HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-08-12, Page 8I Goderich, Ohtafio Lit f /"k »• • FOR SALE AT » —p- v t v y w ■qr^r-'W’v vv ▼ s WHITE PleaseBringYour Own Containers If Possible y of- I . Association ? -v A Of of at THAT the deputy returning ficer and poll clerk at; the < < < < < < < < < <THAT Judy Webster entertained a number of little girl friends ^onTuesdayonthe^occasionof her 9th birthday. , ■ T* \ o— I THAT Harold Howald has accept­ ed a school at Gowganda in --the-NewLiskearddistrict -^ THAT ar^png Lucknow High School students who succesS- THAT Allan Reed is taking a bus load to the Falls on Sun­ day, and plans to take a second loadthefonowingSuhday. -« < < vote in Lucknow on disastrous fire a couple, of years Mrs. ,0eoKge-. Johns,^. Detroit, agb, and the exterior-jbb com- Mrs. '' ~ ‘ “ ipletes the redecorating of the 25.00; building; /• 5.00. THAT Roy Emberlin hooked a 21-inch brown trout, last week, which sounds like the record fOTthesepartsthis^season.---_ ■ Goderich Business College FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 14 DAY AND EVENING CLASSES ; , Practical Instruction in all Commercial Subjects » PAGE EIGHT THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. A special purchase* of slightly imperfect Flannelette Blankets. 1st quality weight. Come in and examine them. You will want more than One pair for the cooler weather to come. GOOD VALUE AT ASHTON’S A WEDNESDAY, AUQUST 12, 1953 M^TOIIGHi&fatelWCHw ibeen spending the past month Laugh* at hard w»ar..^ outdoor* and in ! : Wpod and cement floors can TAKE IT when tKey’re, finished with^ C-I-L FLOOR, POkCH AND DADO Enamel. Tough and remarkably wear-resistant, it gives thorough protection to .floors, steps and other surfaces that get hard use. Ten colours, black and white.MEtfS, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR < Piece Goods and Woollens' ■ JL, A A. AAi AAAA — JUDGE CATTLE THURSDAY Members of the Lucknow and . Dungannon 4-H Clubs will hold a cattle judging class pt George Kennedy’s farm on Thursday ev-’: ening. This will be the. fourth such class held this season by the calf club members. Previous classes were held at the Eedy, Gaunt and Todd farms/ ' fully concluded summer school courses are Betty Johnston, Shirley Burden, Betty Hamil­ ton and Norma Sherwood. , —o— ’ * V • THAT on August 2nd, Bert Ward performed his annual act of placing flowers on the grave - of Dr. A, G. Elliott^ which he has done each year, without fai^ for thirty years. THAT triple yolked eggs are no­ thing new at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Mac­ Kinnon, for on two or three .occasions lately Doris has brok- —en qpen three-yolkers. —__ THAT-Mrs~Austin-Solomon-has- ibeen spending the past month: QF--so-~at~iSanta™Ba^^ .fornia, with Mr. and 'Mrs, Henty .Wilcox (Muriel. Solo­ mon ). Mr£ Solomon flew south. She_has had . thei misfortune while there to sprain her ankle. THAT Allao Reed has received delivery of a German-built V. W. Transporter station waggn which will be used on a school bus route this. fall. . . , —O-r- . ' ■ THAT Mr. and Mrs. James Ham- ilton (Doris Irwin) and family have moved from Teeswater to London to. reside. Jim is a brakeman with the G.P.Rt THAT we believe-the oldest per­ son .to / . Monday was Mrs. John Little, age 91. ■ • —;O—- THAT Murray McNain, son Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNain Amberley,. will teach school S.S. 5, Hibbert, this year. Mur­ ray is a graduate of Lucknow High School and lastly ear at­ tended Noimal. Finlay Decorators ’Phone 218, Lucknow, Ont. • •• . • -'X , ____________ _________________:______—■ CLOVER HONEY Available At Our Honey House, Havelock St., Lucknow, from THAT bats appear^ to be more than ordinarily numerous this year,andfrequentreportsare heard of - their invasion of homes. About ten of them went down the chimney recently at the home of Mrs., M. ^Sproul, and they had quite a time erad­ icating them from various hid­ ing points in the stove, even to the ash pan/ .< ■ August 6 to August 15 DAY Oft EVENING HOME CANNING WEEK No. lr New. Honey, 4 lbs. 83c Crown Jars/pints, doz.; $1.43 Mason Jars, pints, doz. $1^03 Zinc Rihgs ................... 35c Red Rubber rings .,/..///,,/9c White Rubber Rings 2 for 19c Seal-A-Wax 15c Certo; bottle ....27c Certo Crystals 2 for 25c Canada Vinegar, gal. ........ 51c ■ (plus deposit) Sjtamy Morn Coffee, lb. 91c Freshly Ground Maple Leaf Sockeye 39c Sunkist Oranges— 220’s ............... 