The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-09-30, Page 7WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 30th, 1953
At a shower held at Holyrood
last week for Miss Eileen Elliott,
whose marriage took place on
Saturday, the following poem ac
companied the presentation:
Dear Eileen: • », ■
No doubt to -you, it’s all quite
That your .friends and relatives
, "havegathered here
To wish’ you luck and prosperity
As you embark on the matri-
. menial sea;. ;
. when asked,. .. '
And in the sunshine'of your smile
•' ' we’ve basked, .
Our loss will be some others’ .
. .gain ’ •. • •
As you,* your lifetime , goals atr
■ -tain.
Parents and pupils all agree,
That you gave of your time"quite ‘
At concerts and meetings in
home, hall or school,
We think ypu’ve obeyed.the gold
en rule.
Our gifts bring special wishes too,
For all life’s finest things for you,
AlDthat adds good cheer to liv-
•••„ ipg, “
Every gift of fortune’s giving.
In hopes, and wishes coming true,
Believe it or not, you’ll likely earn more than that
during your working years.
So the big question isi
j How much of this will still be yours a
when you retire? A
You owe it to yourself to make sure you keep enough.
Bank a regular amount, frbni each’pay
from .now on . • • at the B of M.
And hold on to a worthwhile share of
” ■ the /ortune you will earn. ; ______
I4 • • •
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BanK 0F Mo n treat
Lucknow Branch: MURRAY WVSt. Manager'.
* * . • • . V ■ •
A dedication servicb was’held
Sunday whm a gift of a baptis
mal bowl and stand 'from Miss
; Helen Macintosh of Vancouver in
memory of her parents and bro
ther Alexander was held. Mrs.
Win. Scott and Mr. James Mac
intosh of Wingham took part in
the presentation.
- Congratulations to Mr; & Mrs.
Stevvart MacGillivray < on the
birth of a daughter on Friday,
September 25th in Wingham Hos-
pital. ; ' ;■ ‘
~ MfisT'WTlson" Wall visited for
U few days with her daughter,
Mi-s/. Len . Conley and Mr. Con
ley at Cargill. •“ ' . . ;
‘•Mr, and Mrs. Russell McDphr
aid of Blyth Visited with friends
on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of
Kincardine and Mrs. Calvin Web
er and son David of- Welland
visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mil
ler on Sunday.
Baptismal service will be held
next Sunday. .
But most of all we wish, for you
Above all blessings, great and
True happiness, the best of all.
Signed on behalf your
friends and relatives.
iMr. and Mrs. Raymond and
David of Quebec visited at the
hpme of Mr. and Mrs. John Em
erson last week. "
- Miss Margaret Robertson spent
a few days with her sister, Mrs.
Goldie Huston. '*.7
Mr. and Mrs, Carson. Loughron
and family, of Listowel, Mr. and
Mrs, Miller Hartwick and Wayne,
Mrs. Gertie Walsh visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Currie.
* i Mrs, George S. Emerson , spent
the Grand Chapter O.E“.$ at Tor
onto. *, “ ’<• . A/. “*
. liarry Brians of WJoi^ipeg
is visiting her sister, Mrs. John
Emerson. ■■■••■'<
. Mr, Leo Koenig and son of
Mildmay are employed loy Geo.
S. Emerson.
Miss Velma Gawley spent the
week-end with Rosylin Swan.
Mrs. Frank Dore and Ronnie
visited with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Brindley of Riversdale last
Wednesday. . )
• Mr. and Mrs^D^riald McCosh,
, Alary and Dickie and Mrs. Col
well Visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Currie Colwell of Luck
now on Sunday.
Congratulations to- Mr.. & Mrs.
Francis Boyle on the arrival of
a son.
Purple Grove School won 2nd
prize at Ripley Fair.
