The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-10-14, Page 2*1 i jg Bwl <• h ■ ■§£§& |jg v I y, < n # fl 4? z" ZION a fl v« STEPUP PEEO!NG YOUR HEPO THE To produce milk with a high butter fat content mak^ . sure you feed your herd National 24% Milkbilder, and —-Natipnal-^2%-Pairy-GohcentFate;—BbththeseNational i‘fresh-mix” feeds are rich in minerals, proteins and energy — and extra rich in molasses. Depending on your grain supply you mix 1 bag of Milkbilder to 2 bags of grain or 1 bag of Concentrate to 5 bags of grain. .‘ This way you are helping yourself to a healthier herS^and bigger profits. Visitors. at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. Eli Morgan wore Mips Annie Morgan, Mr, Gordon Fin­ layson and boys of Lochalsh. Mr? and Mrs. Donald McCosh, Mary arid Dickie visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hector Knight of pieton, also relatives | in Toronto last week, * . j The Purple Grove Garden, Club won first prize for'their exhibits1 at Teeswater Fair. .. , . Mr and Mrs. John Emerson & Mrs. Harry Brunt visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ritchie of Zion. - — — ' Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Crawfdrd and daughter Sandr a, Mrs.; Art Riley &id son George of Xoridpn spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gawley. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Patter­ son visited with Mr. and Mrs. Burton Collins. Advance Four Candidates Mr: Claude* Dore, Alex Percy and .John Emerson attended the regular monthly meeting of the Royal Black Prechptory at Am­ berley on Wednesday evening1 of last week. Candidates Wm. Mc- ■Qrn^ D. Courtney were advanced to higher degrees. Another import­ ant feature of the evening was the arrangement for a turkey banquet on October 30th at Reids Corners. Mr. Ben StanleyofKincardine visited friends around the Grove on Saturday of last week, „ Mrs* Lorne Johnston, the ’ tea­ cherand Miss Winnifred Farrier of Toronto showed pictures . of their trip out West during the summer. They were enjoyed very much. - ' . Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ritchie of Detroit spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. .Will Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie - & Anne visited Sunday in Ripley with Mr. arid Mrs. Allan McAul­ ey/ _ ■_ —Mr.andMrs—EldonRitchierMr- and Mrs. Will Ritchie and Mr. and Mrs/Elm^r Wall visited Sun­ day with Mr.' and. Mfs. Anson Coleman of Varna,; /Mr. and Mrs. Earl Swan, Jr./ of St. George had their daughter, Earla; Marlene, christened on Sunday and spent the holiday with, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Swan, Sr. - Mr. and Mrs. Ken Laidlaw and girls of London visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Hun­ ter. ' Mr, and Mrs. Addison Fraser of Bluevale attended the christ­ ening on Sunday of their grand­ daughter, Earla Marlerie Swan. Mr.-andMrs—Roland-Ritchie-of- Windsor spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. J.ake Hunter, Freda and John spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tulley of Hamilton. , . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ritchie children of Moncrief spent-Sun- day with Mr^ and Mrs. Gordon Ritchie. The Zion W.M.S. meeting was held at the home of Mrs.: Gor- don Kirkland. Mrs. Jack McDon- agh presided. Mrs. George Hun­ ter took care of the devotional part and a reading was given by Mrs. Raynard. Mrs. Eldon Ritchie had the Christian stewardship. The sectional meeting is to be held at Blake’s church on October 22nd. Cards of, thanks wer^e re- ceived f rom Mr. and -Mrs; Law­ rence Reid for the gifts sent by the W.M.S. also Mrs. Bill Hunter thanked them for the fruit sent her. Mrs. Magoffin is to get the program f9r the' next meeting. The study book was taken by Mrs. Jake Hunter. Mrs. Wes Rit­ chie favored with an instrumental and Mrs. Peter'Cook with a read­ ing. Mrs. George Huniter took ever for ther W.A. meeting. The? bazaar is to be on October 22nd. The ladies are to meet at Mrs. -Joke—Hunter^s—next^Thursday—to-. get things^ready. Mrs. Geo. Hun­ ter closed with prayer. LANGSIDE Seeyour NATIONAL Dealer today—- • Look for the bright Orange and Black Sign.! CONCENTRATE FOR POULTRY, TURKEYS, HOGS and CATTLE WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED - INGERSOLL/ ONTARIO Fertilize Your Crop with NATIONAL well-cured, Properly-Blended FERTILIZER The Paramount W.I, will meet October 20th at Mrs. Kelso Mc- ~Nay’s Roll call, “How 1 can be a good citizen”. Program commit­ tee is Mrs. Eric Hackett and Mrs. J. Ketchabaw. • ■■ •• - . ", > .. • . - • . ... . y. . * u Mr. arid Mrs. Roland Ritchie of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ritchie of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. -Gordon-Ritchie —and—Mr.