HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-09-02, Page 1$2.50 A Year In Advance—$1.00 Extra To U.S A LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 2nd, .1953 TEN PAGES » New High School To Open T I 00;. I nt.s I In- I irid. I ito, I ik- I Irs/. I 00, I ac- J ?n- I ;r-s, I Its: I Wr. I ok- I rie . I Lrs J >w » I us- I rry I lrs. I ck- I on- I R. or- I 3> ne, R. dc- Irs. •] dr- ! vfc- Irs.. .00; • :00;- •ar-. am ind’ un-; •' )W- inv ?ra- iin- Vlc- G. .00; .00; .00; .00; .C, DW, i > » p On Schedule Next Tuesday The work of getting classrooms set -up and established is going ~bn“a.pa<re these days at the newly constructed Lucknow DTstrixt —High School'- jn order to be’ready + . . .. ------------- for school opening next Tuesdav i^C^ • ve 9nd Mr. Baker is still . *- A full Oiirriculpm including home economics,«shop work and commercial, will be available and with modern facilities in a mod? ern building, this is one year that students will no doubt be “eager” to resumef studies again, • The cafeteria, we understand, will not be in operation immed­ iately. . The gymnasium and auditor­ ium; shop arid home economics, and cafeteria are new facilities . .ini'kQO!^Il..jli".th.e,’old. school, ^and those who have had a close look . through the new structure’ are . greatly impressed by it. Of course , much yet remains to be done, in­ cluding landscaping. In this re­ spect a landscape authority point­ ed out that the setting affords greater natural possibilities than did the site of any other' new school he knew of. Shop Well Equipped . The shop and home-economics rooms will fee well equipped; The < shop work classroom is mechan­ ized for drafting, wood work, sheet metal work, welding, • elect- 1 rical and forge work. Home~econ- • oinics will be taught in Grades 9 and 10 and modern facilities will be available for this phase of the curriculum. ._____ Comiriercial ln Three Grades ; The commercial course,, which includes typing, will be taught in Grades 9, 10, U, and this comes as good news to students and parents alike, as; there was some qUestiori earlier as to what the commercial course would cover, and in what grades it would be taught. _ „ Engage Extra Teacher —^An-additional-teacher*h;as^been a/lded to the staff this year. The members of the_2staff—and—the subjects they’ will teach are -as follows: ■ < ’ . Mr. P. W. Hoag, principal—his­ tory, geography, English, Latin. Miss Jean Osborne—mattiemaL __ks_arid-girlsk^>hysieal-ed u eationr Mr. Wim. „ MacDonald—science and boys’ health.^ Miss Eleanor Plumsteel—Eng- glish arid home economics. : Mr. H. B. Burden—shop, P.T.. and commercial. Mr. Harvey Bride—French and Latin. ' : Mr. A. W. Anderton — music supervisor. Miss Plumsteebof Clinton is no stranger here, having previously served on the staff for a time dur­ ing Mr. Hoag’s illnessi Mr. Bride comes from Pordwich and Mr. Burden, who is a resident of the village, previously taught at the . Second. He is qualified in the • subjects he will teach and during ■ the - summer (has . been taking courses in Toronto. ............' ... ‘1------.---------------------------------------------------- THREE MOREJOINSTAFF The staff of the_Baker.Private Hospital’ has .now;been, increased; seeking - more help. On Tuesday morning three new. members,-i Miss Gretta Hudson, Mrs. Bark­ well and Mrs.^Milliomcommenced duties there. There are at pres: ent 26 patients at the hospital with accomodation for several 1 more. " :. ", . ' ' • ’ JUVENILES IN .O.A.S A. ; SEMI-FINAL SERIES ■ . Lucknow Juveniles, softball grand champions of the , are now pitted.‘ W.O.A.A., . against Virgil in the semj- —^final—series-fot the Ontario . Amateur Softball. Association —G— champ iorish ip“Vig;i ITT s a few miles from Niagara-on- the-Lake. " • ' The first game was se.t for Lucknow ■ t h i s.: Wednesday night arid baek in Virgil on Saturday night at 8.3Q. ENTERS TRAINING J [5 • I* & SETTLEMENT reached • In our last issue reference was .made to the court action that was pending between the Corpora ation and“J'ohn Hall’ &~Sori, over the removal of black top patch­ ing material’from the concrete walk, in front of Hall’s Grocery. T h e Municipal authorities’ charged wilful damage. Before the matter went to court settle­ ment was made through Mr. Hall’s solicitor, Mr. P. S. Mac­ kenzie, whereby the: municipal­ ity was recompensed in the amount .of $20;00. Town employ­ ees, removed the pile of bitum­ inous. STANDING GRAIN SO DRY SPARK SET IT AFIRE The prolonged dry spell,, though possibly a bit excessive so far as heat is concerned, has been ideal harvest weather.