The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-09-02, Page 8«r > 1 { is the time to buy H i a group of *h« final standing just one. post- . . tmn nut nf rvlnvnffc 0-0-0 ' t ■I missed a game,i.ATTEND THE ANNUAL / 0-0-0 t* ■^~0vBT*^Tcirty~ladiej // anAaraWWB!nsa I I- Balloting for the major ’fast* ball all star teain has-been pract-. . STOCK CAR RACES ARE CREATING INTEREST HERE FIVE LOCAL GIRLS PASS SWIMMING TESTS WOOD windows do not rust nor sweat, are easily fitted, 'take any decorative finish^ ■ are easily re- ; paired .... and WOOD win- > dows cost less! —0-0-0 ing late in the igame as a result of a three-base miscue in the outfield—----:../. ■------—----: ; Art Gilmore R. R. 3, LUCKNOW ’Phone 61-r-13, Dungannon I • _L_^O-O-p------- ALL STAR BALLOTING OF LITTLE INTEREST HERE ’ Meaford . ........ Walkerton ...... Goderich ......^. LEGIONNAIRES FINISHED FIFTH IN FASTBALL LOOP '■ ............ „ •. L .'../ Lucknow Legionnaires wound up the-fastball schedule on Mon­ day night in Caledonian Park with a 4-3 win oyer HanoVer. The victory gave them fifth spot in storm window protection . • ■ , . ■ '• ’ • .... 1 ‘ • QonM .wah for ,^'nter. winds to howl ’ Order storm window protection NOW, Be sure of prompt delivery and good weather for fitting,' painting and hanging your • storm .windows. Storm windows will save enough fuel to ■- pay for themselves in approximately three years’ tlm*., Enjoy the extra com- fort ...safeguard your family’s health and protect your walls, woodwork and furnishings from: condensation damage Z with storm windows of WOOD. $ Let us estimate the cost df wood $ storm windows for your home . . / $ prompt service /. .. no obligation. “ Phone to*day for this free service^ ■ B I- ------------------ BRIDE HONORED AT . PRE NUPTIAL EVENTS duties for Ripley-and shaky sup-1 . port at times made their task a' ically nil- here, and with th- tough one ' ‘ ’ season over so far as the Legion- It was a close 'battle all the / - - . > • - way with the winning run com- is npt likely to change. PAGE EIGHT 1951 DODGE SEDAN ^-1951“CHEV;k COACH § TWO 1952 STYLELINE CHEV. SEDANS gl952 PONTIACCOACH ----- . 1951 POWERGLIDE CHEV. COACH, gi 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN \ § 1950 CHEV. FLEETLiNE COACH g 1949 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN § 1949 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN g 1948 CHEV. 5-PASSENGER COUPE, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. LUCWOW, ONTARIO £./WEDNESDAY, SEPT. Sind, 1953 . fully equipped 1949 CHEV.COACIL Radio TWO 1948 OLDSMOBILE FLEETLINE COACHES,........ SEDAN COACH SEDAN. COACH 1947 CHEV. 1947 CHEV. 1948 CHEV. 1942 DODGE 1936 DESOTO SEDAN g THREE 1948 CHEV. COACHES § 1946‘CHEVf SEDAN & 1948 CHEV. COACH § 1946 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH S 1937 CHEV. SEDAN I TRUCKS I 1948 MERCURY HALF-TON PICK-UP n § 10 TWO-TON ARMY TRUCKS, available soon SPORT... JUVENILES ARE grand CHAMPS Lucknow juveniles, after win­ ning the W.O,A|.A. Juvenile ‘‘A” championship, wept on to defeat i Ripley in two straight games and | take the Grand Championship j series and. the right to advance J into the. O.A.S.A. playoffs. On Friday* night in Lucknpw the score was 12-9 and back m Rip- ley on Monday the Lucknow team Was victdfiouF-cpupt.~ Ripley proved Jo pe Stiff oppo^ ition .and in the second game ,it was a 4-4'.'ball game until the 7th inhing when Lucknow scored 10 runs. Doug ♦ Pollock pitched well fdr Ripley except when he weakened in the 7th and his bat­ tery mate, Hugh Mason, did a good job behind.the plate. Kent Hedley did a splendid pitching job fof Lucknow allowing only 8 hits jn the final game: He re” ceiy.ed fine support in Vie field from his team mates, who were also clouting the ball freely, Mammoth clout of the night was SAVE On Storm Windows By placing your order for Storm Windows before • September r30th,-you will save 5 percent on > the regular prices. ; Brussels Motors , Huron County’s Foremost Uped Car Dealers ' Cash, i^rade, Terms Cities Service Dealer iremost Used Car Dealers— Open Evenings Until 10 —- Phone 7 3x> Brussels Miss Jean Nelson, whose mar- . riage took place recently, was honored at several