HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-09-02, Page 5page six
I would like to express ;•
my sincere thanks to all ■<
the ^people in the new !
riding , of 1
Thank You,..
’ 1
riding . of Huron . /arid |
especially to those who
worked so hard t«T elect I
me. ... j
.... . Yftur loyalty "to—me j -
.shall-nevcr be forgotten. |
Elston Cardiff I
'a tfM need,
a farm, ?
* J1101: A H IT rLA f 0 0 M f A 6 AIA 6tl
Put FIL to work for you. See your
nearest B of M manager about a Farm
Improvement Loan today. ____ _
• e
The ladies are reminded of the
regular meeting of the Women’s
Institute to be .held at the home
of Mrs. Cliff Murray this after
noon (Thursday) iat J2.30,Roll
call, Something I am willing to
do? to beautify our cominunity.
All the ladies are invReci.
The following members of the
Institute attended Canada Day of the Convention of the Associated
Country Wbmen of the World at
Augq'st 2,1st; Miss W. D.. Rufther?.
ford, r Mrs; Lome Woods/ Mrs/ E.
Barbour, Mrs. G; Taylor, Mrs? T,
J. Tpdd, Mrs. G.“MacPherspn,
Mrs. A‘ Gaunt, Mrs; E./Gaunt,
Mrs. Fred McQuillin and. Mrs.
W. A. Miller,
. Mr. 'arid Mrs.’ Neely Tpdd and
children of Stratford, were , visi
tors with Mrs; D. Todd.
Miss Florence Stuart of Evan
ston, Ill,, is the guest of Miss
W. D. Rutherford.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Berndt of
f Detroit were
with Mr. and
son. . . .
Mrs. ■ Irving
Laura. Salkeld
Visitors with
Gordon and other relatives on
Mr. John McQuillin is a visitor
i with Mr. arid Mrs« Irvine Mc- ; Cabe at Windsor. 1.
Miss Margaret Miller is spend*
ing a holiday in London as the ‘
guest of Mr. & Mrs; John/Sparks*
Mr. and Mrs Robert McQuillin
and. children of -Hamilton were
j week-end visitbrs/with relatives
■here/They were accompanied by
Miss Beatrice McQuillin who had
been their guest for two weeks.
week-end visitors
Mrs. G. MacPher-
Hunter and
of Goderich
their aunt,
The death of Thomas Hallam
occurred in Clinton Hospital on
Tuesday of last week in his 86th
year. He had been in failing
health for almost a ybar,
A., native of. England, he, iwith
his wife and family, came tp Can
ada in 1913; He was first (briefly
.employed in West Wawanosh
Township at Ed McRojbert’s, then
at/ Frank Todd’s farm, before
Jaking—up-a—far-m-of—his- p vyur/ir
West Wawanosh. Thirty’ -/fivb
years ago he moved to iHullet
Township, where he had ^ince
resided and had.4 taken a keen
interest in community affairs. .He
was secretary-treasurer"’ ofS.S
No. 9, Hiillett,. for 14 years arid
was clerk pf Auburn for a num
ber of years.
Mr. Hallam was noted for his
bicycle expeditions arid even af
ter reaching the four score mark
thought nothing! of cycle trips of
25 miles. In the. Old Country he
had competed in cycle races with
the best and always retained a
fancy for this mode of travel.
He was a member of Auburn
United Church where the fun
eral service was held ori Friday*
conducted by Rev. C. C. Wash/
| ington; Interment was in Balls-
, cemetery. The pallbearers . were
’ Dan .Pitblado, Adam Steep, Fred
Wagner, Stanley Ball, Ralph
Munro and Harry Beadle. Flower
bearers «were Bryan, Stewart and
Leslie Hallam.
Mrs. Hallam predeceased him
iri 1948 and a son, Leslie, died
suddenly in 19b 1. Four sons sur-
i vive, George of West Wawanosh.
Charles of Ashfield and Arthur
and John of Hullett, There are
23 grandchildren. . /
Bank of
working with Conqdiant in •wry walk of lifa tinea 1817
A little girl came across, a
pressed leaf in the pages of the
family Bible.
“Look what I found, Daddy!”
she cried; “I bet it belonged to
Eve!?' .
Miss Erlma Jean Percy return
ed to her home after holidaying
at London.. x t . .. .’/..„
' Children from this" community
attended the vacation school the
past , week at Bervie.
Mr. Ellwood Hodgins returned
home after visiting in Torbnto.
/Allan Wall of London spent
last week with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Wall.
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. W. D. Cox' were Mr. & Mrs..
J. R.'Robinson of London, • Mr.
and Mrs. J. L. Lamont arid ;Miss
Favorite Story
5.30 Hopalong Cassidy
6.30 Danger, Dr. Danfield
7.30 Box 13
9.30 Bold Venture
Miss, Shirley Haldenby of Tor
onto spent last week-end with
relatives here. 5
Miss Nancy Needham, Who was
employed at the Chapman/Var-_
lety Store at Kincardine during
the holiday's, returned to her
Rev. G. B. Cox left on Thurs
day for Valley Forde, .Pennsyl
vania, where he will" join friends
and motor to /Boston and New
England pbints before his return.
Miss Helen ""'Malcolm returned
to the Malcolm home after spend.-
,ihg two weeks at the Keswick
Mrs. Roy Graham entertained
the Guild at her home on Tues
day‘evening with the president,
Mrs. Ronald Thacker in charge.
