HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-09-30, Page 6I ft * ized at the home of .the bride’s & ,veil ot £ to her shoulders. PAGE SIX SPORT... . Freeman With Hartleys Walkerton Hartleys and ilton pleyed to a 2-2; tie in the County Town on Monday in the 0.A.S.A. playoffs. The game was' called on account of darkness; Walkerton had been given O.A.S.A. approval to sign Char- , lie Cotton as a. replacement, but when Charlie wasn’t -interested, they signed up Keith Freeman, hard-hitting outfielder and pit- cher for the Meaford Knights —whoare-Fastballchampaons-and through for the season.' < Ham- Figures Lucknow Out ■, A, fastball post-season commen­ tary by the Meaford Express, fig­ ures that Lucknow,, Goderich and Hanover will be missing when the, fastball season gets ^underway ■ next year. Meaford doesn’t think - that a mandatory order will work to have commuters confined to . the centre where they are play­ ing for five da$s a week. The boys with regular jobs won’t give them up to play ball no matter • how enticing the offer may be. The Meaford article contends that the dOwnfall of. some of the teams was a lack of fastball . calibre players.. It says in part: . ‘‘When the WOAA overrode the Charter clubs and extended the league to seven teams they did P1 ^THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO not take into cQnsideratioii the ■ fact there are not enough players of senior calibre in .the loop to man seven clubs. Towns in the league could not afford to &o. into the open” market for more, than batterymen”* ' . --------0-0-0-------- • y. ' / Punc|i At The Plate . ; ■ P - ‘ In pounding their Way to their second Fastball championship, Meaford Khights piled up a team bdtting average of .299 in thp semi-finals and final series off the offerings of Justice and Zuk. The Hartleys in the Kincardine ^qd “Moaford'-^fs, had a team average. bf .238. Russ dphnston totp^dthesluggersWithalusty • .577,' Knoxfor ■. Walkerton was" ,414, In* the' .300 and over class were K. Freeman, Douglas, Rich­ ardson and Tippin for Meaford and Craig and Zuk of Walkerton. .—-o-o-o 1 LOCAL BOWLING LEAGUE TO START NEXT WEEK The Lucknow Indoor Bowling League will re-commence next week with the same ten. teams as last season again Competing. Bowling ’ will be held this year in Winighma, and will open on ThursdayandFridayofnext week., After • that the regular bowling, nights will be . Wednes­ day and Thursday. Schedules will be available shortly from Russ Button. JUST ARRIVED SYLVAPLY PLYWOOD ALL THICKNESSES WEDDINGBELLS MILLER~~ELLIOTT A lovely early fall weddin was solemnized on Saturday af- ternoon, September 26th at three o’clock when Eileen Alberta EL liott, daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. Richard/ Elliott of Holyrood', be­ came trie bride of Mi*. Allan Alex­ ander Miller, son of Mr> and,Mrs. Wallace Miller of St. Helens, The ceremony, was performed in Lucknow United Church by Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, before the altar bedecked with baskets of gladioli. \ The bride, given in. marriage byherJather.wascharmingin a floor length gown of white ny­ lon tulle. over bridal satin. The tight-fitting 'bodice of chantilly lace' had a high neck line, outlin­ ed With mother-of-pearl sequins and long lily-pointed sleeves. She wore a fingertip veil with coro­ net of seed pearls. The bride car­ ried a white Bible crested with red (roses and flowing satin streamers entwined With rose buds. ■; . . The bridesmaids Were Mrs. A. P. Head of /St. Catharines, cousin of the bride and Miss Kathileen Lane of Holyrood. The matron of | ( honor was Mrs. Frank McQuillinj ‘ of St. Helens, sister of the groom. | The three attendants wore sim- | jlaLTly fashioned^ gowns on prin­ cess lines with flowing hooped vskirts of nylon net