., , ---- -----
McDonald-Bushell drain, 602.63; R. Lane, clerk*s fees Dore , drain > days this month; Program .com-
rebate • to debenture payers on. 35.00, Pinnell drain 50.00, Percy
Deb. No. . 1, McDonald-Bushell 1 drain 40.00, Eadie 'drain 50.00-^-
-drain, 94.98; cheques to dash pay-1 1.75,00; Pi A. • Murray,, com tees,
efs on Harris drain, 344.83; rebate ' Conley drain, 50^00;■ Treas. Cul-
to debenture payers on Deb. No. ’ rOss Two.,* clerk’s fee and by-laws
i; Harris drain, 27.58; ‘ George ' Pinnell drain, 60.00; Clerk Htirqn
Scholtz, MacIntyre drain 1439.00; Twp., clerk’s fees and by-laws.
balance Moifa^Thpmson 696.00,. Eadie drain, 20.00; Mrs.. Margaret „
drain, 431.00,; J. R. Lane, Unemp. i
stamps 7.56, postage 6.00—13.56;
Roddy Inglis, tile portion Percy
60 percent Eadie
The meeting opened, with• Jean>
Mullin presiding. Janet Finlayson, \
! Elizabeth Bannister and Margaret
Ann Muliin sang ‘‘Step by Step’*.
Janet Finlayson played a plants
solo. Readings were .given by
Elizabeth r'inlayson and' Evan
■’ Agnew. Alan Mowbray -and Eli'z- .
abeth . Ahn Henderson had
mi tied r for ne*xt month is; ’Sar^h
Bannister and Janet Finlayson.' ■
Plans were made. to invite the
Mission Band from Ripley Pres.-,
byterian church to a Haliowel’er;
party on Friday, . October 30th■ ■^Wcfi^vas sefyle^by^ehn;'
lin and Marlene Stanley. *
« •