HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-08-12, Page 5I .1 i t > 9 Advertising' doesn’t cost — it pays1 “What’s the matter with you, are you blind?” said the pedes- triam— ———: ' /'. ' -—-— “Blind?” snapped the driver, “I hit you, didn’t I?” Friday, Saturday, Aug. 28, 29 John Derek, Barbara Rush . in ' ’ The Prince of Pirates Friday, Saturday, Aug.' 21, 22 Joseph Cotton, Teresa Wright - rm ——; -- The Steel Trap Monday, Tues James Stewart,. in The Naked Spur Wed., Thurk, Sept. 2, 3 Bhirley—Booth,-Burt-Lancasler- — in— • Come Back Little Sheba (Adult Entertainment) Wed., Thurs., August 19, 20 Victor Mature, Patricia Neal " in Something For the Birds Mon., Tues., Aug. 31, - Sept. 1 Rosemary Clooney, , ■ Bob Williams — in — The Stars Are Singing Lucknow District Co-operative J WEDNESDAY, AU&UST l?„ 1953 . Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM : Two Shows Each Night ’ FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 6- . rhu., Fri.» Sat. Aug. 13, 14, 15 . . / GENE AUTRY^in . ‘Gold"Towh Ghost Riders • . • • p’ . Monday, Tue^K^^Aug. 17> 18 Janet Leigh Monday, Tuesday, Aug. 24, 25 Ronald Reagan, • Rhonda Fleriiing 7'; '■ in "1 Tropic Zone --------------—:.. —L-------------- Wed., Thurs., August 26, 27 William Rogers, Jr; • ‘ Jane Wyman The Story of Will Rogers CARD OF THANKS . I wish-to thank air those send-i irig cards, letters and fruit, for their thoughtfulness in doing' so while I was, in the hospital., These, kind acts wbre much appreciat-' ed. 1 . 7 • . ■ • ALEX MeNAY; Mr, Jarhes Forster and Family wish to sincerely thank , friends and neighbors for the many kind acts and expressions of sympathy. -iri^heir-bereavement, with special thanks to. Rev, Currie for his many—yisits~~and-^ fort; to-Miss Gretta Hudson who so faithfully and. tenderly cared for Mrs. Forster dUrinjg her long illness and to Doctors, Johnston and Corrin for their untiring ef­ forts to relieve her of. her suf­ fering. JAS. FORSTER AND FAMILY. ■ • ... • i „ KINTAIL W.I. LADIES VIEW AUBURN TWEEDSNfjIR BOOK A large evening meeting of. the Kintail "W;!. was held on Aiigiist 6th at the home of Mrs. Hugh MaceKnzie. There w^ere 28 mem­ bers and 10 visitors and children. The Institute Ode and Mary Ste­ wart Collect opened the meeting. The roll call was answered by “Ways of. Neighboring”. A com­ mittee was appointed to look into the possibility of a Kintail Insti­ tute cook book. ;? Mrs. Fred McGregor gave a J splendid paper on the duties of a good hostess; She told how peo­ ple from good. • old Ontario re- ; gale their Western friends whom they visit out West With good points of their home county or town arid> find fault with the j country, people, customs, etc., of . ,'the place they • a re _Adsiting-^She- | went on to say if every place I was just like home there would be, no point in travelling. •The president introduced the . group from Auburn who came to Show and tell, something about their Tweedsmuir book. Some of i. the interesting parts were . read , by Mrsi, Taylor. .. .Mrs.-'N.„ G. McKenzie thanked the Auburn ladies for coming. Mrs. Bob Scott favored with two solos that were much enjoy­ ed. The gathering was sorry to : learn that Mrs. Dan Wylds fell -•-and-^broke:-her-ank-le7-Tltey~wish_ J for her a speedy recovery; I “The Queen” closed the rneet- ing after which a lovely lunch and social time was enjoyed. The September meeting is in the afternoon at the home of Mrs. Fred McGregor with Mar­ garet Brophy as guest speaker. There’s A . CO-OP HOG FEED FOR EVERY NEED • CO-OP PIG STARTER _ • CO-OP 15 Percent HOG“GROWER • CO-OP PIG FINISHER , ; • CO-OP HOG AND SOW CONCENTRATE j ;/ • . CO-OP ; IS' Percent SOW .RATION... ■ , ■. ' . there is no secret iboui MTgo into the manufacture oi 60-01 | Jr Co-(>p will be happy to show you UiejotmhUe s , > fe.v United Co^OpferiitiVe^ z\ ..J •r Istas f. 1 . PETER LAWFORD and GID" YOUNG in “YOU FOR ME” * 1 . w • •• ■ ' Tile PLAYHOUSE NO SATURDAY MATINEE UNTiL SEPTEMBER THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,.. ONTARIO DR: SALSBURY’S WORM IX AND ■'.