The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-10-07, Page 3' WEiDNESDAY, OCTOBER T, 1953 ’ .j’, 7 LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, *’ B;A.» B.D* SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11th . 7 ' • • < o •’ . ..............• ;■’■■•■ ’ : .....' 10 a.m.: Suriday School. 11 ajn.: “According to the Blessing*’. Thanksgiving Service, ■ 7 pmi.: Rev. W, E, Milroy. j I I £ T ■■■ Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A., Minister. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11th Sunday School. Morning Worship, k Erskine, Dungannon, Evening Worship. 10 11 3 p.m.: 7. p.m.: LANGSIDE I re­ al THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNQW,. ONTARIO Dr. and Mrs. PAGE THREE ' 1 will conduct A large crowd attended the ception on Friday evening Langside Hall in honor, of Mr. and ~Mrs .Donald- Stp-vyar-L—Mrs. Bert Moffat read a very appro­ priate address and Mrs. Geo. Tif­ fin presented the young couple with a well filled purse of money. Donald - replied fittingly. “For •the/ are jolly good fellows” was sung. Tiffin’s orchestra supplied •music. .. The sacrament of baptism was .administered- ^Sunday -a fter-noon when Rev. R. D. A. .Currie bap­ tized Donald Elmer, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Scott. Mrs. Frank Miller attended the W.I.. conference in Guelph as a delegate for Whitechurch branchi Mrs. Wm. Scott visited on Sun­ day with her sister, Mrs. Clifford' Johnson in hospital in London, Mrs. James: Richardson accom­ panied hfer; sisters back to Tor­ onto for a .visit. They spent the week-end with their sister. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tiffin;• ac-1 , companied by Mrs. Wm. Brown . and Mr. Lloyd Belli of Lucknow, Mrs. Clark Johnson; Linda and Janetta of Belgrave, spent a few days., at. Prairie Siding with friends. ' '■ Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin and Mrs. Vic Emerson of Whitechurch LqgO (feneral Mr. and-Mrs. Jack Cook spent last week in Detroit. . ; Mr. and Mrs, T. A. Cameron returned this week from a visit at Perth apd Powasson. ,r/■ < • Mi*, arid Mrs, Henry Donais have beep holidaying in Detroit and other points. . Miss Annabelle Jones of De­ troit called on friends in town on Saturday. - .Mr^and Mrs,. Wm. Scrimgeour of- JMlmerston "_reriewed~^bld friendships here on.Fair Day? daughter Susan of Kingston, Jam- aica are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin. ' / . Mr- and Mrs. Charles Webster and Mr. and Mrs. Bob McIntosh, spent the latter part of the week at Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hodgins and children of London were week-end guests of M. H. Corrin. : S>tuart Coliyer and Gerald Rath well were in Friday evqhing attending a Boy Scout banquet. Mrs. Minnie Horne, Mrs. J. A. Geddes andd Mrs. Lillian Ellis of Toronto were week-end visi­ tors with friends. . ■ 1 ■ , Mr., and Mrs. Mac Graham of -Toronto spent the week-end With Mr. and Mrs. Well Henderson. 'Mrs. Graham remained for a visit. Miss Mary Porteous who re­ cently returned from a motor trip to the West Coast, is visiting this week with .her. parents, Mr,. ^nd. Mi’s. W. A. Porteous. • Messrs. Fred and Gordon Ste^ _ward. of London-arid Mrs. -Mervin MacDonald, of- Chatham visited /recently ’ at Wingham ’ Hospital - with .their, mother, Mrs. Charles, Steward/, who. is recovering from a .minor'operatibriT-- ; ~ Toronto on I WEDDING BELLS DALES—MURRAY ' SC Anne’s Roman Catholic church, Riversdale, yras tastefully decprated for a lovely autumn wedding bn Saturday, October 3, when Margaret Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. P. A; Murray, was united in marriage to Robert Dales, son of Mr. and, Mrs. John Dales in a double ring ceremony performed by Rev. FatherMeyer with Rev. Father Joseph Thompr son the visiting priest. Given in marrjage by her fath- ei^the“brideJHvas^lovely~lh"ra" white floor length gown with lay -ers-pf-yhite^tulleovef v§atiri/tojp ped . with a, white velvet redin- gote' with Victorian collar, lily point sleeves and veil of silk illusion caught from a white vel­ vet tierra trimmed with seed pearls and crystal beads. She car­ ried white orchids centred with mauve, white shasta baby mums arid fern. She was attended, by her four sisters, Mrs. Lome Kraemar, matron of honor gowned in hun­ ter’s green irridescent taffeta; Veronica, maid of honor, in choc­ olate brown irridescent taffeta. Each was floor'length with a fit­ ted bodice, stand-up collars cut low in front with pleated inserts, three-quarter length' sleeves; full skirt pleated oveir. small hoops in the 'hips. Barbara, junior brides­ maid/ Was gowned in old gold taffeta and Elaine, as flower gjrl, worp apple green floor lengthy with peter pari collar, puffed sleeves and; three tier skirts. All attendants wore matching poke bonnets arid muffs bearing cor­ sages of bronze and yellow mums and fern. Jim Dales was his brother’s groomsman. f. Gerrard Dales, brother of the groom,. was ring’ bearer’'He wore a black dress suit and carried the rings in a small white basket. The. ushers were Frank Mur- -rayT—brotheW~of"^tiTe“~bride “arid“' Frank pales; cousin of the groom. T’ NeiSOivr;O? During-' the. ceremony Patil Detroit, Mrs. Qordon and _Miss|]y[urphy and Bob Early sang “Ave Delmater of Windsor, Mrs;- and “On this 4 ay, O '■ ■ The ; LUCKNOW DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOI ► ► ►. ► ► ► L I ► , ► ► ► * ► ►. . ► ► . ► NIGHT CLASSES . ' ,•••-' ■■ . • ■ - k t—7^ ’ . . \ , •’ ■. ... • '../•• •_•' *■ ‘V .,{r- • - - ■”■ ’ ' " ■ '4 BASIC ENGLISH fof NEW (CANADIANS arid as well an open course in SHOP WORK arid COMMERCIAL Bookkeeping and Typewriting Provided there are a sufficient number of applications received. APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE IN WRITING *r . .4 ■4 . •« 1 4 4 < < ■4 '4 Lucknow District High School Board ...! Donald Henderson, Secretary. A A A? A 4b Akafc Eh i I ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas* Eng- land and- Richard Ross Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Smith of Brussels. 4 The bride wore a waltz length gown of nylon net Her nylon fingertip ranged from a pearl crown and she carried a bouquet of red roses. Miss Marjorie England, sister of the. bride, was maid’of honor, wearing a blue net waltz length dress, with a pearl headdress and matching veil and carried yellow • roses. w-hile Mrs. Dale chose forest green crepe with dark green ac- cessOries^'and’corsage’Of'’yelTow and bronze m'urris. Refreshments ■were, served by girl friends of the- bride. / The happy couple left for a wedding trip to Quebec, the bride travelling in a ping bengaline dress with navy .trim, grey fit­ ted coat, pink plume hat & navy accessories. The couple will take -up-residence in Hamilton. Guests from a distance were: Miss Margaret Murray, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. Cal Turner, Miss Rpse2,Eorestr Mr.and^Mps^-BhiL Meyers and Fr, Joseph Thomp­ son of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Har­ ry Oberle, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Col­ linson, Preston; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dales, Mr/ and Mrs. Pat Dales, Mrs. Hannan and Dick, Guelph; Mr. arid Mrs. John Murphy; Paul and Dennis and Mr. Bob Early of St. Marys; Mr. and Mrs. Lou Mey­ er, ' Tillsonburg; Miss Frances Baillie, London and Mr. Bob Ar- mit of Hamilton.... over taffeta, veil was ar- Larry Smith, brother of the groom, was best man. ' For the reception at the Re- . creation Centre, the bride’s moth- ■ er received the guests attired in a navy blue crepe dress . with red accessories and a corsage of red roses. The groom’s mother assisted in a navy blue crepe dress with navy. accessories and a corsage of red roses. 7 The bride donned a cinnamon Colored suit with green accessor- Jes._and^a-corsage-of-yellowrose^ r for the wedding trip: The couple, ‘will’live in Preston* . ■ Guests were present from Galt„ Preston, Listowel,^ Brussels, Dun- garinon, Bervie and Lucknow.. ett, Herb and Mrs. Rock of'Pais­ ley and Mr. Dave Johnston, Sadie Johnston and Miss Allie Nelson spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Reuben Wilson. \ The Lucknow Women’s Insti­ tute will hold their regular meet­ ing on Friday, October 9th in the Town Hall, at 2.30 sharp. All -g-kan drri 0 th e rs-who—are--membe r s~ are asked to come in old-time cos­ tume. Hostesses, Mary MacLeod, Mrs. George Elliott, Miss Chris- tena McDonald, Mrs. Garnet Hen­ derson. Roll cally My .fSvorite song Qi^hyrrinr ~ ~ A family reunion was held on Sunday at the home of Mr-, and Mrs; Wm. Hew.at of Elmira. Be­ sides thd Hewat family and his. mother, Mrs. Essie,. Hewat, the gathering included Mrs. R. H. Thompson, Helen, Bob and Wil­ lard; Mr. .and Mrs. H. D. Thomp­ son, David arid1 Janet; Mr. and Mrs. .John Naylor, -Tommy and Steve; Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Thomp­ son, Don ■ and Patricia. Art Andrew made a flying visit to his home town. laAt -week and visited his parents and friends. He was accompanied oh the trip by Miss Marjory Roberts. Art is engaged With the Spruce Falls, and Paper Co., Ltd., in KSpus- kasing, whjch is one of the larg­ est plants oFitFkind in ,the World.