The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-10-07, Page 3' WEiDNESDAY, OCTOBER T, 1953 ’ .j’,
Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, *’
B;A.» B.D*
. 7 ' • • < o •’ . ..............• ;■’■■•■ ’ : .....'
10 a.m.: Suriday School.
11 ajn.: “According to the
Thanksgiving Service,
■ 7 pmi.: Rev. W, E, Milroy.
■■■ Lucknow
Presbyterian Church
Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A.,
Sunday School.
Morning Worship, k
Erskine, Dungannon,
Evening Worship.
3 p.m.:
7. p.m.:
Dr. and Mrs.
will conduct
A large crowd attended the
ception on Friday evening
Langside Hall in honor, of Mr.
and ~Mrs .Donald- Stp-vyar-L—Mrs.
Bert Moffat read a very appro
priate address and Mrs. Geo. Tif
fin presented the young couple
with a well filled purse of money.
Donald - replied fittingly. “For
•the/ are jolly good fellows” was
sung. Tiffin’s orchestra supplied
•music. ..
The sacrament of baptism was
.administered- ^Sunday -a fter-noon
when Rev. R. D. A. .Currie bap
tized Donald Elmer, infant son
of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Scott.
Mrs. Frank Miller attended the
W.I.. conference in Guelph as a
delegate for Whitechurch branchi
Mrs. Wm. Scott visited on Sun
day with her sister, Mrs. Clifford'
Johnson in hospital in London,
Mrs. James: Richardson accom
panied hfer; sisters back to Tor
onto for a .visit. They spent the
week-end with their sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tiffin;• ac-1
, companied by Mrs. Wm. Brown
. and Mr. Lloyd Belli of Lucknow,
Mrs. Clark Johnson; Linda and
Janetta of Belgrave, spent a few
days., at. Prairie Siding with
friends. ' '■
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ritchie,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin and
Mrs. Vic Emerson of Whitechurch
LqgO (feneral
Mr. and-Mrs. Jack Cook spent
last week in Detroit. . ;
Mr. and Mrs, T. A. Cameron
returned this week from a visit
at Perth apd Powasson.
,r/■ < •
Mi*, arid Mrs, Henry Donais
have beep holidaying in Detroit
and other points. .
Miss Annabelle Jones of De
troit called on friends in town
on Saturday. -
.Mr^and Mrs,. Wm. Scrimgeour
of- JMlmerston "_reriewed~^bld
friendships here on.Fair Day?
daughter Susan of Kingston, Jam-
aica are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Martin. ' /
. Mr- and Mrs. Charles Webster
and Mr. and Mrs. Bob McIntosh,
spent the latter part of the week
at Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hodgins
and children of London were
week-end guests of
M. H. Corrin.
: S>tuart Coliyer and Gerald
Rath well were in
Friday evqhing attending a Boy
Scout banquet.
Mrs. Minnie Horne, Mrs. J. A.
Geddes andd Mrs. Lillian Ellis
of Toronto were week-end visi
tors with friends.
. ■ 1 ■ ,
Mr., and Mrs. Mac Graham of
-Toronto spent the week-end With
Mr. and Mrs. Well Henderson.
'Mrs. Graham remained for a visit.
Miss Mary Porteous who re
cently returned from a motor trip
to the West Coast, is visiting this
week with .her. parents, Mr,. ^nd.
Mi’s. W. A. Porteous. •
Messrs. Fred and Gordon Ste^
_ward. of London-arid Mrs. -Mervin
MacDonald, of- Chatham visited
/recently ’ at Wingham ’ Hospital -
with .their, mother, Mrs. Charles,
Steward/, who. is recovering from
a .minor'operatibriT-- ; ~
Toronto on
SC Anne’s Roman Catholic
church, Riversdale, yras tastefully
decprated for a lovely autumn
wedding bn Saturday, October 3,
when Margaret Anne, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs.. P. A; Murray, was
united in marriage to Robert
Dales, son of Mr. and, Mrs. John
Dales in a double ring ceremony
performed by Rev. FatherMeyer
with Rev. Father Joseph Thompr
son the visiting priest.
Given in marrjage by her fath-
white floor length gown with lay
-ers-pf-yhite^tulleovef v§atiri/tojp
ped . with a, white velvet redin-
gote' with Victorian collar, lily
point sleeves and veil of silk
illusion caught from a white vel
vet tierra trimmed with seed
pearls and crystal beads. She car
ried white orchids centred with
mauve, white shasta baby mums
arid fern.
She was attended, by her four
sisters, Mrs. Lome Kraemar,
matron of honor gowned in hun
ter’s green irridescent taffeta;
Veronica, maid of honor, in choc
olate brown irridescent taffeta.
