HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-09-30, Page 3’?■.f WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 30th, 1953^ LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH ■i- . Minister; Rev. ’ G. A. Meiklejohn, ■ B,A», B.D.. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4th^ 1® 11 I I "I the lucknqw sentinel, lucknow, Ontario a.m.: Sunday School. i a.m.: “The Presence at The I’ Table”—-Worldwide Cpm- j . munion Service. 1V I “Christian Symbols f “iFWorship”. T j .< ■ ; •" ! \ ' W ■ ' Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A., Minister. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4th 10 11 3 ajn.: Sunday School. a.m.: Communion of the Lord^s Supper. p.m.: Erskine, Dungannon, Communion. 7 pan.: Evening Service. Mr. and Mrs., Joe Wasney, Tom­ my and Karen returned on Thurs­ day from a motor trip to Boisse- vairi, Manitoba. While on the trip they attended , the Wasney-Smith wedding at Kenora. IqcsI & General ... Miss:- Margaret Taylor is. visit­ ing at Holyrood With Mirs, Jack Ackert. Mte;. Essie Hewat is visiting at Nmira with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hewat < Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stewart attended the Gift' Fair in Toronto on Monday and Tuesday. Lorna .Campbell' of - Toronto ^spent the, week-end at_theLhpme^ oLheF sister, Mrs, R. H. Thomp­ son. '■ ■ Mr. .and Mrs; Gordon Bailey are op holidays this week and were plarining a -trip to Northern ^Ontario via Manitouliri Islhrid. Miss Agnes McQuaig has given up her position at Dr. Johnston’s office, and Mrs. Bill Hunter is assisting there for the time be- ing. Miss Edith Munro of Kingston, and former public health nurse here, spent the week-end as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rus­ sell and of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Greer. 4 Misses Christina arid Florence McKinnon of Fort Erie have been visiting with relatives and friends in the community. They are dau­ ghters of the late Mr. and Mrs. Angus McKinnon who lived near the station, and are cousins of Mrs. Alex Sutherland and Mrs. Edward Little. URGENT NEED FOR QUILTS The Lucknow and Vicinity Branch of the Red Cross Society has accepted a quota for quilts to be made and shipped by Nov* ember 1st, The Ontario Division has contracted to send to Eng­ land and Holland a large quote •of bedding and urgently heed these quilts. • The local Branch is asking each Wdmen’s' Organization of Luck* mowandth^ vicinity to quilt two quilts. They ate to be madepf print ahd cqttbn backing arid the local Branch will supply all mat erials. Please contact < Mrs. Me* Kim after October 5th for* your quilt material? ' Of the Red Cross material dis* tributed. from Geneva by the League of Red Cross Societies; during the first eight months of this year, one*third was donated by the Ontario Division. ’V ■V ■■ PAGE THREE. <1 t ■1'1 Limited" isn Kenneth Cameron' was in Pet­ erborough last week, attending the three-day postmasters’ con­ vention. A Mr. and Mrs. Stewart England of. Sault Ste. Marie spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James England. Mr; and Mrs. Mac MacLennan returned last week from a motor trip through New York State and the New England States to . the Atlantic coast. They returned by way of Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilson, Marion arid Linda .of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Jirri Aitchison and Jack of London spent the week-end with Mrs. J. J. Wilson. Mrs. Aitchison - and Jack are re- -maining-tilLthe-endmif“the^eekr Mr. arid Mrs.. Win. Gollogher of Norwood, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rothwell and Rosemary of Nor­ wood, Mr. and Mrs. Al Martin and Neddy of Detroit, spent the week-end here, and attended the Miller-Elliott Wedding on Satur-, day. ■ ■ ' ■ ■■ ■•. ; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alton and Mr; and Mrs. Blake Alton visited last week , in Michigan with their cousins, Mrs. Emma Hauser and Mr. Tom Alton, members of the family of the late Dan Alton who left Belfast over three score years ago for Grindstone City, Michi­ gan. It is only the second time irFOVer-sixty years that the cous­ ins have met. MONTREAL-TORONTO-CHIC AGO On business or pleasure, travel the fast and comfortable* way on Canadian