The rolF call was answered with
a verse containing the word “tab
ernacle”.. The hymn ‘Stand up/
Stand up for Jesus” opened the
meeting followed by prayers and
the scripture reading by Mrs. MiltonJ^afsh. Minutes and ibusi-
ne-ss—-folio wed—M-iss-HVIay—Boyle-
read the.thought fpr the day. The
evening was spent in serving and
fancy Work, and prayer, closed
the meeting. Mrs. Howard Thomp
son ' thanked the - hostess- and
dainty refreshments were served*
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Maurice Hod-
gihs. • '■-/•■ /
The Ho.lyrood Women’s Insti
tute will meet on Thursday, Sep
tember ,3rd in the Holyrood Hall,
ers, Mrs. Alex. ’Percy and .Mrs-
James Hodgins. Roll call, “Wear
an* old hat and tell its history”;'
History of local, township is the
topic. Motto, “In youth wc/learn,
in age we understand”. Current,
events, Mrs. Frank'Maulden. Dis
play of antiques (each member
contribute). All ■ members bring ,
lupich/ ......i X--*-.-------------- , ■ ■’ ■ ‘
tes. Geo. Uh l den by is spend
ing the week .at the Sparling cot*
We are glad to report that Mr.
Orville . Wilson is hpme from
Wirigham Hospital.
Little Bonnie and Tommy Cor^
nich of Olivet visited with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom^ ,
We are: sorry to report that
Mr, Bob Harris had the misfor
tune to break his arm in a har
vesting accident..
—Mrsr"Frank~Brown" &~~Reg~ were
recent visitors with Mrs, Mary
-Wall- and /Jim,"aT^
Mr-r and Mrs. Jas; .Wraith were
recent visitors with Mrs. George
Bell of Kincardine. ;
Mr. & Mrs, Midford Wall were
guests at, the IrwinrCampbell
wedding at Pine River United
Cpurch on Wednesday.
Mrs. Wm. Wall / of Kihlpugh
spent, a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Schumacher.& Helena
Miss Helen Schumacher visited
Mrs. Frank Brown a couple of
days last week.
Miss Joyce Haldenby. has tak
en a position' in the I.G.A. grocery
store at ’Lucknow. . . ’’ .
We are sorry little Patsy Schu
macher is ill and hope she < will
soon be well again,/: .
Miss Helen Schumacher has ac
cepted a position in' Chapman’s
store at Kincardine and. began
her duties the first of the week.
Miss Ellen McBride, who has
been holidaying with her sister
at Lucknow, spent the Week-end '
with, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown
and Reg. Ellen-also visited with
Mf. and Mrs. Jack Schumacher
and Helen. Ellen will teach this
coming year .at Erindale.
The Garden Club Girls held a
weiner roast Tuesday—jevening^.—
The local members of the club
attended Achievement Day in
Walkerton on Thursday. "
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Schumacherand“Helen were”Mr7
and Mrs. Frank Schumacher and .
Patsy, Mr. and Mrs; Jas. Wraith,
Miss Lois Haldenby, Mr. &. Mrs.
Melvin Zettel and Jeanie and
Mrs. Chas. Schum^her of Walk
erton, Jimmy Schumacher, Tees-
water, Mr. <& Mrs. Peter Kretsch
of Elbow, Sask.
Little Donnie Wall spent Wed
nesday with Harold Whytock.
Mrs. Chas. Schumacher, Walk--
erton, spent the past, week with
Mr. and Mrs.. Jack. Schumacher^ :
visited her former neighbors, and
spent ap afternoon at the old
home farm. . - ... •
Miss Helen. Nicholson^; Bervie,
spen/ Sunday, with Miss Lois
Tlaldenby?--—— ——
Mr.- and Mrs. Eric Hackett ,of ?
Paramount " spent. Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs.; Midford Wall and
Donnie. ' '' . *1 ' ■' ■/"
.•.Mr, and1 Mrs. Chas. Knight and
Charlene of Leaside and Mrs. ‘
Walter Wraith of Teeswater were
Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. .
Jas. Wraith. . 1
Mrs. Melvin Zettel and Jeanie
and Mrs, Chgs. Schumacher of
Walkerton spent Tuesday .after- .
noon with Mrs, Art Hodgins.
tage at .Grand Bend. '/...'■
• Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson .,
and family. visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Bick Allan,
• Mr, Jack' Barr left this week " (
for Halcirk, Alberta, where he
Will Spend a;-fe’w weeks; .
The last meeting Of the W.M.S/
of the Presl___. ... .-as—
held at the home .of Miss Mar
garet Robertson. After , the usual
opening Exercises readings were ’ ,
given by Mrs. Edbert Bushe.il,,
Mrs. Wesley Guest" & Mrs.-Wal
ter Breekles. ■ A reading,..‘‘Things
Money.Car?t Buy” was given by
Mrs. Clark Needham. 'Mrs? Per
ry Hudgins and Miss /Margaret
Robertson '-read an article, on.
Mary Slesson of Calabar. A hynri '
and prayer, closed the meet fag .
and' refreshments: were , served -
Mr. and: Mrs; Truman Fillfnger
of Detroit/Helen Ruth .H.edle’y of
.Kincardine,, Mrs. Bert Sampson.
Dianne ’and Sandra o'f North Bay •
visited' with Mr. an $ Mrs.- Beit
Nicholson, ‘ .*
Little Misses Annetta *& 'Bar-.-
bar a Forster/of Ripley visited, '
with ’their. 'grandmother, Mrs. J,
w: Colwell. _/ "........................_
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