HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-09-30, Page 1$2.50 A: Year; Jn Advance—$l.Q0 Extra To U.S.A 1 '.....:-'*....... . ’ ‘ \ ...........LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 30 th, 1953 '4 EIGHT PAGES IBpb Thompson. Back Home After Year In The Arctic On Thursday evening of last " week, RqberCThompson, son of Mrs. ;R. H. Thompson and the ■ late-Thompson, arrived home - ■■ .. ......... ...................I ... .1.11. I MRS.CHESTERNICHOLSON SUFFERED ANKLE FRACTURE /after spending a year in the East? - . ern Arctic at a weather observa­ tion : outpost at Arctic Bay on •the northern shore of Baffin Land. This post was established with • Mrs. Chester Nicholson of Bel­ fast,; formerly Verna? MacDonald of St. Helens, suffered a fracti ured ankle on Wednesday of last week when she fell down some stairs.' She had the break set on Sunday arid „a walking cast ap- now maintained as one of a I series of weather posts that pool | th^r findings in an extensive program of. weather observing and forecasting. . It was in early August of 1952 that Bob left by rail for port Churchill on the Hudson Bay where he boarded the C D. Howe government supply boat to make the long trip into, the frozen north. He came out on the C.G.S. dlberville, “Canada’s Queen of the Arctic Seas”, which had made her maiden voyage to the Arctic. - ^The ship lifted anchor on Sep- tember ;9th at“J\rctic Bay, after disgor^iirig hundreds of tons of supplies for this outpost and the scattered band of about 150 Es- „ ^ki?n<LS_ in. that, vicinity, who are dependent on Arctic Bay for life­ sustaining supplies. The ship ; docked at Quebec on Tues., Sep­ tember 22nd, the return voyage from Arctic Bay being by way of Baffin Bay, Davis Strait (be­ tween Baffin Land and Green­ land), along the coast of Lab­ rador, through the Strait of Belle Isle and/ St; Lawrence. It is the growing prominence of Canada’s Northland that de- bided. ,thb Department bf Trans­ port.'tp-,add the d’Iberville to the Arctic flbet? This new 3,055-ton icebreaker, is designed from knowledge gain­ ed by years of Arctic travel and her very size, trim lines, special bow and power will enable her to accomplish feats never before attempted in Arctic waters. She has fuel tanks for a 12,000 mile voyageandcarries”two_helicop^ ters on her flight deck. A mpdern r hospital and dental facilities equip her completely to meet every need in the care and wel­ fare of the Northland’s inhabi- './."’iants;/ /•. ~ Purpose Of The Post Arctic Bay is a'scattered little Settlement of about a dozen frame buildings. They are widely scattered along the rocky and ice-bound shore of tvhe bay as a precaution against fire. There is the Hudson Bay Company’s trad­ ing post- and supply -sheds, and' rthe. Departirient of Transport’s meteorological buildings. One building is for the generating of the highly inflammable hydrogen gas, used for sending‘their wea­ ther observation balloons aloft. There are a couple of “shacks” (castles to the Eskimo) in which' live resident Eskimo families with the head of one household ___ p serving as handy man at the Hud- the McBurney household saying son. Bay. post, arid, the other as. he wanted to use; the phdne. As handy man at the meteorological | he went to let hirn in, Mr. Mc- . station. • ‘ ’..4"...... - move around. I POLICE HAUNT DISTRICT) FOR SEVERAL DAYS Provincial Police cars have .been a frequent sight in the Vill­ age and district for the past sev­ eral days. There have, been var­ ious reasons for their conspicu­ ousness. ’ . ; . They have been making a‘ con­ centrated effort to pin down the source of the beer obtained by a half dozen minors in the Luck- now-Kinloss-Kincardinearca------ Then there was the Teeswater robbery, and the discovery off the truck and safe in the Dun­ gannon and Puryes Lake area, respectively, not to mention^ the arrest in Wingham of Henry El­ liott. 6 THAT Mr., and Mrs. Sam. Con­ gram were completely taken by surprise when some friends dropped in to congratulate them on the occasion of their SCOUTS TO HOLD PAPER COLLECTION NE^T WEEK t ’■ ■ • -—; Lucknow Boy Scouts will hold; a^ paper collectipn op Thursday afternoon* of next week. Papers, jn^azines^Cjardboard,^^,wilk be collected. The Scouts will aprv preciat^/haying, bundles-securely- j tied or packed in cartons, j ^Anyone in country, or town j can. leave their paper at the Gom- ; munity Shed; prior to the/ collec­ tion. Cartons are available there .for storage or may be picked up for the collection. ......... II BACK TO WESTERN The .fall term at Western Uni­ golden wedding anniversary, j. versity, /London, got underway . 'which, was on the 23rd of Sep­ tember/ QUEEN’S STUDENT IS AWARDED BURSARY- ■ •—o— . . ■ THAT the hydro pole line on the north side of the business section, was removed on Thurs­ day, to further improve the . wider “new look” of Campbell St. Installation of the lights on this side was completed on Monday tb complete /the trans- .__fQrmationandlo--brighten~the- “main drag”. —■■■1 O ; THAT Clair Johnstori has been off Work at Crawford’s’ Feed — Store, as-a.-, result of a leg in - jury he received when pinned against his home by his car, which he cranked while in gear. Clair had. a small bone in thb --legbrOken.— - —■.—- ■ -—O1— ■ THAT Mrs. E. V. Baker and her son Bruce were discharged from Wingham Hospital last . Friday. Mr. Baker, who suffer­ ed critical head injuries con­ tinues to improve slowly, but faces a lengthy * period of hos­ pitalization. »-»-’■CGVyX M| Donald McNay, son of Mr. .and Mrs. Alex McNay of town, and a first year student in civil engiri- eering ; at Queen’s University, Kingston/ iHas been awarded a $400 1 Dominion-Provincial burs­ ary. - '• ■■■ . '' . Donald did well scholastically aVLudtnnw^ District High School i and as well took an active part in other school activities includ­ ing sports, music and drama. Don­ ald was Literary Society presi­ dent in his final year. Don’s’ roommate at Queen's is Ken Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown of Dungannon. Ken-isa^seniorstudentin-elect- rical engineering. I I SERIOUS CHARGE FOR USI NG GUN__ ■Henry Elliott, 25, of R. R. 5, Lucknow, faces a charge of at­ tempted murder following . the early morning Sten gun blast at the home of George McBurney, R.R. 2, Embro. . Police associate the affair with an abortive attempt to rob the Embro Co-operative feed mill’ The burglars were disturbed about 3.30 a.m. Saturday , morn­ ing by Embro Policeman Cecil Pollock, who arrested Robert Ldnchamps of Wolsley Barracks. Three others were believed in­ volved in the attempted robbery but made.- good their escape. About two hours later, a man later identified as Elliott, aroused Burney spied the muzzle of a gun and slammed the door shut/" A volley of :bullets riddled the. door and as the intruder left h^ cut the phone wires and'fired at, the car which sat nearby with the keys, in it. ’ ’ . ■ ' Early-, that evening Elliott and a companion were arrested at Wingham and returned'to Wood- stock where Henry Was picked resident ^s ' the Manager of the | from a police line-up^ but the ' Hudson-Bay Post,’ Jim Haining,' companion; was released, • a. Scotsman* who,-came but” tbTs |, Elliott was fecenUy , parolled year for a holiday after-a four-' from the-GueJjph Reformatory, ’ year stint. Rbyal Canadian Mount-. J and his latest offense is the most ed Police, an Anglican minister./.serious of his entanglements with., ♦and. a Catholic priest were the I the law. ' .. * . • ..* only other white men to visit1 P^are-now looking for 'the post during the, 12 . mon ths that Bob was there. One rheieor- z oiogist remained behitid so that We new: staff would have an ex­ perienced man The <pbst has five skeds (sclie* doles) a day foi4 . transmitting (Continued on page 8) ■ ■ As a backdrop, to the settle­ ment is a sizeable mountain, on the face of which the name “Arc­ tic Bay” was laboriously construc- .<’ ted a few years ago with 15-foot letters of whitewashed rocks. ■' . Two meteorologists, two radio , technicians and a cook make up the personnel of the ; weather post. Only other permanent white t; . Id vv» .» , ,.Polich are now looking for Thomas William Boyd of the Toronto district, and a friend of Elliott. Boyd is said to. have been in Lucknow on Wednesday night ofr4ast week, and was accosted here arid’ questiohed . by Provin­ cial Police. That was before the Eiribro affair. ’ • • ■■■Tr.’.j ____.............. »» /..............*. •see Me pump t DEMONSTRATION An auxiliary fire pump/ that can be carried; by a couple of mien“atrd“r(^it^^ar^ater"Tfoles that a. fire, truck could not reach, was /demonstrated^' last’"^"* Thursday afternoon to members ' Of athe Fire Company, the Village /; Council and Reeve Harold Gaunt and Councillor Gordon /Struthers /> of West Wawanosh. Ashfield and i Kinloss Councils were not rep- Jl J r pack PaPer j resented at the demonstration but the pump was later shown to representatives of each Board.' ' The cost approaches $600, and lit was' felt that tlje. three rural • •municipalities might be interest- | ed': in sharing the cost with the : local Fire Department assuming I versity, /Londor last week with a number from this community resuming their ____o studies. They include, Mary An-rjthe operation and.maintenance of derson, secretarial science; Gladys it. > Milne, majoring in languages; ~ Bruce Johnston, law; Jack Kirn, medicine; and Noreen Patrick, psychology. THAT Gladys Milne has resumed her ■ studies at Western Uni­ versity where she is majoring in languages and will endeav-. our to take two years in one, this term to complete her four- year course. At the close of ; the spring term Gladys accom­ panied four other girls on a trip to Mexico and, upon her return took a commercial course at Westervelt during the summer. —o— .' . . THAT“MelVm Stewart is located in Quebec where he . is acting as co-pilot on a DC-3 transport. ‘ in flying supplies to a mining" centre in Labrador. Mrs. Ste­ wart and children will join Mel at a later date, as resi­ dential accomodation is being arranged for the airmen’s, fam­ ilies in the Quebec centre. . ■/ —o— - THAT the duck hnd geese season opens on Saturday. Eight ducks a/ day and five geese, with a possession limit on e^ch of two days’ take, is the; quota. ■ —o— ■ ■’ •_ THAT Bob Button, 4ryear-old son * of Mr. arid Mrs. Bill Button, is milch improved after an ill? ness that struck him last week and respited in a report circu­ lating that the lad had polio- .rriyelitjs. A Spinal test definitely. ~“slTCfwed~it“’w^rs riot polio. . • . . _o— .. . , THAT Doug Helm of the Bank of Montreal staff is receiving a move to Gore Bay, effective the end of the Week* THAT next Monday is the/date of the vote in West Wawanosh Township on the proposed grant; oif $9,000 to Wingham, General Hospital. Polling hours are; from 9.00 to 5.00 and.rate- —-jxryers-^oMhe4P^ minded to turn out and exer­ cise their franchise. /.//‘•j.'-. —o— ■ ■ THAT/Mrs. Mary Ross of town has been a patient in Kincar­ dine for several weeks. A sev-. ere stroke left her right side paralyzed and her speech af- > fected, with but little improve­ ment in ihijs Condition,^although there h®s been an improvement in’her condition generally. a GUEST FROM ENGLAND VISITS SALKELD HOME The pump is driven by a 4- ' Mc- (cycle gasoline motor, and will Kil-1 throw* a considerable stream, of ; water by itself, to provide com- ! paraiively good fire protection. . Of 'greater importance is the fact j that it is easily accessible to any water supply and can be .used to •-/ Miss Doreen Thornette of Har- pump water to the fire truck, penden Experimental Station,; which might not in many cases London, England, arid Dr._ Helen be able to get near the spot. / // I- _r-JL'---’. —The/ puihp has a capacity ofSalkeld of Bradford were, week- end guests of the latter’s parents, 200. gallons^a,.minute, arid ds-re*— Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Salkeld. The two young ladies became friends while Helen was doing post grad-: i proved fire protection service to Uate work at Harpenden. ' .the surrounding rural commun- Miss Thornette7 Will visit in/ ity. . \ ^Canada for a montlL She flew —————-—?— hv NMrtre/LWM/e meJ ’EVERETT FINNIGAN ON equalization n'o.w, The 600?mile motor trip ’ I** t •e’- • ■ ’ u vTstnZt^rthe la^deWitho^n ’erton’ Bru<* » AsXsor^ “ open .been named to a three-man Court PMiss Thornette returned to °f E^ualization to sit in London Bredford with Dr. Salkeld, Where , "rthe^ow^Staairev6 aSt' reekineCae2^e° "con^mla^ iits •^aMzed^ient’teWM ures of theTcarrot rust fly; Helen I lnT‘h® £^tyBMdtog. has heen supervising experimen-i th eft»JrS • -adT a?* < tai carrot plots at Bradford dur- D^toe"t °f ltouclPaI ing the summer, and samples S or from each plot will provide ex- j perimental material for carrying' .4, _ a on research spot checks in Middlesex before handing down its decision. It is expected the assignment will take a pouple of weeks. •. ■ garded as a valuable asset, at low cost, in offering much irn- the surrounding rural commun- X ♦ the Ottawa laboratories. ' AT OTTAWA CONVENTION ' Mrs. Philip MacMillan and Mrs; Bpb-Rejd,as accredited delegatesr and Mrs. Temple Clark as a fra­ ternal delegate, left on Sunday for Ottawa to attend the 25th an­ nual convention of thd Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Leg­ ion. Mrs’ MacMillan is the presi­ dent of the local branch. Mrs. Clark will visit in Ottawa witri her son, Cpl., and Mrs. Douglas Clark. . The ladies accompanied George Elliott to Toronto, and from there went by train to Ottawa. * The Convention was held at the Chat­ eau Laurier on Monday, Tuesday arid Wednesday. ) TO INSTAL LEDGER MACHINE AT BANK i ’. - ■ —----- ...’ ; < Customers of the Bank of Mon­ treal’s LucknoW branch will soon be receiving Speedier and more convenient service; This will be made possible by the installation of a new ledger-keeping system, . which will revolve around what is known as la combination post­ ing machine, which will be in-’ stalled about/the end of October. This complex mechanism ' will automatically record all with- drawals, deposits, balances, dates and other pertinent data. j ’ Current-account customers will j not require pass-books/and thus . A riddled safe, stolen, from thei.be free from , delays while pass- TeesWater Farmers’ Co-operative, books are being made up, as at was found oh Sunday in a field present.. Instead they will regu-; ' near/Puryes Lake. The uninhabit- larly receive complete statements, ed sideroad wais used by the thieves. as a secluded spot. in which to smash it?-open. Jt was, riot „ blasted, but was smashed open by manual labor. Crowbars and an ’ axe were apparently 1 among, the tools used in, the lab­ orious job of bustirig open the 700-pouhd Safe,. ; The discovery was’ made early Sunday afternoon by Ted Howey, .who was on a hike through the ‘iields"iri the. vicdriitynbT tfrrTaKBr He notified Constable Alex Hav­ ens, who Contacted Provincial _ . _ Police,1 who converged on this date by hand will become a thing area. ’ of the past, ' , Valuable papers in the safe, in-' Mr. Murray douse, manager Of eluding the company’s ledger,' | the B of M here, is much pleased were recovered. The safe had , with this, new development. ‘With been whisked away ih a pick-Up' the help'of this equipment”, .he truck stolen from M. A; MacDon- declared/ “we will be able to aid, Massey^Harris dealer in ’ prbvide much Taster and more Teeswater. It Was abandoned hear i convenient service for our cus- Glenn's Hill .with a flat tire. * Uom'efs”, , ’ ' v ’ ■ ■ ■ • .. ,y i . : . ■ ’FIND RIFLED SAFE AT PURYES LAKE |V l j t 4 V 1 with debits, credits and balances concisely set oiit for quick ref­ erence. These statements will al- ways be instantly available. The machine will also take -care of the sayings department, and all withdrawals and deposits will be mechanically/ entered in the bank’s’records’. Saving passbooks, however, will'■ still be hand writ-., ten. , , Thus, Wheri the hew equipment/ '► goes'/ irito .Qp^raTidri, the a'hcidri'r and honorable—-but laborious-— practice of keeping ledgers up to of the past. ' , Mr. Murray douse, manager of I * *9 U. 41 J. ' ’ ■' ■ *■’’ ■ -i. ; ..