„ap(L-ihe , job^ is about completed; So dry did the grain become that a field of standing oats on Raynard Ackert’s farm, 2^ miles west of Holyrood’ took fire : arid about an acre was burned over before the blaze was beaten out. A spark from the air-cooled jpotor of a self-propelled swather is said to have set fire to the tinder- dry field where the mach- ine“-was”Working.A~calTwasput in to the Ripley Fire. Department ±jrt^y^he_^ime_Jt_arri-ved^v-ol-- unteer workers had beat out the spreading flames. / . i' ELMO PRITCHARD’S NEW TEAM OFF TO GOOD START EXPECTS TO LEAVE r. tARCTic VERY SOON MrsxR. H. Thompson and mem-' feersbf the family were,in radio' contact on Sunday with her son Bob at Arctic .Bay. It was expect* ed to be the last conversational contact with him before he sails from the far north on his .horrfe- • Ward voyage,. The ship is-expect­ ed to anchor off Arctic*Bay some time- next •Week. It will' tie-.up a'bou't threeL davs/UriA idading a yeir’s supply of pro­ visions for this: weather observa- * outpost . The ship should .’rjach Quebec about two weeks ^r sailing from Arctic Bay, , ,.®ob’s family have; beep kepi frequent contact wi!thkhim thru [ ide co.urtesy of Fred Bissett of ; ^Itford, •/ham” .radio operator, was something never dream- fWherr Bob left for the North ^ly in August of la^t year. : The ship is expect- )tf Arctic' Bay sonic a&kiy T4- . Elmo Pritchard started out .on the show circuit rounds last Week that will take him all over West­ ern Ontario before? the snow flies. -He—has a . new heavy "team of registered Belgiums which he purchased in March, and this team, of 3 and 4-year-old mares have made a notable start in the. ring. At Aylmer last Tuesday the team took first' place. He. had .the junior champion 3 years and' un­ der and the grand' champion Per- cheron or Belgium of the show. At Ridgetowh. on Wednesday and' Thursday the team again placed first; and took, honors for the'best team on the grounds, as well as the grand champion mare or gelding class. vAt Woodstock on. Friday and. Saturday he was "first for three-, year-olds • and first in- the single hitch. ■ TO COMMENCE MISSION COURSE /• Mr. . Turner Regina nicnce a College, mission .and.. and Mrs/R- .A. (Hick) leave on ' Saturday for Where they ‘will eom- foiir-year course at Bible •to prepare' them for .the field with the Christian ’ AlTianre.- ah .. imL Wingham Active Treatment Hospital, Lucknow Approves Grant ■ / • ■ ■.’•,11—. ' .........• " "■ f ’• “Anxious to have Ltickriow con­ tribute a. $13,000 L share to the proposed riew wing of the Wing­ ham: General Hospital, .'membiers of the Hospital Board met-, with ; the Village Council “ori Wednes­ day, August 19thj to discuss the matter.-. • ; . -This meeting followed the reg­ ular August Council “meeting at i which the Board decided, against making the granC unless the ■ it x&wopixai. auuyitu . active treatment policy, br urw jess a referendum was requested. Present at the ihid month meet* ing were Fred Davison, chair­ man of the hospital. board; Capt. Adams of Wingham anef W> B. Anderson of Lucknow, members of the board; Reeves R. E. Mc­ Kinney of Winghairi, ' Harvey Johnston of Morris, Roy Cousins of Brussels ahq Alex Robinson ! of East Wawanosh. ; . The matter was discussed.’ at; some length during which the following Resolution adopted by the Wirigham Hospital. Board was tabled: “That the Board go on record, as stipulating that Wing- liam General “Hospital is an act­ ive treatment hospital and must remain same”, Pass Grant Meeting a few nightss later .Lucknow_Council- approved ^ - motion to the following effect: That in view of the fact that Wirigham General Hospital Board stipulates that Wirigham Hospital is an active treatment hospital and must remain as same, that this council give a grant to the Wing­ ham Hospital -up to the amount of $13,000 to be raised by. a 20- year debenture issue at 5 percent, subject to the approval of the- Ontario Muriicipal Board, pur­ suant to legislation in regard to money by-laws. ' And there the'matter r&sts for , the .moment at least. - . _ Newspaper arid radio reports ' of the meeting failed to give the , . Jriain—factor—behind - Lucknow’s J original stand on the matter. Mary . MacIntyre, who enters Wingham Hospital ^adopted an training in St. Joseph’s Hospital, I London, this week, Was surprised on Saturday evening when a’ number of her girl friends gath­ ered at her: home for a party and presented her with a pen, pencil andr thermbmefei set.I APPEAL COURT HELD TUESDAY Lucknow Court of Revision arid a long list of appellants against the assessment roll sweated it out through a four-hour session on Tuesday night. It was after midnight before the "Court received the last appeal and adjourned to meet again at the call of- the Reeve; when the appeals will come up for review. Only case on ^which a decision was reached-was a $206 reduction on Sam Sherwqod’s property froms $1700 to $1500. Although the mid­ night hour was striking when Mr’ Shexwopd^jpase„wasj:ey-iewed^he insisted that the Court deal with the matter then, jj The Court had a list of upwards to forty appeals. About half of the appellants were in • attend­ ance to present their case. The majority of appeals were* sup- pprted. by personal arguments, and the - meeting generally was quiet and orderly. Some appeals were withdrawn. — Members-of—the-CourtofRe- vision are chairman S. E. Robert- , son, Messrs. Irines-^_MacSweenr Archie Smith, V. A. Mowbray and W. B. Anderson, > County- Assessor Everett Fin­ nigan and Town Assessor A. C. Agnew were present to review SCHOOL ROOM MOVED FROM REC CENTRE i to reside in London p / * terdenornin/itjonal organization. • The voung couple were married this summer at. the West End Alliance Tabernacle in- Toronto^ ■where a send-off is to be given them on Thursday5 evening to honor them prior to starting out on their chosen vocation.; Mr: an.» Mr^. Turner .and his mother,. M«. Allan Turner, called, oh friends in town this we.ek -before returning to Toronto. • lants and to explain the method of equalizing the local assessment on a, county wide basis, according to definite directives set down in the new Provincial manual. Mr. Finnigan pointed out that the business assessment is a percent? age- of the’ assessed Value of the . building; The rate is 35 percent in the, case of retail businesses. . A. W. Hamilton considered the assessment..out of line in many cases and referred to reductions of as much as $8,000 and $5,000 which were made after notices went out.< He contended that no new house,, should be under! $3,000. . George joynt felt that riew fyp.uses were being subsidized at the expense of older home own­ ers. He compared the difference of more than $100 'on similar sized. l'otS^on^Qiialitv—Hill—annd- Havelock. St. and said it seemed “screwy”- to him./It appeared agreed that his assessment", oh two back lots on a dead-end street was too high. George said be 'would, let, them go for taxes if it were not that some would' likely buy them for a fe.w, dol­ lars’to avoid paying: school fees. Chris Shelton 'felt- the assess­ ment op his wood-working plant was fa'r too high, He referred to the .bad shape of th.e__b.uilding- arid his plans to repair and ex* pand- it, if Council will work out a satisfactory arrangement with him; He. intimated that ‘upon their decision tested the future of this little .industry. /. George Whitby was quite in­ censed over his assessment, Stat­ ing • he was' hot assessed properly or- ’fairly.. His , assessment .was based according to size'not Value, he said. ’ ”•I I f Z V A- —W-i-th—the—hi^h^schuol moving to their new building, the public school will once again be all. in the one building. Grades 3 and $ had been taught for some time in an improvised room in the Re­ creational Centre. This has now /been vacated and the equipment moved back to the school. Enrolment at the public school is forecast at capacity for the teacher staff. I I I I BUYS CAMERON HOME 4- A very successful auction sale of. household effects of the late Mrs. R. J. Cameron was held at the residence on August 15th. The property was ’later sold to Albert’ Gammie. . . .; PREPARE TO VOTE ON-HOSPITAL AIO I West Wawanosh Township is taking steps to- hold a vote to decide for. or “ against: the muni- ipality’s' participation in direct financial aid to building the pro­ posed chrdAic patients’ wing at Wirigham Hospital. ■ ~ West Wawanosh share is set at 4V2' percent or $9,000. The by-law to be submitted to the ratepayers of West Wawanosh •appears-Hn—this issue and TnusT run for three weeks; Date of the voting; is not yet set, but .will be. the latter part of the month most likely.*, ‘ The grant, if approved, will be raised by issuing debentures oh a. ten-year term with Interest at 5 percent’ per annum. Equal an­ nual payments for each of the ten -years, in cl ud i n gpr in cipal and interest, Would amount to approx­ imately p485.64.« ■» r Mr. Wm. ’J. MacDdnald held <a sal^ of household effects -on Sat­ urday and has gone to London to make his home with TMrsu. Annie Twamley. Mrs? MacDonald passed away early in July. Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald had moved from Kin­ loss to. Lucknow, less than two years ago, and hdd resided in the Alliri house on HaVelocR St. A. M. NICHOLSON REELECTED JN MacKENZIE RIDING ’ - • ' .’T * A., M. (Sandy) Nicholson was arriong the successful C.C.F. can- j didates ~eTectbd -in Saskatchewan in the recent. Federal election. Sandy represents . MacKenzie riding for the third term, prev­ iously bging the member from 1940-1949.. . Appointed ashfield MUSIC SUPERVISOR '• ■ Mrs. Duncan. Simpson (Lillian Carruthers) has been appointed music supervisor- by the Ashfield School Area Board. She will give music instruction in .sixteen schools in the, township’ z Mrs.. Simpson took a summer school music course in Toronto-- arid recently received her certifi­ cate. LITTLE TOT UNDERWENT ANOTHER OPERATION Little Judy Agnew is visiting at present at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Agnew. . Judy recently f Under­ went another hip operation in Sick Children’s Hospital, Lon­ don, and left the hospital last week. She rwilL^return to her home, in Detroit in a few days accompanied by Joyce Mowbray who-ishelpingcareforher. Judy, is a happy little lass de­ spite rhe casts she^wears-on hnfh- lower limbs.. The cast which was applied after her last operation will be worn for three months before a change is made. PLAYHOUSETORUNONE PICTURE WEEKLY—4 DAYS Effective next Wedriesday^Sep-^ ternber 9th, a change of. program w.ill be effective at The Play­ house, by which only one picture will be run weekly for four days \ —Wednesday through Saturday. There will be no show on Mon-, day and'Tuesdays., By this move The Playhouse can obtain a better choice of pic­ tures, which will mean high qual-, ity movie entertainment each week.* JAMES PICKERING DIED SUDDENLY LAST WEEK Mr. James Henry died suddenly late last night at his home in Mr; Pickering was in good health when_his._sisler-UVLa4^— garet retired late that evening. . Mr. Pickering evidently passed ' ' \ away .in the kitchen of their home after, his sister had gone to bed and she was shocked to find him there the next morning. . , The funeral . service" was. Held at. his late residence on Monday, • conducted’ by, his pastor, Rev. .0. A. Winn, interment was in Greqhill Cemetery. • ? Pickering Thursday . Lucknow. apparent THAT Mrs. A. B. Swenson of \ Assimboia, a sister Of Mrs. Al- * Jan Turner, gets her Sentinel. in bunches from, another old % LuckoWite, Jack Barbour of / Moose-Jaw. Jack is a railway conductor through Assiniboia, tvhere Mrs. Swenson’s son Carl „ is employed in the depot ex-, press department. Jack saves ■. his Sentinels and tosses off a. .. biind^ periodically for /\al’S' ?- . .mother. Jack is a sori of the late Archie Barbour. • "V , '■ . 4. X« M / c (f / 5 ' -A * 6 % / . v ■ *-.» ¥ uiuiiuuiimWi®'