HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-08-12, Page 4I- r J / i 4 T f • . U4.C4 A > VX VJF WX 5-4 * A - .VVWAj AL4VAAAT Y \ articles too numerous to mention. \, >» STATE FARM MUTUAL / ■’ “V; r #* =i’ X JV f I of trees and the offering i i MEMBER OF Ontario Insurance Agents’ Association FOR SALE—pickling cucumbers; Apply to Mrs. Wm. Scott, Lang­ side; phone. 529-w-4, Wingham.. WANTED—house to rent by mar­ ried couple, two children. Apply to Bob Montgomery, phpne col-' lect 32 Dungannon. NOTICE There are a number to be cut in the Village Municipal Council is these for wood to the party or parties who will fell and removd them. Apiply at Lucknow Municipal Office._■._______________^/L I > REUBEN WILSON H/R. 3, Goderich * ' ’ ■ J*.„ • / . '' ■’ . Phone* 80*r-8 Dungannon CAR FOR SALE—1939 Dodge se­ dan’ in good (condition. Oscar WlnteCRr6;d7uW ley 10-25. CAR FOR SALE. — 1947 ; Ford coach, in excellent shape. Priced for quick sale. Apply Herb Wilk­ ins, R. 7, Lucknow. “ Agnews’Agency Howard Agnew — Jos. Agnew’ Insure With •The IL— > ... .......... Cuirass Mutual FIRE INSURANCE C6. ■ ■ .■ for1 ■ ■ AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Investigate Before Investing PAGE FOUR FOR SALE — 11 pigs ready to wean. James Forster. ; : WANTED — middle' age couple . want /to/reri^ small house With conveniences'.. Apply Lucknow Sentinel. :T / .. .;; • FOR SALE—cement septic tanks, approved by the. Health* Unit, We deliver them. Forster’s Welding Shop, phone 206-r-ll, Lucknow, LIVESTOCK WANTED ’ Dead, disabled horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service call “STONES” collect Ingersoll 21, Wingham 561J or Ripley 182. ELECTRIC MOTORS — general repairs, re-winding, cleaning, brushes, bearings, etc. Electric —appliance—repairs., JEfficienLser- vice, reasonable rates. HAROLD HALDENBY, Kinlough, phone Ripley. 18-20. MEAT FOR SALE Good beef for sale by the quar­ ter. .Beef killed under license from the Department of Health. Highest quality meat. Lowest ’prices/ Raynard Ackert, Holyrood, Phone 24-30 Ripley. __ PERSONALIZED GIFTS , Personalized napkins, coasters, playing cards, everyday chrds, stationery, infprmals, and match­ es are practical for every day use and also make lovely gifts. It’s not too early to get some of. that Christmas shopping off your mind. Phone Don Thompson, 3.3 or 35, or call at The Sentinel Office. v THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO CAR FOR SALE — 1940 Dodge sedan, iri good shape, radio*. heat­ er, good tires, Priced for. quick sale. Mrs. Ida Hackett, Lucknow. — ", • ~‘;1 :— 1 FOR, SALE—5b bushels Da^bul seed wheat, cleaned and treated; $1.75 a. bushel. : Keith Johnston, R. 7, Lucknow, phone 76-r-ll, Dungannon.'«. . . \ ___________ ___________________________________________________________________Y FOR SALE—23 water bowl$, float box, and about 400 gallon water tank. Will sell as unit or separ­ ately. Glen Walden, Lucknow/ phone TO-ir-2. Dungannon. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1953 iQioj.Mijmui . wu — ii.w ii■■ ii—ii — "■■'ifli.: [COMING EVENTS I PALACE GARDENS, FORMOSA Entertaimpeftt at the Palace Gardens, Formosa, op Sunday, August 16th, will be furnished by Rossy Manri, violinist; Ernie King, vocalist, and guitarist; Reg Brit­ ton, accordianist. DANCING IN LUCKNOW Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Can- adian Legion, No. 309, are hold^ in|g a dance on Wednesday, Aug­ ust 26th in tKe/Tpwh'Kan? Jlusic supplied by Met Lavigne and his Bluewater Boys. . Prize for the first couple on the floor for the opening dance at 9 o’clock: Ad­ mission 50c. Lunch counter. ASK US for prices on immediate delivery of Bray dayold or start­ ed chicks in1 limited ‘ quantities. Chicks, for September delivery should be .on order now. Ask us. for particulars; - 7 -• D. R. FINLAYSON, . Lucknow. NOTICE Re Bruce Co-Operative Hospital­ ization and Surgical Benefits Anyone wishing to take advan­ tage- of either of these services please contact the local secretary;. T. A. CAMERON, Lucknow on or before August 20th, 