oyer taffeta. The bodice Was of French lace with nylon capelets arid mitts to. match/ Their floral head, pieces Were of net with Contrasting flor­ al arid heather trim, Mrs. Mc- Quillin’s gown was of Nile green and her nosegay of cream chrys- arithemums. Mrs. Head’s gown was in7violet and her nosegay Was, y e 11 p w chrysanthemums, while Miss Lane chose a sun­ flower shade , With nosegay of mauve chrysantheriiumsrT^”—~ Mr. Robert Miller of Cobourg was his cousin’s groomsman. The ushers were Mr- Ellwood Elliott, brother of the bride . and /Mr? Frank McQuillin, brother-in-law of the gropm. Mrs. J. W. .Joynt Was soloist, with accompaniment by Mr. El­ mer Umbach, church organist. Ptior to the ceremony Mrs. Joynt sang ’Still As The Night”, arid during the signing of the register, “Oh Fair, Oh Sweet and Holy”.( For the wedding dinner served to seventy guests in the church parlors/Mrs. Elliott received in a dress of deep purple with lace trim and black . accessories. Her corsage was of cream chrysan- themums. The groom’s mother as­ sisted in: teal blue faille with tucked panels and guri metal arid pink Accessories. Her corsage wag WINGHAM, ONTARIO / 'A ; ; < •; ■ WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 30th,, 1953 / ®F / f I Monarch Sedan, hlpe .... Mercury Sedan, maroon Dodge Coach, excellent condition Chev. Coach ............ •• •• Austin Sedan, grey . . USED CAR VA1UKS Duetoachangeinmanagement each and every used car MUST BE JOL0 1952 Ford Customline, 2-door, blue, low mileage 1950 Jord 2-door, black 1949 Meteor 2rdbor, blue ......... 1949 Meteor Sedan, green .............. ...... 1949 Mercury 2-dobr, 2-tpne green, radio 1947 1947 1947 1947 1951 -"1950-Aiistih: Sedan," grey —..:; 1940 Nash 2-dbdr, green ...../. . 1939 Chrysler Sedan, blue ./. 1941 Hudson, blue 1938 Chev. • 1937 Chrysler . .... 1936 Ol<s. . * i. ..... 1937 Plymouth 0 i. I USED TRUCKS Fargo l/> -ton, Very low. mileage ... . Mercury Mercury 3-ton, completely ’ reconditioned Mercury Mercury 3-ton, reconditioned motor 1952 1951 1949 1947 1951; 1951 “Mercury 3-ton . ..J....:..... 1948 Mercury 3-ton;................................ 1946 ChcVi 1-ton .................... 1952 Jord Tractor and one-way disc 3-ton ... 2-ton with stake rack v $1095.00 800.00 800.00 550.00 1000.00 600.00 600.00 400.00 800.00 LUMBER LIMITED ’Phonel50 I^ucknow, Ont. of deep pink roses. / . The bride’ts travelling costume Was a navy suit,. pink feather, hat and navy accessories with a pink rosebud corsage. After a wedding trip to North­ ern Ontario and Quebec, Mr. and Mrs. (Miller Will take Up resi­ dence oh fhe groom’s farm on Concession 12, West Wawano'Sh. STEWART—BLAKE We Also Must Reduce Our Stock Of 1953 Meteors I 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN -1953;CHEV.^EDAN— TWO 1952, STYLELINE CHEV. SEDANS 1952 PONTIAC COACH 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1051 DODGE SEDAN 1951 POWERGLIDE CHEV. COACH, “fully equipped ' 1949 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN 1949 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN " ' — 1948 OLDSMOBILE FLEETLINE COACH 1948 CHEV, COACH ' THREE 1948 CHEV. COACHES 1947 MERCURY SEDAN « 1946 CHEV; SEDAN , - 1947 CHEV. COACH 1949 FORD COACH 1948 CHEV. SEDAN. 1947 CHEV. SEDAN T TRUCKS 1948 MERCURY HALF-TON PICK-UP id TWO-TON ARMY TRACKS, available soon , Brussels Motors Huron County’s Foremost Used Car Dealers . Cash, Trade, Terms Open Evenings Until 10 Cities Service. Dealer Institute on Thursday at the home of Mrs. E. Barbour. Roll . ; call, “What gives me^pep”. (Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Miller and Larry of London spent the Week-end with , Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Mil­ ler Were guests at the Miller-El ­ liott Wedding on Saturday. / x Mr. Harvey Sparling of Exeter, a student at Western University, London, will commence his dut-‘, ies as the minister Of the United Church next Sunday morning. Mrs- James Ramage of Asquith, Sask.; is a Visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ramage. : . . , Anniversary services, Will .be . . held in the United Church on Sunday, October i 1th. Mr. Spar!