Each was floor'length with a fit
ted bodice, stand-up collars cut
low in front with pleated inserts,
three-quarter length' sleeves; full
skirt pleated oveir. small hoops in
the 'hips. Barbara, junior brides
maid/ Was gowned in old gold
taffeta and Elaine, as flower gjrl,
worp apple green floor lengthy
with peter pari collar, puffed
sleeves and; three tier skirts. All
attendants wore matching poke
bonnets arid muffs bearing cor
sages of bronze and yellow mums
and fern.
Jim Dales was his brother’s
f. Gerrard Dales, brother of the
groom,. was ring’ bearer’'He wore
a black dress suit and carried
the rings in a small white basket.
The. ushers were Frank Mur-
-rayT—brotheW~of"^tiTe“~bride “arid“'
Frank pales; cousin of the groom.
T’ NeiSOivr;O? During-' the. ceremony Patil
Detroit, Mrs. Qordon and _Miss|]y[urphy and Bob Early sang “Ave
Delmater of Windsor, Mrs;- and “On this 4 ay, O
'■ ■ The
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►. .
► .
. ' ,•••-' ■■ . • ■ - k t—7^
’ . . \ , •’ ■. ... • '../•• •_•' *■ ‘V .,{r- • - - ■”■ ’ ' " ■ '4
arid as well an open course in
Bookkeeping and Typewriting
Provided there are a sufficient number of applications
. .4
. •«
Lucknow District High School Board ...!
Donald Henderson, Secretary.
A A A? A 4b Akafc Eh
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas* Eng-
land and- Richard Ross Smith,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Smith
of Brussels. 4
The bride wore a waltz length
gown of nylon net
Her nylon fingertip
ranged from a pearl crown and
she carried a bouquet of red
Miss Marjorie England, sister
of the. bride, was maid’of honor,
wearing a blue net waltz length
dress, with a pearl headdress and
matching veil and carried yellow •
w-hile Mrs. Dale chose forest
green crepe with dark green ac-
and bronze m'urris. Refreshments
■were, served by girl friends of
the- bride. /
The happy couple left for a
wedding trip to Quebec, the bride
travelling in a ping bengaline
dress with navy .trim, grey fit
ted coat, pink plume hat & navy
accessories. The couple will take
-up-residence in Hamilton.
Guests from a distance were:
Miss Margaret Murray, Montreal;
Mr. and Mrs. Cal Turner, Miss
Rpse2,Eorestr Mr.and^Mps^-BhiL
Meyers and Fr, Joseph Thomp
son of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry Oberle, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Col
linson, Preston; Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Dales, Mr/ and Mrs. Pat Dales,
Mrs. Hannan and Dick, Guelph;
Mr. arid Mrs. John Murphy; Paul
and Dennis and Mr. Bob Early of
St. Marys; Mr. and Mrs. Lou Mey
er, ' Tillsonburg; Miss Frances
Baillie, London and Mr. Bob Ar-
mit of Hamilton....
over taffeta,
veil was ar-
Larry Smith, brother of the
groom, was best man. '
For the reception at the Re- .
creation Centre, the bride’s moth- ■
er received the guests attired in
a navy blue crepe dress . with
red accessories and a corsage of
red roses. The groom’s mother
assisted in a navy blue crepe
dress with navy. accessories and
a corsage of red roses. 7
The bride donned a cinnamon
Colored suit with green accessor-
Jes._and^a-corsage-of-yellowrose^ r
for the wedding trip: The couple,
‘will’live in Preston* . ■
Guests were present from Galt„
Preston, Listowel,^ Brussels, Dun-
garinon, Bervie and Lucknow..
ett, Herb and Mrs. Rock of'Pais
ley and Mr. Dave Johnston, Sadie
Johnston and Miss Allie Nelson
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
Reuben Wilson. \
The Lucknow Women’s Insti
tute will hold their regular meet
ing on Friday, October 9th in the
Town Hall, at 2.30 sharp. All
-g-kan drri 0 th e rs-who—are--membe r s~
are asked to come in old-time cos
tume. Hostesses, Mary MacLeod,
Mrs. George Elliott, Miss Chris-
tena McDonald, Mrs. Garnet Hen
derson. Roll cally My .fSvorite
song Qi^hyrrinr ~ ~
A family reunion was held on
Sunday at the home of Mr-, and
Mrs; Wm. of Elmira. Be
sides thd Hewat family and his.
mother, Mrs. Essie,. Hewat, the
gathering included Mrs. R. H.
Thompson, Helen, Bob and Wil
lard; Mr. .and Mrs. H. D. Thomp
son, David arid1 Janet; Mr. and
Mrs. .John Naylor, -Tommy and
Steve; Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Thomp
son, Don ■ and Patricia.