1953, for enrollment Sept. .1st, 1953 Time Is Short. Act Now. G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Office on Pa^pck St., just off the Main St. in * WINGHAM Professional Eye Examination Optical ’Services Evenings by appointment. ^Phone: Office 770jnResr"5~ DR. T. B. CLELAND VETERINARIAN . '■ . » Havelock St., south of \ , Supertest Garage MT, ' . , • . . ‘ v * 1 LUCKNOW > Telephone 175 AUCTION SALE of good furni­ ture and many other articles, at the residence of Wm. J.'McDon- ald, Havelock St., Lucknow ((the former Allin house), Saturday, "August 29th. No reserve as the proprietor is leaving town. Wm. J. McDonald’, prop.; Well.- Hen­ derson, Auc. NOTICE RE BUS TRIP Allan Reed will .be taking a bus load to Niagara Falls on Sun­ day, August 23rd: Anyone Wish? ing to go please leave name at Chin’s Restaurant.x ' JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME ’phone 76 Day or Night Ambulance Service > \ ■ ■ ■. • ■ USE OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extra Cost Moderate Prices ........................................v L. • • . ^—^2. MacLENNAN and MacKENZIE FUNERAL > SERVICE Services conducted accord­ ing to your wishes at your Home, .Your Church, or at our Memorial Chapel at no additiQhaF charge. AMBULANCE SERVICE ’Phone 181, Lucknow, Day or Night BUSINESSand TAX SERVICE MONTHLY AUDITS' For The Small Merchant, Professional man and the Farmer. S. J. PYMM P.O. Box 74 - Lucknow, Ont. Office in ^Kilpatrick Block' ; ’Phone 23-w F; T; AkMStRONG OPTOMETRIST GODERICH ■ FOR APPOINTMENT ’Phone 1100 ■ ■ For . 4 Appointment or Information \ See Wm. A. Schmid, ’Phone 167 -w Lucknow INSURANCE .FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY NOTICE CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING. OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters’ Lists, 1953, Municipality of the Township* of Kinloss, County of Bruce. ———Notice—is—hereby—given—thiat—I have complied with Section 8 of the Voters’ List Act and that I have posted up at my office at KjR. 2, Holyrood, on the 1st day of August, z 1953, the list of all persons entitled to vpte in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list re- And. I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro­ ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law^the last day for appeal Jseing the 21st d£y of August, 1953. Dated this 1st day .of August, . 19,53. J’ J. R; LANE, Clerk of Twjp. of Kinloss. ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION For artificial insemination at its best for all breeds, call the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associ­ ation between 7,30 and 10.00 a.m. cn week days and 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays.. Phone; collect Kincardine 101 -r-7, or Mildmay -13Q-r-12. —- ■ —_____ NOTICE >F. T, Armstrong, optometrist of Goderich, announces that his Of­ fice will ibe closed from August ,17th to August 28th inclusive,, apart from being open daily for one hour from 4.30 to* 5.30. 7 AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH R. R.' 3, Lucknow, Ont. ’Phone 61-5. Dungannon -PIANO-FOR-SA-LE=smalbMasom and Risch grand, like new. Ideal for music teacheix, . church, school J ,Qr any place where a igood instru­ ment is required. Priced right for cash, or trade in your upright.' Contact Garnet E. Farrier, White- churcb, phone 711-J-1 Wingham. GENERAL INSURANCE , .. . ■ . , . . '■ r “EstablTshedOver-SO-Years-Ago T®topl*ones: , Business 39 Residence 138 R. W. ANDREW —_Barristerand_Solicitor_ LISTOWEL* ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon .O»fficehin,the Joy nt Block Telephone: TENDERS Township of Kinloss drain Tenders Separate, lump sum tenders will be received -by the under­ signed up to 2 p.m. on September 7th, 1953, for the .following drains: . . . (1) t)dre Drain—alt tile, 400. ft. ,6 in. and 1346 ft; 10 in; two a catch basins. - (2) Pinnell Drain—9717 ft. open : .