- The. paper mill,./With ,its -four ..niodeFi-i—ne-w-sprin-t—mac-l-itnes—ca-ri- produ:ce over 750 tons of news­ print' a day. while the sulphite mill is capable of producing 400 tons -a day of unbleached • sul- phitje pulp- .AU this pulp arid paper is- shipped by rail and a train' load of over 30 cars a -day leaves/the. mill for various cus­ tomers I.n the U.S. and Canada. Mrs. E. Wclwood has sold their house in the village to Mi.; and ■■'M i\s7'' Jll mus'^FTlvo ri e r r^-M rs. • W^H wood has rented some rooms in- Wingham. We will miss them in ban community' We. welcome the Falconers to the village. ■ ■Congratulations ' to Mt’S. Kern nddy who quietly observed , her 92nil ’birthday October. 1st. ■ Mr and Mrs. Russell Ritchie,. Mr. and Mr*. Tred Tiffin .and ■ vrEhY0rSOTrspent“the' week- .end in . DetLQik ' beautiful Mother”. Mr. Francis Benninger presided at the organ. Following the ceremony a wed­ ding dinner was served *at the Pleasure Valley Lodge, Hanover, to the immediate families includ­ ing Fr. Meyer and Fr. Thompson, Later in the afternoon a re­ ception was held at the home of j. -the—bride^^pa-rents, Mrs. Murk ray received in a gown of navy izecTpn Saturday, October 3?d at faille with nylon lace over, taf- South Kinloss Presbyterian manse feta insets with coral accessories when Rev. G. S. Baulch united and wore a corsage of coral roses in /marriage Shirley Doreen, dau- SMITH—ENGLAND A pretty wedding was solemn- i f L—spent-,theweek-end at. Livonia I and Birmingham, Mich. house in the village to WHITECHURCH .. .... ..........X...W :......i...... ...................................•:,.:.........'....................................J..,„.iv. '____,........; ...... ...... ............................/•.. .7. ............ . You get your money’s worth with Canadian Cheddar There is no waste. It keeps well. You can use it in many low-cost yet delicious ways . . . for the main dish,,fpr soup, dessert/or tasty’ slacks at any tipic. Yes, Canadian cheddar i$ a really economical food. Congratulations to Mr. Hugh Simpson ori winning first prize in the plowing match held at Pt. Elgin on Saturday. - Mr. and Mrs. H. McQuillin of Lucknow visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. McQuillin. Mr. and Mrs. R. Buschlen arid family Of Toronto, Mr. Fred Pat- ... terson, Misses Maggie .and Fan­ nie. Patterson, all of Leamington, spent the week-end with Mr. Ken ’ Patterson. ' ’ • ' Mrs. Young from Porcupihe & Miss Emma Richardson of . Lang-, side called onfew of their friends in the Village. - Mrs. Jas. Ramage, home, from L—the—West—called—on-M-rs—-Ken— ’ ■ nedy who lives in her old home here. Mrs. Plewes from Lupknow accompanied Mrs. Ramage. , / Wayne Henry entertained his I friends at his birthday party nn Tuesday; • L Beatrice McClenaghan return- r ed home from’ the hospital on I Saturday, following ari operation. I fol* appendicitis. ’ ’ I Mrs. Emerson, Mrs. Geo.,Fish- | ,^r and Mrs, F. Miller were among I—these .who atteiTded^th e I nsti~trrtc- I Convention at, Guelph last wpek. I Mr. and Mrs., 0. L., Lewis call- I ed on her father, Mr< Keri Patfer- I son last week; on their return trip I through Western Canada and the' I United States. . * ■ I Quite a few around here have I beep ;sick with the ’flu.. I ■ Mr, Thos. Morrison came home I - from" Wirigham' Hospiiaf on “Sat^ I. ui’day, ■ •• ’ «. so i in protein “Very , superior food!” say the nutritionists of Canadian cheddar ' -----cheesST'Htglrin complete protein; •it’s quite your cheapest source < ’ of this essential. Furthermore I ’ it‘s high ip calcium and y phosphorus, and a good source of vitamins A and t B (riboflavin). . Yes, it’s truly packed with food values! .yet so inexpensive For our Marie Fraser’s free booklet of tasty, tested cheese recipes, iuritei-— A* ; ■ ‘‘’/ " r»■ ............ DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU '409 Huron St reel Toronto October is Cheese Festival Month