pre-nuptial events. In Toronto she was guest of honor? at three' separate mis­ cellaneous showers, and the staff of Canton Insurance Company, where she was employed, pre­ sented her with a Aovely nest of tables and a table lamp. , AT S.S, No. 10.riri AshfieliJ where Jean attended ■ public school, another miscellaneous shower was staged, at which she received many loVely gifts^A program and1 pleasant /social evening was enjoyed. PrioF*lo the presentation of the gifts, Jqvce Little read the fol­ lowing! address: Dear Jean, We, your friends and neighbors of your old scho’or section, wish to take this opportunity to .ex­ press our best wishes to you on your approaching marriage/ /Though you have (been gone from our immediate midst for I some years, you' have still been remembered by us all. • So we ask you to accept these ’few gifts as a token of our es­ teem and best wishes} Signed on behalf of. your old friends at S.S. No. 10. Service and Satisfaction in Plumbing ■ •. .and./ . Heating Automatic Oil Furnaces In- stalled—-See The Oil Ranges. FURNACE REPAIRS Bathroom Fixtures & Repairs Eavetroughing, Air Conditioning. District Agent For BEATTY PUMPS & REPAIRS Kenny McNfiy’s home run. The line-up for the second game was: Lucknow: D. Thompson 1st; J. Chin ss; C Chin cf; A. Baker 3rd; G. Anderson, rf, 2nd;' K. Hedley p; R. Stanley c; K. ,McNay If; J. Hackett rf; P: Couse 2nd.1 Ripley: R. Farrell 3rd; G. Arn­ old cf; M. Campbell 1st;, H. Ma­ son c; D. Pollock p; M. Courtney ss; T. Hunter rf; L. Gamble If; D. MacDonald 2nd; A, McCharles If. e 2 7 I I . ' Score by Innings r li Lucknow ....101 110 10 32r—19 17 Ripley .......;..100-030’ 012— 7 8 / ^—0-0-0 Eigihty-six but of 5 95 swimmers who have been tak­ ing instruction at the Teeswater Lions pool this summer, successr fully passed their test. The group was in four claises, beginner, jun­ iors, intermediates and seniors. tion out of the playoffs. Final standing was as follows: W .. 26 ... 21 12 .. 20 14 .19 17 .. 15 21 ..14 22 9 26 L Pct. 10 / .722 .636 .588 1528 .417 .333 .257 I All Windows will be Primed and Glazed. | JOHN W. HENDERSON I LUMBER LIMITED I ’PHONE 150 . LUCKNOW, ONT. FORT. ALBERT OUSTS RIPLEY IN PLAYOFFS ■■ •■ ■■ - I A red_hot softball playoff ser- ies between Port Albert and Rip­ ley intermediates was settled on i Saturday night in Lucknow be­ fore a huge and very vocal crowd. ! The* score-" was 6*5 for Port Al- bert giving them the series threfe games to one. “ On .the mound for Port Albert was Grant Chisholm who rack­ ed up 16 strikeouts. Blue and Needham shared the pitching duties for Ripley-arid shaky sup- i, money than any other at the. i Bluewater oval, ' . ’ - ■ • —----0-0-0- - - 7Jitriey/_Vttinners/; ;__ . There were’ 14 bowlers at the Monday night jitney with high scores chalked up by Alex Mc: I Nay, Wellington McCoy and Fred . Jackson. lurs, lijitsnneuiciaim stnimrs. ’ J,.Instructors were George King Kincardine and Dave Donahue? The tests set. tuc!cn21w. '' by the Red Cross were conducted ?ort E1Sln by Examiner W. Hetherington oL -Hanover— Port Elgin. . — Pins and badges were xto be LUCKNOW CAPTURES WOAA presented on Monday night at JUVENILE ’A’ CHAMPIONSHIP the Teeswater Pool, but did not arrive to the disappointment of a large crowdnwhielr had-gather- ed. The feature of /the evening was . the presence of Shirley Campbell of Fergus who on 'Fri­ day’ repeated last year’s perform­ ance by winning the Canadian women's championship three-mile race at the C.N.E. Five local girls, members of' the Girl . Guides, were among those passing their tests at Tee^- water. They are Beverley Ashton, Rozella Howald, Sarah jane Ban­ nister, Elizabeth Webster, Jean Mullin.❖ !