HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-09-02, Page 9& . '• GOLF f f 11 .W©?NESI>^ SEPT. 2nd, 1953, THE SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO BACK TO WORK! ,RThe uSentinel staff is back on the job again, and picking up loose ends, especially in this tor- Hd heat, makes it a bit difficult & glV! J1?” first paper, since Ahgust 12th, Hope you have niiss- Pd it." . , • . The Thompson tally had a Jhpst, but enjoyable motor trip to Detroit arnd from there thru Northern Michigan to Mackinac island,-, crossing' at the Soo and* returning home by Sudbury and Nprth Bay. _™^,en—started—a-7week2~or~so~of nothing at the beach, It’s not, easyT—but after couple of' days we. got,; accustomed to a life of. restful idleness and it could have gone on ad infinitum. WEDDINGS McGRATH—NELSON The marriage of M-iss PAGE NINE ' SUPPLIES EVERY ARTICLE IN STORE ON SALE SAVE WALKERTON ine marriage of Miss Jean Nelson, daughter of Mrs. Robert Nelson of Lucknow and the late Mr. Nelson, to Mr. Eugene Mc­ Grath, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter McGrath of New York City, was solemnized at a. loyely ceremony *0_Glen View Presbyterian Church; Toronto, on Saturday, August 22nd at three o’clock Rev. Kenneth. Glazier officiated. Given in marriage by Mr/Hugh Hargraye, the bride was charm­ ing in a gown of white bridal rose lace . over > taffeta, with fit­ ted bodice, scalloped, neckline and lace mittens. She wpre a shoulder length veil and carried a cascade bouquet of talisman roses. The bride’s attendants; Mrs. William Stokes and Miss Audrey Oliver, chose similar strapless gowns of cinnamon tulle over dusky pink taffeta with net stole and cinnimari mittens. They wore matching hats and carried bronze mums. Mr. Garfield Hargrave was best “man“The ushers were William" Stokes and William FarrisK Solo­ ist was Leslie Mackay and the organist Henry Rosevar. At the reception at Kilcooley Gardens, Toronto, the bride’s mother received in a teal blue crepe dress with coral accessor­ ies and a white gardenia corsage. "Mrs. Nelson was assisted/by the groom’s sister, Miss Helei} Mc­ Grath who wore, printed.silk with a corsage of yellow roses. For a wedding trip to New. York City,, the bride’s ensemble was a printed silk dress; brown duster coat and green accessor­ ies and yellow rose corsage. Mr. and Mrs., McGrath will re- ~side in Toronto? WEPOINQS - STEARN—MacKENZIE The marriage of Mary Joan Mackenzie < of Kitchener to Dr, Calin William Stearn of Mon­ treal, forpieiTy of Hamilton, was solemnized at Knox Presbyterian church, Waterloo, Saturday, Aug­ ust 22nd. • * . / The parents' of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Steele C, Macken­ zie, ,Duhbar Rd. The bridegroom is the son of Dr. and Mrs; Clem­ entH. Stearn, Haipilton. x . The ceremony was performed "by the father pf the bridegroom in a1 sgttirig of ivoryand iblush gladioli>witfi ferns.and tall tap­ ers.. Miss Ada B>Eby was organ­ ist and Mrs. John S. G. Clarke sang, '■ • The bride chose a bouffant? gown of .white nylon net over ‘iyory satin. The three-tiered skirt was accented with lace motifs and seed pearls. The tightly-fitted jacket of French lace over satin was embroidered with pearls and 'fashioned with . three r. quarter length sleeves and high collar. The rodnded, neckline featured an insert of ipleated net. Her short veil of tulle illusion fell from a harrow circlet of white velvet forget-me-nots. She carried a colonial bouquet of or­ chids, stephanotis and myrtle with a sprig of white heather. The bride was attended by her sisters, Mrs. William L.. Shantz, matron of hohor, and Miss Janet Mackenzie; bridesmaid. They wore ballerina-length (gowns of iridescent peacock green silk or­ ganza over ;rose-beige tissue faille taffeta; The jackets of taffeta were styled like that of -the bride’s. Their headdresses were small veils caught with flowers. They carried crescent bouquets of white shasta mums and orchid -poms—with-^m-y-rtle^—-——tt— Dr. Charles Thornton, Norfolk, Va., was the best man. The ush- ers were Dr. William L. Shantz, Vjfaterloo, and Mr; Peter Ferres, Hamilton. ■ . . • " A reception was held in the Pine Room of the I£ress Hotel; Preston. The bride’s mother wore a frock of gray, tucked crepe With striped trim and white braided hat. Her accessories were. black and her flower-s-a corsage of coral sweetheart roses and feathered carnations. ■ ‘ COLLISION IN KINLOSS ' Joe Conley had the front end of his car badly damaged in a collision with a ,car owned by Gideon Ruttie of Ripley and driv­ en by Gordon Scott with Mr. Rut­ tie as a passenger. All three es-, caped injury.. , Ther accident occurred at the Langside Church corner in Kin- loSs. Joe was proceeding north and the Huttie car was eastbound on. the Sixth Concession., * -IIea^4Vave-?As-^AiigustdEn<ls~— Hot and dry sums up the, heat wave tha