<■ '’drain, a'nd 1539 ft 8 in. tile; 1 catch Ivasin. / ; (3) , Percy Drain—3616 ft < _ drain,, and 1828 ft. 6 arid 10 . in. tile; j unction box. (.4) Eadie Drain-^-all tile—main drain 679.0 ft. of 6 in. to 14 in. .tile with 3 catch 'basins; branch drains; 2612 ft of 5 arid 6 in. tile; 2 catch basins; Municipality supply all tile de*, livered aS close to the Work as pbssible7~CoTitracter-to.■distribute- as required, arid; do all digging, laying and’ backfilling .after in- ■/ spe&tion/ ’ ■ ,'' Plans, profiles arid specifica* tioris may be seen at the office of/James A. Howes; O.L.S., Listo- wel/ Ont., or at the Clerk’s Of-' ' /■' . Tenders to be accompanied by certified cheque for 10-percent of tender. The lowest or any tender riot riecessarily accepted. Work to be cotepteted this fall. J. R. Lane, Clerk Kinloss T^p. KM, !• Holyrood* Ont. EXECUTORS’ SALE of • REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY of the late Mrs. R. J; Cameron The undersigned auctioneer has received... instructions. to „sell__by_ public auction at The Residence of the late Mrs. R. J. Cameron, Campbell St. / Lucknow, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15th 1953, at 1.00 p.m., the following personal property, househo fects and antiques: kitchen rang^, coal heater, Perfection capl oil stove, 2-burner, rangette, 2 din­ ing room tables, 6 antique wicker dining chairs; library table; hall rack, 3 occasional Wicker chairs, ■antique cherry buffet, floor lamp, studio, cotich, Coffield washer, Singer sewing machine, writing desk, kitchen cupboard, .3 iron panel beds, springs and matr tresses, dressers, wash stands, 3 toilet sets- rocking chairs, odd tables ., and chairs/ pictures, an­ tique set of dishes dyer 100 years : dishes:_.-and .. kitchen ware,. sealers, chest of drawers.- trtirikS, da&n mower -arid garden tobls, quantity of wood/and coal, many CO-OP AUTO ANCE w Accept Town residents comercial Trucks as well as the farm business. For information consult T. A. CAMERON/LUCKNOW, Phone Dungannon 70-r-10 JOHN McMURCHIE, RIPLEY, Phone 20-r-23 I AM PURCHASING boars And meat horses .INSURANCE . Co-Operative Life Insurance Co-Operative Automobile Insurance Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurance Economical and Reliable. T. A. CAMERON LUCKNOW . Phone 7Q>r*10 Dungannon Office 135 Residence 31-J P. Stuart Mackenzie , "TERMS-GASH ' ' real estate. ;. Real Estate to be offered at 3 p.m. subject’ to reserve bid. Conditions of sale will be made known the day of sate.- Ten per­ cent of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale and the balance within 30 day^ Consisting of Hie following pro ­ perty: Part of Village Lots 94 and 95- in' the Village of Luck­ now. '■ ••• ■ ' ' ., ; On theu&id property is said to be erected^an 8-roqm,. ,fully- in* sulated frame house in good con­ dition, ideally located on Camp­ bell Street in the Village of Lpck< how.; ’ Mrs.- N; E. Bushell, Kenneth Cameron, Stewart Cameron, Exe-. cutors. -. . Wellington Henderson,. Au& . Joe to lie /1 •. 1 per lb. liveweight. ' LEROY ACHESON; . 7; ■ Phone Atwood 37-f-12 collect . or contaet SID GARDNER, LUCKNOW yu ........... . ..........................................— Kenneth J. Mackenzie R.O. ' Optometrist LISTOWEL, ONT. Will be at Wrona’s Jewellery store, Ripley, 10 aim. to 9 p.m,, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26th and every Second Wednesday. Eyes examined - Glasses fitted For appointmerit ’phone Roy MacKenzie, 96-r-24 Ripley. Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP We Have Been Memorial. , Craftsmen For%Thirfy-Five Years, Always Using ■ . THE. BEST GRANITES ’ . Alorig With ■ \ Expert Designing and Workmanship. Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery fettering a Specialty r, a; spottok Phone 256, Wingham..Ontario R. S. Hetherington, Q.C /•< Barrister, Etc;, „ Wingham and Lucknow I, : ; IN-LUCKNOW"- - j - Each Monday andWcdnesday Located on, the ground floor | zin the front of John Kilpatrick’s Building ’Phone Wingham Office 48 Residence >7 Reasonable rates, sotiiid pro­ tection & prompt* satisfactory settlement of claims. PARISH MOFFAT Your Local Agent R. X Toeswater*. ’Phohe TeesWatdr 57?r-41