The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-10-07, Page 2' ’ • ■: f,' 1>AGE TWb.’■s. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNQWiQNTAKIQ ; It «N started witha? FAULTY CIIMIEY Fall Fair Winners . K INLOUGH I . .. ; Is LIFETIME SAFETY •wa-FlM LIht m iMrlar. Supported by flrer ar ctiHag joists. Listed by Underwriters' Labora­ tories of Canada. Eliminates many feet of construction. Re­ quires no bricks, mortar, scaffold. Erected in as little os 2 hours. For buildings of any type. High ef.fi c i e n C.y, low cost. Lifetime 'safety. ' Mtrlittr airspace a paiHiva beat break. SAFETY CHIMNE1 .......... fixity Wit ’ -j. Wyta WM Im6 jinf Ilk. brick Pl iHBvwW' ■ ‘ *<v ■ ■ • ■; / SSSiWS <■ S«S? ft V.WSitti. HISELER & SON Patrick and Edward Sts. WINGHAM, ONT. ’Phone 426 • —’ P.O. Box 332 Tresbyterian Young Pepoles The regular Young Peoples’ meeting was held on Monday ev­ ening. It was. opened with- hymn 270 which was followed by the Lord’s prayer. -The scripture >was read by Marjorie Armstrongs A film strip, “The Prodical Son” was shown and explained iby Rev. Winn.Thebusinesswasthen-dis^ cussed.- Hymn 797 was sung and the meeting closed with the miz- pah benediction. z HORSES Heavy and Light Draft: three- year-old, Stewart Needham, 1st and 2nd, Heavy draft span, Byqce Miller,, ICliff MdComb, Stewart Brooks; light draft span, Miller, Needham, Jas. Forster, Ben Farr rell. Generet Purpose:. Brood mare, Jas. Forster; foal, Forster; three- lyear-old,—Elmo—Pritchard;__Perr_ cheron span, Millerj|eperakptir> •pbse.-span,.: EldbnRenwick^ *Ross McKague,s Walter Forster,; single wagon horse, ’Renwick, McKague 2nd and 3rd, Walter Forster. Light Horses t” Hackney 15r2; & over, McKague; Hackney, under 15-2, McKague; carriage team, McKague, McComb & Pritchard, Needham and Farrell; Hackney tandem, McKague; Gentlemen’s turnout, McKague; Lady driver, McKague. y - Ponies: 2-year-old, Leda White; single pony, Gordon _ Kirkland, Douglas Kilpatrick, George Al-1 ton; Saddle pony, Gordon Kirk­ land, Karen Kilpatrick; Geo. Al­ ton; Pony Iby boy or girl, Ken Kirkland, D. Kilpatrick, Betty Al­ ton. Specials: females, Pritchard, Miller, Renwick; gelding, Mc­ Comb, McKague, Needham^ mare or gelding, McComb; tandem hitch, Miller; best groomed horse Renwick, / Miller. CATTLE Shorthorns: year-old bull, Mil­ ler, Andrew Gaunt; sr. bull eaif, Gaunt, Miller; Gaunt; jr. bull calf, Miller, 1, 2; cow, G-aunt, Miller, 2, 3; two-year heifer, Gaunt, Mil­ ler, Gaunt; year-old heifer, Gaunt, 1, 2, Miller; sr.. heifer calf. Mil­ ler, George Alton; Miller; junior heifer calf, Miller, Gaunt, Blake Alton; female, Gaunt; senior herd, Graunt, Miller; junior herd, Gaunt, Miller; bull, miller; get of sire,/Gaunt, Miller. Qerefords: bull, 2 years, Geo. Kennedy; year-old bull, Kennedy 1, 2; sr. bull calf, H. Eedy, Ken/ nedy 2, 3; jr. bull calf, Kennedy,’ John DUrnin; cow, Kennedy 1, 2, .3; two-yearrold heifer, Ken* nedy 1, 2, 3; year-old heifer, Eedy 1, 2, 3; sr. heifer calf, Eedy Ken­ nedy,’ Eedy; junior heifer calf, Kennedy, Eedy, Kennedy; fe­ male, Eedy; sr. herd, Kennedy;« jr.* herd, Eedy, Kennedy; bull, | Kennedy igetoflsirejEedy^Ken^ nedy... t Polled Angus:. 