9 When' the Dungannon Fair
Board picked Tuesday, , Septem
ber 22nd.for their one-day show,
little did they know they were
going to strike „the only—decent
day in a week Or more and the
only day that was free of Fairs
in this part of the country. This
plus a mighty fine program add-
edupto one of the finest shoWs
ever held at Dungannon. .
S. B. Stothers officially open
ed the Fair and then stepped
down from the speaker’s stand
to judge the beef cattle and
swine; Mr. Stothers was intro
duced by Fair president Howard
“Dungannon and Ashfield?’ Mr.
Stothers said, “to me are my na
tive land”. He said that he could
recall the Dungannon Fall Fair
back to the “horse and buggy
-days”. --------■■■-
He congratulated the members
of the society for their efforts in
helping to make the fair a suc
cess, “There has been a move
ment”, he said, “to do’away with
lieve Dungannon came close to
closing at one time. But I want
to congratulate all those who
through their perseverance kept
this fair alive”.
He urged his listeners also to
support the Agricultural Society.
“It has a place in the commun
ity”, Mr. Stothers said. “It can’t
keep that place, Unless ybu sup
port it and enlist the aid of
younger men to carry it on”.
Elston Cardiff, M-P., extended
his congratulations and Marvin
Durnin, secretary-treasurer, took,
oyer as master of ceremonies.
“ School Display*
Public School children exhibits
on display in' Agricultural Hall,,
were a big attraction. Prizes’Went
to; projects, SS. No. 9,-Ashfield;
SS^No.r-10“ Crewe;. SS. No; ily
West Wawanosh; S$. No. 8, Ash*
field, ' senior, Best^colieetion—of-
four scrapbooks: SS." No. 8, Ash?
field; SS. No. 17, West Wawa
nosh; SS. No. 9, Ashfield. Best
collection of,labeled leaves: SS.
No. 9| Ashfield; SheppardtOn; SS.
No. .17, West Wawanosh. Rest
autumn bouquet: SS7 No. 9, Ash
field; Belfast;- SS. No. 2', Ashfield.
Mrs..Chester Finnigan and Mrs.
Harvey Mole, both of Dungannon,
split honors in. the home baking
classes. ’ Mrs. Finnigan- won first
prize for pies, arid second for
cakes. ’Mrs. Molfe' won first for
cakes and second for pies,
4-H Classes
" The 4-H classes, held early in
the afternoon/resulted as follows:
best calf: Frank Alton, R. 7, Luck-
tjoWr Norrna • Pentland, Dungan
non; Ross Durnin, R. 2, Lucknow;
Jim Reed, R. 4v Duriganrion; Ken
Alton, R. 7, Lucknow; Douglas
Kilpatrick, Rf 7;‘ LucknOw; Don
ald McTa.vish, R, 2, - Lucknow;
' ■ h.
showmanship: Frank Alton, Lome 7, Lucknow; Bob Harris, R.2
Hackett, Frances Alton,. Jim Lucknow; Graham Powell, R. 2,
Reed, Ken Alton, Ross Durnin, Lucknow; Lome Alton; R. 2, Au-
Norma p^ntiarwi. burn* David Kirkland, R. 3, Luck
now; Wayne Brown, R. 1, Dun
gannon; Douglas Mole, R. 1, Dun
gannon ; Kenneth Alton, R. 7,
Lucknow; showmanship; Frank
Alton, Kenneth Alton,’ Barry
Hackett, Ron Alton, David Kirk-
land, Graham Powell, Lome
Powell, Wayne Brown, Bob Har
ris, Douglas Mole. ' .:
Hackett, Frances* Alton'
Norma Pentland; senior heifers:
Lome Hackett, , Frances Alton,
Marilyn McTavish, R. 2, Luck
now; Evelyn Smith, R. 2, Auburn;
junior heifers: Murray Wilson, R.
2, Auburn;, George Smyth, R1 2,
Auburn, '
Dungannon 4-H , Swine Club
best pair of gilts: Barry Hackett,
R. 7, Lucknow; Frank Alton, R.
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