- ■ 1Mildmay Rotary I FROLIC Since the last issue of the paper Lucknow Juveniles have elimin- ated Colborrie and Rostock to take the WOAA Juvenile “A” championship. Colbome Series This series went the fujl five games Sviith Lucknow, having to win the series the hard way/ At one point in the series the Col- borne boys had a 2-1 game lead in a best-of-five affair. The scores in order of games played were: Colbprne 10, Lucknow 7 Luckndw 8, Colborrie 1 Qolborne 8, Lucknow 7 Lucknow 10, COlborne 2 * < Lucknow 20, Colborne 16 Chaihpionsliip Series A .f t e r defeating Colborne, Lucknow met Rostock for the ‘A’ championship. Rostock proved to be little difficulty as they suffer­ ed defeat in two straight games. Pitching Was Rostock’s weakest feature. The /scores of these two games were: Lucknow 19, Rostock 9 : LucknoW 25, Rostqck 10 GAMES — BINGO — REFRESHMENTS j.,... ... ... ... ....... , • U, ,■ , , ■■ Entertainment By THE KANSAS FARMER AND; THE NOLL SISTERS Grand Draw For $300.00 TV SET DANCE TO FOLLOW TlQriiMiiiwiii dutr'itfil'r nn' n- ; —r — --1 r/i’/Tir ihm^ ibiii ; lU—i 'MiMu'iiiiw "ij'iu ’ naires are . concerned the picture One reason for the lack of in- . terest in the ballot is that very i few_ ;fans,--mo matter_how en- thusiastic they may be for the sport, know the players well enough, or by name, to qualifyJUV; BATTING AVERAGES Rae Stanle/I^compiled the thc s‘ars °ri th<? following list of batting averages of the Lucknow Juveniles, “A”, softball champions of the WOAA. The averages are based on games played since the team started the “A” playoffs and indicate plenty of punch at the plate, which has pulled more than one game from the fire. The team average is .314 with individual records as fol­ lows: . j Donald Thompson „ Charlie Chiii........ Jack Chin .................. Kent Hedley ............ Roy Stanley Art Bakes ...... Jim Hackett ......;.... Paul Couse ...... Hughie MacMillan .. Kenny MicNay .......... Bill Baulch ..... . Alvin Baker George Anderson . Allan Miller .......... CHARLIE AND JACK CHIN TO ATTEND SCHOOL IN TORONTO Following/, the final Juvenile championship game, on Monday hight, Charlie and Jack Chin left for Toronto to make arrange- ^entsHx>--cnter--Jarvis-Gollegiate- with "the opening of the fall term. The two lads, .who .have been important cogs ih minor hockey and sOftball, will be badly miss­ ed? It is\ expected they will be available to help the Juveniles as they contihiiC into, the OASA. playdowns.. Charlie and. - Jack ahd Bob. Mowbray made the nocturnal* trip to Toronto on Monday with Lyal Lannan who was taking a truck- load Of ttlrnipS to the City/ basis of ability. In our books, however, there shouldn’t be any question about the most valuable player award, v It should go to George Westlake of the Legionnaires. This Whig­ ham boy, and no youngster, has always played hockey and ball for /the love of the game, with no question of “what’s in it .for me”, ' . ■ /■He played every position on < the team, and when the Legion, naires let Hughie go, it was Geo. \ who went behind the plate to catch Felix Mann. He kept the Legionnaires in there to the fin- ■ i ish and never missed a game, even^ when he knew quite well, the cause was hopeless and the kitty empty. . „ . ■ . -O-Q-0------- Big .Tournament Monday __UL>ucknow Bowling Club will stage their, merchants’ doubles Labor Day tournament next Mon­ day, This has become the big. event, of the year and the Club is anticipating the best toljrn^ yeti There is accomodation fpfr W. , rinks witji a( long list o.f valuable prizes many of which are dona­ ted iby local merchants. Stock car racing is catching on here' and a number of local en­ thusiasts have been treking to Port Elgin recently. Local, inter­ est is heightened by Albert Por­ ter’s partnership In the Walden sponsored entry which Floyd J&nkiris of Wingham is drivings South Kinloss W.M.S. ** c iirArn ores* ent for the ^Ugu^t meeting Q South Kinloss W.M.S. which was held at the home of Mr. and Mn>. Ted Collyer. The program inclua’ ed a splendid scripture and med­ itation by Mary MacMillan, pW er By Mrs. Ate* Sutherland, sd by Mrs. R Steer; Wdmg by . It* MacMillan; topjo by Mrs, Mg is/ MiSS Annie MacLeod rpo... the vote of thanks and Miss Dean MacLeod offered prayer St' me ... §tyle to win first- place in the heat for fast cars. He was forced out df the final free-for-all. when the gas. pedal atfabhrnent. went haywire. The trouble was quickly Acetified ih the pit, but too late. Albert has done the Body weld­ ing, on the racer, King Brothers do the, mechanical work, They hope to have a second entry ready for the speedways, next year. In the past few weeks the Jenkins*’ driven, car has carried off more close of the meeting.