HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-09-16, Page 3WEDNESDAY;, SEPT. 16th, 1953 I Minister: Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, B.A., B.D.... i was CHURCH CHANNELS i TO Come in today and let us show you the advantages and economies you can eh-- __jo)Lwith_aJ^ohnMnJlDaiL£utnac^J£i^— is not convenient to drop into our shop , right away; mail this coupon and wo will hoppy to send our representative to your home to appraise your present . equipment and make a free heat survey off your home, A Want Ad will bring big suits at little cost. ’ i . ................................ * fra .1 CHURCH NEWS . • • . . .0 ■ ■ . ‘ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW; ONTARIO re- Learn Of I. " These words are full of Life. They are Words from CHRIST. ATTEND YpUR CHURCH' SCHOOL --------EVERYSUNDAY WALK IN THE LIGHT < Sponsored by The Local Sunday Schools. LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH j Local & General ' Mr, and Mrs. T. A, Cameron are spending three weeks with relatives in Eiastern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. E. Carter have rented .the Bowker house near the Second School for a year, as of August 1st Mr. and Mrs. Alex (Sandy) Purdon visited recently at Pet­ rolia with Mr, and Mrs. Hector purdon^whn^wtiir shbrtlytakeup residence • iri Sarnia. of the week on a :trijp to, Winni­ peg where .he will Visit at the home of Mrs. N. T. Sinclair, for­ merly Jean Scrimgeoui*. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter of Clinton and Mrs.. Leri Evans of St. Thomas visited the past Week with Mrs. George Brooks and other relatives. . iI j SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th | 111.00 a.m.: “God Will Restore”, j 1- 3.00 p.m.: Rally Pay Service j j for the Sunday School. | I 7.00 pjh.: Filmstrips at worki | for God. j ;-------------- ------ J Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev.C. A. Winn, BA., Minister. SUNDAY; SEPTEMBER 20tii TO a.m;: Sunday School. 11 aim,: Morning Worship. ' 3 p.m.: Erskine, Dungannon. 7 p.m.: Evening Worship. a CHIEF BM for It all started with a FAULTYCHIMNEY LIFETIME SAFETY wfflba Factory built lasyto laatall iMk! jvil lilt, kickpT ibovt root v 888888S8 88 8888S 88888?’’' ■KWWSS : W8W", • Fireproof vermiculite —iiBolellCTr-— I . Interliner air-space e . positive beet brook. Ouri FlH liner reqelres ne morlir.. Svpperled by fleer . er ceiling jolils. Listed by Underwriters* Labora- many feef of construction. Re­ quires no bricks^ mortar, scaffold. Erected in os' little as 2 hours. For buildings of dny. type. High , efficiency; low cost. Lifetime safety? . . HISELER & SON Patrick aha Edward Sts. WINGHAM, ONT. ; ~ ’Phoiie 426 _ P.O. Box 332 Miss Dean MacLeod; who gave an interesting talk on the Can­ adian Sunday School Mission in the West. The Group was favored with a piano duet by Elaine and Eleanor MacNay. Mrs, Rober| Struthers gave a reading. The singing of a hymn and te repeat­ ing of the benediction closed the meeting, A contest followed and a dainty lunch. was served by the hostess. Next month’s meet­ ing will be held at night at the home of Mrs. Howard Robinson. Note the change of place. ster; Miss Joan Hunter favored: ; with a piano solo. After the clos- ing devotions an interesting coo* test was conducted. Lunch was. served by the .committee tri charge, ‘Mrs, Huifiphrey, Mrs. Nesibitt and, Mrs. Little. , Recently Kitchener' -Was the tended the four-day conference of ;the Mennonjje Church. It. was estimated that 16,200 people at­ tended the four-day confecence. in the Kitchener Civic Audit’or- iuin, Each day twb speakers were heard in the morning two in the afternoon and two at* night. . Four tape recorders recorded the en­ tire conference' proceedings on 1,700 feet of tape. The Rev. A. Metzler of Scottdale, P.A., U.S.A. -was elected nToderator~and—the Rev./ Paul jErb from the same city was conference secretary. t city was conference secretary. Marty^of __th e-delegates-were-nii s,- sionaries on furlough from Africa, Argentina, U.S.A. and Canada: Besides the business at hand the, delegates were taken on sight­ seeing tours of the county. The conference had a post office, first hid7 centre, children’s nursery and a 'young .peoples’.. Bible 'School. $200.00. was ;raised in an . appeal to aid a Pennsylvania family in­ jured enroute to the conference. Although Mennonite . people are of a predominately German back­ ground, the majority of them ean- not speak a word of, English, and’ services are in the English lang­ uage. Languages change but not truths. The Rev. j. D. Graber of Elkhart, Indianna, • president of the Board of Missions and Char- ities, spoke on “Making Christ known through Christian StjeWr ardship of Possessions. Financing is a spiritual problem. When- a church has to put on bingos and bazaars, it is headed for utter spiriual bankruptcy. People with la?ge incomes must give more to 'the church to be spiritually, free. He urged Christian people to re­ member the church in their wills. Mennonites do not believe in divr orCe or remarriage.’ Marriage is not socially grounded, it is re­ ligiously grounded and must be governed by God’s laws.; Group 2 United Church W.A. On Thursday, September 10th, Group, 2 of the Women’s Associa­ tion met at the home of. Mrs.. Kelso MacNay with a good at­ tendance. Mrs. Grant McDiarmid presided’ in the absence of the president, Mrs. Kenneth Camer­ on. After the opening hymn, Mrs. N. J. MacKenzie led in prayer. Mrs. Robert Struthers took the chair for the program. Hymn 11 was sung and the scripture les­ son and explanation was given, by Mrs. Robt. Rae. An amusing reading was given by Mrs. How- ard Robinson. The speaker was CULROSS CORNERS Five beginners Started off on •the flowery road of education last week: Doris.. Wall,. ;.Karen Wall, Brenda Haldenby, Larry Lambnt and Margaret Edgar.; • Mr. and. Mrs.” Midford WalT^SF Dpnrtie were recent visitors with Mr* and Mrs., Tom Hackett and Doug, of Ashfieldz •.< . We are sorry to report that. Mi-r- Frank Schumacher is a .pat­ ient in Wirtghani Hospital’. The ‘storm Saturday morniri?: left the community without hydro for several. hours. . . Miss Helen Schumacher was home from Kincardine on Sun­ day. —Mr. 'and Mrs“”Are^W1iytacl’T I Carman, Harold arid Mr, George Bannerman attended^anniversary, services at Kinloss on Sunday •& visited with, Mr. arid Mrs. Harold Bannerman. . ’ • ’ - Mk and Mrs. Everett Whytock and Gary were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wbytock and family : “Mr? iW Mrs, Hugh Nicholson and family of Beryie spent Sun­ day evening. with Mr< and. Mrs. Frank Brown'and Reg. Group 3 of the IV A, The, September meeting Jield at the home of Mrs. John Hall with 14 members in attend­ ance. Mrs. Hunter presided for the opening exercises. Mrs. A: Havens read the scripture Mrs. Drennan, offered prayer. Mrs. A. Little presided for ’the following program: Mrs. Wilfred Anderson gave an interesting reading .oh “School Achievements”; musical selections Were enjoyed by Mrs. James Webster on the autoharp, accompanied by Mrs. Hall at. the piano; an essay on “The Precious Jewel” was given by Hazel Web-‘E. Ackert. United Church W.A., Group 1 Mrs. Wellington Henderson op­ ened her home Tuesday evening -for the September meeting of* Group l. yhe leader, Mrs. Jones, presided and opened the meeting with a hymn and prayer. Th^ scripture reading, given by . Mrs. .; Howey, was based on James 2:17 “Faith,'/if it, hath not yvorks, is? dead”. Reports were received from the Cheerio and Sewing committees and announcement was made of committee conven­ ers for the 3-Group bazaar to be * held in October. Mrs. Jas. Web­ ster and Mrs, Emerton favored with harp hnd violin duets. Fol­ lowing the mizpah’ benediction, a social time was enjoyed. Apprec-' iation to the hostess, and to the committee, namely; Mrs. FL AU lin, Mrs. S. Collyer and Mrs. C- Crawford was expressed by Mrs. I ROUND UP ! OF OLD HEATING EQUIPMENT Trade in that inefficient "fueMidg" heating appliance at a profit to you! Take advantage of this offer. , I Regardless off kind or condition, we will make a generous trade-in allowance for your present heating appliance ON THE PURCHASE OF A NEW OIL or GAS FLOOR FURNACE Buy how and enjoy the all- season comfort of efficient a u tom a tic h ea ti n g. O u r terms make it easytoown the finest equipment . ■ . . v 1.. 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