2-year bull, Gor­ don Riibey; year-old bull, Cecil Johnston; sr. bull calf, Ribey; jr. bull calf, Ribey; cow, Ribey, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEaR. 7, 1953 » .1 / • ■ $40. to $80 pridal Shower Miss Margaret Ann Murray, bride elect, was honored'at Holy* rood Hall on Monday : evening when ladies of the community presented her with a miscellan­ eous’shower. The hall was pret­ tily decorated with autumn flow* ei;s, pink and white streamers, writh a white wedding bell. To the strains of the, wedding march played by Miiss Edna Boyle, the bridewasusher^dr-iri—by—Mrs.- Grant Eckenswiller, The address to the bride was y read by Mrs. Roy Graham. Miss Veronica Mur-" ray read the verses attached to the gifts, and MrSj Dan Mclnnes. assisted in - opening them- Mar­ garet Ann thanked. Everyone for their kindness in remembering Ker and invited all to her home to view -her trousseau. The ad­ dress was as follows: Detar Margaret Anne, It gives us a lot of pleasure to gather here this evening to extend to you our best' wishes [ on the happiest occasion of your life. ' ; '• ... We are sorry you will be mov­ ing from our community, but we hope you will be happy in your new home. We ask gifts as a for you. To; you Anne, we wish a happy and pros-? perpus lifetime. Sigried on behalf of . this com­ munity. ■ V A mock wedding was put. on by the Kinlough girjs; a duet by Ir.lma Percy and Florence Mac­ Donald; a humorous song by the 10th school -girls; piano number by Peggy MacDonald: readings by Mrs; Frank Brown and Ws. Frank Thompson. Mrs. Maurice Hodgins enter­ tained the Evening Guild at her home on Tuesds^~eVenmgr~Mrsr John Prest read the scripture.; Each member responded to the roll call with a miracle of our Lord. The ladies plan to attend the Deanery rally at Kincardine when Bishop Hdber Wilkinson of India will be the guest speaker. A donation was given to the re­ pairing of the rectory floor. The evening was spent in work for the bazaar to be held in Novem— i ber. Rev. Johnz Prest closed v the | meeting with prayer. A Quilting 'was/prannedforthe^nearfuturb; Mrs. George Haldenby will be the next hostess. Mr& Wm. Wall was in Guelph during the weed attending the W.I. Area Convention. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hodgin§ were in Preston ori Saturday where they were guests at the McGrath- McCue wedding. The bride is a niece of Mrs.- Hodgins. - Mrs. Arthur Graham accompan­ ied Mrs. Albert Hewitt to Guelph on Tuesday. Mrs. Mary Sirripson was in Hensall Thursday attending the funerai of her friend, Mrs. E. Mc­ Donald. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Don /BuShell (riee Betty Gillespie) on the gift of a baby daughter, a sister for Jariet. Mr. and Mrs* Maurice Hodgins" went to London on Thursday to visit Mrs. Cliff Johnston in Vic­ toria’’hospital who underwent ain. operation. They also visited with Mr. arid Mrs. Karl Boyle. W.L Plan Fall Activities The W.I. met at the Township Hall on Thursday evening with Mrs. Raynard Ackert presiding. An invitation was accepted from the ’Kairshea W.I. to attend, a' short course in the hall on Nov. 16th at 8 p.m. A letter of thanks was read from Miss Anna P. Lewis acknowledging the gifts which were sent to the ACWW delegates. . , Mrs.' Perry Hodgins was appointed local leader for thezgirls project, “What Shall 1, W^arl^^Miss. May v Boyle, Mrs.. .P; I 1 Rev. Canon HZ B. Ashby, rector -of-the—Church—cf—BV-John—the--Johnston—2^—3 ^-two-yeai^-heifer/ Evanglist at Strathroy has an­ nounced his retirement, (effective zat the, end of the year. He is the father of'Mrs. John Prest whbise husband is rector of the Bervje- Kinlough-Kingarf ^parish. Former Resident Passes____ The funeral of John Murdoch, 87, was held aV Detroit on Fri­ day. He was a resident of Leam- airigton for many years and. former LucknoWite. I »■ ' ■ REFRIGERATOR SALE 1953 Models from $139.00 up SIX MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM — WHILE THEY LAST — / ■ you to accept these token of our regard and Bob, Margaret at GREER RADIO and ELECTRIC : ’Phone 110 —• Lucknow S enirig with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Slessor arid family at Glamis. Services were withdrawn , at the Presbyterian church on Sun-/ day last for the Harvest Thanks­ giving. services; at the Anglican church. Plans are underway for the“ redtewration Presby- ~ terian church. Mr. & Mrs. Dori McCosh, Mary arid Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Ardell "Mason /visited on~ Sunday with Mrs. J. W. Colwell. / Mr. and Mrs'. Lome Kraemer of Toronto and. Miss Veronica Murray, R.N., of Walkerton spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'P. A. Murray,. On Saturday, October 17th at 8 p.m. Confirmation service will be held in the Anglican church ’ here. The services and Sunday 1 School for Sunday next and the Frank Thompson invite^ the lad­ ies for the next meeting. A quilt­ ing for the Red Cross is to be held on October 13th- in the hall. Mrs. Win. Wall gave the Area Convention report? Mrs. Lome Eadie presided for the program. Those cbritribWrig' w Cora- belle Thompson, Mrs. L, Eadie, Mrs. Jack Hewitt and Mrs. Frank Thompson. Mrs. Raynard Ackert demonstrated the-making-of-fancy­ sand wiches. / , Mrs. Alex MacKenzie and her daughter, Miss Ella Mackintosh of London visited over the week­ end with Mir.' and Mrs. H. A. Graham. Dr. D. J. Lane and Mrs. Lane visited on Sunday with the Lane families here. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Ger­ trude Walsh were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clayton of Goderich, Mr. & I following Sunday are cancelled Mrs. Frank Johnstone arid Mr,jin favor of Bervie'and Kingarf Wm. Walsh of Bervie. j special services.^ : Mr. and Mrs. Perry Collins who Ladies of the W.A. and Guild have been visiting with relatives, were to the Church of Messiah, here returned to their home at, Kincardine, Monday and enjoyed Echo Bay. -—Mr—and and family visited on Friday ev- ’• is On’ furlough from India. the pictures and address given ! io -Fi ir»l/m i rt*V* TnrlioRibey, Johnston; year-old heif­ er, Ribey 1, 2, Johnston; sr. heif­ er calf, Ribey, Johnston, Ribey; jr. heifer calf, Ribey 1, 2, Jdhn- ston; female, Ribey; sr. herd, Rib? ey, Johnston; ’ jr. herd, Ribey, Johnston; bull, Ribey; get of sire, Ribey, Johnston. Holsteins and Ayrshires: bull, George Alton; cow, Alton; 2-year heifer, Alton; yearling heifer, Al­ ton., .'