■■/a?::—" cloro caps r ■ V’ ’ ft • * 1 ' '■ /■, -ti have proven efficient.and profitable. By Them. Al < - Crawford’s Feed; StprW.; ■ ./x _4Ah-d~><Atdltery.■— •/>■ ’ LUCKNOW, ONT. Phones: Lucknow 165, Dungannon 19-r*12 * » r ■ ■. ' / POISON BIRDS STUNT GROWTH » REDUCE EGG YIELD ■ '*■. lNDUCU’MA>iY POULTRY-OIS®A^E^ Few flocks escape the effects of worm infestation.. ’ V.A \ ....../.’.7 ■ : ...'.. .............................../.... Hi A *C>*» • WHITECHURCH v i 4 OH. •U*NI*S • . OIL fURHACIS t / I PAGE FIVK CULROSS CORNERS "" J <1, . Master Ronnie Mills, Toronto, is holidaying with his ljttle friend Donnie Wall., .. - \ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wall, Kin­ cardine, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Mary Wall. Mr; and Mrs." Frank Brown & Reg spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Hugh*Nicholson, Bervie. ^Weather permitting, harvestirig opeFatioris^remow^n'mn~swmg" which is a sure •reminder that iSiuhme^_i^ ori- the wan^. — , Mr. and Mrs. Alex Whytpck and family speht Sunday even- in® with Mr. - and Mrs* > Elmer Bannerrnan and family, Kinloss.’ Mr. and Mirs.1 Joe Blackborow and Don Hamilton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Art Hodgins. Mr. and- Mrs. Ed Schumacher and family of Walkerion spent Sunday with Mr. and* Mrs. Jack Schumacher arid Helen. J Rev. and Mrs. Rpbt. Watt arid family of Mitchell are. staying here at his father’s house while they are at Queen Charlotte In­ land. Mr. and Mrs. Game of Long Branch are visiting with their TENDERS FARM BUILDINGS. FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received by the Bruce County Reforestation Com­ mittee up to the 31st day of Aug­ ust next for the purchase of the following buildings situated on the County Forest property, Lot No. 35, Concession 1, Culross Township. The buildings, with their approximate sizes, are as fdlldws: " •.. .■ ■ • ■ Frame ibarn—36’x54’ . . Straw shed—-26’x50’ Implement "shed—2O’x22’ Log house—19’x25’ 2-storey frame house with insUl brick siding, only 15 years old —22’x25’ /Back kitchen-—18’xl9’ Woodshed 14’x23’ Combined hen house & double garage—17’x36’ ’.-"■/ •- All of these buildings are suit­ able for moving intact separately. Terms and Conditions _Rurchase—price-rto—be—paid—in­ c-ash* within 30 days of accept­ ance of tender. « Tenders may be made on any of the buildings separately or on all as a group. . . ' Th? house, back kitchen and woodshed cannot be moved before the 1st day of April, 1954. ders must post certified cheques of $50.00 for the house and $100.00 for the barn as a guarantee that the debris will be cleaned up and removed from the premises promptly. ; Buildings to remain at the risk* of the purchasers until removed. Highest or any tender not nec­ essarily accepted. 1 Persons desiring directions to location of buildings may apply to Mr. J.’ C. Thompson,/Reeve of Teeswater. Tenders shall be submitted in writing to the undersigned,,shall state clearly which buildings are being tendered on, and shall be marked “Tender” on the outside of the envelope.’ W. S. Forrester, County Clerk, Paisley, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate Of John A. Mc­ Donald, Deceased. 