t-accompanied; August’s^ exit. The dry .spell has continued since the middle' of the month and locally«, there has been no ^rainfall worth measuring since the 18th. What started as ideal harvest weather,: has since de­ veloped into torrid heat that reached a high of 92 on Saturday, with.'90 degree temperatures'the | customary thing for several days. ] August was among the sunniest months on record; The low was 45 degrees and rainfall in the early half of the month totalled 2,6 inches. September 1st set a new high with a 93 degree tern-1 -perature;---------—-------—: RUSSELL FAMILY REUNION A reunion of the Russell fam­ ily was held at the McKibbon cottage, Kincardine Beach, when Miss Isabel Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Russell and little daugh­ ter of Regina, Mrs. W. A. Mc­ Kibben of Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Russell and three little -daughters-of - Ottawa — were—all; present. ' cessOries were brown and she wore a corsage of bronze poms, r—The—eouple—will—liVe~4n—Mon- treal. PURPLE GROVE • • ’♦ ' '....... Mr. Bobbie Blackwell of Lon­ don, Mrs. Wm. Gordon of Belr mont, Man,, Mrs. Victoria Smith spent last Monday a|’ the hpme of Miss Margaret Robertson/ Visitors at the home of Mr. Ac Mrs.* Peter Leeson recently were Mr. and Mrs. Boisvert, Miss Bet- ty Miller of Swastika, Mrs. Billie Payland, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leeson and Norman; / ' Mr. and Mrs., Roy Webster Rpd boys of Lopdon, Mrs. Ardell Ma7 -son—-Mrv—Morley—Bell— of—Ham il-^---- ton, Alex McFarlane of Stoney •/, Greek-,-MfhA^-Mrs? HectoruKnight,-—1 George and Dquglas of Wroxeter, ’ Miss 'Ruthip Forster, Mr. Robert . . MbCosh, wierp visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc- Cosh. Miss Winnifred McFarlane spent , the week-end at her- home here'. . • | Mr. and Mrs. Alex’ McGregor, | Gary and. Gail of Edtnonton, Mr. and Mrs. Whitley, and Alan of Hamilton, Delbert Nixon and Hilda Emerson were recent visi­ tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Emerson. I Mr. and Mrs. John Wisrrier & -Mi'ss-Margaretr^MrrrMeraid""Kuhf~ of Waterloo, Miss Emma Em­ bury, Sharon Paterson of Agin­ court visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Collins on' Sun­ day. Mr/ and Mrs. Frank Dore and children1 visited with the latter,’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brinley of Riversdale on Sunday.’ Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bell of Tor- , onto visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George S. Emerson re- cently. ; *• SHOWERS HELD IN HONOR OF AUGUST BRIDE A relative shower fqr Miss Joan « ' Campbell, a bride of August 26th,. CLARKE—IRWIN i was held at the home of her sis- A quiet wedding was solemnv |er, Mrs. Robert Courtney. After ized at ”ListoweL United Church | viewing"^ her trousseau/" shorV parsonage at 2.00 o’clock on Sat- j program was conducted by Miss, urday. August 15th, when Donna- Louise ;Campbell and Mrs. James Belle Bernice Irwin, daughter of Nesbit. The bride-to-be was pre­Mr. ahd Mrs. Emmerson Irwin, ’ sented wi&i many beautiful gifts Lucknow, became the bride Of and after Joan thanked the lad- George Albert Clarke, son of, Mrs. ies, a dainty lunch was served. Thomas Clarke, Listowel, and the * The friends of the community late Thomas Clarke. ' 'met at the home of Mrs. Robert..-; Rev. J. D, Martin officiated. The bride wore a street length taffeta with white accessories and a corsage of blue carnations'. She was—attended—by—M-ibs—Marie- Wright of Bluevale who wore a street length dre«ls of heavenly blue net over blue taffeta with white accessories and a corsage, of pink roses. Harris Campbell The bridegroom’s mother wore' “dress of pink nylon fiet over pink a taupe crepe dress with feather hat of delphinium blub, ibrown accessories and corsage of blue flpwers-in-the-mist : and carna­ tions. For travelling to Algohquin Park the bride, donned a yellow linerf' suit with hat oP natural ___.________.____ Courtney Friday afternoon to shower her sister, Miss Joan Campbell. After viewing her trousseau, a mixed program of music, readings and contests was conduetedby-Mrs.-Gordon-Eniottv Mts. James McNain and Miss Laurine McNain. Joan was show­ ered with many lovely gifts and after she thanked them, the lad­ ies retired to the lawn where AT A CORNER A community springs up and, as it grows, a branch bank opens its doors. This pattern, basic in Canada’s development, has been repeated again and again in pioneer * • •• * ’ 1 ’ z. •. •• , b ■ - ■ • • . . ’*.•.,* areas, villages, towns and cities. Through local branches, the chartered banks bring to small communities, as well as large, the same l > broad range of banking service There are now 3.800 branches of ”, Canadays chartered banks serving Li. 1 the . 700 opened in the past ten years* THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY