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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-08-12, Page 7
*.r 4-!'?'fa . r 4 ( WEDNESDAY, AUGUST-12, 1953 **■ .. . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO r M ■,r Get New P«p, Too. Be Thrilled Relatives. Witt Howitt-or Pey Nothing What a thrillt Bony arriii, legs fill otiti ugly hollows fill upi neck no longer scrawny; body .loses half-starved, sickly look. Thousands, who never could gain before, are now proud of: shapely, healthy-looking bodies. They thank the special vigor-building and flesh-building tonic, Ostre*: Its tonics, stimulants, invigora- tort, iron, vitamin Bi, calcium, enrich blood, * improve appetite and digestion so food gives you moire strength and nourishment; put fleshy on bare bones. Mrs. L. Savard, Mattagami Heights, Ont, writes,. *T gained 16 lbs. Tired ___feeling,-nervousness-gonertoori-AnothefiMerr Mrs. Marc Gagnon, Cap Chat, P.Q., writes. “I gained 13 lbs. Health fine. My rundown _ husband gained l51bs. New pep.” '-f— ■ Pon’t fear getting* really fat; Stop when • you’ve ‘ gained the K TO, 1.5 or 20 lbs.- you wish. Money back if you’re not delighted., Costs little. New “get-acquainted” size onllj 60^. Refuse substitutes. Ostrex has given re-; suits when other tonics failed. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new vigor and added pounds* this very day. At all druggists. K INLOUGH Mr. Frank, Murray narrowly escaped more serious injury on , Sunday night when the car in Which he was a passenger was jh collision .with another car as he and a group of young, people were enroute to the farm home _of- -Mrr- John Dales - near uChep- ■ .stow. , . .' e / ■ ’ ’ Mr. and Mrs* George Haldenby visited Sunday with* Mrs. Mar garet Dudley, Lucknow. Mr. Ralph Haldenby is home from summer school at Toronto for the remainder of the holiday. Miss Laura Breckles is hoi iday - ing with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs., Art Breckies at Clam ' Lake. . _ _ Misses Erlma and Marion_Percv- entertained the Garden Club girls at their home on Friday p.m. last. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Townsend erf Gorrie, Mr. and Mrs. John. Townsend of Des Moines, Iowa, visited with the Haldenby fam ilies in this community On Mon day. Their mother w^s the form- 'Y'er Mary Haldenby, a sister “of the late Fred Haldenby of West- •_ .ford. ■ Miss Irlma Hodgins, R.N., is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Tom Hod- ' gins. ■ Mrs. E. Runchey returned to Toronto after spending the past week with her sister, Mrs, Wm. ■ Wall. *. ’ '••• 4 • * . Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wall and daughter Sharon and Mr. Jack Ludgate returned to their home, at London after holidaying with MrsfWm. Wall and other . Miss Karen Nicholson is hoii- daying with, relatives at Kincar dine. . . ' • ..- . Congratulations to .Mr. & Mrs. Lome .Kraemer (nee Eleanor Murray), who were married last Saturday. . Mrs. Gordon Avis of .Tiverton and Mrs* Miller Hartwick of Kin-1 cardine visited on Friday with Mrs. Milton Walsh. _ Miss; Hblen , Malcolm left on Friday for . Keswick where .h she will spend a . while. f ; \ Mrs. Ernest Ackert was hostess to the W.I. meeting on Thursday afternoon. MrS. R.. Ackert pre. sided. After the usual opening exercises names of former mem bers and friends who sent dona tions were read and are as fol-> lows: Kairshea Institute; Mrs. Mary Valad, Mrs. Calvin Mac kay, Mrs, Rachael Culbert, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. J. R; Lane, Mrs. E. N, Hodgins, Mrs. Arthur Phil lips. All ladies in the. community .. e rg.„ inv i ted - to- attend—the_extem sion : course to be held in . the Township Hall, Holyrood, on Sep tember 15 th, Further plans were made for. the A.C.W.W. confer- .ence in Toronto this month. After community singing Mrs. (Dr.) J. A. Tyndall of Ripley gave a splendid address on the timely and. much dreaded disease “Polio” telling of the symptoms- and treatment. Mrs. .Tom Hodgins read a poem and Jdrs._Jack_Hew-: itt ~ favored" with paper was given by Boyle on. the motto. remedy was the ahi roll call. A pair >of /embroidered pillow cases donated'/by the pres ident was won by Harris. The draw as made ’ by Miss Irlma Hodgins/A homemade article is to.__be_made—for—the- bazaar. The nationl anthem closed the meeting and refresh ments were served. Mrs. Ed Thompson gave the closing re marks. The September meeting will be in the hall and will be the grandmother’s day. / Mr’, and Mrs. Harold Slessor and family of GJaimis visited Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nich- _o1 son.;—:—:-------——-r —■— • A Jim ome the ^s._Howard- as made . by ( _ C4*>»UW»C‘>Sw»K^ "OF COURSE I HAVE AN: ESTATE^ ’ rMy Dad Is building it ^or nie fi^ht riow^ and if s * going to be pretty important...to me some day. And a father knows how important it is to have that estatie prpperly ^dhiifiisteredy no niiitter how smull it . - may be ,,at (present. Me- may receive advice itbd J ^.assistance from experienced Trust Olhce’rs on the , 1 disposition of jhis estate without any obligatiori.. . Write forTree booklet “Blueprint For Your Family # - < ’ ? THE • • ; STERLING TRUSTS .'