39c ■ 288>//;/2 doz. 45c Robin Hood SMITH’S FOOD MARKET It Pays To Shop At Smith’s I.G.A. Store WABASSO SHEETS •4- Just arrived-x-another shipment of , Wabasso. Family Quality Sheets, • : 81x100, slightly imperfect. only $6.50 pair; MAUSOLEUM NEXT atsouthjgnloss Encouraged by the response? to their memorial gates campaign, the Board Qf South Kinloss Cem­ etery has in mind the erection of a mausoleum, when funds permit proceeding with this project. The-Board' has-a-surplus-from. the memorial /gates fund,/- and will use this as the nucleus of a mausoleum fund, to which sev­ eral have already pledged fur^- ther-contribu.tions. _ -—• ' \; The Board is deeply grateful to all those who supported the mem­ orial gates fund< and wish to Ex­ press sincere thanks to all donors. TTTh^’^b^iptibrT“list~~ was’ "cli­ maxed at the recent dedication service, and since then further donations have also been receiv­ ed. ' ■ . x.■ Donations ; not previously ack­ nowledged are as follows: Mr. and' Mrs, Henry Carter, Ripley, $5.00; Mr. and Mrs. Clair Agnew, Lucknow, 5.00; Kenneth THAT while Bill Pappas was ' working] at the; rear, of the •/ theatre the other day,, some one “dropped in” and made off with a quantity of chocolate bars and peanutsfronv-the-suppLyhe-had- stored away in the . ticket ■;.'fice,.;/; of- re- spective polls in Lucknow were, No. 1, Philip Stewart, Mrs. Alex McNay; No. 2, Willard Thomp­ son, Alex Sutherland;? No. .3, William Johnstone, Mrs. BurF Roach. . THATDr.andMrs.W.O.Rhoad and children, Priscilla, Bill, John, and Rebecca of Baltimore, Maryland,, visited with friends in the .community the latter part of the week. Rev. Rhoad conducted the service in. Ash­ field Presbyterian Church on ___Sunday where he formerly ministered before going to Bal­ timore four years ago. ■ . ■. ——_o— ■< THAT St. Peter’s Rectory has recently received an attractive exterior painting job. The resi­ dence was partially rebuilt and completely renovatec^ after the L. MacKenzie, Ashfield, 5.00; Hugh MadKenzie, Levack, Ont.s 5.Q0; Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacIn­ tyre, Wingham, . 10.00; Mf. and Mrs. F. N. Reynolds, Toronto, 16.00; Mr. and Mrs* G. L, Pink­ ney, Ajax, 5.00; Mr. and Mrs/ Steele C.. MacKenzie, Waterloo, 10.00; Miss Elizabeth Mac­ Kenzie and Mrs. R. V. MacKen- -zie, - 25.00;^- Mac0uaig--- Sister-sy Lucknow and Chicago, 45.00; Mrs: John McLeod. Lucknow, 2.00; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sutherland, Luck^ now, 5.00; Mr. and Mrs.^Carrie _CoLwell,-R._5,lLucknaw^5.00_;JV[rs^_ John T. Carruthers, Lucknow, ■ 2.00; Rev. Andrew Lane, Brus­ sels, 5.00; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lavis, R. 5, Lucknow, 5,00; Mrs. Thos. “Henry, R; 6, Lucknow~ 5.00; Mrs.- Grace Lockhart, Luck­ now, 10.00; Mrs. Bert Bain, Lon­ don, 2.00; Mrs. Jas. Struthers, R. 3, Acton, 5.00; W. Haslam, Tor­ onto, 1,00; Jas. A. McLeod, R. 3, Holyrood, 2.00; Mrs. Wiib Sheane, Bervie, 5.00; John D McLeod. R. 3, Holy rood, 5.00; Miss A. K. Mc­ Gregor, Southampton, 5.00; Mrs. • Marion (Fisher) Reynolds, Tor­ onto, 5.00; Mr, and Mrs. Alex Mc- Leod, London, lO.Op; Mr, & Mrs. Elmer. Johnston, Lucknow, 5.00; R. J. Johnston, Lucknow,10 00; Art Fraser, formerly of Kincar­ dine, 10.00; Mr. and Mrs. Williatn Douglas, Lucknow, 5,00; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. MacKenzie, Dun- das, 5.00; Jane and Adayh Bow­ man, Lucknow, 5.00; Wm. Stinv son, Lucknow, 5.00; Herb Gra­ ham, Kinlough, 5.00; Jacob Hun­ ter, R. 3, Lucknow• 5.60; Chas. Mc­ Lean, Ashfield, 10.00; Mrs. J. G. A. Robertson, Mount Forest, 5.00; Archie Graham, London, 5.00; Mrs Sarah MacKay, Detroit, 5.00; M. Davie, Ladner*; B.C., E. R. Gaunt, Lucknow, 5,00. b i^THAT the Fall * Fair prize lists have been printed and are available from- the secretary, . Alex T. McNay. ■ ■ _q— THAT a miscellaneous shower was held at Moffat’s cottage at Point Clark on Saturday after­ noon in honor of Miss Dqjores Hamilton, bride-elect of Wing­ ham, and a friend of Miss. Shir- ley Moffat. , . ’rfiAT Mr. and Mrs. Garfield’ MacDonald have bought: one of Robert Moffat’s cottages at Pt, • ‘Clark/ ■ \ : BLANKETS Kincot Flannelette Blankets 70x90—$5.98 pair .. ' ■ *•"<■' ’ : Falcon Plaid Flannelette Blankets 70x90—$5.69 pair - ’ I. j Telephone or 428W VANITY SETS Taffeta Organdy Vahity'Sets, \ .. 5 pieces only |i,98 set." .. BOYS’PANTS Boys’ Gabardine Pants, only $5.25 MEN’S PANTS Men’s Sanforized Drill P^nts, ' •' ' Clipper. • only $4.39 < WORK SHIRTS Men’s Good Quality Work Shirts