'All persons having cl a i m s against the estate of John A. Mc­ Donald, late of the Township, of Kinloss,-in the County of Bruce, Farmer; deceased, who died on or about the '26th day of May, 1953, are hereby notified to send to. the undersigned Executor, on or before the 15th day of Sep- Thursday, Friday, Saturday; August 13, 14, 15 JOHN LUND and SCOTT BRADY in ... “BRONCO BUSTER” Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 20, 21, 22 /' ROBERT CUMMINGS and TERRY MOORE in “THE BAREFOOT MAILMAN” Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Aug. 24, 25, 26 VAN JOHNSON and PAUL DOUGLAS in “WHEN IN ROME” Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 27, 28, 29 ...? ANN BLYTH and EDMUND GWENN in— - “SALLY AND ST. ANNE Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Aug. SPENCER TRACY and KATHARINE H M “PAT AND MIKE daughter, Rev. and Mrs. Robert Watt.',. Mr..& Mrs. C. Lewis of Grims­ by visited recently with her father, Mr. Mack Paterson. t . Miss Wirinifred• •Farrsie.r return­ ed home from the western trip with Mr. arid Mrs. Lome John- ston„on„Tuesdayilast.—— —— Miss Joyce Conley of the 8th Con.- of Kinloss is holidaying with Mr., and Mrs. H. Laidlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Boltby of Toronto are visiting Mr., and Mrs. E. Buckton. Mr. Price Scott arid Beth Gaunt visited with ‘Mr. and Mrs. V. Em­ erson On Fridav evening. . Mr. Fred Fells and son Robert Of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rit­ chie.'- " Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes re- ltumed_hcme_-to—Detro it-on Sa t-- urday after spending a week or two with relatives here. Mr. Robert Mowbray and his father, Mr. John Mowbray from the Wingham Hospital called on some friends in the village on Sunday. , , 7 ,- Mr. John Allen and his daugh­ ter Gertrude, Mr. M. Courtney, Mr.. Maize of Bellwood and Mrs. Medford of Montana visited with Mrs E. Welwood and Mrs. Ken­ nedy on Sunday.,/VMrs. Cox from Rivercourse, AI- iberta, Miss Margaret Mpffat of /Poront^ari^Miss-Bmina^Rich'ard^r son of; Langside called on Mrs.. T^ K. 'Moore and Mrs. ‘M. Ross. " Margaret and El win Moore vis­ ited their aunt, Mrs. Sparling of Wingham, over the week-end. LANGSIDE Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McMillan,. Dolores arid Marilyn of Texas are- visiting relatives here and on Sunday a family gathering was held at Pat McMillan’s. -Lois Conley arid Doris Moffat; spent~ a . holiday with Mr. and -Mrs—D a ve Seott ■ ■. ' “ -~— Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Conley and Mac and Mr, & Mrs. Lloyd? Moffat, Sharon and George spent Sunday at Owen Sound. Mrs. Wm. Wangler is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Pat Mc­ Millan. EN JO COMFORT; TIMKEN 77/7/////n/finutfic OIL HEAT FREE SURVEYS AND ESTIMATES OIL BOILERS • WATER HEATERS- HISELER and SON, Phone 426, Wingham Mr. POULTRYMAN , L-J- ' " ' ' - ----------------------------------- ------ - ► ■' : WORMS ■ ■ ' ■ r •i ' ► ► t1' L ►, ... -S. HAVE YOU CONSIDERED POULTRY WORMING their claims. . * < .■ Immediately after the 15th day of September, 1953, the assets of the estate .wilt be distributed ^.riwngst the parties entitled thereto J having regard only ' tb the claims of which the Executor shall t^en have- notice;, ' ■'Dated at I^uckriow'/ Ontarp, - th is 5 th “day oi. August,' 19.53 .„ - . ' Williath F< McDonald, RJt- Nd* i-6 Lucknow* Ontario, Executor. . I Ki Aridrew, i is Sdlici tor hereM, <■ ■ ■. '■ r'"' / 7 . * , ,.,■■■ ■■■. ■ *■■ ■■ ■ ■ / ■ ’ ■ ’■/ . .....™ ... ';•/...... .............................._______________________