- ing-willbethespeakerr“----------- Mrs. ,D. C; MacDonald return­ ed the end Of the week from a ____ __ ____---._______two months’ Visit with her brh- was entertained, at. a’ shower held ’.ther, George Gillies-, of Big! Beiav- at the home of.Mrs.’E. S; Snyder, i er, Sask. ' > and also at a party heldat the ! ----- --- -------- Bell Telephone office in Clinton/ ’ MISFORTUNE IN BUNCHES Mrs. Blake also entertained at a ' ' trousseau tea in honor of daughter.. "" . \ : ’>■ ’ . l" bouquet of pink roses. Groomsman was Earl Crow- ston, Langside. Organist was Lorna Allin. ; V For the reception which fol­ lowed at the home of the bride’s parents, her mother received in navy crepe with navy accessories/ Ilcivy vxvpc.'vviwi iiavj' atvcooui ito A pretty; wedding was solemn- and a corsage of red roses, assist­ ed at the. home of .the bride’s ed by the groom’s mother also in parents on Saturday afternoon, navy with a corsage of red roses,.. September. 19th, when Gladys Waitresses were Lois Crowston, Marie Blake, daughter Of Mr. arid Mrs. James Blake, Berimiller, became the bride of- Donald Car­ mon Stewart, Langside,. son of Mr. arid Mrs. Robert A. Stewart, Langside. Rev. Mr. Williams per­ formed the ceremony. ‘ . Given in marriage by her fath- .er,^ the^bride—worea—dress—of- white satin With nylon net . over-, skirt With lacje inserts. The bod­ ice Was lace over satin, topped with a iace bolero fashioned with long liiypoint sleeves. Her head­ dress was pearl studded and held fhe three-quarter length .Veil in place. She'carried a bouquet bf red' Toses.,^ ‘ '■ Matifbn of honor was Mrss Wil­ liam’ Seers, Benmiller, sister of the bride, who; was dressed in ed by the groom’s mother also, in I Yvonne Harris, Dawn Snyder and- Lorna ^Allin. Guests attended from London, Langside, Blyth, Clinton and Goderich". : ■ . For the wedding trip to. north­ ern points, the bride Wore navy ' crepe with navy accessories, and,’ carried a pink shprtie coat. She Wore—-a—pirrk—rose —corsage—j€)m their return the young couple will live at Benmiller. Prior to the wedding the bride I r and also at a party held at the. hen.Extensive damage Was caused to the truck, of Elmer Johnston, of near Donegal, When it left the road between London and Done- yoke. Her Veil of yellow nylon net fell from a halo of yellow roses. She carried a bouquet of yellow roses.. Junior bridesmaid was Joyce Blake, Benmiller, also a . sister of ’ the .bride who wore, .pink taffeta fashioned with a tiered • skirt apd shirred bodice. Her ■ headdress was of pink roses And- wh i te. li 1^ obthe*validyv an d. her veil, of pink nylon net, feu She Carried a Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Golloher of Norwood and Mr. Bob Miller of Cobourg were week-end guests of Mr/ and Mrs. W. A. Miller for the Miller-Elliott wedding’ Oh Saturday.- Miss’” N. Of Londonl week-endv' ...............................„ ■..: The ladies are reminded of the October meeting of ‘the Women’s S, Margaret MacPhersomRr*^V; Lpndpn, was home’ fpr the’ friend of Mr. Johnston’s, William McLaughlin, was . driving th^ truck, at the time. They had trucked ponies to London for tho Fail4 and (were returning .hpin ' when the mishap occurred. Both men were shaken up and ,a> pony ‘as slightly injured. Mr. John- , ston recently -was hurt by an on- raged bull and- previous to that was.injured in a tractdr accident. ' -riMilvertdri Sun. r Z ' ■ A ' ’ ..' ' ’ .. * . " ,v : , ' ' * V'- ' ' ' '.. '■ .■ y ’