/■/■• Grade cattle: cow, Blake Al­ ton; yearlingrheifer, Alton; heif­ er calf, Jack s Button, Gordon Kirkland, Barbara Murray;.year- old steer, Barry JMteQui 11 in, Ger­ ald Murray, John Murray; steer calf, Gordon Kirkland/Blake Al­ ton; block animal, Crawford Mc­ Neil, Barry McQuillin. ' Specials:. Champion female, Gaunt, Ribey, G. .Alton; champ- -i ori—bull—Ribe-Wv-M^iilejy-Gaunt;- herd, Ggunt, Ribey, Eedy; steer or heifer by boy or., girl, jimmy Lyons, Ivan McQuillin, Crawford McNeil; beef calf, Todd; halter- broken calf, Gerald Murray; herd, Gaunt, Eedy, Kennedy. " ■ .sheep' / / Leicester —- all prizes won by irWin Vance. ‘ ; Any other purebred: aged ram and shearling ram, Irwin Vance; .ram lamb, Vance, pick Kripat- I i ST. HELENS Mr. Wm, Blue of Detroit a recent visitor with Mr. arid Mrs. J. D. Anderson. Anniversary services will be held in the United Church next Sunday at 11; am. arid 7.30 ip.rn. with . Mr. Harvey Sparling,. the ^.minister, in charge. ■ ' : Mrs. Elwood Barbour was hos-J^at steer; Gaunt,'Todd, Eedy; jr. less for the October meeting pf hPrd Gaunt Rihcv F.c<iw steer the Women’s Institute diy Thufs- ’ day afternoon when 17 ladies were present. $5,00 Was donated to the Canadian Institutefor the Blind. \ Mrs. E. W. Rice favored . with a solo. Mrs, Jas. Cur'rari hSd the motto,, “Put your, grunts in a ‘ box, sit on the. lid and smile”. Miss Mary Murray read ' an in-1 teresting and-humorous paper on* “The dimbest chick on.the .farrnl.. Lunch was ’ served by Mrs. C. Taylor and/Mrs. Laura McNeil. ■ Mrs. D: Todd is a visitor with . her. daughter,■ . Mrs. D. o J. Mcln- '• tosh at St. Catharines. / Mr. and Mrs. George Add^man of Toronto were ; visitors-, last ■week with Mrl and. Mrs, Gordon I _ __ __ MricPherson and with Mrs. Me-' Charles, Mrs., G. Alton; charcoal nUgd bazaar will be held in No- .. Farlarie,.. ‘ ■...< ...' .... Mr. and, Mrs. Allan Miller re-j.H. MacKenzie; < ___ ‘turned on.. Monday night from a ■ Mrs. McKenzie, Mrs, McCharles, wedding.’trip to Montreal'. . ’ ’ * ’ • \ ’ I was J k< j ft I FIRE fi $' ft Prevention Week | OCTOBER 5-10 | In accordance with the suggestion of the Fire Marshall, ft the local Fire Brigade will hold an g Inspection Of j Basements and Premises ON CAMPBELL ST. — THIS WEEK 1 . 4' ' ’ • . •, ' • ‘Thisjhas a two-fold purpose: >y I’ ft ■ ' J FIRSTLY—it Will serve to give some members of the Bri­ gade a knowledge of various buildings which would be very useful in case of fire. / , . SECONDLY—the inspectors^ will be able to ascertain if $omc 'basements are kept in such manner as to provide a fire hazard, „ < ./ .... /i '/ .'■.. , % rick- seed’ewe shirHn/ewe'/v? A‘ Murra-V and Mrs. Ed Thomp- ir, aa 6’s •lr;,ln. e e' 6 ' son v.-ere appointed directors. A c ‘ ’■ xr 'I Hallowe’en dance was also plan-1Specials: ram Vance; three ( with Mi M Boyle/Mrs. iZXce T 2 ^aS; I'A1^ Percy./Mrs. pen., vance 1, 2, .Kilpatrick... .■ Jirn gmjth and Mrs. F. Thortip. • . FINE ARTS. ’ ■ ,£op a committee. A, donation was Collection snapshots, Mrs? Me- ragde Korean relief The an-’, sketch-,.. Mfs..! vembfer with Mr^. Tom ■.HodgiriSf table,.;Mrs< • / ///'/’ | Mrs; P^riy Hodgi'ns & Missft' ....... — K. C, MLJIIDIE; Fire* Chief -—$ (Continued Next Ueek) Boyle to arrange fbr it. Mrs J son a committee. A, donation .Wa v I it *. .» FRIDAY EVENING AT 7,§0 P.M. • The Local Brigade will hold I' open House at the fire hall when Members will be pleased to show and demonstrate ft / our equipment to any interested citizen; . ft ............................................................................. . .........■»' - - .W I. I SWftW