National’s International Limited. Put usable time to your advantage as the engineer does the driving. Work or relax in modern coaches, duplex^roomettes- or luxurious bedroom-buffet-lounge cars, Overnight, enjoy the.wide variety of restful sleeping accommodations . from berths to drawing rooms, Dine well in bright, . ub-to-the-minute dining cars. l?or more than fifty years the Iriterhatibriaf Litnited has Served“ Montreal, Tor^nld./ Windsor, ~ ~betroit, CbFcagoron dependable, Marvellous meals all-weather schedules. (Pool serW \ unvwiiimw ua piuuwrv woun ... g 1 J’to Canadian National. |,y The* International Liniited and , . . arrive refreshed. •* .^Fu'r rosarVdffdnidhd informa- , tion regarding your bu»ine»i and ploasure frayot consult ydUr local-Canadian National PaiMhgor Agent Ask about train travel Gift Certificate*. t V /“ Sanderson’s LADIES’ AND MEN’S WEAR AGAIN LEAD THE WAY COATS <M>»' 11 i 5 Once again we lead the way in values-— with new Fashion Highlights. Styles .... ; '2.-/.' Sbaart "new styie^ featuring the full loose ,qoats, slimmer pendulum styles arid classic; casuals. Fabrics... Mostly imported fabrics including fleeces, elysian^, broadcloth. Linings .... ■ / \ < I'1 Beaut if pl satin linings interlined and chamois lined" —guaranteed. . -- Value . Values are outstanding—quality at a price. ■Sizes .1... ..■.. Complete rariged^-oih 10 to 44. . ? ..Colors Shades at your choice—complete color range. r-—Drop in and choose early on our Lay-Away Prah— V ’ for the family. uni.. 1 . r, >> '' • ‘ ■ * I and 20 missionaries. A large new rand three childreri with^othef l^ church is being constructed. The j members of the church staff live Church broadcasts to a local aud- i. in a 22-room missionary house to the rear of the church; They eat at a common table and each draws $25 a month, The church provides food and; heat. A book room is maintained and a publi­ cation, called the Peoples Pulpit has a circulation of 10,000. The missionary budget for the church this year is $22,000 with still more planned. One has to admit that it is quite an impressive accom- nlishment. , ; — ience over a 250-watt station. They use three new short-wave frequencies Of a 100,000 watt sta­ tion from Quito, Ecuador. Earlier a Contract, was signed for a broad­ cast over nine U.S.A. stations. CFRB of Toronto also is signed. Three hundred , children attend Sunday School brought there and returned by bus^ Sunday services draw an average of 500 worship­ pers. The minister and his wife A FREAK MURPHY ■*X, Kelso McNay dropped into the office last week with, a freak potato which he discovered in a secluded corner of the basement. The potato, harvested a, year ago, resembled a big toad in appear­ ance, and from its ‘gaping mouth’ Was a new crop spud. . The new potato had sprouted from an eye in the old potato which had split open to make *a pouch for the “infant”, which was nourished by means of an “umbilical cord” attachment. Tmtyfo?d,nic«iyMrv«d,mai(«> • Montreal-Toronto only)* Go mealtime a pleasure when you. xnviiuwi , j > . T«e 6Mtr 'iiaiiway 'it*..xtr ten provinces CANADIAN National Railways CHURCHCHANNELS Much time and energy is, spent by. the major Protestant denom­ inations "on Missionary work and. organization of support; The, church has a great record of ac­ complishment blit we sometimes wonder if we should be doing Vnuch better when We read ofthe Accomplishment of some small Truro, N.S., a Fundamentalist Sect, was formed as a small gos­ pel group six years ago by a dissenting. Presbyterian minister. Seventeen ■' dissenting' .members formed .the sect. Meetings were held - in a variety pf buildings, but the group soon, managed to construct a church now valued, at $100,000. Today- the' congrega­ tion, numbers 76, yetit now sup- ports a far-flung radio ministry - ; ‘ ’ v ' 4i oil may never meet her. Brit you have talked to her, heard that friendly “voice with a smile”. * She is always there, at. your service, like the .telephone itself, ready to save you time and trouble. If you eveV need help in an emergency, you know . z' '“she^Witt frwet ^//aZ^cliatlenge^oo. ' ;.T'-T Iiijcezan Bell people, she brings tb her work an understanding of how important the telephone - has become in our daily lives. 4 / 'i •% - COMPANY OF CANADA ? , * ?■’ ’ _ ': 1 ‘ 0 • > wWtwwi x.*