& Mrs. Will Ritchie of Zion were week­ end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jlitctyie. , . ~ —Miss Marjorie■ McDonald,. ex­ teacher of No. 8, sipent the week­ end with friends and renewed ac­ quaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKenzie, Roddie, Barry and Donald spent the week-end with her mother, and brother, Mrs. John Purves and Fraser and visited friends. ’’ Mr I. Bob Brown arid Gary, Mr. and Mrs.. Bob Evans and family of Loridon, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Evans and' family of Hyde Park spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Evans and Teddy— Mr. and'Mrs. Fred Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ritchie spent Sunday at Lester Butler’s at Mit­ chell. Donald Huffman returned home from Chatham; Marlow and Earl Crowston of Kincardne spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. John Crowston.■ ntfwuw cmmwb Lucknow Branch:. MURRAY COUSE,■'Mariaget J- DOWN PAYMENT OF 5°/», s2^° FOR A $50 BOND, s5 FOR A MOO BOND, etc. - BALANCE IN EASY INSTALMENTS OVER A YEAR • You can buy your bond for cash or by instalment at your neighbourhood B of M branch Bank of Montreax C A NADI ■„ WEDNESDAY, 6CT.14ti>, J953 fURPtB .GROVE WOLF CURS The Jungle echoed to the howl of 17 Gribs at last week’s meeting, with Akela arid all assistants, pre- . sent. “Grey Brother” Andrew . r I I conducted the1 openingrceremon- -- ies, with inspection following, At 1 3his irieeting the annual -inter*Six; -< Pack competition was begun, with, the “Jewel” system replac- , jng thefofrrier boint system. Jewels are, given to each-Sixer cn the basis of one for each Cub for each of the following: Atten­ dance, Dues, Complete Uniform, Neatness and personal jnspeetiorip\ of Claws,* Fangs; Fur, etc., vary-V < ing weekly and unknown before- hand to the Cubs. In games, five jewels are given the winning Cub for his Six, and in relays 5-3-2-1 jewels are given according to; , standing, with the most orderly Six getting an extra jewel.. All Cubs receive one for each test passed. Any unnecessary yelling, running or misconduct of .any kind results ih forfeiting 1 jewel plus the loss of two more on a second .offense. -Raksha Attridge conducted a ' nail driving relay which, resulted in a win for the Tawny Six de­ spite their small attendance. Akela Thompson Conducted the investiture of Sixers John And- rew, Gary Ritchre7’MuiTay-HTm^~/™ ter arid George Gibsori. Baloo, Raksha and Bagheera Ritchie then put the Greys arid Reds through somersaulting, leap frog and^hoppinigexercises-while-Kaa———- Umbach and Akela reviewed the * tenderpad work' with the other Sixes. Kaa then taught the Pack --‘The Jungle-Pance of.lBaloo”._-In - the closing game of *‘This and That”, “White Claw” Gibson won his Six five jewels which .'brought; the Whites into a first place fie \ with the Reds. .In a tiebreaker game however the Reds carne out ° ’ on top with “Red Fang” Ritchie becoming senior Sixer for. the next meeting. Did you do vo.ur “Good Turn’’ for the day? ' :/Is.. DUNGANNON I Mr. Harry Marsh of Ferndale.' Mich., spent the week-end wiHi his sister, Mrs« Minnie Jones. Mr..land Mrs. Ernest Pritchard to, spent Thanksgiving week-end with.Mr. and.Mrs. Wilfred Pent- . land and. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pentland. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Popp, ac­ companied by 'the latter’s motii-’ er, Mrs. R. A. McKenzie, Wing­ ham, spent Thanksgiving with . Mr. and Mrs, Lorne McKenzie;.: Toronto. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Irvin and Betty were Thanksgiving guests . wth Rev, arid Mrs. James Bright ? at Fonthill on Sunday, returning Monday. Rev.. Bright, a former . United church minister, is regain-; ing health after an operation at Welland last winter. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Kilpatrick & family, Toronto, spent Thanks­ giving with Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick arid "Mr? and Mrs. Cecii Blake. / / Mr. Arthur'Thompson and Mi*> -Mabel—Thompson;received —woH-i----— at the week-end of the death of. their brother, Adam Thompson. 79, of Delhi, who passed, away early Saturday and was buried on Monday. He was a son of. khe late Mr, arid Mrs. Wm. Thdirip-, son, ;early Dungannon resident-. Mrs.. Rbbert .Moore was sad.- dened this week by the death o'f. her brother, Thos: Edwards, Lun- . don. Was 91 On Wednesday _ z •t’-Miss—ElieTr~DiTi^^ — non’s -oldest Resident, ' observed her>blst birthday on Wednesday,, October 14th. She has lived with her brother,’ Robert J. Dui’nin and Mrs, Durnin for the past two decades.; Miss’ Durnin, while, somewhat hard of hearing, enjoys good health.' . ’ ‘ Miss Margaret RoSe Lyons , of Lu^kndw" spent’Ihe/week’-^M^td^ the home of her sistah Mrs/Hov/’ ard Culbert I r>blst birthday on Wednesday*, itpber 14th. She has lived with r brother,’ Robert J. Durnin