Art Andrew made a flying visit
to his home town. laAt -week and
visited his parents and friends.
He was accompanied oh the trip
by Miss Marjory Roberts. Art is
engaged With the Spruce Falls,
and Paper Co., Ltd., in KSpus-
kasing, whjch is one of the larg
est plants oFitFkind in ,the World.-
The. paper mill,./With ,its -four
produ:ce over 750 tons of news
print' a day. while the sulphite
mill is capable of producing 400
tons -a day of unbleached • sul-
phitje pulp- .AU this pulp arid
paper is- shipped by rail and a
train' load of over 30 cars a -day
leaves/the. mill for various cus
tomers I.n the U.S. and Canada.
Mrs. E. Wclwood has sold their
house in the village to Mi.; and
■■'M i\s7'' Jll mus'^FTlvo ri e r r^-M rs. • W^H
wood has rented some rooms in-
Wingham. We will miss them in
ban community' We. welcome the
Falconers to the village. ■
■Congratulations ' to Mt’S. Kern
nddy who quietly observed , her
92nil ’birthday October. 1st. ■
Mr and Mrs. Russell Ritchie,.
Mr. and Mr*. Tred Tiffin .and
■ vrEhY0rSOTrspent“the' week-
.end in . DetLQik '
beautiful Mother”. Mr. Francis
Benninger presided at the organ.
Following the ceremony a wed
ding dinner was served *at the
Pleasure Valley Lodge, Hanover,
to the immediate families includ
ing Fr. Meyer and Fr. Thompson,
Later in the afternoon a re
ception was held at the home of j.
-the—bride^^pa-rents, Mrs. Murk
ray received in a gown of navy izecTpn Saturday, October 3?d at
faille with nylon lace over, taf- South Kinloss Presbyterian manse
feta insets with coral accessories when Rev. G. S. Baulch united
and wore a corsage of coral roses in /marriage Shirley Doreen, dau-
A pretty wedding was solemn-
L—spent-,theweek-end at. Livonia
I and Birmingham, Mich.
house in the village to
.. .... ..........X...W :......i...... ...................................•:,.:.........'....................................J..,„.iv. '____,........; ...... ...... ............................/•.. .7. ............ .
You get your money’s worth with
Canadian Cheddar There is no waste.
It keeps well. You can use it in
many low-cost yet delicious ways
. . . for the main dish,,fpr soup,
dessert/or tasty’ slacks at any tipic.
Yes, Canadian cheddar i$ a
really economical food.
Congratulations to Mr. Hugh
Simpson ori winning first prize
in the plowing match held at Pt.
Elgin on Saturday.
- Mr. and Mrs. H. McQuillin of
Lucknow visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. A. McQuillin.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Buschlen arid
family Of Toronto, Mr. Fred Pat-
... terson, Misses Maggie .and Fan
nie. Patterson, all of Leamington,
spent the week-end with Mr. Ken
’ Patterson. ' ’ • '
Mrs. Young from Porcupihe &
Miss Emma Richardson of . Lang-,
side called onfew of their
friends in the Village.
- Mrs. Jas. Ramage, home, from
’ ■ nedy who lives in her old home
here. Mrs. Plewes from Lupknow
accompanied Mrs. Ramage. ,
/ Wayne Henry entertained his
I friends at his birthday party nn
Tuesday; •
L Beatrice McClenaghan return-
r ed home from’ the hospital on
I Saturday, following ari operation.
I fol* appendicitis. ’ ’
I Mrs. Emerson, Mrs. Geo.,Fish-
| ,^r and Mrs, F. Miller were among
I—these .who atteiTded^th e I nsti~trrtc-
I Convention at, Guelph last wpek.
I Mr. and Mrs., 0. L., Lewis call-
I ed on her father, Mr< Keri Patfer-
I son last week; on their return trip
I through Western Canada and the'
I United States. . * ■
I Quite a few around here have
I beep ;sick with the ’flu..
I ■ Mr, Thos. Morrison came home
I - from" Wirigham' Hospiiaf on “Sat^
I. ui’day, ■ •• ’ «.
so i in protein
“Very , superior food!” say the
nutritionists of Canadian cheddar '
-----cheesST'Htglrin complete protein;
•it’s quite your cheapest source <
’ of this essential. Furthermore I
’ it‘s high ip calcium and y
phosphorus, and a good
source of vitamins A and
t B (riboflavin). . Yes, it’s
truly packed with
food values!
.yet so inexpensive
For our Marie Fraser’s free booklet of
tasty, tested cheese recipes, iuritei-—
; ■ ‘‘’/ " r»■ ............
'409 Huron St reel Toronto
October is Cheese Festival Month