.■C O R P a.'R A T I O N ’ tiRANClfp^fc ' bS Dunlop SU BchtU' ' ■ ■ '•.... ........J.. - HlAD OFFFtCE . ....... ’■ " r KRAEMER—MURRAY : St. Anne’s R. C. Church, Rivers dale was'' a lovely setting on Saturday, August 1st, for the wedding of Mary Eleanor, daugh ter of Mr. and Mr^. P. A, Murray land Lome George, sqn of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kraemer of Riv- ersdale. Father J. Meyer perform ed the.doulble ririg ceremony with Father G. Thompson the visiting priest. The bride entered the church on the arm of her father to the strains of the bridal^ chor- _us_playedDby-Mr.- Francis—Ben-" Higer and looked lovely in a of-ohantilly~^ shaped panel of finely , pleated nylon jnet down -the frdnt of the long full skirt. A lace bolero with lily pointed sleeves, a tiara head dress with fingertip veil and she carried a cascade bouquet of white gladioli,. mums and trail ing ivy. < . Her attendants were- her four sisters. Veronica, maid of honor, wearing yellow net’ over taffeta floor. length gown with inserts of Viennese lace with net bolero and carried a straw basket of yellow and white mums with ivy and matching bonnet. Margaret Ann- and Barbara^ -(bridesmaids^ wore similar gowns in mauve and green with matching, bonnets arid baskets of yellow and white mums.” Elaine was the sweet little flower girl in a floor length yellow gown and bonnet like that of her older sisters, Douglas Colv lison m'ade a very, attractive little page. ■: J'.-., Mr. Linus Kraemer supported his brother as groomsman. Messrs. Led Murray and Clare Kraemer were : ushers. Mrs. ‘ Hard! d Hal denby sang beautifully the sacred hymn “On this day O beautiful Mother” arid “Ave Marie” ac companied iby.Miss Edna Boyle. —Following—the-“ceremoiiy^tKe~ happy couple received congratu lations. Amid showers of confetti they proceeded to Pleasure Vai- ley Lodge, Hanover, for the ■ wed- ciing dinner where a lovely 3- storey wedding cake centred the table. Later a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents. Mrs. Murray received in a mauve lace over taffeta gowri while Mrs* Knaemer was gowned in navy nylon lace over crepe; Each mother wore a corsage of whitd mums. Refreshments were served iby-girl7ffi'emis^f_ihe_bride. ■ For a wedding trip to the East Coast: the bride wore, a white linen suit with brown accessor ies and a corsage of bronze mums. Mr. and Mrs,‘.Kraemer Will live in Toronto." ! 1 , Prior to the wedding the bride was the recipient of lovely gifts ^tr~cT~shower in Toronto and also a shower from her home com munity which was expressive of > the,good wishes extended to this younig. couple. - . Out-of-town guests were Father George Thompson of Calgary; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray from Alberta; Mr. & Mrs H. F O’berle, Preston; Mr. and1 Mrs. Tom CoL lison .and Douglas, Preston; Miss •Margaret Murray, Montreal. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schneller and family to the vill age. They-.have taken, up resi dence in the. house owned by_Mr, Gordon Hodgkinson and formerly, by Mrs. W. J. McLean,. This new family had the Huron-Kinloss telephone installed, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hildred of Kirkland Lakd; Mr, and Mrs./Jirii Thompson and family of Kirigari . visjle.cLd.uring-lh-e-week-wi-th-Mr7- - and Mrs. Bert Nicholson . & fam ily. ' • ; ‘ F. Mrs, Art Graham and Mrs.*.Dor* ! othy Thompson spent the: week end in Stratford with friends. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ryan and their little niece /returned thi$ week tri Toronto after-, spending their vacation.- with ■ Mr. * Gordon Hodgkinson. * Archdehcori Wm,. A. Townshend Cf[ London will be welcomed here as he, and Mrs, Townshend-WilL- be at St. John’s rectory, Bervie, for a week’s' vacation. The Arch-, deacon will conduct services ih ; the pafish next Sunday, August 16th. The service here is at 9,30 a,m* Rev, and Mrs. Prest arid the boys are enjoying.a holiday. ; ' : All children of the "community i are a^ked to reserve, the last week of August to enable s them . io attend, the ‘ ahnuar. Vacation School at Beryie;,Children of all ■denominations ,a're invited.. I Z* I ■z» • rr '■" .. . . ... page-seVen ST. HELENS Mr. and Mrs. T. J, Todd, Wayne and Hughie and Miss Isobel Mil-, ler wererecent ^visitors with Mr* arid-.Mrs.; G.S. McIntyre and Donald, at Bracebridge. They were accompanied Rome by Miss Anne Todd who had spent a few days there. Mr. Charlie Stuart has return ed to his home at Regina after, a visit, at his old home here. Mfs. Donald McDonald left last I Streetsuille-. week if or • B month’s visit with, her brother, Mr. George Gillies in Alberta. • Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Todd and Andrew and Mrs. McAuley of,.,, Southampton called on friends here on Saturday*. . J Miss Lois ,Webb is home from Toronto after successfully com pleting her suminer course. She accompanied Miss Caryl McCros- tie and Miss Dorothy Gammie, who spent the week-end at ♦ V / A'V $ J . ‘nnl © © <•( 0 . I ■ • <’f * i . •4 * /V "T I > ■'( / r «c (